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My Experience & Chat With a 'Unique' Squad


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Hey guys, 

I just wanna share the chat of the squad I was just in, which was a lot of fun! 




so I was in the process of lvling my tiberon prime using harrow with his 4th's augment. it's the build and frame I always use on hydron and I have a lot of fun with it. but this time I get the teams that just kill everything and won't let me have as much fun and freedom : / 

anyway, I joined this squad of a volt and nidus. they, like the old squad kept just killing everything in their crazy pace and I requested they'll focus on another area on the map, but they kept going to the back area which is my favorite place. anyway, the volt died in a far area and I didn't wanna revive him because of his annoyance, then the conversation happened

I was just really pissed because I wasn't having fun with my lvling and one of my fav frames, but this just made my day 
















both of these guys were really cool about this, and the main 'toxic' (he's really not) PMed after and asked the link for this forum thread that I'm about to make, and he was really awesome about this whole thing 

just wanted to share this fun experience. I always see these kinda stuff on the forums and envy them for having to deal with these people, now I finally have and it's tons of fun. also if you caught the hints at the guy I hate, you know.....then you're cool ;3 

sorry if this is in the wrong subforum btw

Thanks for reading ^^

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Heh, yeah these people are always amusing when they get so over-the-top angry 😄 Gladly, they are extremely rare to find in Warframe, which makes them all the more amusing when they DO happen.
Like when I had this Italian Loki player get SOOOOO mad just because I used Ash in a particular Survival mission back in the days (ok, yeah, I admit, I spammed Bladestorm quite a bit those days, but still)... Probably the maddest player I've ever encountered in Warframe so far. I couldn't help but laugh at his extremely shortfused rage, and when I followed his request (i.e. stop using Bladestorm) he just kept dieing and dieing and dieing, which made him spout even MORE angry nonsense (mixing english and italian). Oh haha, fun memory.

And btw, are you sure the fella wasn't truly toxic, and just turned "friendly" on you later on just because you said you were gonna post it on the forums?

Actually, that kind of "mood turn-around" just reminded me of another... interesting... run I had with 2 particular fellas during Plague Star. Since it's not directly related to the original poster, I'll put it in a spoiler:


I was using Nekros to gain more of the Hemocyte drop (for the event statues, was farming for the gold one), and among other things, I also used Shadows of the Dead to help distract all the adds. And once I used that ability from the very first moment, oh maaaan, one of them just couldn't stop whining about the "cancer I brought", with the other fella backing him up. A bit confused at first, when I realized he was referring to SotD being quite the graphical nuisance, I apologized. But it didn't help. In fact, I remember it becoming worse. They kept on going, on and on and on. Endless whining, even starting to say how Nekros was entirely useless for the fight.

At this point, was getting quite a bit annoyed, so I tried to explain that Desecrate really helped with the unique Hemocyte drop and that Nekros thus wasn't useless for this, giving us more drops. We were about to exit from the plains, and the whiny guy then said "Nah, the only thing you gave us was cancer" (or something a long those lines).

So, to give a final (lousy) retort before exitting the plains, I said something along the lines of:
"Hey, tell you what? I'm feeling generous. Here, have some more cancer!" and used SotD right before the gate. To my utter confusion, the other 3 guys (yes, there was a 3rd guy too, who was mostly silent, but was generally kind to me when he wrote anything) all started laughing (in textform, ofc), and the 2 main whiny guys even started whispering me with "Duuude, epic burn! Well done!" and stuff like that.


I just had no idea how to react to all that, so I started to laugh a bit (IRL), in a confused manner. They... LIKED being teased back?

My conclusion: Some people are just really weird, I guess?
Really wish I had taken screenshots of all that, was a really odd experience for me, heh.


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Tbh I do see how you could be at fault there.
You are the one who begins escalation,if this was fist fight you'd be the one in jail not him.

So I do not see point in this thread but whatever,i guess,at least you try to censor his/her name. 
Public "lynch" is there mostly with naming and shaming so this is improvement.
But your mob mentality is not helping anyone and I would not say It is best thing to see in general chat.

If you want people to behave as your dogs use LFG chat to recruit party and tell them what you want to do in detail and then make sure everyone agrees before  the match
To join random team and then be like "omg le randum team was so le ugly to me and they would not listen to my le command- the le forum post" is not as great as you might think. I play conclave and you do not see me post death threats or other harassment i get from players for just using weapon they dislike,frame they dislike or just winning. That stuff is for support/ignore .


