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Mithra had focus bug (Solved)


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Mithria broke for me due to haveing active broken focus skills.

the only working focus skills are main passive and dash skills rest will break the data when playing missions!

be aware remove the broken focus skilsl from yoru active focus  to fix broken mission data.!

othewrwise enemies will 1 hit you

Edited by (PS4)chrdragon
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Mastery Rank does not determine the durability of your Warframe. Mastery Rank is not required. Also, what is it with how you've written this; all your sentences are jumbled and it's difficult for others to make sense of your post.

To survive:

Add maxed versions of Vitality, Redirection, (Primed) Vigor, Gladiator Resolve, as well as Steel Fiber (if it has high armour), to the Warframe.
Add maxed versions of Serration, Hornet Strike, and Primed Pressure Point to your weapons as well as multishot, elemental damage, crit damage/chance, and other important mods like Condition Overload if you can to make your weapons capable of killing.


Another way to workaround Mithra is to equip a Warframe oriented to area denial or area control, like Gara, Atlas, Nekros, Octavia, Rhino (if using a high efficiency build), Nidus (with Rage for that extra energy due to no shields).


Why is it that there are people who don't mod their Warframes for durability as the imperative? It's an imperative if you want to survive anything above level 20.

Other Warframes that can survive high-end missions ranging from Mithra to Sorties, if built properly, include, in order of durability (in my opinion): Inaros, Nidus, Oberon with Renewal active, Wukong, Rhino, Ash (if set up properly). There are others which I have not listed.

Edited by Koldraxon-732
Added my confused opinion/perspective and belief that many simply forgo HP/shield mods for no reason.
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Is he talking about the mission in Void called Mithra? Who says it's locked by MR20? I'm not MR20 and I can play it.... wth? If he's talking about how hard it is to survive the mission with Saryn... then it's simply a matter of practice. Really use the abilities, have enough energy to use them and move around a lot. That's it.

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Listen to Koldraxon. Mastery Rank doesn't improve your warframes and weapons. Nothing is locked behind a MR20 requirement.

Mastery Rank indicates only one thing - how much time a player has invested into leveling warframes and weapons, nothing more. While it's fair to make the assumption that a player with a high MR also has an above average skill level, this is not always the case. However they usually have access to better/upgraded mods and because of that they are able to give their warframes more survivability. Also modding your weapons the right way can let you kill enemies before they can kill you.

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MR doesn't mean a great deal, recently I've done quite a few missions with players around the MR22/25 mark who were dropping like flies. If you want to stay alive then a well modded durable frame is all you need. Rhino with iron skin will see you through pretty much anything. 

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Your problem has nothing to do with MR.

1. First rule of Warframe, always be moving. No matter how durable or tanky your frame is you will be dead if you don't move and utilize cover (with a few exceptions in frames/abilities, but best not to play those as crutches until you learn this rule and it becomes second nature).

2. When playing a non-healing frame, always have a way to regen health, whether it's health consumables on your gear wheel, augments on abilities, Life Strike on melee, using A Hema as your primary, using syndicate augments on weapons with radial healing explosions from time to time, using hirudo melee weapon, using augmented Furis as secondary, Hunter Set mod that allows pet to heal you, medi-ray on sentinel, etc.

3. Be aware of the environment and play as a teammate, not apart from the team. Keep your back to walls or cover, use corners, learn to recognize and prioritize high threat mobs such as nullifiers, gunners, bombards, etc., and ignore trash mobs until higher threats are dealt with. WF doesn't do a good job in training players to be good at this, training them instead to remain bad and rely on crutch frames with crutch powers such as Mesa, so you will need to do it yourself... or just play only crutch frames/powers, choice is yours.

4. Learn to use your crowd control abilities effectively. Have enough efficiency to use them when you need them. For 99% of the game, super high power strength is not necessary, is a waste. Instead, have room for decent efficiency, movement/parkour speed and status effect resistance/reduction. For example, the mod "Handspring" is on almost all my builds, while "Blind Rage" is on very few of them.

5. Use the focus system to unlock key nodes that can help survive, passives and operator skills both. Even an undeveloped operator can get total invulnerability from crouching, then use void dash to move away from danger.

There's more, but becoming even half-decent with the above will put you past 80% or more of the player base.


Edited by Buttaface
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Mithra and MOT got the 300% damage bonus so the reason you was getting one shot is the enemies were hitting way, way harder than normal. Not because it’s MR 20 locked. Those two are a couple of the hardest missions in the game since the enemies hit harder than normal and Corrupted Vor spawns. Tanky frames are more useful there but being in a team that can deal with Mithra and MOT helps also. Practicing surviving against lvl 120 - 130 (same level as T4 Void’s damage) would let you fiqure out how to not die against those enemies.

Edited by VPrime96
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