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[PC] Update 23: General Bug Report Megathread


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Excal Umbra still has some transference/control bugs.

Excal Umbra will very often times teleport below the map when transferring back into the frame while using Void Dash.

1) Use Excal Umbra in a mission. (typically one that has multiple floors, i.e. Hydron, Sedna)
2) Transference out to your operator, use Void Dash
3) Before your operator touches the ground after using void dash, click to transfer back into the Umbra frame.

1) I've noticed that this happens almost constantly in Hydron where if I'm on the upper level (the level that the defense objective rises to occasionally), use void dash then transfer back into my warframe while my operator is still falling, Umbra will teleport down to the lower level of the map (i.e. where the defense objective is at originally).
2) In some rare cases, such as today's Grineer Defense sortie 2 (shotgun only), even though I was out in the grassy area, I used a void dash then transferred back into Umbra, he fell through the map. In another time of that same mission, my operator was killed and was in the middle of the falling back animation when I clicked transference, Umbra again fell through the map
3) I'm not able to show a video since my current wifi is very slow (apologies). But I promise I'm not crazy and this does happen.



Also, in Zone 8 of this week's normal Onslaught mode, its an Infested filled Grineer Sandy (kinda like Mars) tileset with a patch of water (where if you jump in, it resets you like typing /unstuck). I accidentally jumped in with Umbra and it teleported me back to land, however Umbra got stuck in a never-ending loop of the animation where your frame falls on their hands and knees after falling from a high place. Typing unstuck sent me back to the spawn area (of when you first enter onslaught and it has a big portal), except the portal was closed and Umbra was still stuck in that animation.

1) Join Normal Onslaught as Excal Umbra
2) Reach Zone 8
3) Notice a deep looking lake and cannonball into it
4) Get locked in that falling animation

1) Once that loop happens, you're stuck in it forever (least until you extract). If the infested enemies kill you and you click X to respawn, you're still stuck in the animation.
2) Typing /unstuck only teleports you back to Zone 0's spawn area, but you're still stuck in that animation.
3) Clicking ESC to try to abort does not work. If you're able to get it to pop out, its only for a split second as the animation forces you back into the dropping animation loop.

Additional Information:
Windows 10
PC U23.0.5

And not sure if it helps, I was running Zenurik on my operator when the first noted bug happens.


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When running out of energy with IVARA in her Artemis ability, the player becomes locked from using any weapons or other abilities. This can not be fixed in mission and must be extracted or forfeited. 

Seems to happen more with Prowl going as well. I have had this happen to me during an eidolon fight and the sanctuary onslaught.  

Edited by kaiden56
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On 2018-06-15 at 2:34 AM, [DE]Danielle said:

We will be using this thread to house your Update 23: The Sacrifice bug reports. Our resident bug master, [DE]Saske, will be monitoring this thread and relaying prevalent bugs to the DE team for fixes. 

With any update, we focus on fixing the priority issues first as soon as we can! Lower priority bugs that can be reproduced are logged to be fixed when we’ve squashed the monster bugs.  

Bug report guidelines: 

  • Be as detailed as possible! The more information we have on the issue, the better we can track down the cause. 
  • Provide steps on how to reproduce the bug that answer "How was I able to produce this bug, and can I do it again?"
  • If possible, provide video and image of the reported issue.  
  • Be respectful - We understand bugs can be frustrating, but the better you can report the bug the better we can get to fixing it.

Thank you! 

Hey there, i found this bug while doing a mission on Lua, explaination in the description. 

Please fix this as soon as possible


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On 2018-06-15 at 2:34 AM, [DE]Danielle said:

We will be using this thread to house your Update 23: The Sacrifice bug reports. Our resident bug master, [DE]Saske, will be monitoring this thread and relaying prevalent bugs to the DE team for fixes. 

With any update, we focus on fixing the priority issues first as soon as we can! Lower priority bugs that can be reproduced are logged to be fixed when we’ve squashed the monster bugs.  

Bug report guidelines: 

  • Be as detailed as possible! The more information we have on the issue, the better we can track down the cause. 
  • Provide steps on how to reproduce the bug that answer "How was I able to produce this bug, and can I do it again?"
  • If possible, provide video and image of the reported issue.  
  • Be respectful - We understand bugs can be frustrating, but the better you can report the bug the better we can get to fixing it.

Thank you! 

Hey there, i found this bug while doing a mission on Lua, explaination in the description. 

Please fix this as soon as possible


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after last hotfix 23.0.5 i had cases of onslaugh matches being "ended" right after i joined one that was already running in the first zone - and no, the mission only ended for me and the efficience was still about the starting value (mission was only running for a few seconds from what i saw). after being send back to the ship, i got the "old" unable-to-do-anything bug (which is not fully true to the name, since i could still use the chat feature and go to my proflie too). couldn't bring the menue on, so the only option was alt+F4 (again). would be nice if we get the little icon in the upper left corner back that you removed with the 23-update - the one that brought up the menue too. it was often a method to "circumvent" this bug by using the fast travle within the ship and restoring the normal functionality after that again. but if  you "have to" keep it gone for good and still aren't be able to fix this age-old bug once and for all, i'd suggest you throw a few console-commands in our way that let us deal with some of those issues you like to ignore fixing (and maybe some that let us fast travel in the ship with - can't be much more than a short line of code you need to write per command).

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i dont know if this is a bug or not,

im playing nekros with  despoil, equilibrium all maxed, and 2 arcane pulse.

when i get health orbs , i get energy too (equilibrium), but  when arcane pulse get in action, multiplies the energy or the health 

is kinda noisy becouse, usually i got like 4-50 k on health or energy but it doent count on my bars for real.

this happens all the time





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There still are bugs with exalted weapons.

For instance this happened while leveling artemis bow: I was not the host, and the connection was fine, no lag whatsoever. As soon as i started using the artemis bow, pick-ups bugged out meaning my sentinel vacuumed everything to me and nothing would get picked up resulting in constantly repeated pick-up sounds. Since i ran out of energy ivara switched back to the main weapon automatically and then i couldn't use any ability or transference anymore. After getting killed and reviving pick-ups worked again.

Projectiles now seem to bounce off of targets (and surfaces) instead of sticking, also very noticable with artemis bow.

The valkyr prime claws have a lot less damage listed than regular valkyr claws.

Edited by SlyBoots
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Wukong's primal staff is visually affected by both warframe range mods as well as melee weapon reach mods.

However, there is no actual range benefits. The staff does not have added range to its attacks with the aforementioned mods.

I wasn't able to produce more range on it in the simulacrum.

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Whenever you go down while using Mesa's fourth ability Peacemaker, you will equip your primary weapon whilst in the down but not out state. 
I don't know if it's a feature or a bug, but I thought I'd leave it here just in case!

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I started playing the Sortie for Sat June 23, 2018 at 12 noon EST.  After completing the first 2 parts, attempted to start the third round with public party and got dropped from the mission,  When i attempted to complete stage 3, i noticed all my progress reset.

Started the Sortie again (frustrated, btw), and it occurred again.

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