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Posts posted by MeduSalem

  1. They are worth using for any weapon with 75% or more of the damage as slashing. 75% is the break even point between these and the 90% elemental mods. So they are good on pretty much any weapon that focuses on slashing. If the ratio of slashing damage is higher than 75% then the new mods are better than elemental mods.


    They are not.




    Say a melee-weapon has 100 base damage... and lets say it's 75 slash damage and 12.5 Impact and 12.5 Puncture. The Impact/Puncture stays pretty much untouched throughout the calculation.




    The calculation using the new slash mod in acompany with the old Jagged Edge (120%+90%):


    For physical damage only the related base physical damage is important, so 75.


    75 + 210%*75 = 232.5 overall Slash damage


    With Slash bonus against Infested (only viable faction in my opinion for Slash damage because of the negative effects the others have) is +25% (for chargers/leapers f.e.):


    232.5 + 25%*232.5 = 290.625 overall slash damage per swing.




    The same calculation with lets say Gas-damage and let's say there would be only 120% of it. To achieve that we take the Fire and Toxin Dualstat mods from the past events, which also offer us together a nice +120% Proc Chance.


    For elementals the whole base damage is considered no matter what, so 100:


    75 Slash damage, which remain the same, since we don't add any slash damage on top.




    120%*100 = 120 Gas damage.


    Adding the faction bonus:


    Slash bonus is +25%:


    75+25%*75=93.75 Slash damage


    Gas bonus is +75%:


    120 + 75%*120 = 210 Gas damage.


    Overall Damage per swing = 93.75 + 210 = 303.75



    Clearly the elemental combination won and that using even less percent per mod.


    So which one would you rather take in the long run? The physical crap that can't reach the elemental damage at all or the elemental-combination that outperforms physical damage and offers a decent status chance as well?


    That said it is even easier to buff the elementals up because there are the single-stat elemental mods with +90% as well. Could you imagine how much more damage it would be using them instead of the event-dualstat ones? Wouldn't be surprised if it does at least 1.5 or 1.75 as much damage compared to the physical ones.


    Basically... physical damage is not worth it, or maybe only if you have space for ONE physical/elemental mod... but even then +90% Fire alone might outperform the +120% of Slash because of the way Fire would be calculated from the overall base damage instead of slash alone. There you might be right that the 75% is the break-even point for a weapon with exactly that (or better) distribution, but I never use only one elemental mod so that break-even point is quite unrealistic and becomes even more uninteresting once you have 3 or 4 elementals on the weapon.


    Sidearms and especial rifles are even worse because their existing physical damage mods are just ridiculous.


    And yes that's the actual way the damage is calculated at least according to most DPS calculators like the one Gogge made after Damage 2.0 and extensive testing.

  2. No.

    I rather have things like

    +60% X elemental

    +20% fire rate

    Kind of mods.




    The new mods aren't something astonishing... I probably won't equip them anywhere... at least not without excessive testing on some DPS calculators... because I've the bad feeling that those new mods aren't worth the trouble... or only for a few niche weapons I don't care much about.


    They should have buffed the existing slash mods to 90% and release the event mods as dualstat mods with 60% damage + whatever stat DE thinks is fitting.

  3. The new mods are just... meh to be honest.


    The already existing physical damage mods should have been buffed to +120% (the way it was proposed by several people ever since the release of Damage 2.0), all the while the event mods should have been dualstat mods with +60% slash and whatever other stat DE likes.


    But the current mods aren't worth the trouble to be honest. The negative effects on most factions cancel the bonus of slash damage out anyways. It's only good against Infested if at all... and then it counts only the already existing slash damage rather than the total base damage of the weapon... which renders them in pretty bad shape compared to even the worst elemental mods.


    So even with +120% they are mostly not worth equipping but maybe on a handful of niche weapons I'll probably never touch again because I ranked them to 30 already. ^^

  4. I tend to count Warframe to the few games that don't have any "heroic" factions at all. We all have done horrible things according to the evolving lore.


    • The Grineer hate everything not Grineer and like to conquest. They like to enslave civillians and put them into their mines even I've never seen any of those so called slaves work on the Grineer Asteroid mines during our random missions. Those mines always look abandoned.


