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Dev Workshop: Virtual Cursor Action Plan


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I've had over 1000 hours logged into Warframe, and for the first time in the 3 years I've been a player of the game, I can say that I don't even want to play the game anymore. The cursor completely ruins the experience for me. I've put a lot of time and money into the game because I felt like DE really deserved it, but this is a gigantic screw-up. Like, it's really bad. Worse than anything else. All my motivation to play the game is gone because of this change. I really don't mind having to wait longer for updates compared to PC. To what end does that help us out? Cross-platform play isn't going to ever happen with PS4 because Sony won't let it, so that's not an incentive. We've been dealing with updates coming a bit later than PC for years so that's not an issue. I get that it would make it easier for DE to release updates if the system is universal, but console controls and PC controls are incompatible, plain and simple. It can't happen without ruining or watering down one or both platforms.

This change is completely unnecessary and ruins the experience for console players. I'm in the right mind to not even touch the game again until the cursor is removed entirely.

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Where were you last month?

Thanks for getting around to it, and promising more to come... but at the same time, if you'd have listened to your PC playerbase, we did tell you this would happen many times since the middle of May. Please take to heart that when your testing crew warns you about something, we aren't just blowing smoke.

I sincerely hope you can recover some of the players that you lost.


At all of you console peeps; thank you. You got a message through in one day that we failed to in three weeks. Please, please become more active on the forums; we could get beneficial changes noticed a lot faster with your help, if this is any indication.

And again, at DE; Thank you for taking notice. Please learn from this.

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I appreciate the attempt at fixes but like why not just have both?? Have the whole cursor/keyboard & mouse setup for those that want that and also let us console-controller types have our no-cursor button shortcuts and such via the old system? I just don't understand why y'all seem to think having both is such a taboo idea?? Why is this idea of "unifying" everything in a way that shuts people out so important? I'm asking this earnestly. I just can't seem to wrap my head around it (maybe I'm just dumb?). ;_;

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1 minute ago, WolvenEdge said:


At all of you console peeps; thank you. You got a message through in one day that we failed to in three weeks. Please, please become more active on the forums; we could get beneficial changes noticed a lot faster with your help, if this is any indication.

And again, at DE; Thank you for taking notice. Please learn from this.

We didn't stop at 12 pages on our "mega thread," by the 24 hour mark there were 40+ pages of negativity towards this p.o.s. UI. It's still garbage, but at least DE is listening.

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Ok, this is starting to reeeaaaaally pissing me off.

I was just trying to select another player from the recruit channel, and the R3 dialogue, the one that let you select a letter as a shortcut pops up.
I move the dpad, press X over a letter... nothing. Move the cursor over it, press X, nothing again.
I cannot make the damn thing to work so I just scroll the whooooole players list manually... and the list start to jump all around.
I fail to reach the player who was recruiting.
I try again, got luck because the guy's nick start with "B". Press X, nothing. Start to investigate, double X do the trick.
Now, when the invitation arrives, I got this new dialogue window poping out. I press R3, nothing.
I move the GODDAMN cursor over it, press square, nothing.
I try every possible way to access it and canot do it.
I cannot accept the invite, I cannot play with other player in a online multiplayer game.
The invite it doesn't appear even if I press the Options button. is like if never existed.

Im not the shiniest melon on the truck, but I never have any problem figuring out stuff in Warframe.


Edited by (PS4)hellahym
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2 minutes ago, (PS4)lizardsama said:

I appreciate the attempt at fixes but like why not just have both?? Have the whole cursor/keyboard & mouse setup for those that want that and also let us console-controller types have our no-cursor button shortcuts and such via the old system? I just don't understand why y'all seem to think having both is such a taboo idea?? Why is this idea of "unifying" everything in a way that shuts people out so important? I'm asking this earnestly. I just can't seem to wrap my head around it (maybe I'm just dumb?). ;_;

It's not that its a bad idea. It's that DE implemented it in the wrong way. By forcing console users to use a PC based UI is asinine, especially since we had a snappy UI that worked well for a long time.

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This is much appreciated. There were things that could not be done on controller before and could not be seen, such as putting the cursor over other people's louduts.This is the case for many PC games ported to console. Thanks for trying to solve it. I'll try it out tomorrow. 2:30 am in the UK.

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6 minutes ago, (XB1)Sedit This said:

We didn't stop at 12 pages on our "mega thread," by the 24 hour mark there were 40+ pages of negativity towards this p.o.s. UI. It's still garbage, but at least DE is listening.

Yeah... gamepad players on PC are a minority, there's only so much we could do, especially with the chat chosing not to integrate all of the other complaint threads into the megathread... some of the others were almost as long.

We? They? ... I'm a kb/m player, what am I saying? I just know a few people who prefer gamepad, one of whom does so due to disabilities that affect eye/hand coordination and limit her ability to use a cursor in general.

Either way, thanks again... it took DE putting an entire demographic through both frying pan and campfire, but progress has been made.

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I still don't get the why as a PS4 user the cursor change seems irrelevant and useless, there's so much more effort for me to have to Target portions of the screen to click on them, it results in a Slow and Clunky selection and modification process.  PS4 is not a Mouse and Keyboard Console Game, therefore the Mouse Cursor is a poor choice to Console human-ergonomic action.

I want the old process back, until then, or something 'better' this cashpot is closed to DE.  See you at noon for Sorties.



