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Dynamic events, a suggestion for the return of old events


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I'll use tubemen of Regor as an example.

Whenever you get to his boss fight he goes on about "the tubemen you murdered". Which tubemen? When did I murder them? When you got to Uranus! Upon visiting/finishing the first node the Lotus transmission triggers and you get to start a modified version of the original event. Firstly the amount of grind would have to be toned down, it will no longer be this massive leaderboard lootfest but a shorter sequence(doing 100 missions would be out of the question). One where you get to experience the missions the event offered and hear the dialogue of your allies and enemies. No matter which side you pick, the one that won when the event was an actual event is canon. Or you don't get to support the losing side at all. Until you finish the "dynamic event" the boss node will be protected by, for example, a bunch of Grineer galleons blocking the path. These would be on top of the lines that connect mission nodes and the line would be clearly greyed out. Upon completing the event the ships blow up, you get to fight the boss that's been taunting you the whole time and you'll finally know what you did to his beloved tubemen.

Why this? Firstly I think it would make the world feel more alive. Things are happening as you progress and you'll hear some more story along your way. 

Secondly it would give new players a short-term goal when arriving on a planet, other than completing some list of arbitrary objectives to unlock the junction.

Thirdly they could give some rewards to help players kickstart their adventure. A couple frame/weapon slots for example! I think the current way (most) vandal/wraith weapons are is fine.

Also older players who may have missed the event would get to experience it. Or experience it again for those who have done them already.

Not every event has to be returned this way, but I think that for some it would work really well. Disregarding how much work it may or may not take, here's an idea.

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Second Dream was terrible for me when I first played (Back in November-ish, 2016), because I more or less just beat Alad V a week or more ago.....and suddenly this mission was treating him like he was some big deal? What? Since when? Lotus, I kicked this guy's butt about 7 times to get Valkyr, and never looked back. What do you mean he's some kind of big deal now, with "History" with me and the Lotus? I never made "History" with this guy.....and what's up with that thing on his face?

It wasn't until after I did my naughty naughty Lore/Spoiler dive in the Wiki (I ignored ALL those Spoiler Warnings!) that I finally figured out that Alad V had, like, Two major events or so that built his character up, had us as a Player and Community make a choice on their outcome, and yadda yadda yadda.

DE, you make all these "For the New Players" decisions, but your Main Setting Plot is in Shambles still thanks to these Events and never constructing any part of them together for these New Players. =w=" (I mean, imagine how friggan weird Ambulas is right now for players who just reached Pluto! "Who?! What?! Why?! I Have So Many Questions!")

I mean, Vor will likely play a major role in The Sacrifice, according to many Speculations and such, but just do a "Raise of Hands" and see how many of your Players progressing through the Star Charts end and Quests along the way EVEN KNOW that Vor has been reanimated and brought back by the Void and currently resides there. Seriously, it's a "Well, I got to experience it back in Void Keys Days" thing that a lot of folks take for granted.....but I've only run into the guy ONCE, and that was after looking into the Wikis and finding out what Void missions he was in (Hiya, MoT) and purposely replaying missions to find/spawn him. If I didn't make that Spoiler Wiki dive ("Oh, I wouldn't want to ruin and story/plot") I would have next to no idea he was still around.

Edited by Tangent-Valley
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3 hours ago, Tangent-Valley said:

Second Dream was terrible for me when I first played (Back in November-ish, 2016), because I more or less just beat Alad V a week or more ago.....and suddenly this mission was treating him like he was some big deal? What? Since when? Lotus, I kicked this guy's butt about 7 times to get Valkyr, and never looked back. What do you mean he's some kind of big deal now, with "History" with me and the Lotus? I never made "History" with this guy.....and what's up with that thing on his face?

It wasn't until after I did my naughty naughty Lore/Spoiler dive in the Wiki (I ignored ALL those Spoiler Warnings!) that I finally figured out that Alad V had, like, Two major events or so that built his character up, had us as a Player and Community make a choice on their outcome, and yadda yadda yadda.

DE, you make all these "For the New Players" decisions, but your Main Setting Plot is in Shambles still thanks to these Events and never constructing any part of them together for these New Players. =w=" (I mean, imagine how friggan weird Ambulas is right now for players who just reached Pluto! "Who?! What?! Why?! I Have So Many Questions!")

I mean, Vor will likely play a major role in The Sacrifice, according to many Speculations and such, but just do a "Raise of Hands" and see how many of your Players progressing through the Star Charts end and Quests along the way EVEN KNOW that Vor has been reanimated and brought back by the Void and currently resides there. Seriously, it's a "Well, I got to experience it back in Void Keys Days" thing that a lot of folks take for granted.....but I've only run into the guy ONCE, and that was after looking into the Wikis and finding out what Void missions he was in (Hiya, MoT) and purposely replaying missions to find/spawn him. If I didn't make that Spoiler Wiki dive ("Oh, I wouldn't want to ruin and story/plot") I would have next to no idea he was still around.