    • The Corpus would sell their own mother if they could in the name of profit. Who the hell knows they might actually do that sort of stuff anyways. Much like the Ferengi at Star Trek auction off their remains to the highest bidders.


    • The Tenno are just greedy mercenaries themselves much like the Corpus, but with the difference we already fight each other in the battle for renown. Looking at you Dark Sectors. Also some decisions made back with Gradivus and some other stuff weren't all that shiny as well. We could have ended the war a long time ago if we really wanted to but instead we are keeping the balance to make as much profit as possible while the Civillians continue to suffer (if they do at all since there's no real evidence anywhere ingame yet).


    • The Orokin were a bunch of royale d-bags who eventually had to be killed as far as we were know/told.


    • The Infested are probably one of the least innocent factions, but they are just a horrible plague and curse to the free civillians so they can't be left alive either.


    • The so called Civillians are some apathetic bastards themselves because none of them showed ever up in the game yet. They probably don't even care about what the Grineer or Corpus do - probably much like the Civillians don't give a crap about the empire in the Star Wars saga as well because it's too far away to be bothered with and they only have to deal with occupation troops every once in a while if we (the "heroes") bring the sh*t to them. Also they might not even care about liberation from freaky space ninjas that do things just for rewards like us because we are clearly not one of them. Probably in their bars on Phobos they don't tolerate Tenno Scum and androids, of course. I bet they just want to be left alone and that we take our "damn fool idealistic crusades" elsewhere and fight our wars far away from their settlements.


    But that makes it a pretty interesting setting for an ongoing ever-evolving story. I would probably have given up on lore and playing the game any further if it weren't this way because I'm already sick of the plain old "heroes liberate the universe of evil and then grind/bore themselves to death after the evil is slain".


    Just makes you wish you hadn't slain all the evil so you have some more time to torture them.

  5. One of those things that leave you liek... y didnt they implement it in the first place :p


    Probably because they never thought that people would build clan dojos so huge they get lost in them. Also there weren't as much rooms available back then so the dojos could be quite small at the beginning and still fit everything. ^^

  6. One quality-of-life thing that is coming (tomorrow I think):


    Placeable teleport beacons! Teleport decorations that, when activated, provide a list of other beacons in the Dojo that you can access via teleport.




    Yay! Hopefully they will be renameable otherwise it might become quite a mess with a lot of teleporters... xD

  7. Well to add some fuel to that possible bug... I had that "doesn't stop moving"-thing happen only once a month or two ago... and I also like to spam "Shift+Ctrl+W" a lot. But I don't even know how it happened or why or if it's related to exactly that key-combo. It may have been just extreme lag of the session and the game failing to notice that I released the key. At least I never had it happen again ever since.


    And I surely did not change anything on my hardware or drivers (apart display drivers) for about a year now. It may be a very obscure glitch though that happens in very rare occasions.


    But apart from that I'd also recommend checking the hardware (by using another keyboard for example) or drivers as well. Sometimes Windows does very odd things with them, especially if hotplugged when particular programs are running.




    What I have fairly often though is the "crouch-bug". So my char gets stuck in the crouch animation after doing certain things... and I'm certain I haven't bound the "toggle to crouch" at all so it can't be because of that. I still can't re-produce that thing on purpose but It happens quite a lot when heavily spaming movement combos... at least every 15-20 missions I have it happen once. At least it is easy to cancel that stuff by rolling and jumping a little bit around.

  8. Fun fact: DE made Unreal Tournament. Just saying.


    FWIW, the control options allow a custom key to be bound to "Switch Gun" and "Equip Melee" and, by default, Mousewheel Up and Mousewheel Down scroll through frame powers. Don't see why you couldn't remap that so, say, Mousewheel Up is "Switch Gun" and Mousewheel Down is "Equip Melee".


    The Unreal franchise is a co-development between Epic Games and DE (among some other minor studios as well as community created content here and there)... But when I look what DE's Bonuspacks brought for UT2003/4 back then I think they had little to do with the games engine programming/scripting rather than doing all the mapping for levels and character modelling for Epic. So they were probably involved in the more "artistic" side of development.


