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Stalker mode ETA


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First: DE has never hinted that they will release it.  In fact they have stated quite the opposite that it was only for tennocon and just to goof off, nothing more.

Second: Way too easy to troll with, especially with his lockdown that can't be over-ridden.
On a capture mission?  Hopefully he doesn't spawn while you're chasing your target allowing your target to insta-fail the mission because he locked down the room then went into hiding.
On a rescue mission?  Hopefully you're not in the middle of rescuing your target as now you can't unless you kill him first (which leads quite often to mission failures), and hopefully the rescue target isn't bleeding out (good luck reviving the target with the stalker there)
On a spy mission?  Hopefully the stalker doesn't troll you and trigger the vault alarms.
On a normal mission?  if the stalker can hide for 15 minutes then you fail because you weren't killing things!
Oh and what if he joins a group of new players?  What's to stop him from not killing his target and just repeatedly killing everyone else while avoiding his target until they just ragequit?
And so on.
Oh and as for people saying "B-b-but he wouldn't do that!" remember this: Stalker can already do the capture, rescue and spy things if he happens to spawn at the wrong point, the difference is that he's not programmed to abuse it, a player meanwhile?  Why wouldn't they purposefully mess up your spy vault?

The stalker would have way too many ways to mess up everything.

Third is that it would be unbalanced as Hek, on both sides.
First is the stalkers abilities.  Unlimited range pull that pulls the target to him and is a guaranteed stagger long enough for him to melee his target?  Check.  And if the AI abuses this move you literally can't do anything as he stagger locks you to death with you watching yourself get teleported to him and then hit and then teleported to him in an endless loop.  And players would definitely abuse this.
What about the unlimited range dispel that happens to deal 100 damage to his target?  What's to stop a stalker from hiding in a corner spamming that until his target dies?
What's to stop a stalker player from spamming his disco laser orb non-stop (where the casting animation leaves him invulnerable)?  There would be absolutely no reason not to as that is his most powerful ability.
Fact is that the stalker is programmed to not abuse his abilities and only abuses them if he glitches out...which usually leads to a cheap and unavoidable death.  A player on the other hand?  Good luck.

As for the people fighting the stalker he'll either have to deal with weapons capable of one-shotting him...or a team of people all going into void mode as soon as he spawns in leaving him with absolutely nothing he can do other than sit there and get shot at by the amps until he dies as the warframes will be invulnerable as will the players due to void mode.

In the end, not fun for anyone involved.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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Technically it was not a Tennocon stream - it was several Warframe streamers involved in the Guardiancon charity streams after Tennocon ended - they streamed from the DE offices.   They were given access to a special build of WF which let them play as Stalker, jump into a party in progress, and hunt down a target, which they did to great amusement - including hitting a squad on the Plains of Eidolon.   I seem to recall them discussing jumping into a Defense mission and attacking the defense target, but cannot remember if they actually did that or not.

That said, it seemed pretty clear from the stream discussion that this was a special internal thing only, and that there was never any intent to release this kind of functionality to the public.   I honestly cannot imagine that DE would *ever* do that.    The only way I could ever see them adding anything along those lines into the main game were if it were added as a new Conclave mode, or if you, playing Stalker faction, went into a mission to kill warframe specters.

So... no ETA.   Not going to happen.  Sorry.

Edited by Zgwortz
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