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The Great TennoCon 2018 Ash Prime Drop Fix!


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4 hours ago, butka1998 said:

Yes but they said they cant be sure so you must have logged into the warframe at the day or 6 days prior to the stream and I mean into the actual game not phone app or something it doesnt matter if on xbox, ps4 or PC. And I also noticed many people with one post so either you founded forums account just for this or you are trolls and given the number of people with one post only I guess at least some trully are just trolls. And also dont be rude about the ash prime it wasnt originaly even to be feature just something to reward fans decided really soon before the tennocon so... if you didnt get it wait for unvaulting or buy it from another player thats the best advice you can get.

Yeah that's brilliant advice, pay money for something a lot of people get for free. So people can't come on a public forum and express disappointment with out being labeled a troll? This was handled poorly and people are allowed be upset, since some people who watched the stream got nothing where as other people who did not watch the stream get one for free. But this is fine for you since hey be a good boy and give the company more money for something virtually worthless now.

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2 hours ago, Sesshou01 said:

Oh yeah, here take my money, screw something up on your end, and let me just pay more to fix it?

I actually do buy plat (obviously).  I've purchased more plat this year to buy cosmetic things than it would cost to buy an Ash Prime.  However, paying for a service I want and paying because someone else screwed up are not at all equivalent.  That is a pretty horrible business practice.  If I took a client's money, failed to deliver what was arranged, and told them to just pay more, then they would almost certainly be taking their business elsewhere.  It also wouldn't go particularly well for me when it came out that I had messed up and offered absolutely no way to try to compensate to that client.

Nobody paid anything for this. It wasnt even supposted to be as I have written. So really you are complaining about not receiveng something that was a gift for devoted comunity. And it was really announced few days before tennocon because they DIDNT HAVE TO give us anything for watching that stream.... Few years back there were no twich drops so you wouldnt get anything anyway. So yeah all of this is really not someone screwing up. They simply didnt expect so many people on the stream so they didnt prepare server enough for it... And they apologized for it by giving it to everyone who played last 7 days before tennocon. Which was actually very generous because I am quite sure that was even more people than there was on the stream so please stop speaking about money. You didnt need any for this. And if you wait as I said you get it from unvaulting anyway.. Or as I also suggested buy it from another player and no there doesnt have to be plat involved since you can offer up something else for it.... So no you really dont need to pay anything ....

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38 minutes ago, (PS4)Typfools said:

Yeah that's brilliant advice, pay money for something a lot of people get for free. So people can't come on a public forum and express disappointment with out being labeled a troll? This was handled poorly and people are allowed be upset, since some people who watched the stream got nothing where as other people who did not watch the stream get one for free. But this is fine for you since hey be a good boy and give the company more money for something virtually worthless now.

I didnt label anyone troll but seriously dont you think its strange that there is so MANY with only 1 post posted? So you want to tell me nobody had posted anything before it or didnt have forum account before? Really? I said I am certain some of them are trolls and yeah I am certain I didnt say how many or who it might very well be just 1 or 2 people. But there sure are some you cant deny that. And to that "pay more money" ..... ahh really? You dont have to pay comany anything sicne you cant buy it from them its in the vault.... You can buy it from another player and it doesnt even have to involve platinum you can trade almost anything for anything. Thats how fair economy in this game is. Yes its a shame that some that watched the stream didnt get it but they apologized for it by giving it to even higher number of players that played 7 not 1 not 2 but 7 days before that event. So it was really majority of people that were on the stream and a lot of others that might werent even able to watch it have you though of them? Yes it was supposted to be reward for watching but it was also gift to the dedicated players. So yeah its shame someone didnt get it but thats how it goes it simply happens a lot of those who met the first condition and all of those who met the second condition got it. And it wasnt any unique item so theres no reason to cry about it you can always wait for the unvaulting or trade for it with someone....

Edited by butka1998
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2 hours ago, AngryB said:

Yeah this is why I'm upset as well. It's not that it would cost too much to buy Ash Prime right now, but for those of us who followed the criteria for receiving our reward should be able to receive it without the "oops you didn't meet our new criteria so you're going to have to spend money now instead!"

