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Coming Soon: Devstream #60!


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This is actually partially changing with this week's Hotfix - testing and aiming to deploy a change where speed mods (Fury) affect finisher animation attack speed. Stay tuned for PC Hotfix notes this week to give it a try, it'll be out before the Devstream.

Question: Any possibility for 'chaining' finishers if you have multiple open enemies within arm's reach?

That'd help with the delay.


Also, the forced 'return to base stance' (or whatever the term in English) animation slows it down.

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Can you give more info on umbra warframes and Chinese exclusive weapons?

Any game play or status on the mios and other weapons slated for 17.5

Update or preview on the j3 golem raid and new arching mission types/QoL improvements.

Details of saryn rework.

Starchart 3.0

Any chance of stealth 2.0 in the near future.

And lastly can someone please clear up the speculation on the multishot rework and weapon balancing that has been all over the forums these past few weeks.

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I got 4 questions. pick any 1 or more :)


A Thread I saw earlier was suggesting on adding armor that would replace your primary and secondary weapons, said armor would have a single mod slot for special armor mods, as well as providing extra armor / damage resistance for the warframe.

what does DE think of this idea? I personally love it.


how much does it cost, on average, to Develop a warframe from start to finish?


would DE ever consider adding transmogrification into the game? I want to use the dakra prime but I love how the prisma skana looks, I would totally pay 1 to 5 plat to replace the look of my weapon with something in the same catagory and type E.G replace dakra prime with a prisma skana skin (both are melee and are longswords)

4:Could scott go into more detail about this tweet


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Wish that new Orokin Lunar base in development, and so is the major cinematic quest involving the new Focus system, will the two be tied together?


Will the new Lunar Orokin base be the source of the void? Where the Tenno and Corrupted got their powers?


Also, will the Focus system be introduced on the Lunar Orokin base?

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I have a few usual questions:

1) There are many corpus and grineer weapons in game, but enemies using lesser than half of them. Do you have any plans on this?

2) Any plans on adding more tiles in existing tilesets?

3) What about replaying quests?

4) Should we hope for crossplatform multiplayer?

5) Any plans on reworking kubrow ai?

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The current way to deal with high level enemies is all about permanent CC, this is seen in raids and high level defense/survival missions. Are there any plans to make the gameplay more intriguing by either reducing the amount of CC warframes have and downscaling enemy spawn amounts/damage to compensate for that?

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Can we expect some tweaks to Zephyr's abilities to make her more outstanding at flying and mobility? Some improvements to Tail Wind (cost reduction, no cooldown for better chaining) as well as better Aim Glide (longer time with an ability to control it)


Some thoughts about possible things to improve for Zephyr here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/528306-zephyr-qol-rework-for-parkour-20/

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As someone who plays the more supportive role in my group of friends, I always have the squad stats displayed to keep an eye on the team. I think a good addition to the team display would be each team member's energy and maybe even debuffs. Is this something that can be implemented?

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The Eris tileset is an Infested Corpus ship, however we never seen that area without the Infestation. The regular Corpus tilesets are still the same with some new features here and there.

Can we expect to see all of the interesting rooms present in Eris, but without the Infestation and fully functional as a Corpus tileset?

We saw it it was called suspicious ship tactical alert

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Those of us who've played the game for awhile remember some things that went away over the course of the game's life, seemingly for no reason.


For instance, the basic faction descriptions for the grineer/corpus/infested in the codex, or the announcer on corpus maps telling us that guard rails are for our safety. Are there any plans to bring these little details back? They helped make the game more immersive.


Going off that, will we ever get the codex functionality originally promised - being able to discern not just enemy drop tables, but mission drop tables? Or are we going to be using tennodrops or the wiki forever?

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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With Multi shot being Rework, Is their going to be any change to Neurode and Neural sensor drop rates. With multiple people with multi forma builds that may become useless,  for them to remain the same would definitely make it a very big pain to have to forma them again. plus for it to take 2 forma for the exodus BP and multiple guns taking multiple neurodes, it is very painstaking to get them.

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- please upgrade website server it is too laggy


- please consider making a special room inside relay for exchange instead of just typing 

it would be better if we could see the player with which we are talking and it would make the relay more interessing 

right now relay are soo empty

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Q1: Will we get a gore update? New death animations and ability to cut in peases hostile kubrows?
For example right now enemies killed by ogris\penta\tonkor explosions will just vanish any chances that instead of vanishing enemies it will rip them to pieces?

Q2: Will dark sectors get their own tileset?

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Will there be added gore?

What will be the balance of the Multishot "fix"?

What will be the rework of Sniper Rifles?

What will be Valkyr's and Saryn's ability rework?

Will we get Silva & Aegis buff?

Will there be anymore "fixes" regarding weapons and sentinels?

How can you change endless missions?

Will you rebalance the whole damage system? Or part of it?

When is the rework of the Stalker?

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Q New ability visuals with skins

The new skins that are coming up seem really cool, one question/idea I had was if there is the possibility of new ability visuals with these? Especially Temple Guardian Rhino, an awesome skin that will be entirely worthless with Iron Skin activated. Perhaps the ability to turn specific ability visuals off?

Q Missing Combos on stances

Several stances are missing Combos is there any plan to go back and add these?

Q Scythes:

In general Scythes feel very bad compared to what they are in other games and what people would expect, any thoughts?

Q Syndicate Sigils/Rep:

Was thinking about sigils, Is it just me or is the design for the syndicate sigils really messed up? Instead of being able to use them once you buy, you are pretty much forced into wearing the "best" sigil for one or two syndicates you want to level.

My thought was to decouple syndicate rep gain from the sigils entirely and instead make it a choice you do in the syndicate console of the Liset/ the syndicate rooms. Just check a little box above the one you want and voila! OFC the current rep bonus would instead be streamlined into the syndicate rank itself. Something like:






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