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[Syndicate Custom Arsenal] New Syndicate Followers/death Squad Feat. Red Veil Phoenixes(With Art)


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Thread's current Design Direction (read if you want to see what is predicted to appear later)

-Syndicate custom melees (dual stance weapons) [status: complete]

-Syndicate primaries [status: complete]

-Syndicate Armor sets (excluding CS armor set) [status: discontinued] 

-Syndicate Followers 1-18 (3 per synd. doubles as death squad members) [status: in progress]

-Teshin's Disciples 1-3 [status: hold]

-Follower's syndicate questlines [status: awaiting SF completion]

-Miscellaneous Weapon Section (Base faction and alternative designs)[status: Hold]

-Tenno operative followers 1-4 [status: hold]

-Syndicate Stances (still image storyboard/not animations) [status: hold]



***08/10/15 - The Steel Meridian Beowolves***

***12/11/15 - Red Veil Phoenixes***

Syndicate Followers/Death squad members


Back for a update, now I'm dipping into some character creation, creating 3 followers/personalities for each syndicate. Each would be unlocked after reaching a certain rank within each respective syndicate and completing their specific quest line. (quest will be written out later in due time)


After finishing your reward is to be able to swap syndicate helpers with the new followers in Syndicate missions as well as "Hiring" them into your regular missions for a small Reputation Fee.


Each would have unique abilities and fighting styles as well as offering a slight passive bonus to you and the team depending on how many members is taken along each mission. (no effects and bonus written out yet, will come in due time)


Effects will increase depending on your bond with your followers (increases as you hire them for missions AND this level is NOT decreased by supporting opposing syndicates BUT being able to hire them requires you to be at a certain level in the syndicate).


Man character creation is hard stuff, so much more things to do than i had to with the weapons, But with out further delay you can check below for each set of followers! (PS. perrin sequence is probably next but not anytime soon)


The Steel Meridian Beowolves


We are the wolves, and wolves run free.



(Character description below: on hold)



Or.C:// [sCORP]:


Or.C:// Subject C1-3M


The Red Veil Phoenixes


Like a fire, to be reborn anew.



(Character description below: on hold)







Perrin Sequence PlaceHolder



(Character description below: on hold)



Al (Alexandra):


Python and Wolf:


New Loka PlaceHolder



(Character description below: on hold)



Arbiters of Hexis PlaceHolder



(Character description below: on hold)



Celphalon Suda PlaceHolder



(Character description below: on hold)



Al (Alexandra):


Python and Wolf:


Celphalon Semaris PlaceHolder



(Character description below: on hold)



***13/09/15 - Sudden Celphalon Suda takeover update (5 weapons + incomplete armor, and helmet design***

The Sudden (but temporary) Celphalon Suda takeover:


Welcome to the unbiased (not really) design showcase I drummed up in a break neck speed (with my neck still intact). Weapon designs that try to embody our favorite celphalon theme (hopefully). The ideas were actually reject concepts that were pushed aside for the Synoid Aikido (bow) and the Synoid Seraph (Tonfa/glavie).


I pretty much dragged them back into existence and speed art'ed them some designs, since I felt most comfortable with the celphalon theme, most were done in about an hour give or take and were complete to a satisfactory level (to my standards at least).


There is an incomplete armor set that I decided to include anyways. It will probably remain that way for awhile due to my free time being severely reduced.


However I was really "Try-Harding", I actually did (try) ligit sketching, which later would be followed up with line art, colour, shaders, etc. Also I was drawing on a HUGE drawspace, unlike my weapon concepts which were done on minuscule 600x300 ~ pixel rectangles, so I can add more details and stuff without it looking so dam pixel-ly....


I do plan on finishing it, eventually, I mean if you noticed the nearly 4 month absence between updating the Syndicate primary section then I guess you can colour yourselves depressed. Anyway open the spoiler for the goodies.



Smart pistol (targeting system LH, Gun RH)



Shield and Sword



Glaive (Suda re-design)



Bullpup Rifle



Nikana (Suda Re-design)



Armor set (Helmet design outline, prototype sketch not included)

-placed in spoiler due to excessively large picture-



***04/03/15 - Updated, Aoh and SM primaries***

***06/03/15 - Added CS and RV Primaries - Renamed Telos "Duel" to Telos Torah (meaning "law" or "Teaching")***

***31/03/15 - Updated, Cephalon Simaris's syndicate Primary! The Artemis, inspired off this Thread:https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/428022-cephalon-simaris-weapon-idea-synthesis-rifle/?hl=simaris***

***20/08/15 - Updated, Perrin and Loka Primaries***

Syndicate Primary:

Was cooking up some more drawings for the primary weapons, really having fun with it. Most of the colour pallets aren't too representative of the syndicate colour schemes. Which is because I have a really hard time seeing certain colours on white/grey background.


