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September 12Th: Community Hot Topics!


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The Conclave


You may have noticed a new area where you can test each other in combat. This has come sooner than expected, but soon there will be method to these grounds, known as “The Conclave”, existence. A home for feedback will be opened when The Conclave is revealed soon.




An exciting teaser video for Update 10 has been released and we are eagerly awaiting your reaction! It’s been in the most talked about tier of discussion for awhile and it's getting close to being deployed! If you haven’t seen the video yet you’re in for a treat!




When Nekros makes his in game debut, you may notice that his third ability will be “Search the Dead”, now called “Desecrate” even after much talk about it needing to change.  Your suggestions have not gone unheard, but we feel playing his abilities first may change some opinions. And if opinions and feedback remain for a desire to change, we’ll be here. We still want your feedback moving forward.




With Update 10 poking its head around the corner, we have progress on the UI front. The Arsenal Screen is the most noticeable area that has been overhauled, with subtle changes throughout the rest of the UI.  The teaser video also offers a sneak peek into what the new Arsenel UI looks like.


Lotus Update


We have two bits of progress to report here: We’ve added subtitles to most of the Lotus lines as well as a slider to independently control the Lotus volume.

This will hopefully help in situations like this: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/97593-i-am-a-deaf-player-why-does-lotus-randomly-appear-onscreen-flicker-and-disappear/page-3?hl=deaf#entry1109290



9.8 Warframe Balance


Many Warframes have been getting visits from the doctor and their balancing progress is not always easy. Warframes are meant to be different and unique from each other, each bringing something unique to battle.  

A few reoccurring comments about the recently reviewed Warframes are:

  • Vauban’s Bastille struggles on higher level areas where you’re surrounded by 40+ tough enemies who can one shot kill you. The feedback is semi-split as people are withholding judgment until the damage system tweaks come.
  • Ember’s damage needs to be buffed to compensate for her low armor and she doesn’t have crowd controlling power anymore.
  • Mag’s Pull, although very powerful, makes enemies fly in absolutely random directions. The old Pull allowed for a better melee experience.
  • Nyx’s absorb needs to go through walls and Shade needs to stop using cloak while Absorb is active.  Psychic Bolts hit walls, disappear and need more damage.
  • Trinity’s Blessing ability to allow for longer invulnerability while casting is much appreciated.


Armor 2.0


The Armor 2.0 / damage system is taking longer than expected and will not be in day 1 of Update 10. Know that we have not stopped working on it, it just simply isn’t ready for Update 10.

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9.8 Warframe Balance


 Many Warframes have been getting visits from the doctor and their balancing progress is not always easy. Warframes are meant to be different and unique from each other, each bringing something unique to battle.  

A few reoccurring comments about the recently reviewed Warframes are:

  • Vauban’s Bastille struggles on higher level areas where you’re surrounded by 40+ tough enemies who can one shot kill you. The feedback is semi-split as people are withholding judgment until the damage system tweaks come.
  • Ember’s damage needs to be buffed to compensate for her low armor and she doesn’t have crowd controlling power anymore.
  • Mag’s Pull, although very powerful, makes enemies fly in absolutely random directions. The old Pull allowed for a better melee experience.
  • Nyx’s absorb needs to go through walls and Shade needs to stop using cloak while Absorb is active.  Psychic Bolts hit walls, disappear and need more damage.
  • Trinity’s Blessing ability to allow for longer invulnerability while casting is much appreciated.



That all sounds pretty fair to me. 

U10 is looking better and better :D


But is there any word on the front of the matchmaking problems ?


Edit: Also "First". Since apparently that's a thing.

Edited by Santaphrax
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Again.. 2/3 of your supposedly "Community Hot Topics" are merely a recall of information about incoming stuff instead of what the community is talking about or wants to be changed for the good of the game. Why don't you just call it "Developement TL;DR" in the future to keep expectations low when it comes to community topics the dev's are aware of and looking into it?

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Lotus Update


We have two bits of progress to report here: We’ve added subtitles to most of the Lotus lines as well as a slider to independently control the Lotus volume.

This will hopefully help in situations like this: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/97593-i-am-a-deaf-player-why-does-lotus-randomly-appear-onscreen-flicker-and-disappear/page-3?hl=deaf#entry1109290



Don't want to sound like a jack, but i sort of kept talking about this (and by extension, i'm sure Draice brought my suggestions) for quite a while now. We've all (tenno operators) volunteered to translate Lotus lines over five months ago. 

Edited by Renan.Ruivo
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Don't want to sound like a jack, but i sort of kept talking about this (and by extension, i'm sure Draice brought my suggestions) for quite a while now. We've all (tenno operators) volunteered to translate Lotus lines over five months ago. 

Thank you for your continuous support and honorable mention to you for getting the ball rolling.

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The Conclave


You may have noticed a new area where you can test each other in combat. This has come sooner than expected, but soon there will be method to these grounds, known as “The Conclave”, existence. A home for feedback will be opened when The Conclave is revealed soon.




An exciting teaser video for Update 10 has been released and we are eagerly awaiting your reaction! It’s been in the most talked about tier of discussion for awhile and it's getting close to being deployed! If you haven’t seen the video yet you’re in for a treat!




