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Elemental modding


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Hey guys I was wondering why no one combines all 4 elements into a weapon. Taking into account that combined elements have higher damage against each faction and how elemental mods work, wouldn't it be better to get 2 combined elements that the faction is weak against? I'll break down each combo:

Corpus: Magnetic + Gas. Magnetic reduces the enemy's current shield and shield capacity for 75% and has two 75% increased damage against shields and proto shields while gas skips shields entirely damaging health via toxin cloud but has a -25% damage reduction against flesh.

Grineer 1º: Corrosive + Blast. Corrosive is essential since it reduces their armor by 25%, this is especially relevant at high levels, plus it has a 75% increased damage against ferrite armor; blast on the other hand can provide a somewhat useful cc and has also a 75% increased damage against machinery and a -25% damage reduction against ferrite armor.

Grineer 2º: This one surpasses the first setup only if you have stripped all the enemies' armor via corrosive projection stacking, ash, frost, etc. Radiation + Viral. Radiation provides a much better status effect by making enemies go ffa (it has also a 75% damage increase against alloy armor but, since you have stripped it, I don' t think it applies); Viral has a damage increase of 75% against cloned flesh and a -25% damage reduction against machinery. Besides, it's status effect halves the target's hp by 50%.

Infested 1º: Corrosive + Blast. Their status effects have already been explained so I'll skip it. Both of them have a 75% and 50% damage increase against fossilized but blast does 50% less damage against sinew.

Infested 2ª: Magnetic + Gas. Same as stated above. Magnetic here works as extra dps, infested enemies have no weaknessess or resistances against this element. Gas is the main event here. It comes with an increased damage of 75% against infested and a 50% against infested flesh.

I'll leave the link of the damage types and enemy resistances of the warframe wiki if anyone wants to check them: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Damage_2.0

Thanks for taking the time to read all of this. Hope you are having a great day!


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In a lot of situations, you simply have too many mods to use to make your weapon decent, so the 2 multi-elements is a bit too much. But obviously, if you can, it's insane.

I wouldn't use Magnetic+Gas on Infested though. I have a Gas Ignis and it's painful to not be able to kill any Toxic Eximus. Corrosive+Blast works a lot better.

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generally, you actually get better Damage Multipliers for not using all 4 Elementals.

for example, Ferrite Armor is weak to Corrosive,Toxin,Puncture. Alloy Armor Radiation,Ice,Puncture. both Flesh weak to Viral,Fire,Slash.
if you make Corrosive Blast, the Blast deals terrible Damage to both Enemies. but if you paired Corrosive with Ice, then you deal some better Damage to the Alloy Armor Enemy. or if you paired it with Fire, you'd deal better Damage if you strip their Armor.
inversely, Radiation Viral is strong vs the Alloy Armor, but the Viral Damage is only 'ok' vs both Enemies. their Health is weak to Viral yes, but their Armor is not and that will make the Viral Damage sorta weak. since it gets a bonus to their Health it does better than say, the Blast does, but it's still not that great. while if you paired the Radiation with Toxin, then it's like the Corrosive Ice again. or if it's a Puncture weighted Weapon, Radiation Puncture is like the Rad/Toxin but stronger and the extra Puncture even helps you against the Alloy Armor too!


for your examples:

Corrosive is strong vs Ferrite Armor yes, but the Blast doesn't deal good Damage vs anything that the Grineer has to offer.

Viral is strong once Armor Stripped yes, but the Radiation is just like the Blast, in that it does not deal good Damage to the Enemies.

Corrosive Blast is pretty solid vs Infested. only thing i have to say there is that if you have a high Status Rate, Radiation Viral actually deals more damage to Infested Eximus. than Corrosive does.

Magnetic is kinda bad vs Infested. Gas is very bad vs Infested. dealing extra Damage to Trash Enemies is irrelevant. the Ancients have 500% or MORE Health than the Trash Infested. there is no reason whatsoever to focus your Damage on Killing Enemies with like base 50 Health when you have base 500+ Enemies to deal with.
worse still, Gas Status applies Toxin, which Infested are overall resistant to, and the Toxic Ancient even makes things worse by making Enemies nearby it completely immune to Toxin Damage.



overall as aforementioned, often you don't have space for that many Elementals in the first place, on top of that in a lot of situations you don't want the extra Elementals anyways, for Damage reasons.
specializing your Loadouts to bring Utility while sacrificing some Damage is always a choice one can make, ofcourse.

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1 hour ago, Sunkel said:

Hey guys I was wondering why no one combines all 4 elements into a weapon.

Each faction in the game has far too many enemies with different combinations of armor and flesh type. Trying to cover for all of them will be tedious, sometimes impossible, and may not even be worth it. So there's a consensus within the community that 4 elemental combinations are ideal to use: Radiation, Viral, Corrosive, and Gas. Usually weapon builds will have one of these combinations.

  • Radiation
  • Viral
  • Radiation + Viral
  • Corrosive
  • Gas

Assuming there's an spare open slot, players may add one additional element with that one elemental combination.

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If you are using a crit weapon, you are using 6 mod slots right off the bat (+damage, +multishot, +CC, +CD, and the two 90% elementals). For primaries, adding a third 90% elemental is just as much of a DPS increase as vigilante armaments, except it isn't because more multishot means more of the first two elemental mods and status effects. The last slot ideally uses shred. For secondaries, you have lethal torrent for a seventh slot, then hydraulic crosshairs or sharpened bullets or augur pact. If you're using a status weapon, the 60/60 mods get used.

You straight up don't have room when using optimized builds.

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Things like overstripping armor with corrosive and gimping your dmg, viral + slash procs, procs order in general, blast cc when you want head shots etc are a thing.

There is more to this that just slapping all 4 elemental effects and calling it a day. And it's not like you can just ignore the weapon you are using and it's mechanics.


You really need to play the game a bit more and finish the star chart first. Right now you are fighting mobs that have level 30-40 and at those levels anything goes.


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