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Parkour 2.1 The Perfect Remix


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Now, we know many players like and many do *not* like the new "wallhopping."


The thing is many players were drawn to the game because of the wallrunning animation and the cool vertical wallrun+backflip as well as the vertical wallrun+flip at the top of ledges. Now those things, without a doubt, LOOKed cool. Regardless of functionality.


That being said I think we all can agree the new "wallhopping" is waaay more functional and opens up a lot of function, regardless of whether or not you enjoy it's "hoppy" or "galloping" animation.


Now further to the point, I've noticed in the 17.0.2 Hotfix a particular Change.


  • Removed the ‘Hold Jump to Wall Run’ setting that is no longer relevant.

And I thought to myself, there is the answer!!! How about you tap jump to wallhop all you want like it is now... but if you HOLD jump you do the old wallrunning style; which yes it would be limited how it was; but at anytime you can begin taping jump again to begin the new wallhopping!!


 It would be the perfect mix for everyone!


1.)Those who love the new wallhopping and hated the old wallrunning would never have to use the old wallrunning.

2.)Those who loved the old wallrunning and hate the new wallhopping, well now you can use the old wallrunning.

3.)Those who love them both can mix them flawlessly!!!


-Possible option: Options Menu>Disable "Hold Jump for WallRunning" and it would make the game wallhop even if you held jump!-




Edited by Vorpal_Ocelot
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Hell yeah. This can easily please both crowds. I prefer wall run to wall hopping myself and I absolutely love Parkour 2.0 I just think it's a bit wonky hop up a wall instead of running up it. I'd like to still be near the wall after I end my wall run -the same distance wall hopping places you at. I always hated how you shot off the wall after a run. I like being able to have control over my character.

DEVS LOOK HERE!!!!! DO THIS!!!!!!!! !

Edited by D20
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sounds pretty straight forward. definitely love the wallhop imo due to all the tricks and how much ground i can cover but this sounds like a pretty nice addition for the people who miss the wall run. sounds like the best of both worlds. the only problem is that there needs to be some sort of functionality or advantage for the wallrun other than looking "cool" because if not, it doesnt seem to be needed.

Edited by homiedudemanguy
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Games are all about enjoyment. Enjoyment from games comes from things looking cool and being functional.


This options gives all players the gameplay they want to use. It takes nothing away from anyone.


If you don't have a "straight" wall to run on, you can use the new hop. If you want to wallrun, you can.


The functionality is gained becaise sometimes you DO want to wallrun in a straight line, and wallhopping has a habit of making you climb up or fall down a little more than a straight line.


It would add functionality, as well as satisfy the ninja visuals a lot of players are missing.


It would *not* take away anything from the new parkour 2.0 system, and those happy with the changes can continue being happy, also!


I, for one, like both; the old wallrunning and the new wallhopping (I'll say the animation does look a lil wonky to me, though)


The main point is though, everybody gets what they want, nothing becomes "OP" (Which I assume is over powered? I've just seen it a lot on these forums) and it will work exactly how you, the player, want to work it!

You can use the new wallhopping how it is, with no change if you want.

You can use the old wallrunning, with the vertical wallrun+backflip, the vertical wallrun+flip onto the top ledge, AND the horizontal wallrun.

You can even, effectively mix the two together with no addition button bindings or worries about confusion or complex combinations.



Edited by Vorpal_Ocelot
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Well, why not. That small change can't hurt.

That's the spirit! It's like a win-win! No body could be unhappy because the change wouldn't be "forced" upon anyone. Everyone would get what they like and you could see tenno wallrunning and wallhopping around you in missions. The options for travel would be increased and a wider variety of gameplay style would be possible.


Do you hop up a few walls or wallrun up some and hop on others? Do you stricly use the new wallhopping because your not a fan of wallrunning? Do you ONLY wallrun unless you have to hop?


All the options are open and your not forced to doing it once way, you get to do it YOUR WAY!

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This... is actually a pretty good idea.

Maybe they could also bring back being able to run and gun on walls, too.

I've missed that a lot, even though there were only a few walls that it was applicable to, it was still a great feeling to wallrun and gun and that made it even more enjoyable when I did get to do it effectively.


Also, in the Training under the Codex it still shows Tenno on the walls running and shooting. It's just a good feeling to have in a game, and Warframe is the *only* game I've ever seen give me that feeling of wallrunning while unloading bullets into enemies; I'd hate to lose it.