When Nekros makes his in game debut, you may notice that his third ability will be “Search the Dead”, now called “Desecrate” even after much talk about it needing to change.  Your suggestions have not gone unheard, but we feel playing his abilities first may change some opinions. And if opinions and feedback remain for a desire to change, we’ll be here. We still want your feedback moving forward.




With Update 10 poking its head around the corner, we have progress on the UI front. The Arsenal Screen is the most noticeable area that has been overhauled, with subtle changes throughout the rest of the UI.  The teaser video also offers a sneak peek into what the new Arsenel UI looks like.


Lotus Update


We have two bits of progress to report here: We’ve added subtitles to most of the Lotus lines as well as a slider to independently control the Lotus volume.

This will hopefully help in situations like this: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/97593-i-am-a-deaf-player-why-does-lotus-randomly-appear-onscreen-flicker-and-disappear/page-3?hl=deaf#entry1109290



9.8 Warframe Balance


 Many Warframes have been getting visits from the doctor and their balancing progress is not always easy. Warframes are meant to be different and unique from each other, each bringing something unique to battle.  

A few reoccurring comments about the recently reviewed Warframes are:

  • Vauban’s Bastille struggles on higher level areas where you’re surrounded by 40+ tough enemies who can one shot kill you. The feedback is semi-split as people are withholding judgment until the damage system tweaks come.
  • Ember’s damage needs to be buffed to compensate for her low armor and she doesn’t have crowd controlling power anymore.
  • Mag’s Pull, although very powerful, makes enemies fly in absolutely random directions. The old Pull allowed for a better melee experience.
  • Nyx’s absorb needs to go through walls and Shade needs to stop using cloak while Absorb is active.  Psychic Bolts hit walls, disappear and need more damage.
  • Trinity’s Blessing ability to allow for longer invulnerability while casting is much appreciated.

Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please don't revert Pull. It's amazing as it is. It provides a great CC without resulting in you pulling toxic ancients into your own face and killing yourself because of it. She's actually USEFUL because of the new pull.

Edited by GottFaust
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9.8 Warframe Balance


 Many Warframes have been getting visits from the doctor and their balancing progress is not always easy. Warframes are meant to be different and unique from each other, each bringing something unique to battle.  

A few reoccurring comments about the recently reviewed Warframes are:

  • Vauban’s Bastille struggles on higher level areas where you’re surrounded by 40+ tough enemies who can one shot kill you. The feedback is semi-split as people are withholding judgment until the damage system tweaks come.
  • Ember’s damage needs to be buffed to compensate for her low armor and she doesn’t have crowd controlling power anymore.
  • Mag’s Pull, although very powerful, makes enemies fly in absolutely random directions. The old Pull allowed for a better melee experience.
  • Nyx’s absorb needs to go through walls and Shade needs to stop using cloak while Absorb is active.  Psychic Bolts hit walls, disappear and need more damage.
  • Trinity’s Blessing ability to allow for longer invulnerability while casting is much appreciated.



How about thinking of another way to balance them, without the need of nerfing the powers to compensate?



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but enemies flying in random directions from pull is what makes it hilarious =P


ragdoll + random directions at high speed = hilarity


okay silliness aside I'm glad to see that Nyx, and ember are still being looked at... disappointing that they are only looking at Trynity's blessing still and not her other abilities.....

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We have two bits of progress to report here: We’ve added subtitles to most of the Lotus lines as well as a slider to independently control the Lotus volume.




incoming damage changes wantwantwantwant


as for necro's 3rd ability, if it does't allow a chance of mods or resources I wouldn't like it.  now if it includes them including for bosses? oh my god zombie farmer john frame!

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  • Mag’s Pull, although very powerful, makes enemies fly in absolutely random directions. The old Pull allowed for a better melee experience.


Yes ! Please bring the old pull back, I for one miss using the ground finisher and other diverse weapons and synergies the old pull allowed for, and so do many other Tenno according to the Mag 9.8 topic. The armor ignore property would be useful to crush though ; ) 

   Can't wait to see the new Orokin derelict Tileset and Nekros looks like my kind of warframe, CC all the way baby !


Oh, and btw ... Keep it BANGING DE !!!

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When Nekros makes his in game debut, you may notice that his third ability will be “Search the Dead”, now called “Desecrate” even after much talk about it needing to change.  Your suggestions have not gone unheard, but we feel playing his abilities first may change some opinions. And if opinions and feedback remain for a desire to change, we’ll be here. We still want your feedback moving forward.




Is 50+ pages not enough feedback that nobody want's 1/4 of a frame's abilities to be single target magic find bonus? You don't need to play it to know that making a frame have an ability to reduce grind (at best if it increases resource drops) is terrible design,

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What about the ability to turn off damage being drawn on screen and the ability to customize crosshairs?  The numbers are very hard to see through especially at long range unzoomed.  In addition, its very hard to see the crosshair with so much on-screen noise from elemental damage/tons of numbers (I'm looking at you, high fire-rate weapons) Steve said he would look into it but I haven't heard a peep about it:




Even just moving the numbers from showing up in front of enemies to above them or to the side of them.  Maybe if you change the way damage is being drawn altogether (condense all the damage reporting to one pop-up figure after the enemy has been defeated to show average damage/damage total, exp etc). This may have already been worked on in the UI update but I wanted to mention it.  I really believe this has a huge impact on gameplay.

Edited by PROteinxstack
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