Now in addition to little "descriptive blurbs" there are also a few niche mechanics for each weapon design. Niches that I think would make them useful and enjoyable to use.


So here are the syndicate primaries I've come up with (so far):

Simaris's Artemis - Synthesizing Rifle

The Hunt continues Tenno but our prey grow more weary, cautious, and elusive. Our Traps and Synthesis scanners are very capable tools but a great hunter will require even greater means of capture. Take this Rifle Tenno, be enlightened and it will help you, help the Sanctuary...



Effects (Similar to Sasquatch180's ideas)

- Acts like a Synthesis scanner, as long as you have the scanner in your Gear.

- Shots on Synthesis target's "scan points" act like instant scans.

- Will do no damage to synthesis targets.

- Hit-scan sniper rifle, with tracer similar to the Opticor (but thinner)


Syndicate AoE

- Upon earning enough affinity with the weapon (like all other syndicate effects) it will discharge a radial effect that will stagger enemies and will reveal a vulnerability (like sonar and helio's mod). This will provide a damage boost of 200% plus the percentage of the target's completed scans. (Example 6/10 lancer scans give 60% more damage capping out at 100%).


- In Addition, you can select up to three of the Scanner widgets to gain additional effects on the AoE but have reduced gain towards your syndicate gauge.

     ->Cross-matrix: Double Base Crit chance for the duration of the proc.

     ->Sol-battery: Restore 10 Ammo and increases the amount of ammo gained from pick-ups by 20%

     ->Vector-Thread: Increase fire rate by 50% and reload speed by 25% for duration of proc.



Steel Meridian - Pump action shotgun

Steel Meridian hijack teams found the unreliable results of other grineer shotguns, as well as their clumsy reload mechanics, to be quite troublesome for their rapid engagement style. After numerous test designs and ammunition customizations, the Vaykor Dedlok was proven to be an incredibly versatile platform utilizing shells which contained a deadly cocktail of slugs and pellets.



Reload mechanics

- Load shells individually into the weapon, reload can be canceled anytime by pressing R again or shooting

- 0.5 second delay before loading shells and 0.2 seconds to load 1 shell

- 9 round magazine

- each shot has a re-fire delay similar too the Grinlok to do the pump action


Niche mechanics

- The shells in the Dedlok are "Buck and Bolt" type, this is a combination of being half slug and half loaded with pellets.

     ->Slug is 100% accurate (always center of cross-hair) and would deal 45% of total damage. (Hitscan)

     ->Pellets in the inner spread are similar to the Hek and would deal 30% of total damage. (5 frames slower than slug)

     ->Pellets in the outer spread are similar to the Boar (or Boar prime), dealing 25% of total damage (10 frames slower than the slug)


[Note: When shots are within a different "frame" they are counted as a "separate instance" of damage. This applies to the mechanics of Nullifier shield, meaning ONE shot of the Dedlok applies three sets of damage to the shield and depending on your mods' strength makes it very effective at taking down the Nullifier bubble for a low rate of fire weapon]


Special effects and bullet drop off

- Enemies between 0-15m are rag-dolled when hit by the slug. [works with punch through]

- Enemies between 15-25m are staggered (impact proc) when hit by the slug. [works with punch through]

- Damage will drop off to one half at the 50m point and onward. [adding increased projectile speed will reduce damage drop off]



Arbiters of Hexis - Beam and Bullet semi-auto rifle

Arbiter Acolytes are required to head on roaming pilgrimage to both test their skills and serve a guides toward the truth. Given to them as gifts, the Telos Torah was a tool of both precision and persistence on their path.



Trigger mechanics

- Has the Charge-Trigger type, any charge or click that is not a full/complete charge will make the weapon fire bullet projectiles (hitscan). While full charge will fire a beam projectile similar to the Lanka (projectile)

- Weapon can freely "Aim" due to no binding to the Alt-fire.

