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Better Dojo Decoration Placement.


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The dojo-remaster thing is fine and such, but in my opinion the placement of decorations still can be improved. I think it would be much better if you could rotate decoration pieces like a wall like a fixed 90 degree, so no more things will be placed under a slight angle. I have had much problems with that myself and i could never get it exactly straight. Anyway the dojo-remaster is welcome in anyway.

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it would be improved so you can clip stair together easy 

so the decoration that has the ability to clip them together and create a continous decoration like stairs , rails, corridors and others should be able to press a key when you are next to one another a clip them easy

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I believe Magnets should be a thing as well. Specific points in which a piece automatically clips to and is held to.

These points would be at the edges or tips of decorative items and could make for easier creations or easier placement (walls, stairs, etc)

The camera I believe shouldn't really attach the item either unless otherwise toggled. Thus making "snapping" and fine tuning less of a bother or a hassle.


Objects are able to clip through certain surfaces with a bit of fidgeting but in a honesty should be able to clip through if "snap to surface" is enabled. Then say it was toggled off again after an object was positioned, the clipping should resume as normal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can only support this.

It took me hours to place just 1 panel right, and it's still not correct.
Things keep looking like this.




One moment you're moving the object slowly, and then pow!
It magnetize-latches to the wall, and resets all it's previous inputs.
This results in having to re-rotate the entire thing again when the object decides to go wonky and moves all over the place.





And when you get it back into position, another simple issue like this resets everything once more.



In which case, you can start the whole re-rotating process all over again

I can't move my camera too much, or the object moves with it.
With the added danger of being glued to the environment again, with another placement-reset.

Then when you think it's finally in the right position, it seems to be 0.10m off

And you know that picking up the object to fix this, will make it fly out of position once more.
This, with all the aforementioned aggravations included.



It makes a simple task like this take hours.

You start holding your breath while trying to place it correctly.
Catching myself in such moments, and having to remind myself to breathe.

Zooming is also working against my hand, as moving the mouse up makes it go in the opposite direction than my head is thinking. (invert mouse person)

A few things that would make life easier are;
- Option to invert scaling with mouse by moving up or down.

- XYZ movement panel
   Very handy and headache reducing tool that helps you move an object by a few ticks, without everything resetting on you like a lightning storm.

Especially the ability to move objects XYZ-wise would be very welcome.
I used to work with this (and even every 3D object engine has this) in the past, and it works like a charm.

It made editing like this a dream come true;




These three important directions in 3D-modelling
In the hand of us Tenno...

A lot less transference overloads would occur.

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I am also finding in my extensive building that the grid isnt fully functioning, i like that you can place things by grid but it doesnt always allow you to push and object inside another placement so you can get it uniform. or sometime even getting ends to snap together it has trouble getting there or just refuses to like some invisible force not allowing placement on that exact spot on the grid. On another note, i would love to see more environmental decorations such as other trees, ponds and such, more added to the factions along with infested being added.


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An example of the magical hat tricks I often have to pull off to get something right.
This very wall, has been eating hours to get placed correctly.



Especially from the other side, where it kept magnetizing to a focus point on the lower left corner of the orokin wall decoration.

Here is how I got this fixed;

- fidgetting a teleport platform through the wall, so I could appear in the back
- Wait 24 hours
- Spend another few hours, trying to correctly position the wall. (as my camera was forced to be focused on the wrong spot)
- Eventually I placed 'markers' to help with this.




It would have taken 2 minutes if there was a screen with flatout XYZ coordinate inputs (numeric values), or collored cross-bars that you can drag in all 3 directions.
(I mean, look at my position on the second screenshot; just for 1 wall that refused to be placed correctly)

So I ask kindly;
Please DE... give us XYZ.

With many kindly thanks in advance.
Love :heart:

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Many decoration object in the Dojo doesnt have any sense, and the worst thing is that there is no have any vertical/horizontal line projection which can help alot to place and fit all decorations in their places.

That is the good DEVS coding, without any test they release updates like these for Dojo's.

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I cannot stress enough how badly we need these controls.

Here is 1 of 4 objects (4 corners)
And I'm allready spending an entire day on it.

I know that once I pick up this object, it aligns to a random point again and requires to be rotated 100 times all over again.

Please, I beg of you.
On both bare knees if needed.
But we really need something like this;


Just a klick on the buttons to move the blue axis one tick in that direction by 0.10m,
and the red axis by 0.10m over yonder

If I pick this item up to move it, it flies towards the other side of the dojo and gets a crazy angle that doesn't even make sense.

I'm slowly getting at the end of my wits here.
Especially when someone thought it was funny to put the room in polychrome allready, making this corner extremely dark where I couldn't see a single thing anymore.
Forcing me to put it back on normal and pay the rush cost, just so I can continue my work.

Please DE, have mercy.
End our suffering :heart:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been spending the past 2 days trying to get my dojo all decorated up ... so far I placed a single box in a corner and gave up.

As previously mentioned by @ADM-Ntek manual coordinate input would be nice but I was thinking more about a visible grid to which you can snap your decoration onto.
Obviously this should only be an option and not a forced way to put items because having a full free space to move objects in (even clipping in other objects) is how some people build really amazing things. 

I just want to be able to place my decorations straight, aligned with walls, other objects, etc but it's pretty much impossible to get it "perfect" because even when you line it up with something if you move it slightly it just starts to turn/angle on its own.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Made a ticket

Ticket: #1398705

For some odd reason, the employee I had contact with classifies this as a 'bug'... 🙄
Guess we'll have to go and make a post in the 'bug' section then, to request XYZ placements...

Makes perfect sense to me.

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The idea that you simply type in numbers for how far you want to move on part is awesome and should be added.

Also, even is "Surface Snapping" and "billboard facing" is turned off, you still cannot place stuff completly free.


Before this is added, here is one tip from me that makes stuff alot more easy:


Always move stuff in one direction only if you want to be precise - the placement of your camera is very important here!

So if you wanna move something (the tennocatwalk in the picture) in height, you have to place your camera like this for example:



That way i can move it down for example without messing with the other 2 axis.

If you wanna move it along the other axis, place your camera accordingly.

Edited by DreisterDino
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To Decorate a Dojo Room is almost impossible I have said screw it many times cause the pieces don't not fit correctly... I know a lot of people have suggested many things and they all seem great but too complicated... how bout just letting us move pieces in small increments up down left right etc. …. this would fix a lot of issues.. the most frustrating experience in warframe is decorating in ship and in the dojo... Please I beg you DE Fix this...

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3 минуты назад, sammywa123 сказал:

To Decorate a Dojo Room is almost impossible I have said screw it many times cause the pieces don't not fit correctly... I know a lot of people have suggested many things and they all seem great but too complicated... how bout just letting us move pieces in small increments up down left right etc. …. this would fix a lot of issues.. the most frustrating experience in warframe is decorating in ship and in the dojo... Please I beg you DE Fix this...

Unbounding from surface and free placement in settings should fix most of issues. But I am biased because I decorated heavily dojo prior this system, when for making high grounds we had to place totems on walls to do it and measure things from one-two angles at max. So now I am like "oh gods, thanks" for making it tens of times easier. But still hope it will be polished further.

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