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How to protect objectives as Limbo despite multiple nullifiers



I think Limbo's abilities were made for the purpose of protecting things such as defense objectives, yourself and allies but I am having trouble protecting defense objectives. Most missions that I play include nullifiers since all fissures, corpus sorties and void missions have them. Does anyone know how to counter nullifiers when it comes to protecting objectives? I know about modding for negative range but that usually leaves squishy limbo trapped inside the tiny bubble and unable to help teammates when the enemies become a high level. If a nullifier even touches his cataclysm it fully collapses leaving the objective exposed. I would hunt the nullifier I spot and recast just to have it instantly pop and find out that 2-3 more nullfiers are in range within another room or even just spawned within range (since fissures can spawn them near you). Is there a limbo mechanic to counter this problem? I know people usually say that nullifiers are supposed to stop all abilities but frames like Octavia can use her 1+4 combo which not only resist nullifying effects but it also pops the nullifier bubble and protects all teammates (and it even scales by making enemies kill themselves even up to the lvl 300s) and defense frames like Khora's strangledome are not affected. So does limbo have a mechanic or does anyone have a tactic or a nice range build for cataclysm that they usually use? 

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There's no real way to 'counter nullies if you're relying on abilities' since the entire point of nullies are to counter abilities.

There's no way around it as Limbo so you're just gonna have to go around getting rid of them nullies the normal way: gunplay + melee.

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The only solution is to kill the Nullifiers as the appear and have a fellow teammate bring Frost, Ivara, Gara - or some other Warframe that can keep the objective safe while you go and murder said Nullifiers.

I sympathize with how annoying it is that Nullifier bubbles don't react to abilities. Personally I'd like to be able to Spectral Scream at it and force it to buckle and break from Chroma's sustained screaming - since Corpus tech surely shouldn't be able to entirely negate powers that hit it, because if that was so then they could just shield their ships and bases in the stuff to make any Corpus mission - especially Spy - neigh-impossible in particular cases.

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As soon as I see that bubble, I bullet-jump over there and give the Nullifier a shotgun blast to the face. Seems to do the trick.

Worst case scenario, you have to recast your Cataclysm afterward, but Limbo rarely has energy problems, so that's not a huge issue.

Edited by tobascodagama
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Two ways to deal with it - use a weapon like the Ignis/Ignis Wraith to rapidly pop their bubbles, it's got a nice AoE on the beam and ignores obstacles in line of sight, things like Zakti work well too (especially with the Fulmination mod). Alternatively destroy the floating, T-shaped metal drone hovering 2/3 of the way up the bubble (usually at the front), if the drone is destroyed the Nullifer can't use their bubble anymore at all.

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Rapid fire weapon will pop their bubbles in seconds and they will fall to your cc. As mentioned previously the whole point of their bubbles is to remove abilities so using an ability against them will make no sense. Pop their bubble forma. Distance will rapid fire weapon or jump inside their bubble and pop hem with a. Burst weapon.

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Bring a Miter modded for punch through with the Neutralizing Justice augment, use a low-range build with Narrow Minded, and whenever you see a nullifier, jump out of the rift, shoot your Miter in its general direction, and jump back in. Chances are the blade will hit the giant bubble unless you had a spasm while shooting at it, and then you won't have to worry about that particular nullifier for the rest of the game since it actually destroys the drone as well. The only real "problem enemies" I run into as Limbo are Isolator Bursas, since they can throw nullifier bubbles around, usually right over the defence target, and these bubbles can't just be deleted in 2 seconds with no effort. Thankfully they don't have periodically regenerating bubbles around themselves like regular nullifiers do, so banishing them with your 1 should work, or you could try to divert their attention from the objective to yourself by standing near them.

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