- 12 round mag for Bullets only, Beam shot consumes 5 energy (not affected by any efficiency mods)


Special effects

- Bullets deal high Status Chance (35%), low Crit Chance (10%) and deals 66% of total damage.

- Beam shots deal high Crit Chance (35%), Low Status Chance (10%) and deals 100% of total damage.

- Weapon does not have auto-reload when empty (since it can still fire beam rounds if energy is available). Manual reload is required after hitting zero in the magazine.


Cephalon Suda - Bow

With the wealth of knowledge and resources at the Celphalon's disposal, Suda attempted to combine the proven combat effectiveness of the Gammacor with an ancient Orokin Bow. The results were... "fascinating" and Celphalon Suda awaits field testing from her operatives.



Trigger mechanics

- Charge trigger like other bows (Max damage upon full charge)

- Rapidly clicking however would let you fire arrows from your Right hand gauntlet (33% damage)


Ammo Consumption

- Base ammo pool is 400

- Where fully charged shots cost 5 and uncharged rapid shots cost 2


Special Effects

- Has no arching drop off

- Slightly faster projectile speed compared to Dread

- Has custom Celphalon Suda Arrow trails (similar to Valintine Arrows)

- Enemies disintegrate upon being killed (Neckros can still desecrate them though)


Red Veil - SMG

It is rare to catch a glimpse of this weapon and even rarer to hear it. Silent and deadly in the hands of the most skill Veil Assassins, enemies fall without warning and without pause. Riddled with darts or engulfed in the cleansing flames. It is even said the red markings are written in the blood of the corrupted.




- Holding down the fire key will have a short delay (0.15 seconds ish) then a rapid stream of darts will be fired. (non hit scan but very fast travel speed)

- Tapping the fire key will consume more ammo but fire a gas canister. After hitting a surface or enemy there is a small expanding field (starts off 5m radius, increasing to 20m) the field takes 4 seconds to expand and last an additional 4 seconds after that. Enemies within the field are blinded and will obstruct further enemies` line of sight. Gas does no damage by itself.

- Gas field can be ignited by shooting into the field. Doing this causes an instant Fire Proc dealing percent of current health but enemies not within the field can now see you again.


Special effects

- Completely silent weapon

- Can be modded with Terminal Velocity, Firestorm, and Thunderbolt.

     -> Terminal velocity will also provide a bonus 60% damage as well as 60% flight speed

     -> Firestorm will increase Gas radius by 24% while still only taking 4 seconds to reach max radius

     -> Thunderbolt will allow darts to explode, Gas canisters immediately Proc fire upon hit but explosive dart chance is reduced to 20% and Gas radius is now a fixed 15m with no need to expand (18.6m with Firestorm). Also weapon is no longer silent.


Edgy Effect

- Weapon cannot be re-coloured   >:C


Perrin Sequence - Sniper Rifle

The Perrin Sequence understood that to be ill equipped, was equal to brokering a deal with one foot in the grave and another in the shark tank. After observing the poorly funded Snipetron project in the Corpus and the subsequent misguided revival into the Lanka project, the Perrin sequence opted to pursue a far more successful prototype that was disregarded for its high cost. Fully operational now, the Perrin Sequence fully expect the product to exceed all standings.




- Charge trigger

     -» Weapon will always fire at max damage regardless of charge

     -» The amount of charge increases the head shot multiplier on the target
     -» The amount of charge also determines the amount of Innate punch through

     -» The higher the charge, the faster the projectile velocity is


Special effects

- Has a 25% chance to force a credit drop on kill, 50% chance on head shot kills

- Sniper ammo is 50% more efficient (15 rounds restored from purple ammo drops)


New Loka - Heavy Crossbow

There are those who seek to corrupt the purity that is humanity, spreading their taint throughout the Sol system. There are those who carry a cursed blood, running from their salvation, and leading others astray. These individuals, these bands, these lost souls. They must be brought in, cleansed of their sins, and accepted into humanity. For those who resist however... Seek them out.




- Auto trigger, with Alternative Fire

- Regular fire: A rapid launcher, fires shocking spherical slugs that can ricochet of enemies and surfaces up to three times. (damage is a combination of Impact and Electricity)

- Alternate Fire: Fires a three slug electrically chained bola (which consumes more ammo). The bola ragdolls enemies, clumping them together, forcing them to colide with other enemies and ultimately crash into terrain.

