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The Plains and the Open World Problem


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After the Plains of Eidolon expansion to Warframe, there has been one problem that has bothering me; How will the players, who can't go into POE because their PCs can't handle it, be able to complete Plains/open world exclusive content without platinum? If you want an amp, you gotta farm standing and sentient cores. If you want a focus lenz, then guess what? You need to go to the POE and kill an Eidolon (no more lenses from sorties). If you want to farm Gara, you need to go into the plains. Want some fish that you caught on your wall? Fuggedaboutit (Forget about it)! All of this is graphically intense, so people with PCs that can run the base game but not the plains + future open worlds will be left out. Am I the only one that realizes this?

(BTW, since people keep telling me to upgrade my PC, I'd like to say that my PC can runs the Plains. I'm talking about those who can't)

Edited by DieRektM8
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I'm honestly curious, what kind of PC are you running, if you can run the whole game but not the plains? I don't think DE is too interested in supporting PC's from 10 years ago, but they do let you drop your graphics down a lot, and you can use a lower resolution as well.

Edited by nefrai
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Just now, nefrai said:

I'm honestly curious, what kind of PC are you running, if you can run the whole game but not the plains? I don't think DE is too interested in supporting PC's from 10 years ago, but they do let you drop your graphics down a lot, and you can use a lower resolution as well.

Oh I can run the plains, but I understand and empathize with those who can't.

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you gotta take 1 step back to move 2 steps forward, that's basically what it comes down to. 


I can barely run it, with lag, frame drops, crappy fps and overheating, it kills my brain but that's how it is. if anything it stresses how I should get a decent pc 

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11 minutes ago, DieRektM8 said:

Oh I can run the plains, but I understand and empathize with those who can't.

And I don't mean any disrespect to anyone with my last post, I just didn't (edit) realize the plains were that big a jump. They optimize it to run on consoles like the PS4, which is pretty aged at this point as well. (to note, I run the game on PS4 and PC, but my PC always uses as a GTXxx80 type card). 

One thing about Warframe, is they have always pushed their graphics higher as well, unlike an MMO like World a of Warcraft, which is trying to allow people to keep playing from waaay far back. And Venus is supposed to be way larger than PoE, so that will be interesting. They may just have to work on optimization more. They should have a minimum PC build requirement on the game though, so people know if their video card can run it or not. 

Edited by nefrai
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1 minute ago, DieRektM8 said:

Oh I can run the plains, but I understand and empathize with those who can't.

In a world where games can use up to 8GB+ RAM, 4GB VRAM and 7 cores CPUs, DE is only asking 4GB RAM, 1GB VRAM and a dual core CPU to run the plains.

However some players still want the game to run in a Windowns XP 32bits with 2GB RAM, Geforce 8800GT and a fcking Semprom 1.8ghz.


DE shouldn't make the game run in PCs that have configs of 2006. Thats why the game is still running in DX9.


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25 minutes ago, DieRektM8 said:

After the Plains of Eidolon expansion to Warframe, there has been one problem that has bothering me; How will the players, who can't go into POE because their PCs can't handle it, be able to complete Plains/open world exclusive content without platinum?

We saw the plains running a computer running windows XP. 

Maybe you might want to buy some upgrades for your machine once every 10 decades?

Just a question eh, nothing personal, i just don't get it :P

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52 minutes ago, DieRektM8 said:

After the Plains of Eidolon expansion to Warframe, there has been one problem that has bothering me; How will the players, who can't go into POE because their PCs can't handle it, be able to complete Plains/open world exclusive content without platinum? If you want an amp, you gotta farm standing and sentient cores. If you want a focus lenz, then guess what? You need to go to the POE and kill an Eidolon (no more lenses from sorties). If you want to farm Gara, you need to go into the plains. Want some fish that you caught on your wall? Fuggedaboutit (Forget about it)! All of this is graphically intense, so people with PCs that can run the base game but not the plains + future open worlds will be left out. Am I the only one that realizes this?

(BTW, since people keep telling me to upgrade my PC, I'd like to say that my PC can runs the Plains. I'm talking about those who can't)

Then they should upgrade their PC. Obviously they have a potato or aren't doing something right. Probably bought a dell or hp that you have to *repair* out of the box. Doesn't have enough ram, ect. If you cant run the plains you need to upgrade your hardware, stop running tons of extra programs alongside warframe but I don't see how thats a problem because I had both warframe and unturned (i forgot i minimized it) running along with discord and chrome playing music and could still run the plains just fine. 

AMD Ryzen 5 quad

AMD Radeon RX 570

8gb ram

64 bit

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2 hours ago, Travka- said:

welp i3 - 5670 1GB here all low settings can't even touch 50fps on PoE :crylaugh: 

but there nothing DE can't do about this , the required system really low.. if you can't go in PoE welp you know what to do xD

My god, man. That's a $50 card, I'm surprised it can even boot Warframe! This hurts me that a gamer is stuck with such a card, lol. I feel literal sympathy pain right now.

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