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New Prime Access Hype And Discussion Megathread!


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They won't come "soon", first we'll probably have volt and ash (probably ash first because "money") and then maybe saryn/trinity

2 female, 2 male, repeat

Well, soon is a relative term.What is soon for you, may not be soon for someone else, and that is assuming they stick to the MM-FF pattern, which they may not, as it has never been actually stated by DE.

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Meh, I was still hoping it might be Saryn.


Looks like DE took the most boring and money-rich way out.


Oh well, maybe in 3 prime accesses, I'll have my Saryn Prime.


I am looking forward to farm for Novas parts (and possibly Soma), people will be paying ridiciulous prices ^^ Gonna be money in the bank for a very long time.

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look at the bright side....now I can finally forma my trinity after a week waiting and wanting to confirm it's nova prime.....cos I did't want to forma her when her prime is coming XD

^ i really hope they are just trolling us with the nova prime preview...but in reality its trinity or saryn

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I just want to know what's in the Prime Accessories.

I would have loved a Trinity Prime but Nova is one of my top played Warframes as well.

It is all a matter of opinion, personally I am not looking forward to a Banshee Prime but would love a Zephyr Prime.

I do hope that the Nova Prime we get doesn't look like the one DE Steve was sporting around. I like the shine but it should have more bling...but in the teaser there is a lot more gold unless every shot is of her neck.

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