Human factors and ergonomics (commonly referred to as Human Factors), is the application of psychological and physiological principles to the (engineering and) design of products, processes, and systems. The goal of human factors is to reduce human error, increase productivity, and enhance safety and comfort with a specific focus on the interaction between the human and the thing of interest. [1]

The field is a combination of numerous disciplines, such as psychology, sociology, engineering, biomechanics, industrial design, physiology, anthropometry, interaction design, visual design, user experience, and user interface design. In research, human factors employs the scientific method to study human behavior so that the resultant data may be applied to the four primary goals. In essence, it is the study of designing equipment, devices and processes that fit the human body and its cognitive abilities. The two terms "human factors" and "ergonomics" are essentially synonymous.[2][3][4] - Wikipedia

Edited by (PS4)aermike
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13 minutes ago, (XB1)Sedit This said:

It's not that its a bad idea. It's that DE implemented it in the wrong way. By forcing console users to use a PC based UI is asinine, especially since we had a snappy UI that worked well for a long time.

The thing I don't really get tho is how so many people saying "give us the option to not" couldn't just be taken and run with to offer players the option of the old setup...? I 100% agree that it was implemented the wrong way. Forcing a completely different UI on people after such a long time of a very well working one is ridiculous. How they thought it would go over well (or any way other than atrocious) is beyond me.

IMO their best option that would work for the biggest number of players would be the option to choose whichever of the two the player preferred.

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Ok new problem that needs a hotfix quick. You can't split stacks in the ducat kiosk. It just selects all of them. Since tennocon relay is so close this is an issue that needs attention and fast. Need to be able to get ducats for barro and not get rid of prime items that you want to keep

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50 minutes ago, WolvenEdge said:

Yeah... gamepad players on PC are a minority, there's only so much we could do, especially with the chat chosing not to integrate all of the other complaint threads into the megathread... some of the others were almost as long.

We? They? ... I'm a kb/m player, what am I saying? I just know a few people who prefer gamepad, one of whom does so due to disabilities that affect eye/hand coordination and limit her ability to use a cursor in general.

Either way, thanks again... it took DE putting an entire demographic through both frying pan and campfire, but progress has been made.

I use controllers though being on PC I sometimes switch to Keyboard and mouse when convenient. I use controllers mostly due to ease of use on the hands, the claw motions of continuous keyboard and mouse activities can be a strain honestly. Controllers also allow me to sit in a comfy chair at a distance from the screen if I want which is nice. Anyway, I have found some instances where the interface is lacking sadly, particularly when fishing out of the Plains! Doesn't seem to work right if using anything other than the defaults; specifically, you can not switch spears, bait, or select your dye - I am just given a blank "_" option to hold instead! At least in the old fishing sub-menu I could quickly switch and select my fishing stuff! I figure that the system has room to grow at the least.

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GPU particular can not be disabled which makes gaming impossible as it limits the performance  in each mission. I can barely play any mission because the lag is so bad that the frames per second is extremely low. Akkad for instance is so laggy that I can’t even move my Warframe or even kill any enemies. Hacking any console in game glitches and takes time to open the console pad and hack the system which is terrible when your trying to do a spy mission. We also can’t move our previewed pets or imprint previewed pets. Putting  sigils on any Warframe is a pain and takes time, you can’t unequiped any weapons or view chat system comments without moving the cursor to the scroll bar then clicking it and holding it to move the bar up or down, this takes time and makes it really hard to see specific comments. Viewing relics we have is only viewable when clicked on instead of hovered over. This really is an update that shouldn’t have been installed. Ps4 is not a pc why the heck would you attempt to make it like one. You’ll ultimately lose more gamers than gain. Taking the risk was a bad idea DE. 😞

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Wolfe-Hayashi7 said:

GPU particular can not be disabled which makes gaming impossible as it limits the performance  in each mission. I can barely play any mission because the lag is so bad that the frames per second is extremely low. Akkad for instance is so laggy that I can’t even move my Warframe or even kill any enemies. Hacking any console in game glitches and takes time to open the console pad and hack the system which is terrible when your trying to do a spy mission. We also can’t move our previewed pets or imprint previewed pets. Putting  sigils on any Warframe is a pain and takes time, you can’t unequiped any weapons or view chat system comments without moving the cursor to the scroll bar then clicking it and holding it to move the bar up or down, this takes time and makes it really hard to see specific comments. Viewing relics we have is only viewable when clicked on instead of hovered over. This really is an update that shouldn’t have been installed. Ps4 is not a pc why the heck would you attempt to make it like one. You’ll ultimately lose more gamers than gain. Taking the risk was a bad idea DE. 😞

The new GPU particle effects use far less resources than the old PhysX ones they used in the past. As a matter of fact, they use so little system resources compared to the PhysX particles that you're gaining a few frames per second. I think they said on a stream that GPU particles used like 60% less RAM, even on the "ludicrous" setting.

And yes, DE admitted already that they made some mistakes with this first attempt and are working to fix it. Everyone knows it's sluggish and makes things tedious, they've already said they're working on new solutions, and even stated they will have some more things fixed by morning.

Your best option right now is probably to play another game until these things are sorted out if they're that much of a bother to your enjoyment of Warframe. There are dozens of free games on PS4, and if you have PS+, you're given multiple free games every month. XCOM2 and Trials Fusion this month.

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