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TennoLive 2018 - Ash Prime Twitch Drop!


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21 hours ago, (XB1)Ashtrolite said:

read around, noone has received their Ash Prime please be patient the issue is going to be resolved in the next few days

I posted to add my name to the thread as a point of contact.  As with any MMO issue, it's always wise to initiate contact if you want to ensure your issue is resolved.

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So, I feel pretty sure my twitch account was connected, but I know my friend somehow ended up with a duplicated account that caused him to miss out.... Being full honest with you. At this point this is turning into a real public relations thing. I feel it would be wise for DE to just honor anyone who fills out a trouble ticket on the matter and get people to stop talking about this. Ash prime is a good frame but it's not the most game breaking, sure it would make the market price crash but really who cares...

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Everyone on this thread needs to calm down. It's a weekend and there were obviously issues with the twitch drops (remember the Devstream 100 exilus adapter super giveaway?), let the dust settle from the Tennocon and once they get back in the office next week they will review the users who watched the streams and reconcile those that got the drop and those that didn't.

Be patient, give them a day or two to recover from their biggest event of the year.

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Posting as a record that I was watching the stream as well. 
Damn, how about as a community, once they get this out to all of us, we tell the Devs to delay the release of Fortuna(as they are still working on it) just so the entire Dev team can get a break?

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same problem here ... I saw the whole live (a great one by the way), the link twitch/warframe was ok (from a very long time), and I'm still waiting for ash prime like so many people ...

crossing fingers, it would be a pity to see such a great live ruined by this ash prime issue.

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I have a question! I was watching the streamers play warframe while you guys were setting up. I had to watch from my phone because my laptop is sadly dying so if I watch videos on it, it crashes. Funny enough though, my phone froze for the first 13 to..16 minutes of the stream but after I watched the entire stream, Am I still eligible for Ash Prime even if I watch from my phone and missing those few minutes? (Probably a dumb question I know but I don't want to assume anything I like to cover my bases.) 

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I hate that people with schedule conflicts (like myself) get punished for not being able to not go to work / school / life / other required things. Would have liked to have picked up this reward =\

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On 2018-07-07 at 4:43 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

We are monitoring for issues and will let everyone know progress as we watch claims continue to happen.. it was a lot more viewers than we expected but we're firefighting!

Should we wait, or file support tickets?  I do not wish to create more work for everyone working hard already, but I also don't want to miss out! 

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