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What is the reason you started playing Warframe?


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I was bored so I went looking for games and I saw a total biscuit vid saying WF wasn't so bad. So I tried it and chose mag to start. Then I died 4 times in the course of the evening and found out I had to use plat to get more or wait 24 hours for more. At that point I said 'what the heck is this'! Most evil F2P ever! And I uninstalled WF.

Then a few months later I decided to give WF one last chance....I bought trinity as the first thing I did: suddenly WF was fun b/c I didn't die so much.

And here I am 4+ years later still playing.

I am really glad they got rid of that pay plat for lifes system btw: best change in WF ever.

Edited by iuki.
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I started playing Warframe about 2 months ago after Blizzard/Activision
soiled the bed with the Battle for Azeroth (BfA). I was in the beta, and reported
(along with hundreds of others) the many problems therein on the beta forums.  
We as a community were completely ignored by Blizzard.  

The attitude was: "We'll look into fixing the many, many problems after launch, which has been dictated by
the marketing department, and not the devs.  Oh, and if it takes you two minutes to
kill one random pig due to the horrid stat squish, it increases the overall time
played metric, which we can report to Wall Street idiots who know nothing about
games as a huge plus and get cha-ching in our stock price!"

Meanwhile, Blizz has taken to cross-marketing Overwatch, WoW, etc. with Twitch.  So, when I went
to Twitch to cash in on an Overwatch freebie, I saw Warframe and free Trinity Prime for Twitch members.

As a raid healer in WoW back in the day, it was love at first sight.

I admit, the Warframe "tutorial" was very disappointing (making me choose between a practical
pistol and cool shaken [aka (incorrectly) "shuriken"] as a space ninja...really?)...but after about
200 some hours played now, I've given DE more money than my WoW subscription by a factor
of 3 or 4 in order to 1) give back thanks and 2) get cool stuff in game.

Bottom line: the business decision by Blizzard to neuter the power of players who just saved
the world/universe *again*, and to tranform them into murder hobos who wield powers of
gelatin against ueber-powerful, non-elite animals who happen to aggro from 1/2 way across the map
brought me to Warframe.  Here, I can actually fantasize about being a meaningful and potent force in the universe
who does things more important than picking turnips on that sad little beach while trying to avoid being
devoured by random swine.  

Also, the complexity of the warframe and weapon upgrades immerses the player into the universe, and motivates him/her to seek out the literally million mats you need to optimize your warframe as the saga unfolds. All of the above makes lesser titles (like Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm) seem like cartoonish toddler games in comparison.

I hope and pray that Warframe continues growing and evolving as it has been, rather than dumbing down controls, talents, item customization, and more just to appease the latest "e-sports" craze, which caters to children and teens with the patience and attention span of gerbils on crystal meth.  This was another excuse thrown out by some to rationalize the 1-1-1-1-1, cookie-cutter FotM builds, melee-centric gameplay that WoW has devolved into with this latest abomination of an expansion.

Thanks for reading, fellow Tenno...and, as I usually try to say when I join or create
pub groups: "Welcome all...and thanks!"

P.S. If you want some entertainment other than Warframe, check out the WoW general discussion forums...the salt rivals that of the Dead Sea. "Wait, some pig just ripped me a new..." "Wait, I'm spending 1/2 of my time running back to my corpse...what the...?"  We told them so.

Edited by Soulquencher
...typo re: Overwatch vs. Warframe...
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For a very long time, before I started playing warframe (started playing warframe 4 years ago), I have been searching for a good co-op online shooter type game where it would be heavily focused on PVE and not PVP, tried it, loved it, and still playing it till this day. Although I do play a lot less to this day. Cosmetics, customizations, and its pve base is something I have always wanted and its something I never want to let go.

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I saw this on steam for free 2 years ago, looks cool but my first impression was it's a p2win game after 200hrs of playtime I decided to quit the game. Then I realize I didn't give the game a chance. Tennocon live came, I saw how people reacted to the new updates. I was like "wow, I never ever see a crowd react like this on a game". I'm here now playing like probably 10 to 12hrs a day. Collecting frames, trading, helping friends etc.. Thanks DE.

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I was looking for some online game that wasn't a salt mine akin to LoL, OW or those FOTM battle royal excuses for a game, while also having some progression system resembling an MMO but without the WoW-like hamster wheel of "new "content" every 3 months: "this boss does the AoE slightly different...oh and all your gear is now obsolete, go farm for the next 3 months again". Also it had to be free, but not P2W, since I've had it with those crap AAA blood sucking titles, aside from The Witcher series and fun to play with a gameplay similar to those hero shooters. 