This is really bad practice and for those of us who have bought plat in the past (myself included) are seriously going to hesitate in the future to ever do so again. And what if friends ask me how I feel about the developers behind this game and whether or not I'd recommend the game to them as well? You think I'm going to be so quick to do endorse anymore? Having watched Tennocon I was really excited for Railjack but now that DE has stiffed me out of the Ash Prime I had followed the requirements for I'm not sure I can support these guys moving forward. My trust has been damaged.

I'm not trolling, I watched Tennocon for more than just the half hour requirement with my Twitch account linked, I've bought plat in the past and have over 100 hours in the game so far. This can all be verified by DE. I've considered filing a ticket but from what I'm reading everyone who has done so has received back an "oops sorry" response so the best I can do now is make my voice public. If DE can correct their mistake and deliver the Ash Prime I will edit my post and say thank you instead. If not I won't let this one go as it's not how you treat your fan base and in many ways quite evil; not to mention my Twitch view also helped inflate their view count during the stream which certainly looks good for promotional sake.

Ahh first of all if you met all the requierements and filled the ticket after still not receiving it im sure you will and if not its a shame but you will have to get on with it.

Second of all 100 hours in game has nothing to do with this.

Then the third poin of it I didnt say EVERYONE is troll just some of the people here because its really strange that such a huge number of people has only 1 post on profile here so dont point on yourself I didnt acuse anyone. I just mentioned that this is totaly weird and it is. And next one is buying platinum doesnt matter here. Why? Because you cant buy that frame from the company so no ammount of platinum bought will change it. I specificaly said buy it from another player that means you can trade anything for it really. Being that you ahve only 100 hours I get that you propably didnt trade much with other players yet. But there are always people in trading chat mainly higher ranks willing to trade it for you for thing you have even if it isnt platinum and they are even willing to save it for you till you have what they want in exchange. Thats how awesome this comunity of people is. So no you really dont need to pay any money to DE. 

Not to mention it was meant as gift and they apologized for it by giving that gift to even higher ammount of people. Yes not for what it was meant for originaly but still they did. And you can always wait for unvaulting and get it for free from relics because besides cosmetics and slots there is nothing you need platinum on. (that is if somehow you dont recieve it after filling up that ticket)

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On July 9, 2018 at 7:19 AM, [DE]Rebecca said:

What happens if you have almost half-a-million people watching TennoLive and many of them expecting a Twitch Drop?

Well, the answer is kind of complicated, but you've waited long enough for some closure so please read this quick post for the dirty details:

a) We had many more people watching than anticipated and our servers could not keep up with the data coming from Twitch.
b) Since we cannot turn back time, we have no way of knowing who was actually watching.
c) We have a very generous solution in spite of b).

Anyone who has logged into Warframe in the past 7 days on any platform with a Twitch linked account and did not receive the Ash Prime Drop will receive one! 

We will let you know when the script is finished, should be some time this week!

Thank you. 


Script is in progress and should be done within 2-6 hours on all platforms!



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21 minutes ago, butka1998 said:

So really you are complaining about not receiveng something that was a gift for devoted comunity. And it was really announced few days before tennocon because they DIDNT HAVE TO give us anything for watching that stream.... 

If you mow my lawn as a nice gesture while you're mowing your own lawn, and I don't pay you for it, that's one thing.

If you mow my lawn after I interrupt you while you're just lounging around having a beer and say 'Hey neighbor, if you mow my lawn I'll give you this shiny new $50 bill...deal?!', and I don't pay you for it citing the fact that you didn't wear a red hat while mowing the lawn...that's this thing we have right here.

See the difference yet?

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10 minutes ago, 0Augustus0 said:

If you mow my lawn as a nice gesture while you're mowing your own lawn, and I don't pay you for it, that's one thing.

If you mow my lawn after I interrupt you and say 'Hey neighbor, if you mow my lawn I'll give you this shiny new $50 bill...deal?!', and I don't pay you for it citing the fact that you didn't wear a red hat while mowing the lawn...that's this thing we have right here.

See the difference yet?