    That said I might be wrong about the exact distribution of workload but I highly doubt that the same programmer/scriptwriter who did the input controls and keybindings for the UT series did also do the keybindings for Warframe. No matter what, it might have been a better idea if they adapted UT's control scheme because that's what made that franchise great rather than DE reinventing the wheel from scratch, especially when they were involved in such a great title. Warframe is a great artistic title on its own but the controls are nothing to be proud of in particular. ^^


    [Edit] Seems like there's an official description on who took which role during UT2004 development on Wikipedia:




    There's no detailed information on UT2003 and UT99 though, but I think it might be a similar distribution.[/edit]




    The even more funny fact is that Dark Sector and thereby also Warframe in the earliest thoughts started out as spiritual successor to the Unreal franchise. The fact why I'm here actually.




    Welp, I also did that remapping back with U13 already. Was one of the first things I complained about in the U13 Melee 2.0 Feedback Megathread. Still feels a little awkward though because normally I expect to be able to scroll through the entire weapon arsenal wethether Im scrolling up OR down.


    Also I made it exactly the other way around... I use Mousewheel Down to "Switch Gun" and Mousewheel Up to "Equip Melee" because I feel more comfortable that way... Somehow I'm more used to "scrolling down" than "scrolling up"... the same way I'm more used to switch between guns rather than to the melee weapon. Still feels a bit awkward sometimes though because I often end up with the thought that if I scroll down once more it will switch to the third weapon in line (the melee weapon), which it doesn't of course.

  9. It's not, though. Tap the F key, switch between primary and secondary. Hold down the F key, swap from gun to melee or from melee back to previously-held gun.


    I don't use the F key to switch weapons. I use the mousewheel up/down to do that because I've pretty much adapted to that scheme from nearly every other modern shooter out there.


    I'd be pretty astonished to see someone being able to trigger the "hold down"-effect while scrolling the mousewheel up/down.


    So gentlemen... That's why any good game absolutely never uses a "hold down" for something mandatory like weapon switching because it friggin sucks when it comes to keybinding to the mousehwheel and also that annoying switching-delay and just shows that whoever implemented it in this asinine way hasn't played anything like Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament or any other fast paced shooter at all. Or made it work this crappy on purpose just because the programmer thought he'd be cutting-edge when doing it this way. Let me assure you it is NOT. Not at all.


    There's just nothing like bad input controls to upset me about a game. I can stand a bazillion of bugs and crashes and balance problems and sh*t but when the basic inputs are busted then my limit is reached. ^^

    • Tradescamers (even they were unsuccessful because I'm too geeky myself to fall for their crap but I amuse myself on their insults if they notice they can't get me into the deal)
    • AFKers
    • Door/Hallway-heros
    • Trolls. (Especially people sabotaging the mission on purpose)
    • Also sometimes newbies if they don't want to listen and rush to their doom.
    • The usual stuff... ^^




    Just today I had an experience with a troll. Spawned into that regular Phorid mission at the Neptune outbreak and that one other Rank 6 guy fully equipped with a Rhino Prime and Boltor Prime joined in and didn't move at all. I went ahead until I reached the first friendship door. Guy still not coming. Normally I give people some time because I know sometimes they just have to go to the toilet or answer phone calls... So I waited there for like 2-3 minutes. Then I decided to slowly backtrack and look what that guy is taking so long.


    So he didn't notice me but I watched him slaying infested there so I knew he was not AFK. I watched that for like 10-15minutes. Well had no problem with waiting because I decided to have lunch while watching that bastard doing his crap there.


    Then finally 2 other guys joined into our public session. We 3 headed off and finally I could open that friendship door. When the troll noticed that he started to rush ahead with his Boltor Prime and spam every room with his Stomp and gunned everything down with his Boltor before anyone else could melee or shoot the Mobs. He did that until the end of the mission.


    None of the other guys had a kill and I got only the few I ran into before I encountered the friendship-door and the few after I backtracked. He just made me wait so he has a wider audience to brag around to.


    If it wouldn't have been for the other 2 guys that suffered as well I would have aborted the mission right at the extraction point just to annoy that troll.

  10. Do either of those have an interactive trade system? Do you improve your character very much if at all? Does it have things you can build and call your own? Options for clans or guilds of some kind? Open world chat?