This is the same issue Guild Wars 2 had with Living World Season 1 (though they were at least courteous enough to have an ingame recap of the events that transpired, as barebones as it was), and it's also why Anet chose to not do Living World in that fashion anymore. Now it's all instanced based events and new zones to explore. I think Warframe could learn a bit from that, because you are correct: so much crucial story lore is hidden in one-time events, and yet those events are referenced far too often with no way to even get a recap without going to the wiki (which is bad game design).

So yes, I do agree with the OPs suggestion quite a bit, and I even think it might be worth doing something like that for each boss in order to help build them up and highlight their importance in the universe.

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14 minutes ago, GeoffFromAccounting said:

This is the same issue Guild Wars 2 had with Living World Season 1 (though they were at least courteous enough to have an ingame recap of the events that transpired, as barebones as it was), and it's also why Anet chose to not do Living World in that fashion anymore. Now it's all instanced based events and new zones to explore. I think Warframe could learn a bit from that, because you are correct: so much crucial story lore is hidden in one-time events, and yet those events are referenced far too often with no way to even get a recap without going to the wiki (which is bad game design).

So yes, I do agree with the OPs suggestion quite a bit, and I even think it might be worth doing something like that for each boss in order to help build them up and highlight their importance in the universe.

Let's not forget as well the post you see from newer players every now and then on the Forums/Reddit:
"Guys, what are we going to do when Alad V calls in that favor we owe him from the Second Dream? Will it be brought back in The War Within/The Sacrifice?! Oh man, I can't wait!" XD

(These posts of enthusiastic ignorance are usually quickly followed by comments, some mean, some trying to be helpful, explaining that the OP is so out of touch for not knowing about the Acolyte Event 2 years ago that is never mentioned or touched up on by any in game information what so ever, Not even during the return of the Acolytes once per year)

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well, Scott himself said in devstream 112 that he wants to have events replayable...that being said, im thinking now that sacrifice is coming soon (around tennocon, probably just before it), they can then have a lot of other stuff to focus on on.

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My issue with this idea is that you would blow through "events" like quests. The point of bringing back events in my opinion is to accomplish a few things:

- Giving players content that also promotes veterans who enjoy leaderboards to return.

- Allowing 0-3 year veterans to acquire cosmetics from 4+ years ago.

- Removing the long list of zeros for Operation scores on a given profile.

In my opinion, DE should not look into lore of the events and just release them again to give people something to do. Giving us (players) a content drought to make sure a story lines up is not very wise in a game like Warframe. I am not saying DE should copy paste events as it would be tremendously cheap, but DE shouldn't redesign an entire Operation to make sure it "fits this timeline". Warframe is built from pumping out constant content so sooner rather than later would be beneficial to the player base.

Edited by --Q--Voltage
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7 hours ago, Kalvorax said:

well, Scott himself said in devstream 112 that he wants to have events replayable...that being said, im thinking now that sacrifice is coming soon (around tennocon, probably just before it), they can then have a lot of other stuff to focus on on.

I've been sitting on this idea for some days now, the devstream made me want to post it.

3 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

My issue with this idea is that you would blow through "events" like quests. The point of bringing back events in my opinion is to accomplish a few things:

- Giving players content that also promotes veterans who enjoy leaderboards to return.

- Allowing 0-3 year veterans to acquire cosmetics from 4+ years ago.

- Removing the long list of zeros for Operation scores on a given profile.

In my opinion, DE should not look into lore of the events and just release them again to give people something to do. Giving us (players) a content drought to make sure a story lines up is not very wise in a game like Warframe. I am not saying DE should copy paste events as it would be tremendously cheap, but DE shouldn't redesign an entire Operation to make sure it "fits this timeline". Warframe is built from pumping out constant content so sooner rather than later would be beneficial to the player base.

Even though I missed most of them, I feel the old leaderboards should be left untouched. A badge of honour, of sorts. That said, they could always introduce new ones.

My idea was to make the quests and boss dialogue make more sense. The world of Warframe is ever changing, but with the slow trickle of quests and events you can blast through the star chart in a month or two and have little happen. There's, of course, the quests but you often have to go out of your way to trigger those and they are separated from the game by the codex. Having the event just trigger upon visiting a planet would really change the feel of them.

That said, not all events have to be brought back like those and I'm feeling I'm just retreading what I already said why am I even writing this. Point is: some events can be brought back my suggested way, other events can be brought back as a leaderboard timed kinda thingy. And more! There's probably other ways I haven't considered. Anyways, that, yes, words.

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