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Inaros ability synergy and you


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I've had the old mummified master since he came out, I actually remember doing his quest in the dark in my kitchen drinking water and listening to the amazing voice acting, fighting golums and really getting the feel of this savior from the infested vibe I was hooked, then playing him ??? When I died oh I was amazed that I was in a sarcophagus and could leech anything and pop right back out. 



Inaros really has great abilities but the main focus of this thread is to see if anyone else would agree or disagree or like to add anything on to what could make him better. 


Devour and scarab swarm should switch some functionality- Devour: is when you stun an enemy in quicksand and or pull them to you and well...self explanatory but it also allows allies to walk up and devour the leftover- enemies you don't finish which is nice, I don't think people have realized that inaros is a really good support frame, he's a battle medic so this ability makes sense. In addition however enemies effected by the quicksand who die by being devoured turn into sand shadows thus also happens if they are killed by sandstorm. 

Scarab swarm: is when inaros sacrifices 29 hp per 1% of armour up to 100% extra armour which is amazing and makes him extra ready to take on the battlefield  (plus those fx around him don't look half bad, not half bad at all)  inaros can also cast scarabs on enemies for 25% armour cost and energy, effecting them with corrosive damage per second and heal allies and himself in a certain radius this effect spreads to enemies in 5m around the target and has punch through meaning it'll effect enemies behind enemies initially hit but does not pass through objects this is effected by range mods but the spread is not while the heal and damage tick is effected by power mods. 


Here's how I would like for them to switch 


Devour: as inaros has an enemy in his grasp he emits a fountain of life giving a healing aura to his allies for the duration of the devouring process  (because yes some enemies do not die quickly and the poor fools serve the tenno cause by giving all they can) this remedies an issue I personally had where allies would realize theyre getting healed by my swarmed enemies not know where they are or kill them immediately or just not get the chance to get close enough before the swarm itself takes them to the duat.  If you want AOE heals ? Crowd around the inaros as he eats not the enemies that periodically attack or die for inconsistent  heals. 


Scarab swarms activate: the swarm spread is increased and enemies heal allies based on damage they do to the effected, in addition sandstorm now turns enemies effected by the swarm into sand shadows upon death rather than the quicksand effected enemies by devour, this way allies will find it more organic to benefit from inaros's healing while giving him more utility towards his crowd control abilities. 

See the enemies suffering the swarms might and Dash slice for a nice life steal as the others are swept into the storm to join the sand legion and stand United as inaros feeds on his prey and gives his allies the gift of life. 

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12 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

This is turning one of the tankiest frames into an explicit healer. He heals others as a side




he already has these effects, I don't see how he loses any tankiness by this. 

Edited by (PS4)JONAS_ORTIZ
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22 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

Let me more explicit, then. This turns an extremely tanky frame into an extremely tanky healer frame.

Again, he already has these effects I am not adding anything new to him but switching them to fit more accurately to his battle tactics, you are aware of how his devour works right now as far as allies right ? And that scarab swarm still has a heal aoe when casted on enemies, if anything these changes would make allies have to be more active in the battle to benefit from health that he already gives rather than needing to walk up to enemies in quicksand and have immunity frames while they drain it of life. 

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I'm definitely down with some Inaros changes. Inaros honestly wants to be a healer, but his skills aren't very team friendly. Allies are way too gun-happy for your abilities to help them (unless it's very high level and your team struggles to kill anything). 


Scarab Swarm: I'd like for this ability to be able to spread to allies for a very light heal over time for the rest of the duration. This way, even if the enemies die, it won't feel like I totally wasted the ability if I can get an ally tagged

Devour: Let the Devouring process ramp up the damage and healing over time so that Sand Shadows can be summoned reliably. Then, have Sand Shadows charge into enemies and explode, dealing damage and causing enemies hit to be stuck in quicksand and ready to be Devoured. Allows Sandstorm to Devour multiple enemies at once without having to cast Devour multiple times

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I wouldn't mind it. I actually do run a healer Inaros build but the problem is not many people realize they even can devour enemies trapped in his quicksand, and the build is fairly limited to endgame missions  where scarab swarmed enemies aren't instantly killed before they can do much healing. Something like this would really help the build work in lower level missions.

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I run Inaros with x2 sets of Arcane Grace and facetank everything. The only abilities I ever use are pocket sand for good CC / Finishers and charging up my augmented scarab swarm.

I do not even recall the last time I used either Sandstorm or Devour. Never really saw the usefulness of either ability and the sand shadows last about as long as a fart. Inaros can get plenty heals out of his finishers for himself and I also never see someone running  for an Inaros using devour to get some heals. In all honestly I also don't even recall seeing another Inaros using devour.