    I could list these all day


    There are some serious differences between Half life/Battlefield and warframe that would set the two apart as far as this argument goes


    In that way you could call Diablo 3 or crap like that also an MMORPG because it has almost all of the above. A trade-system (even an AH before they shut it down), character improvement, you can craft stuff, clans/guilds and open world chat. I guess you'll find nobody who calls D3 an MMO because it has all of that just for the fact that gameplay is limited to 4 people in a particular session. It's still plain old hack an slash action RPG with some MMO-elements taken out of WoW.


    But well for the sake of it call Warframe an MMO if you want... Currently I don't think it is one just because of the fact that I never see more than 4 people at once in an active session/squad... and maybe like 5-10 people every once in a while in bigger clan dojos when I feel like trading every other 2 months or something, but that isn't something astonishing either.


    It might change when the Hubs come out but since the Hubs are supposed to be more like a 3D relay chat room (much like IRC but with a 3D interface) I'm still on the fence wether to call it an MMO then or not, hence why I'm open to say it has at least "MMO-elements" then. But the particular gameplay is still not MMO because you never take 100 people (or more) into an actual mission. There's never a point where there are 1000 players simultaneously in the same instance of a gameworld.

  11. I use Breathless Lunge from Tranquil Cleave with Fury and Berserker mod to quickly proc finishers on level 60+ enemies to do about 20k damage on them. It's crazy pro veteran.


    Still nothing compared to the top-notch guns bursting out 40k damage and not requiring to stand in the middle of a crowd of Disruptors/Toxic Ancients. If I see someone doing that in a serious game I'd let them die when they get downed by trying to pull it off with melee...


    I mean melee is quite fun to some extend but if someone is jeopardizing the mission for such shenanigans it stops being funny. I haven't seen anybody seriously trying to fend off twenty level 60 ancients from a pod or something by using melee-only. Or at least not with ending in a revive. May depend on the Warframe though but most of the Warframes aren't supposed to facetank everything.




    darthdart is at some point right about what he wrote. If sh*t is getting serious melee-mode is unreliable because it's an overdesigned mess that went through way too many back-to-the-drawing-board-iterations and doesn't really know what it's trying to be and also that's too complex for split second decision-making the game requires more often than not because of the overall pacing. So being stuck in an overly long combo-chain/path and animation-tree is making things pretty stiff in that regard - which I just plain hate because it feels pretty unresponsive. It's just like taking away my keyboard/mouse, not being able to react/adapt to what's actually happening until the pre-defined animation is over.


    Just the amount of people stating they bound the combos to a macro is already showing that some people feel that the system is too complex for manual usage, while many others backtracked to using Quick-Melee because they lack the ability to have macros.


    Also the gains are diminishing on higher enemy levels anyways because it takes too long to kill something for the multiplier to stack up fast enough or channeling to be worth the time/energy you have to focus on that one friggin enemy while 10 others try to rip your guts out at the same time. Most enemies just remain unimpressed by it and your Warframe ends up being grounded anyways.




    Somehow if they would have stuck to stuff like Wallattacks or Slide attacks that are the mere combination of 2 or 3 keyboard-buttons just work out so much better and are much easier to achieve because they work for all weapons and with each stance. They should have expanded from that and introduced more keyboard-related combos like that rather than timed-stuff with multiple branches and forks that don't pay off in most situations anyways because either the enemy is dead on the first 1-2 hits or the enemy is just laughing at it no matter the effort.


    Just don't know which enemy level they designed Melee 2.0 around... because either stuff is dead with one hit or it just doesn't die. How's the actual chance that one is able to pull off a whole combo-path and the enemy dying at exactly that last hit? (And you still being alive of course and the other enemies not killing the pod).

  12. 75% is over the top, if you would have to pay more than 50% tax in real life it would mean that you work to give your money to the goverment and not to sustain your life(style).


    Basically why I stopped caring about Dark Sectors as well. Just doesn't pay off to work for nothing.


