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Pigments can't be farmed while others are in the process of being built? Excuse me?

Every other forms of crafting in this game, you can usually do multiple things at once. But with pigments, you can't. This doesn't make any sense to me. It's inconvenient. I could have all of the pigments resources required for the next actual Pigment by the time the first one is done, so I can easily start the next one. But no, we have to wait 2 days to do ANYTHING with our colors, then another 2 days, and another, etc. Upwards of TEN days to have all of the new pigments if we're lucky enough to get the ones from low-spawn Plains beings like Condrocs, Kuakas, and Dargyn Pilots within a couple hours after the previous pigment is finished.

AT LEAST let us farm the other pigments while one is building.

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Is this real life? Did I really spend over an hour in the plains specifically looking for Dargyn Pilots, killing a good 50-100 of them, just to get SEVENTY?!

This is absolutely ridiculous. It should not be like this. Only seven out of the dozens I killed dropped 10 pigments. SEVEN. 

Of all of the possible enemies pigments could drop from, they have to be the most scarce Plains enemies, WITHOUT a 100% drop? At least just make it a 100% drop. it's literally the most boring and tedious thing I have EVER farmed for, and I'm probably not alone in that thought. Or just re-think their drop locations because its seriously disheartening spending over an hour to not even get 25% of a required resource for an item that takes over 2 days to create, not even being allowed to multitask and farm for others in the process

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I too wish I could multitask when it comes to farming pigments instead of waiting every 2 hours just so I can spend 1 hour in the plains hunting vomvalysts and only coming back with about 120-180 shard black pigments (using Ivara and no boosters) all the while complaining about how little contributions have been made so far (tackling the work of a mountain clan was hell on my resource stockpile to the point I'm perpetually low on Plastids, Gallium, and Polymer Bundles)

Edited by Hayabusa97
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Major problems for more

- shoved more poe down our throats
- enemies now don't have a 100% chance of actually droping the pigments
- if you got clanmates on your team, it says to affect the number of pigments that drop, even then it's not a certain number, it's often random the ammount you actually get per drop which is just dumb for me.

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I think that is kind of a way to stop players getting pigments too fast.But I also think DE is taking into account that all members of one clan will do this farms.Reality of most clans is that maybe only 10 players are involved in these farms or in any other dojo projects for that matter.I bet there is 90% clans out there with 70% players in it that don't even know what pigments are used for and where to drop them off.

That is the only reason why people think farming pigments is hard.

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For me bigger problem is that new pigments have been turned ito ridiculous grindfest, i mean seriously only 10% drop chance ? ffs all older ones had 100& with dorps like 1 or 5 and woudl prefer this over these 10%, why DE had to screw soemthign that was working just fine ? it was laready grind on it's own but at least it felt fair

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i have farmed tower white to kill condors... firstly the already flying ones.. doensnt never drop it.. why? so you need to go all arround the map findiong the 3-5 groups of condors around the map and kill them all with a necro prime for extra loot chance also tried ivara to sneek upon them... i have soo far got 50 pigments of around 100 condors kill... that means i got 10 pigments from 5 condors of around 100kills...

this is ridiculous i do embrace the grind in this game but this is bullS#&$.. i got the pink colour done in no time since my shadow clan only the first stage clan.. but it took me to kill 6 groups of the rabbit for getting 1 of them to drop 10pigment.. i needed only five... usualy the hardest ones you need the least pigment too do like the purple zanuka hunter etc... but i have more problem with tower white than with the pink... and this in my opinion need of a Huge fix... if i who are the smallest clan size have problem... i can only give the bigger clans my deepest sympathy for this is... bad..


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Haha glad it's not just me, also farming wisp grey at the moment. It's not enjoyable.

The whole idea of not being able to just color your own damn Dojo quickly is ridiculous.

But I need that damn grey so I better get back out there.

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Recently started the condroc pigments called White tower, that thing is pure aids.
Condrocs have really low drop chance. The condrocs that will spawn automatically in every session will not drop any pigments and I just started a run now, for half an hour I have been flying around in my archwing and have goten 0 so far.