     -» After each enemy struck the bola losses flight speed

     -» Subsequent enemies caught by the bola are dealt bonus damage equal to 25% of the total health of the group caught in the bola.

     -» Colliding into terrain deals additional damage equal to a percentage of the total health of the group times how many enemies are caught.

- Reload speed is 3 sec, 1 second for each ammo pack. Therefore if you spend 10 rounds, you can reload just a single ammo pack in 1 second. However if you use up 15 rounds, you have to reload two packs taking up 2 seconds.


Special effects

- Flight speed mods will increase the effectiveness of the alt-fire

- Punch through mods allow the regular fire to piece enemies but not walls or terrain

- Firestorm will widen the Bolas catch length making it easier to hit larger groups

- Low ammo pool of 30/300 but uses the Rifle ammo pick up




**03/03/15 - last edit for melee section**

**20/08/15 - Re-designed Celphalon Suda's Seraph to align with the Aikido's design philosophy**

Syndicate Melee:

Suddenly had the urge to draw again while thinking along the lines of our 6 syndicates. Most of the things I read when people want a syndicate weapon was just a re-skin of an existing weapon with some implied buffs to said weapon. Now I’m all fine and dandy with this but what really sold me on Celphalon Suda was how she got a completely new kinda weapon. Although there was a market roll out of it as well, it was pretty cool and very unique to her. So I’ve tried to come up with some syndicate friendly designs (maybe…) using a concept that I thought could make melee more exciting.


Now I’ve been rolling round the idea of “Dual Stance” weapons, melee weapons that can change between two different stances and thus gaining whatever effects comes with them. When equipped, you can perform the combos of the currently equipped stance using the standard E key or switch to the secondary stance by holding R (the reload key).


When switching there would be one “Transition” attack that would immediately cancel the current attack you are performing.


After switching the weapon would change form and also change the channelling effects. And by channelling effects I mean both forms have different bonus when channelling.


This is something very akin to Monster Hunter’s: Gunlance, Switch Axe, and Charge Sword. Which besides the first one, I haven’t ever used cause the only monster hunter game I’ve play was Monster Hunter Freedom United (packed like 2k hours in there).


So here are the weapons that I’ve cooked up:

Note: these would be a Rank 4 reward costing 75k rep


Steel Meridian – Sparring Fist / “Claws”

​After being over run and trapped in a mine on Phobos, a Steel Meridian squad of Hellions disassembled their jet packs and modified them with old mining equipment and salvaged machetes. They quickly turned their dire situation in their favor, easily striking enemies that roamed into the caverns with quick thrusts and punishing smash attacks.



Channel effects

Sparring Fist - Larger AOE attacks and rag doll on slams

"Claws" - (+15%) base Crit Chance


Arbiters of Hexis – Sword / GreatSword(axe stance)

Those who challenge a Hexis Judicator will quickly underestimate the truth laid bare to them. How this sword becomes a mighty blade is only revealed to those who walk the path.



Channel effects

Sword - Kills reduce the cool down of Truth

GreatSword - 2x Channel damage base instead of 1.5x


Celphalon Suda – Tonfa / Glaive (boomer rang)

After uncovering lost technological designs from Orokin data vaults, Celphalon Suda has designed and developed a fluid blade system with molecular edges in hopes of providing better defensive apparatus for her operatives.



(Previous iteration below saved for comparison)



Channel effects

Tonfa - 50% reach

Glavie - Targeting bounce (will bounce between enemies only) or 100% flight speed (if using Power Throw)


Red Veil – Dagger / Whip

Known to steal the gaze of onlookers, and the lives of the corrupted, the Rakta Thief was the weapon of choice among Red Veil assassins who desired "Killer Looks".



Channel effects

Dagger - Finishers do 100% more damage

Whip - Build combo meter twice as fast


Perrin Sequence – Dual dagger / GunBlade

Given to Perrin Sequence negotiators, this pair of daggers conceal their hidden nature as a high electricity discharging cannon. It offered a sense of protection when deals went sour.



Channel effects

Daggers - 50% chance to receive additional loot

GunBlade - Kills with the charge attack forces credit drops


New Loka – Dual swords / Pole arm

Offered only to the pure among New Loka these weapons make fellow followers green with envy. Its strange design is comprised of organic and inorganic materials.