Strangely enough all of those specific conditions were met by WF.


P.S. I always smile when someone complains about the grind in WF. Being a grinding game aside, I've never spent that much time grinding for anything specific like I did in WoW. Around Cataclysm it was all: Grind rep, Grind daily quests for gold, Grind materials for potions and other buffs, THEN go grind that raid for a month, 4-5 hours an evening, only to hope you get that 1 item and nobody else wants it as well, then grind for materials to upgrade said item and if you have some time left grind XP with your alt and god forbid you wanted that alt in a viable state, nothing was account wide, all of this had to be done AGAIN. It was worse than a job.

Edited by Ver1dian
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I started playing about... oh... two years ago now?

I had heard about the game but never really looked into it. Then i started getting into F2P games on my playstation. Marvel heroes omega (RIP), ESO, etc. and Warframe ended up popping up in my feed as "recommended because you played "x"".

Figured "what the heck" and tried it out.

Ended up enjoying it quite a bit but bit and pieces bothered me. Awkward text chat and UI issues mainly. I loved the gameplay, weapon and frame variety etc.

Flash forward a few months and about 50 hours and i decided to jump ship to PC.

Never looked back 🙂

For some reason it felt more... right... for me on PC (no hate to those that stay on ps4/xbox... everyone i work with that plays... and there are several... are all still ps4 players lol). The only thing that felt wrong there was the fact that i enjoyed the gameplay with a controller more than kb/mouse. And that was relatively easy to solve (<3 DS4Windows 🙂 ).

I'm still not some mega-player or anything. Only about 250 hours in and MR 13 (almost 14!), but i'm still going fairly strong and looking forward to the future of the game 🙂

So yea... for once that "recommended for you" crap actually led me to one of my favorite games. Go figure lol.

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Around three years ago, I saw a warframe ad on some website, and thought it looked very unique and interesting. Since I was a bit bored of the games I was playing at the time, I decided to click the ad and sign up, only to find out that my garbage computer couldn't download it (10gb of harddrive space, help me). A year later, I got myself a reasonably priced laptop. When asking a friend for games to download that a relatively crappy pc could run. he brought up warframe. I downloaded the game, took it for a spin and instantly fell in love with it.

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I've been trying to like this game since it was released on ps4. But it was so boring and confusing i'd just give up and play destiny instead.

Nowadays you can't post any video content about destiny without a flock of warframe fanboys S#&amp;&#036; posting about it. And there's the destiny hate bandwagon many youtubers hopped on.

So i decided to give warframe one more chance. This time i endured through the confusion and bad game design. And... i'm hooked. It finally clicked. I have over 170 hours of playtime in little more than a month.

There's a lot i hate about this game. But there's also a lot to love.


The new player experience is terrible. The way the game conveys information is awful. So many times i had to alt+tab from the game to google something. Even during boss fights. 

I feel there's a lack of game design 101 sometimes. It lacks polish. And i wonder if the devs are just adding time/money sinks on top of each other just to keep veterans busy.


Things i enjoy are the movement, overall visuals, weapon designs, warframe abilities.

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I live in 3rd world country and games usually cost ×10 times more than it should be 

I really want to buy platinium to help devs but i live in iran and all discounts are for official site and i only have access to steam which i cant afford price sorry DE

And as second i never played online game so i thought since its free why not

Still have problem with hosting because my ping is high i hoped there was an option for never host 

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Was looking for something fresh, tired of playing 'well know IP version X+1', the other current MMO-ish games I have either played or are not sci-fi, so I tried WF.

I thought for years it was a more MOBA-like game so I never tried it previously...

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Saw the ad for the closed beta on youtube a couple times. Applied for the heck of it and somehow got in. That was a long time ago. Never stopped since, except once where I essentially took September to February of 2017 because I was burnt really bad and needed something else to play.

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Some folks from a Discord I'm in were playing it. Ironically this Discord was an unofficial one for folks (including me) who played a completely different game. I knew about the game for months but never signed up until one day I said "screw it" and tried it out. That was last November. 

Edited by D3M1G0RG0N
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Got into it a few years ago after the more than just disappointing Destiny 1, saw this was free and I decided I'd give it a try. When Destiny 2 came out I went back but after a week of Destiny 2 I was runnin back to Warframe.

Edit: wth why did it comment 2 other times?

Edited by (PS4)Br1ngiton123
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