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Livestream #12 - Dev Q&a On August 14 @ 2 Pm Edt!


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Question #1: It was really cool to see the immense visual update on Captain Vor. I really love how the lore is building up in Warframe with key character(s) like him. Could we expect the same thing sometime in the future with Alad V for the Corpus? He's been playing his role in the last event, as well as the one going on right now (Arid Fear) with his own voice in the video. Would be really awesome to see his own profile and model for the LORE page (even better if players can fight him as one of the bosses in-game).

Question #2: Can we expect more cosmetics besides the helmet and colors in the future? (Maybe like a part for the shoulderpads, etc).

Question #3: Could we expect to see more maps in the future of outside environment besides inside bases and/or ships? I love the snowy view for the Corpus maps, especially the one with the river in between glacial cliffs. To see more environments in different planets accordingly to the Warframe universe would be nice to see.

Edited by Aseity
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1. Europe used to be separated as West and East regions, why did you merged them and when? I don't remember seeing this mentioned anywhere.


2. Different language clients and their compatilibities: Getting tired of ******* ***** ** i would like to actually see what people write.


3. Joining missions: sometimes when i join missions the play now button gets frozen and i have to wait half minute just to be able select location, it can get irritating.


4. Will there be some sort of lobby for Void? 


5. Will there be any benefits for Soloing missions or being clanless in general?


6. When do we get another Beefcake warframe instead of saggy pants and giraffe?

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will there be alternate armors for each frame which make them unique with different stats and also will there be a new frame again and will you guys at DE make more weapon skins but at the cost of credits instead of plat cause some people cant afford to buy platinum and what will be the next prime frame and prime weapons ??

Edited by TheRipper7
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- Will there be a "prime" version for every Warframe in future?


- Will there be Team PvP objective based gametypes like "Capture the Flag"? "normal" T/DM wouldn't work, warframes are imbalanced


- Will you add two more slots for mods on warframes? Because after Aura add mod capacity, I have everything maxed out and still have some energy left (with potato) so there is no need to BUY or CRAFT Forma for my warframe


- Can you add the feature to buy/sell/craft more than one piece of unique gear, if enough credits/resources?


-Will you add customization, so we can change armor on warframes similar to helmet options now?


- When can we expect trading/gifting or even an auction house going online?


- Question about Lore: Corpus seem to be humans with high tech weaponry. But ingame description of Earth is "home of opressive Grineer empire"... So Corpus and Grineer are technically human. What is the conflict between them? and Why are Tenno referenced as "The Betrayers" by Alad V? so they are human too?


- Will we ever be able to see conditions on nightmare mode BEFORE starting the mission? I ended up too often in "no shield, no energy, bada$$ enemies, ice environment" mission with Loki and this ended very very very fast and very bad


- Can we expect some sniper rifles being released soon? Not being in a clan makes me to choose only Vulkar as sniper rifle. Two are Clan restricted and one was only as event reward. Bows are not sniper rifles


- I participated in two events so far and I'm wondering, why it has always to do with number 25? Fomorian event: my squad needed to farm 25 waves in defense to get enoguh corrupters, then we had to do 25 runs to get 250 points. Arid Fear event: do 25 times the data mass alert, do 25 times corpus clypher alert, buy 25 blueprints, build 25 corpus void keys, do 25 runs to get 100 points (4*25). Is it something you designed or is it just coincidence?


EDIT: After playing new missions


- Was Star Wars an inspiration for the new missions? Desert Planet (Dune, Star Wars - Tatooine), Grineer with Jetpacks (Boba Fett) and so on ;)

Edited by Skarmax
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2. Different language clients and their compatilibities: Getting tired of ******* ***** ** i would like to actually see what people write.


Why would you want to see that?? Odds are you wont understand what they're saying anyway...

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I have three questions.

1) Will they be increasing the inventory slots for warframes and weapons soon to compensate for the vast amount of weapons they have added in allowing free players to experience more of the game without having to sell all their stuff?

2) Will they address the concern about void keys being made available if you are not the host? As it stands people like myself cannot host as well as others, and we end up having a massive supply of keys that are useless because we can't use them with our friends.

3) Will there be any mastery changes on the horizon and what stopped them from giving small amounts of mastery points per successful mission? (Extra for bosses and double for nightmare?)

Edited by felldian
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First set of questions, will add more if needed :P

I'd like to ask questions that try to deviate from the topics that are already being largely addressed.


---With the new tile set being released, I have noticed that, so far, non-Void maps consist mostly of rooms where you kill enemies to get to an objective. I feel this is restricting the potential of Warframe's map generation and gameplay mechanics. With this in mind...