Channel effects

Dual swords - (+15%)base status chance

Pole arm - (+50%) status effectiveness (example: corrosive removes 50% armor, now it removes 75% armor per proc)


Darvo's Market Special - Sword / Dual Sword

Hey! Tenno! It's your good black market friend Darvo here. After a recent business trip around Earth's moon I stumbled across a corpus trade vessel making an escape out of Grineer space. Fortunately I managed to catch up to them and forcibly open a trade negotiation. He was in possession of a quite unique weapon design that caught my interest. Made him a deal he couldn't refuse, he got to leave with his ship intact and I get a fancy Blueprint!



Channel Bonuses(or just bonuses in general)

Quick melee while weapon is sheathed will use the smaller blade, lower range but more attack speed.

Channel cost is 3 energy instead of the standard 5-6.

Blocking while channeling will consume 1/4 the stamina but drain energy at a rate of 1 per second.


Some ending notes: Dual stances means two stance slots on weapons and that obviously leads to alot mod points. So all of these weapons do not come with polarized stance slots which also benefits the player allowing to select polarities for their favorite stances (or for the only stance they can get their hands on).



**** S.A.S - Section discontinued - May approach in future 20/08/15****



Not really a hardcore stat person, I really like weapons with cool asthetics, but I might add them in later.... or never. But maybe you want! Tell me about them and give me some feedback.


Some older things (or more recent things) I've done if you're interested...







Edited by 4ever4gotin
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Cephalon Suda's stuff kinda confuses me - it's cool, but it confuses me.


The Red Veil whip and dagger is sweeeeet.


And, I"ll admit, got a soft-spot for sword. Those Arbiter ones are fascinatingly awesome.

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Huh, thanks for the positive comments!


Updated Darvo's Market special, Luna and Sol, the sword and Dual sword with sheath.


Maybe if i suddenly start to have a drawing itch again I'll do some custom syndicate Primaries.


Thanks again :D

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Love all the designs, especially Red Veil, Perrin, and Loka. A little confused by Suda's Tonfa. I guess it's meant to seem sort of not solid.


But I have to point out, the weapon for New Loka looks like dual axes, rather than dual swords.

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Very cools designs, but I'm not sure about two stance slots. Maybe it would be better to just allow installation of several types of stances? For example, Rakta Thief would be a dagger by default, but you can install one of any dagger or whip stance. And, obviously, it would act like a whip with whip stance installed or like a dagger with dagger stance (or without any stance at all).

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Love all the designs, especially Red Veil, Perrin, and Loka. A little confused by Suda's Tonfa. I guess it's meant to seem sort of not solid.


But I have to point out, the weapon for New Loka looks like dual axes, rather than dual swords.


What I meant is that the weapons use the dual sword stances, like how the zorens are pretty much dual axes but they use dual sword stances. Yea it's kinda misleading.


Very cools designs, but I'm not sure about two stance slots. Maybe it would be better to just allow installation of several types of stances? For example, Rakta Thief would be a dagger by default, but you can install one of any dagger or whip stance. And, obviously, it would act like a whip with whip stance installed or like a dagger with dagger stance (or without any stance at all).


Hmmm. Yes that would be a sufficient substitute, although I've been really digging how it would feel if i went from the single target fast strikes of Homing Fang(dagger) to the large swipes of Burning Wasp(whip). So I'm really biased I'd admit but that is a very valid take on a "dual stance" weapon implementation.

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An SMG is a curious decision for the Veil, and the name even more so. What made you choose a demon's name for the weapon's name?


When I was originally going through the design it was a sniper rifle that looked alot more ``bladed`` and was named incubus originally. I`ve recently dropped most of the bladed attachments and made it smaller but the name still stuck for me.


Why the SMG change from Sniper rifle? Don`t know. It felt kinda cumbersome in design and didn`t let me have alot of creativity with the mechanics.

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When I was originally going through the design it was a sniper rifle that looked alot more ``bladed`` and was named incubus originally. I`ve recently dropped most of the bladed attachments and made it smaller but the name still stuck for me.


Why the SMG change from Sniper rifle? Don`t know. It felt kinda cumbersome in design and didn`t let me have alot of creativity with the mechanics.



While I'm all for a more direct weapon for my prefered Syndicate, I feel like the bow may have been a better option for them in fitting with their theme - with a second charge mechnic to it that would give it a fire bonus if held down for long enough.


Though that would have left you needing something else for Cephalon Suda, and I can't speak on what she would have otherwise. They had to invent a whole new weapon for her in the first place, after all.

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