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Nova Killed Warframe


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Why specifically Nova, really? Why does everyone butch about Nova? Why not Rhino? Or Saryn? Excalibur? Ember? All of these Frames have similar room-clearing abilities and a lot more utility. Butch about them. Nova's literally a room clearer with only one other special ability. It is an issue that M. Prime is essentially Rhino Stomp, Snow Globe and Sonar rolled into one, but that can be fixed easily.


We all know the people who think Nova + Despair wins the game are the people who dislike how their support/utility Frames can't get as many kills or how Nova is a killstealer. This is a PvE game. Having a Nova on your team is usually nothing but good.

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Firstly, Excal is hands down my main frame

Secondly, the reasons I specifically did not mention excal is that radial jav is subject to being blocked by environment and height (i.e. you need to be relatively on the same level and without obstructions) whereas the other frames I mentioned will activate regardless of LOS; and two I'd take 4 slash dashes over 1 radial jav in practically every situation.

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When it comes to frames with a one hit wonder skill, anyone can press 4 and automatically win. If I wanted to, I could out perform a Nova with Mag and I have done so numerous times just to show off but that's if I feel like it, if not then I play a supportive frame on endless defence. Frost Prime/Vauban depending on which defence I'm doing. But like most one hit wonder skills, they begin to fall off late game as the enemies begin to have more and more HP. Playing with a Nova and as a Nova many times, I find M. Prime to fall off at around waves 15 onwards but that's for Ancients only which is what you'll need to worry about most if you're doing infested, the little crawlers are nothing.


Like most frames, your one hit wonder becomes more of a utility skill on higher waves of defence. For instance, banshee's quake becomes a 5 - 6 second disable at later levels as the damage just tickles them. Mag's crush becomes about a 3 second hold in the air, Rhino's stomp becomes a 9 second bastille, Miasma becomes a 3 second stun and Nova's being a double damage and slow debuff on those affected.


Trust me when I say that Nova will never come close to out damaging a Saryn because that's true.


Because I'm able to do this with just one cast of Venom which is 25 energy cost and about 19 with maxed streamline.


Which can usually wipe the room faster than any other frame I've seen on this high level defense.


The highest waves of defense I've gone is about 45 - 50 with Vauban and Saryn and I'd like to say nobody else matches up to her and her venom.

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i remember when Volt was op.


I remember when Mag was op.


Then it was Frost.


Then Saryn.


Then Vauban.


Now It's Nova.


Well next it'll be Necro.


It's not that they're op. DE is just learning and getting better.


Whoever says that nova is too powerful needs a bit more perspective.

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Nova's still shiny and new and also happens to be very powerful. People tend to hyper focus on the flavor of the month. So everybody is on that bandwagon. Not unusual right now for me to come into a random mission and it's me + 2-3 Novas. Yeah it is boring but people will eventually move on to the next flavor.

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i remember when Volt was op.


I remember when Mag was op.


Then it was Frost.


Then Saryn.


Then Vauban.


Now It's Nova.


Well next it'll be Necro.


It's not that they're op. DE is just learning and getting better.


Whoever says that nova is too powerful needs a bit more perspective.

I was going to say the exact same thing, though you missed the parts where Rhino was "OP" between Frost and Saryn and the Vauban and Nova.

It's almost like every warframe will take a turn being "OP"... Just wait until more people find Trinity. You know, that frame who is completely invulnerable 100% of the time, has infinite energy, and can fully heal the entire map and make them also invulnerable for 15 seconds? Old Iron Skin eat your heart out.

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I was going to say the exact same thing, though you missed the parts where Rhino was "OP" between Frost and Saryn and the Vauban and Nova.

It's almost like every warframe will take a turn being "OP"... Just wait until more people find Trinity. You know, that frame who is completely invulnerable 100% of the time, has infinite energy, and can fully heal the entire map and make them also invulnerable for 15 seconds? Old Iron Skin eat your heart out.

but rhino never went out of fashion lol


that frame was amazing even through the IS crisis.

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I don't think the damage is the problem, the frequency which it can be casted is the real problem.

If player can cast 1 ultimates every 1-2 wave in a desperate situation then it's a good tool to get out of sticky situation. However, spamming it like a madman every 10-15 second is far from ideal.

BTW, Venom rules.

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she is ment to be used on the high level enemies and ideal for endless defense, alongside frost and vauban.

go past wave 10 or 15 on xini and you'll start see nova go down alot cause her effectiveness have a limit.

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as soon as the enemys start to reach a certain amount of health, where you cant onehit them with your rifle, and the explosion wont kill another to trigger the chain reaction...you see her problem.

I hate this excuse.




No, but it kills everything that is included in the actual game, including the first 5 or so waves of T3 defense.


If you think that's ok, you really need ot work on your balance.



Facetanking the entire game with the 4 button until you get to the highest tiered stuff isn't balanced.

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I use nova and still can kill 250+ level ancients..i see a lot of rhinos going down before me..you know If you have good weapons and fast frame you can survive longer than slow tank..im talking only about infested defence, but yeah, few railgun moas and you are down every 5 seconds:D

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Every other frame = Around level 60.


Nova = Any goddamn level.

What do you mean? As in other frames can't take out enemies those levels or other frames fall of at wave 60 on endless defense?


If so, like I said Saryn outclasses Nova in every way. The DPS that venom does is insane on all levels. I used Nova to like level her up for the mastery and that is it tbh and I also use her when friends need someone to powerlevel them but other than that. It's Saryn/Vauban/Frost Prime/Rhino all the way in my books.

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and whats wrong with that?

i can kill a whole room with Saryn

the same with Rhino, Ember, Banshee, Volt

Nyx can control the whole room to make them fight against each other, careless of the enemy level

Vauban can shield the Defense Pod against Infested

Frost can shield it against everything else


DE is balancing frames to be that way, so why cry about Nova?

Edited by LazerusKI
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