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haha I like this creative blending. I am for strong ideas like this pertaining to blending parkour systems. It is meant to be parkour 2.0, not parkour 2.0 minus 1.0.


Why not both after all right?

Agreed! Why not have more options without forcing any one option upon the players. We all love killing grineer, we should be able to do it hopping, wallrunning, gliding or falling through the air! Or uhh, you know, the normal feet to the floor method too.

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Awesome idea. More options rather than forced change, Build upon the foundation that has already been build, instead of building a new house beside it. 


Would love that. Im more of a fan of the old system, but i do like some elements from the new system, so implent and expand upon it :) I sure hope DE is gonna see this. Everyone agrees ;)

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I think this would be great, relates to all players. veteran and new.


But the thing is.. DE dosnt care about parkour 1.0.


This parkour is the new parkour. There is no going back. When new players start playing, this is the parkour they will play with. In 2 years, parkour 1.0 will be forgotten. Times have changed. Its time to move on.


Parkour 2.0 is the past now. If you dont know what that means. It means parkour 1.0 is no longer relevent.

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Now, we know many players like and many do *not* like the new "wallhopping."


The thing is many players were drawn to the game because of the wallrunning animation and the cool vertical wallrun+backflip as well as the vertical wallrun+flip at the top of ledges. Now those things, without a doubt, LOOKed cool. Regardless of functionality.


That being said I think we all can agree the new "wallhopping" is waaay more functional and opens up a lot of function, regardless of whether or not you enjoy it's "hoppy" or "galloping" animation.


Now further to the point, I've noticed in the 17.0.2 Hotfix a particular Change.


  • Removed the ‘Hold Jump to Wall Run’ setting that is no longer relevant.

And I thought to myself, there is the answer!!! How about you tap jump to wallhop all you want like it is now... but if you HOLD jump you do the old wallrunning style; which yes it would be limited how it was; but at anytime you can begin taping jump again to begin the new wallhopping!!


 It would be the perfect mix for everyone!


1.)Those who love the new wallhopping and hated the old wallrunning would never have to use the old wallrunning.

2.)Those who loved the old wallrunning and hate the new wallhopping, well now you can use the old wallrunning.

3.)Those who love them both can mix them flawlessly!!!


-Possible option: Options Menu>Disable "Hold Jump for WallRunning" and it would make the game wallhop even if you held jump!-




The only issue i see with this is that the old wallrunning system COMPLETELY relies on basically "sticking" you to the wall, and after the wallrun the game would fly you across the room. They would have to redo the wallrunning animation..... Which is what the wallhopping is...


do you know how long they probably debated on how to fix the ugly wallrunning system? It was probably like a few months of trial and error.

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I wonder if DE can break the inertia effect from the wallrunning, so instead of the flings you would just "let go" in a sense, like you do after a wallhop.


DE has done some amazing things, and I have never worked for a game developing company, but as this is a game in beta, and we are all open beta testers. I can only assume DE is looking for good win-win ideas to improve the gamer further and continuing with going forward and making the game more intuitive. 


That's why I cross my fingers anyway.

Edited by Vorpal_Ocelot
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Honestly, if they can stop the "inertia" flings from the wallrunning; and make it where at a collision or upon "letting go of held jump" you fell down; you could trigger double jump and continue hopping or walllatches. 


It doesn't sound like it would be too much work to put it and it would make many players happy, diversify playstyles and everyone could get what they want out of this wonderful game.

Edited by Vorpal_Ocelot
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I fully 100% agree with what you are saying. While I do enjoy a lot of the new parkour features the new wallhop animation is just a bit awkward. Honestly the first time I saw it I thought my game was bugging out. Not to mention that I loved the old wall-run animation, heck I'd do it for no reason just running down a hall way or any place I could find to it, I loved it that much (not to mention it felt and looked bad &#! ... at least more than what now looks like my frame having a spaz attack.


Mini-Rant aside, I think that the wall hop is a good idea for clearing the small things in the walls that made the old system a bit lack-luster (I.e. hitting a gap) but I feel that the way it is now is just lazily incorperated and that we should be able to switch between the wall-run and the wall hop, as you said by tapping the space bar to use the hop, hold to run. I mean we're space NINJAS, not space rabbits.

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I definitely agree on this change. Wall-hopping is really weird and is really hard to shoot while hopping since you risk hopping off the wall when you do so.


And if it is intended to make it really hard to shoot while wall hopping... wtf? We are space ninjas, we should be able to do that along side all the other crazy S#&$ we do.

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