This is way too much of a grind. My clan needs 30 000, with these drop rates I wonder how long this will take. Compare this to any other pigments (even zanuka) and this is by far the worst yet to farm.

Edited by ---RV---Maniac
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On 2018-05-26 at 3:35 AM, ---RV---Maniac said:

Recently started the condroc pigments called White tower, that thing is pure aids.
Condrocs have really low drop chance. The condrocs that will spawn automatically in every session will not drop any pigments and I just started a run now, for half an hour I have been flying around in my archwing and have goten 0 so far.

This is way too much of a grind. My clan needs 30 000, with these drop rates I wonder how long this will take. Compare this to any other pigments (even zanuka) and this is by far the worst yet to farm.

Yeah i tihnk here DE really went to far with grindwall, after all Codrocs arent that easy to find and also often took down by grineer before you find them or just fly away so thye ocudl have 100% chance with that 10 units thye drop

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New update on tower whites from condrocs.
- Apparently if they are airborn they don't drop pigments.
- Condrocs that are sure to spawn on every spawn will also not drop pigments.

Like this wasn't awfull enough as it is.

This is alot worst than Hema research

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i understand the idea that clans are expected to work together with this and that alleviates some of the grind if its split among 30 members for a shadow clan...making the 1500 for the wisp grey only need each person to put in 50. that is not a bad number in that perspective, but when you consider the fact that not every clan can or will unify on a single project like this that number quickly grows higher and higher for each member not contributing. I have had one other person in my clan put in pigment, and i was with them on a few farming runs otherwise ive been alone in doing it and its not that my members arent playing, its just theyre not contributing to this research. i am aboslutely not about to punish my members for not contributing to a project that theyll never use, they dont have access to outside of the perpetually empty dojo, and will probably never see because the color will either go unused or be in one room tucked away in a part of the dojo nobody but me, the warlord, has any actual reason to go to (basically everything that isnt a research lab). to do something to my members with all that factored in is ridiculous.

all that said, id be ok if the kuaka condroc and vomvalyst % chances for pigment stayed the same...that falls in line with the other common unit drop rates (ie lancers, crewmen, infested crawlers and so on) since those can be killed en mass easily (realatively speaking) but the rare units like the bombard or dargyn pilots should be 100% drop rate to fall in line with other uncommon/rare units. i was just out on the plains for an entire day cycle and i got 30 pigment from the dargyn pilots....it took me till well into the afternoon to even find 1 dargyn and then it didnt drop any pigment. i got a total of 3 drops and thanks to hydroid i got lucky and got a double drop on all three that popped. that is utterly ridiculous to spend an hour and a half+ to get barely even 2% of the total research. something needs to be done about this

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I'd wanna say this could easily be rectified if DE could just amp up the spawn rates (and drop rates) on wildlife and Dargyns. Thought I had enough problems as is trying to hunt them down with a fishing spear or William Tell a Dargyn out of the sky. Hell, I wouldn't mind if DE just did away with the plains-centric challenges and additional PoE resources. and being the sole active boi of a small ghost clan nowadays, it's quite a struggle. Currently debating whether or not another Pigment rant on the forums could contribute to getting DE's attention

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1 hour ago, Raqyia said:

I'd wanna say this could easily be rectified if DE could just amp up the spawn rates (and drop rates) on wildlife and Dargyns. Thought I had enough problems as is trying to hunt them down with a fishing spear or William Tell a Dargyn out of the sky. Hell, I wouldn't mind if DE just did away with the plains-centric challenges and additional PoE resources. and being the sole active boi of a small ghost clan nowadays, it's quite a struggle. Currently debating whether or not another Pigment rant on the forums could contribute to getting DE's attention

Either we say something or accept that this is okay.



This is with boosters on and geting "lucky" with the drops, since every pigment that droped gave me 40, at times it can be only 10 per drop but I was "lucky" . And ofc using probably the most efficient way possible to farm,

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