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  1. That sounds about right, though in that case the auto-logout effect I would say is likely a policy applied through configuration, rather than a software bug that has somehow not yet been addressed by a supplier that specializes in this product (given that it's been ongoing for over a year, has a fairly noticeable impact, and doesn't seem to be a widespread issue, that would be unlikely). Even if it were a bug, it would be up to DE to contact the supplier, so in all cases, the responsibility is DE's. The fact that there has been no staff post even acknowledging the issue, let alone explaining whether or not it's intended (it's quite possible someone set up an auto-logout policy and thought its frequency was acceptable), highlights the problem my comment points out.
  2. The website I think is hosted by another company, but DE still gets to configure it. That's how they removed varied emojis, for examples, to replace them with a simple upvote. Even in the case where DE had no ability to change their own website's features (which would be unusual), it would still be up to them to raise an issue with the supplier, so that the issue would be resolved.
  3. This I think is the one change that needs to happen. I personally like Dog Days' simple gameplay, and don't mind playing it, even if the grind is likely to be overwhelming to newcomers. What annoys me every time is when I fight an enemy and get no rewards, because they died to another player's last hit. Last-hit mechanics in general exist elsewhere and are one of the game's many baffling design decisions, as Warframe is meant to be cooperative and shouldn't be pitting us against one another in that way. It's particularly bad in this mode, as most people only play it to grind out pearls, and the kill mechanics are incredibly disruptive to the mode: at best, players do this awkward dance out of respect for one another to avoid kill-stealing, and at worst you have people who deliberately go about obstructing others and stealing their kills just to maximize their pearl income.
  4. This would require a good coder to begin with. I strongly suspect DE suffers from a long-standing problem of managerial and technical incompetence, to such a degree that issues that would normally be easy to solve have become intractable problems, or are things management may not even consider worth addressing at all. Even this website has some major bugs that haven't been addressed in over a year (logging people out on a regular basis, for instance).
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