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Warframe and Linux systems


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Will warframe ever support Linux systems? I know that it will remove 32 bit and DX9 support soon, which means linux players will have more trouble playing warframe. But actually linux support is a noteworthy along games today. Even though there are not so many linux users, there will be if it supports. Linux is more convenient for most of us. But because of lack of abilities it comes with, we don't move to Linux distros. Personally, If warframe were supporting Linux (Like Fendora), I would use it as my main OS.

I believe Warframe needs it, we need it.

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2 hours ago, -_-DaRXoS-_- said:

Linux is more convenient for most of us. But because of lack of abilities it comes with, we don't move to Linux distros.

Sorry OP, but this statement is just funny to me.  

Seriously though.  If Linux had more gaming support I would have switched awhile back.  

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@-_-DaRXoS-_- I looked into this a while back, and have found nothing better than Lutris, which pre-packs both a Wine wrapper config, and a workaround for the launcher itself not working in Wine (something about it using IE's layout engine internally, which Wine doesn't match exactly).  Here's a reddit thread from last year[1] that helped me get it running, and the Lutris site itself[2].  As an aside, WineAppDB would probably have worked, had I also had the bypass for the updater/launcher that Lutris includes.

I tried it, and it was pretty easy to get running on Ubuntu 16.04.  Red Hat-based distros usually have different package names than I used (and I dunno how to get Wine Staging on RH, if that's even necessary), but I'm sure it's all there.  I can't recommend it, though: while it technically worked, I think the combination of Wine compatability layer and open-source drivers for my laptop(!)'s graphics chip is what made it rather unattractive to play this way.  I went back to dual-booting to be rid of the stutters.

All standard disclaimers apply. Offer void where prohibited. Eventual side-effects of persistence include Warframe, Linux, heretical Windows APIs on your Linux, glorious Warframe on your Linux, and all of your doggos and kats are belong to me.

You were warned.  😉

[1]: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/68qkaq/easy_warframe_linux_setup_wine_staging_on_lutris/
[2]: https://lutris.net/games/warframe/

As far as providing a Linux version goes, though I'm sure there would be bugs a-plenty, they do already use OpenGL on console, IIRC.  Linux's main problem is usually fragmentation.  Though it wouldn't help you over in Fedora land too much, it would simplify things from DE's end if they were to target, say, SteamOS.  Still probably a pipe dream.

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Linux is one of those OS that if you are going to use it and attempt to use it for gaming.... You had better know or be learning how to make things work without help.

Because almost no one supports it, just like Mac. Why? Because they are a niche market.. Like less than 5% of the population.


Also Linux has been 64bit for a long time (Like way before WIndows) so not sure how removing 32bit support would affect anything because 64bit processors have been normal for... almost 15 years now? And last time anyone used DX9 was.... 2009?

Edited by SilvaDreams
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5 hours ago, -_-DaRXoS-_- said:

[...] actually linux support is a noteworthy along games today.

As an aside, I totally agree with this, too.  Most of my legacy Windows games work well on Wine, so with a few, must-have exceptions (like Warframe!), I make a point of supporting new games with Linux support.  Another shout-out to Warframe, though: most other MMO-types for Windows (the ones that I've tried, anyway) also come with mandatory back-door software from companies with terrible code security records and worse privacy policies.  Ain't nobody got time for that.

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1 hour ago, SilvaDreams said:

Also Linux has been 64bit for a long time (Like way before WIndows) so not sure how removing 32bit support would affect anything because 64bit processors have been normal for... almost 15 years now? And last time anyone used DX9 was.... 2009?

The problem is not that Linux doesn't support 64bit. The problem is that when we run 64bit games with Windows compatibility layer programs like Wine, we are more likely to encounter errors.

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