Edited by MidoriFuse
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7 hours ago, MidoriFuse said:

Tbh I do see how you could be at fault there.
You are the one who begins escalation,if this was fist fight you'd be the one in jail not him.

So I do not see point in this thread but whatever,i guess,at least you try to censor his/her name. 
Public "lynch" is there mostly with naming and shaming so this is improvement.
But your mob mentality is not helping anyone and I would not say It is best thing to see in general chat.

If you want people to behave as your dogs use LFG chat to recruit party and tell them what you want to do in detail and then make sure everyone agrees before  the match
To join random team and then be like "omg le randum team was so le ugly to me and they would not listen to my le command- the le forum post" is not as great as you might think. I play conclave and you do not see me post death threats or other harassment i get from players for just using weapon they dislike,frame they dislike or just winning. That stuff is for support/ignore .


Oh trust me, I know. Doesn’t make it less funny for me though 


  And yeah, the whole recruit thing, I’ve been here long enough to know someone will comment it. It’s just not interesting, pub groups are always more fun, plus I’m a crappy host, though I do appreciate the overreaction about the seriousness of the situation from your part....tbh, you even sounded like that guy in this response xD 


5 hours ago, --Q--Stryker said:

That whole conversation with that guy makes you look like more of an ass than he does. You're not "entitled" to a section of the map and you still get XP so it was all unnecessary.

Never said I wasn’t ;3 

  And it’s not entitlement, I just prefer it and I asked to have it. I didn’t plant a flag and declare it as mine. but of course that’s what you guys always try to assume


   Also, not everyone just wants XP for doing nothing ;3 (before typing ‘recruit chat’ just look at the reply above) 

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6 hours ago, Pleb-Prime said:

You know, you could have just PM'd that to Voltage, instead of wasting your time gracing us with that generic ass encounter that's happened to almost everyone at least once..

Never happened to me.... ;-; 

  Can I be one of the cool kids now? 

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6 minutes ago, Shas_ui said:

worst squad, bad people in community, yep keep blaming everyone 


I’m not blaming anyone... 


4 minutes ago, Sibernetika said:

So went to hydron to level a weapon.. And then meet people that can power level your gear for you and then you left found another group to power level your gear and then you don't want to be a team player? So tell me why did you go to hydron...

That’s not even the point, I personally don’t like that ‘tactic’ since it’s not fun for me, but I also like the randomness surprise of joining a random group of warframes and people


   Not everyone goes to Hydron to lvl up the same way. I personally go their to lvl ranges weapons using my harrow which is a lotta fun for me 

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I've never understood why people get such enjoyment from these kind of negative situations. 

" oooh , I'm having a  bad gaming experience which is pi$$ing everybody off. I'll keep it going for as long as I can an then save it to look back on when I need cheering up."

I've gotta think anyone who does this has something seriously lacking in their life. 

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10 hours ago, GinKenshin said:

And it’s not entitlement, I just prefer it and I asked to have it. I didn’t plant a flag and declare it as mine.

But when you didn't get it, you decide to not revive them when they go down. Such a great show of maturity /s

10 hours ago, GinKenshin said:

but of course that’s what you guys always try to assume


   Also, not everyone just wants XP for doing nothing ;3 (before typing ‘recruit chat’ just look at the reply above) 

I call it as I see it, and that's no excuse for egging people on just because you can.

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I'm still not entirely sure what the "unique" part of this interaction is. Public group is a bag of cats. If this is the first time you've had such an interaction then I'll conclude one of the following:

  1. You haven't been playing long enough and are very new.
  2. You've been playing long enough but this is the first time you remembered to screenshot such an interaction.
  3. You've been playing long enough but this is the first time you've decided to antagonize your team members to create this kind of scenario so you could screenshot it for the forums.

I'll let you pick which one it is.

If I had to document each time something like this or out of the norm (norm being everyone just doing the mission objective and extracting with "gg") then I'd have pages of forum posts and most people here can say the same with varying degrees of posts. 

So I'll ask again what the unique part of this.

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11 hours ago, GinKenshin said:

Never happened to me.... ;-; 

  Can I be one of the cool kids now? 

You have almost 7500 posts on this forum, don't tell me you haven't seen plenty of these threads with the completely ironic "hurr look at this guy" attitude. You admitted you didn't want to revive someone because you were annoyed they were killing stuff in your favourite spot and refused to go somewhere else, how childish is that?

Not cool at all, dude. 😎

Edited by Pleb-Prime
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