Ahh you havent read the full post did you. And if yes do you see that there is difference between gift and promising some payment? You want examples? Ok you go to party right and on the invitation there was writen everyone who comes will recieve (I dont know lets say..) new bike. You come to the party and theres thousands and thousands of people instead of few hundreds that the host expected. He comes to you and says: "Hi I am sorry there is more people than I expected so you wont get your bike". Will you be mad at him or still enjoy the party he prepared (in this case the stream) and still leave satisfied even though you didnt recieve the promised bonus. Or will you be angry at him for throwing a party for everyone and promising gift to people but not being able to give that gift to everyone? Thats where it comes to your personality really.... and also example with money is quite bad since this involved none you know?

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11 minutes ago, butka1998 said:

I didnt label anyone troll but seriously dont you think its strange that there is so MANY with only 1 post posted? So you want to tell me nobody had posted anything before it or didnt have forum account before? Really? I said I am certain some of them are trolls and yeah I am certain I didnt say how many or who it might very well be just 1 or 2 people. But there sure are some you cant deny that. And to that "pay more money" ..... ahh really? You dont have to pay comany anything sicne you cant buy it from them its in the vault.... You can buy it from another player and it doesnt even have to involeve platinum you can trady almost anything for anything. Thats how fair economy in this game is. Yes its a shame that some that watched the stream didnt get it but they apologized for it by giving it to even higher number of players that played 7 not 1 not 2 but 7 days before that event. So it was really majority of people that were on the stream and a lot of others that might werent even able to watch it have you though of them? Yes it was supposted to be reward for watching but it was also gift to the dedicated players. So yeah its shame someone didnt get it but thats how it goes it simply happens a lot of those who met the first condition and all of those who met the second condition got it. And it wasnt any unique item so theres no reason to cry about it you can always wait for the unvaulting or trade for it with someone....

But not everyone gets it yet here you are going after fans who feel a bit hard done by who didn't. You ask me to take on board the feelings of people who gotten it while continually going after those who didn't. Well as you say these things happen and when they do people are allowed voice their displeasure, you're also able to add your piece too but you seem to like defending the company so you seem fairly bias in that regard. If this is the famous warframe community everyone goes on about keep it and your primes.

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You are more than generous. Thank you! Ms. Rebecca, I cannot tell you how breathtaking the demo for the Fortuna update was! Of my family, who all play this remarkable game, our son has been playing the longest and has faithfully encouraged us, his parents, to play as well. This past Thanksgiving, we really began playing in earnest. I only wish I had started sooner. There is so much content that it is hard to stay focused on one area of play. DE never disappoints. May God continue to bless you all. (Oh, and please come back to your Tenno soon, Space Mom! ;D)--TartCactus(Ken)

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Awesome of you guys at DE for going the extra mile!
It was weird to see a bunch of new accounts with only one or two posts. I suppose they found their way to the forums and wanted to let those in charge know that they didn't get their prize.

The criteria for getting it has changed now. While it's unfortunate for some it was a benefit for many others, namely players on the other side of the world where Tenno Live would've been on too late for them. Because of this script, lots of people who couldn't watch the stream at that time now got what they wished and all they had to do was link their accounts and log in within that week.

The problem isn't just on DE -  granted, they announced a huge Twitch Drop for one of their biggest events. It wasn't entirely their fault for not expecting almost half a million people to not only watch but then immediately flock to log in and brought the servers down. Twitch Drops have had problems before - not sure if it was PC only drops or if it just didn't go through for some in prior cases (I know I didn't get some a few times).
They're not gonna stop using them altogether. It's part of their partnership with Twitch. If anything, cases like this will help to improve how future Drops are handled. Technical difficulties happen.

Sounds like for some people not logging in - not playing, logging in - is a problem, that that in and of itself is unfair and they feel cheated out of a free Prime Warframe (or slot). It's understandable if you were on vacation/holiday and didn't have access or had some IRL issues to tend to. But other than that, there shouldn't have been a major problem with simply logging in last week, right? Maybe they haven't actually lined their Twitch account and only thought they needed to watch? Maybe I'm wrong but I still see some questions about it and read some people not even knowing they had to do that crucial step in other places.