Scarab Swarm seems fine where it is especially with its augment and so is his Pocket Sand. Sandstorm could be useful to throw enemies off the tile maybe and devour is just useless unless you are really in a pinch and need the invulnerability while using this ability. (Lets be honest this never actually happens)

IMHO Devour should just get a complete overhaul but the other 3 abilities are fine. Synergy is not really needed on Inaros, he is a top tier frame as stands right now.

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18 hours ago, Tiddlerdoo said:

I wouldn't mind it. I actually do run a healer Inaros build but the problem is not many people realize they even can devour enemies trapped in his quicksand, and the build is fairly limited to endgame missions  where scarab swarmed enemies aren't instantly killed before they can do much healing. Something like this would really help the build work in lower level missions.



This was also my experience, players often don't notice an enemy trapped in quicksand and it usually don't want to bother for the heal if it means they have to stop the fight it feels less fluid than it could be, and then there's the ones who just beat the poor soul half to death before realizing that hp they beat out of him could have gone to them lol. My thinking was that by making it the aoe heal that scarab swarm does to enemies and instead adding a said shadow to swarmed enemies upon death abd lifesteal to those who deal damage to them it's a better balance, inaros can be useful while he's sucking up (I'm so sorry it sounded more professional in my head) enemies instead of losing a frame from the field because he's determined to gobble up a  lvl 50 napalm. 

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17 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

He doesn’t need synergy. His abilities function very well on their own.



He already has synergy, devour and sand storm are the example I'll keep using. Enemies who die while trapped in quicksand turn into sand shadows as is the result only if inaros fully devours an enemy except a kavat. This is a synergy conflict where as it cost no excess energy to simply continue devouring an enemy after the initial cast and get the temporary minion, it takes energy drained to cast and maintain sandstorm but I will note that using sandstorm on a devour effected target will heal inaros while they are trapped in his winds, my idea to fix this is to have the same functionality shifted over to scarab swarms activate where it will spread and effect more enemies and open a chance to cast sandstorm abd sweep in enemies taking damage by the swarm and now his storm and will turn into multiple sand shadows upon death which is more likely on higher levels because the swarm does corrosive damage and ticks away at them.  


As it is now the only way to yralize sandstorm implemented synergy efficiently is if you cast the quick sand of devour on multiple single targets and then praying to get hit enough to use sandstorm provided you aren't full on efficiency. The heal is nice but this can also be applied to the swarmed enemies and would actually benefit him more because more enemies equal more heals.  

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15 hours ago, (PS4)vrykolacas82 said:

I run Inaros with x2 sets of Arcane Grace and facetank everything. The only abilities I ever use are pocket sand for good CC / Finishers and charging up my augmented scarab swarm.

I do not even recall the last time I used either Sandstorm or Devour. Never really saw the usefulness of either ability and the sand shadows last about as long as a fart. Inaros can get plenty heals out of his finishers for himself and I also never see someone running  for an Inaros using devour to get some heals. In all honestly I also don't even recall seeing another Inaros using devour.

Scarab Swarm seems fine where it is especially with its augment and so is his Pocket Sand. Sandstorm could be useful to throw enemies off the tile maybe and devour is just useless unless you are really in a pinch and need the invulnerability while using this ability. (Lets be honest this never actually happens)

IMHO Devour should just get a complete overhaul but the other 3 abilities are fine. Synergy is not really needed on Inaros, he is a top tier frame as stands right now.


It's not needed for how you play friend, not every build is a carbon copy nor should we be content with the bare minimum if there is room for improvement, like you literally said you only use at most two of his abilities and I assume take use of his high health and armor stats for the rest, I don't think that's how DE designs frames to be played, not saying they would be against you doing that at all I want to add but no one wants their frame to be a two trick pony there needs to be a balance and rhyme to reason, hearing any of his abilities being called useless would likely speak more to the fact that he needs a rework on them rather than a "let well enough be" approach. And if you think devour should get an overhaul I have to ask would you agree that it would work better as an aoe where he heals nearby allies as he drains the life from enemies he devours? There are steps to an overhaul and at least you agree that the abilities in question as is now don't work for you the way you'd like. Sandstorm is a great cc ability and as I mentioned a little before writing this when used on an enemy effected by devour sandstorm heals inaros as it does damage to that enemy. 

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All input is helpful I want to add, I feel like many players have found something that works with inaros and are afraid of the slightest change resulting in a nerf I am equally as against the idea this isn't poking sleeping bears it's just trying to help our mummy pal be the best version of himself he can be 

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This seems to only be your best version of inaros, not mine or many others.. inaros or any other frame shouldn't be the result of a certain types of gameplay.. you play how you want not how the game intended and that's how it should always be, I agree that there are many iterations of inaros as of many different frames, and that's the beauty of it!. Players choose how they play with their favourate frames and favourite skills if they even use skills at all 😃!

I do like your devour idea though 🙂 inaros having an aura of healing while he's stealing someone's life. Maybe it could only be translated into an aura if scarab swarm is active??!. 🙂

Edited by _Doe_
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