1) Can we expect rooms leading to an objective that do not solely focus on killing enemies? For instance, if we are on a Rescue mission, could we see a trap room right before the holding cells, or maybe rooms that limit skill usage? It would make sense that the Corpus and Grineer would create these rooms as an added layer of security.


---I love the ability to color and customize our weapons. However...


1)  Are there any plans to add to weapon and warframe customization aside from color palettes and helmets? (Related Thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/89678-weapon-customizability-suggestion-aesthetics/).


---I feel that the UI in Warframe is not really working out as well right now, especially with mod organization and layout.


1) In terms of the mod menus, are there any plans to change this? Will we see stacking of mod cards or possibly a revamp of the system?


2) Any other major changes for the UI?


---There seems to be a problem with rewards vs. difficulty scaling and how Nightmare mode works. More specifically...


1) For Nightmare missions, I feel that the random mod at the end of the mission just isn't enough. Sure, I like the difficulty and unique situations we are put in, but such situations just don't feel right in the scope of the entire mission. They just feel like random restrictions that are tacked on to a mission I have already done a ton of times. Are there any potential changes with the Nightmare system, such as being notified of the Nightmare restrictions beforehand, or making a gauntlet of Nightmare missions consisting of stages?


2) Can we have small team missions in defense levels or in general? I like the small objectives that each individual player has to finish when starting a stage (i.e. Looter, Hacker, etc.), but besides the main objectives in each map, teams don't really have anything else that bonds them together or unifies them to do something different.


---I like the idea of the secondary helmets taking away from a stat and buffing another. This brings up so many possibilities...


1) Could we see this type of setup on mods? For instance, will we see a mod that buffs one elemental damage type but reduces reload speed, or one that greatly increases multishot rate but decreases damage?


2) Could we see a mod/helmet/etc. customization item that randomizes a buff and nerf on every match? I think this would be fun to play with.




1) When will the Founders program end? Just want to know this as a reminder :P


2) Will we be possibly seeing any more friendly DE competitions in the future (i.e. the Defense or Dueling battles)? These are fun to watch (dat invincible Nyx).


I will add more as I think of them. I am very impressed with Warframe so far; I would like to see what comes up in this Livestream!

Edited by Celestics
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Will there be additional abilities for warframes?

Will you change the current mastery rank system because atm you are forced to play with every weapon/warframe to get the maximum of the mastery rank.

Edited by piklioto
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Question #1: We already know that Ember and Trinity's skills will be reviewed. Can we expect the review before update 10?

Question #2: Will you do a balance review on Grakata in the future? (Since it's the 2nd most voted primary in the Balance Review poll.)

Question #3: Can we expect higher level requirement weapons in the future, like rank 10?

Edited by x576x
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Besides player created levels and missions in distant future, what are other major goals for DE? Should we except major improvements to core elements of the game like it was done with mods?

For example advanced melee mechanics, combos, dynamic and (PLEASE!!!) non linear levels with some sort of grid of tiles rather than a path of tiles.

Edited by Aure7
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Question :

Howdy guys!!

Can we please please get an energy color change for the Torid? its hard to tell the difference between them when a friendly also has one in defense type missions etc!! Besides four Torids with all different colors of energy would look great in game!

Edited by Altarisace
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Question 1:
When can we expect to see the Warframe lore get fleshed out? Even with what little we know, or think we know, the lore sounds kick-&#!! I'd love to know more about the Great War, the origins of the Lotus, and so on.

Question 2:
Will there ever be a new faction that decides to enter the fray in the forseeable future?

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When will Ancient Infested stop hitting me if I stand behind them?

Will Volts Overload ever get a set casting time?

Will Puncture Mods get a review?

Will we ever see black energy?

Will i ever stop asking stupid questions........

And will we see new Sentinels in the near future?

EDIT: totally forgot: Will Ranking up beyond rank 7 give benefits and if, which?

Edited by BloodEmperor
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Do you guys have any plans for eventual permanent progress? Possibly Tenno levels and modding? 


I ask because I like the idea of playing different frames and weapons, but it always feels like I then have to "start over". I had a lot of motivation to play, advance, and farm when my first frame, Loki, was sitting at 30 with several weapon options. Once I swapped to another frame it all went away as I had to go back to much earlier stages.


Progression we get to keep as we go, even if it was less significant, would be really nice, and help to counteract the "clean slate" feeling of swapping your equipment all out.

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Question: Will you be adding or are you working on the idea of Alternate Frame Skins, outside of the Prime sets, as well? New Frame skins would go well with some of the helmets as some don't seem fitting to the standard frame skin

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