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43 minutes ago, (PS4)Typfools said:

But not everyone gets it yet here you are going after fans who feel a bit hard done by who didn't. You ask me to take on board the feelings of people who gotten it while continually going after those who didn't. Well as you say these things happen and when they do people are allowed voice their displeasure, you're also able to add your piece too but you seem to like defending the company so you seem fairly bias in that regard. If this is the famous warframe community everyone goes on about keep it and your primes.

Ahh Jesus no I am defending someone who doesnt deserve to be attacked for giving gift out for free.... As I mentioned its a shame not everyone who watched the stream got it but still theres no need to feel overly salty about it because a) it wasnt unique item and b) its obtainable another way. And I am not going after anyone I just call out some people that feel ofended for not getting a free gift that wasnt meant for everyone in the first place. Only people that can be rightfully salty and toxic are people who met the conditions the first time. And yet I see a lot of others who didnt and still complain wouldnt that make you angry? And yet I am taking it politely and just trying to explain theres no need to be so much ofended. Things simply arent always fair thats how it is in life...

Not to mention dont tell me so many people founded new account on the forums just for this.. And I am surely not the only one noticing it.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)VanTX89 said:

Awesome of you guys at DE for going the extra mile!
It was weird to see a bunch of new accounts with only one or two posts. I suppose they found their way to the forums and wanted to let those in charge know that they didn't get their prize.

The criteria for getting it has changed now. While it's unfortunate for some it was a benefit for many others, namely players on the other side of the world where Tenno Live would've been on too late for them. Because of this script, lots of people who couldn't watch the stream at that time now got what they wished and all they had to do was link their accounts and log in within that week.

The problem isn't just on DE -  granted, they announced a huge Twitch Drop for one of their biggest events. It wasn't entirely their fault for not expecting almost half a million people to not only watch but then immediately flock to log in and brought the servers down. Twitch Drops have had problems before - not sure if it was PC only drops or if it just didn't go through for some in prior cases (I know I didn't get some a few times).
They're not gonna stop using them altogether. It's part of their partnership with Twitch. If anything, cases like this will help to improve how future Drops are handled. Technical difficulties happen.

Sounds like for some people not logging in - not playing, logging in - is a problem, that that in and of itself is unfair and they feel cheated out of a free Prime Warframe (or slot). It's understandable if you were on vacation/holiday and didn't have access or had some IRL issues to tend to. But other than that, there shouldn't have been a major problem with simply logging in last week, right? Maybe they haven't actually lined their Twitch account and only thought they needed to watch? Maybe I'm wrong but I still see some questions about it and read some people not even knowing they had to do that crucial step in other places.

Just what I am trying to say the whole time good job you propably said it even better.

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1 hour ago, butka1998 said:

Ahh you havent read the full post did you. And if yes do you see that there is difference between gift and promising some payment? You want examples? Ok you go to party right and on the invitation there was writen everyone who comes will recieve (I dont know lets say..) new bike. You come to the party and theres thousands and thousands of people instead of few hundreds that the host expected. He comes to you and says: "Hi I am sorry there is more people than I expected so you wont get your bike". Will you be mad at him or still enjoy the party he prepared (in this case the stream) and still leave satisfied even though you didnt recieve the promised bonus. Or will you be angry at him for throwing a party for everyone and promising gift to people but not being able to give that gift to everyone? Thats where it comes to your personality really.... and also example with money is quite bad since this involved none you know?


17 minutes ago, butka1998 said:

Only people that can be rightfully salty and toxic are people who met the conditions the first time.

I don't think I'm being toxic, I just wanted to come to the forums to have my voice seen somewhere outside the automated ticket rejection. I'm the guy that came to the party, got told there were too many people to give bikes to, then the next day I walk outside to see a lot of people that never came to the party riding those very bikes and when I ask the host about it, I get told I won't get a bike because I haven't liked anything on his facebook for a week.
It's the people like me who qualified for the original rules but not the new ones that need to get talked about, otherwise I can agree that what they did was generous.

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