    Also I'm not into PvP... so basically I'm locked out from doing anything against the tax rates besides not playing the nodes during peace mode in the first place so I don't help financing those high tax nodes. ^^

  13. Somehow I have the feeling that the system should stop at 8 Forma's (for guns, 9 for melee, 11 for Warframes) and after that you should be able to change polarities for free... More dedication is really not needed. More timesink and resource wasting is not needed. Everything else should be refunded.oO


    I guess I polarized my Ignis 6 times or something and my Ember Prime 5 times? But that's as far as I found it useful and I'd never go beyond 2 or max 3 forma's per weapon anymore because of the way DE likes to change the priority of mods which then often ends up with conflicting polarities. Really don't want to forma from scratch just because of mismatching polarities exceeding the limits. Also I'm not forma'ing jack on my melee weapons anymore since the stances provide enough points for me to fit everything I want.


    With a cap and free changes afterwards I maybe could be convinced to forma to the cap just to be able to have full customization access, but without it's just a risk I'm not willing to take anymore, bad luck for DE because I'm not exploiting the system the way they intended us to do it.


    Having 17 formas on a single weapon is really a huge waste of time and resources... 8 forma's I could at least understand... maybe 9 or 10 thanks to DE releasing damage 2.0 and the new status chance mods but more than that is really crazy.

  14. -snip-


    Everytime I see that wildfire explosion from Blackwater Bay I'm somehow sad that Ember's World on Fire effects look like sh*t compared to that. -_- xD





    Now I want to have that Wildfire as an ultimate ability for Ember when using Archwing to ignite some Grineer Galleons or Corpus ships.





    How fire burns in space?


    Space magic.

  15. Several of my clan mates are still working on Brakk. 


    Well that sucks... I'm pretty glad I got my Brakk with Gradivus.... and about the Detron I could already craft 3 additional sets or something... I don't want to sell them for credits because they might eventually become tradeable.


    It would. Dojo needs more reason to be in it, anyway, right now they seem like just large empty trading posts.


    Maybe DE is planning something like that for the hubs they keep talking about. All the Tenno gathering there, and suddenly... Stalker


    Yeah... The dojos are really empty research facilities because maybe when the hubs go live all the trading will be done there if they provide such a feature.


    They should really think about converting the Dojos to the upcoming clan/alliance ships they leaked something about back when they provided the first informations about the Liset... so that they at least serve a purpose in clan/alliance war or whatever they want to use that stuff for and clans can dock that ships to the hubs if they want to for easier access. I see no reason for having multiple locations that are nearly never used. That or they should consider refunding clans for all the effort because it might become quite obsolete in the near future. oO


    At least my clan has little use for the Dojo even we fully researched everything... It's a huge waste of space and is nearly never accessed by anyone.

  16. Grinlok or Marelok... but I guess that won't happen for a long time... if at all. ^^


    Seems like the Wraith/Vandal/Prime appendix-stuff is now faction unrelated anyways since DE_Steve's latest interview on Subreddit... so who cares about that anymore. Seems like they are now all modifications from contemporary Tenno rather than being made by the factions themselves.


    @ Question from KisaruBandit for those who are interested:


  17. Yeah they give out a ~60p stance literally for free by doing one alert and then they give us 1 neurode/argon crystal/orokin cell. Somewhat disapointing when I realized that after finishing each mission.


    Would have expected at least 3-5 of each resource because there stood "Neurodes" but then it was only one. ^^


    But well at least I got Crimson Dervish for free... so I'm mostly satisfied. xD

  18. since when did that website started to show the right prices at all?

    I visited this website 20 times to check the prices 20/20 were false.

    In-game checking is the best way to see how the prices go.


    I guess that's regionally biased. It's probably heavily depending on where you live and therefore at which times you are online.


    At least I nearly always found someone that was offering the average price stated on the website. That said I also encountered some people who where like "no way" and dropped out of the haggling but then I mostly found still someone else who was accepting the prices. Some of them even went below the lower prices... probably not knowing the value or being generous.


    That way I only have 3 mods left to get (without counting leaked stuff that's unobtainable now, like EMP Aura or something like Primed Chamber): Namely Malicous Raptor, Eleventh Storm and Loot Detector (Malicious Raptor being too new so I won't bother looking for it on the trade channel now; Eleventh Storm I will probably get myself if I can get my butt to grind for it, Loot Detector is just a case of luck to be able to get in front of your computer in time). Got everything else after some months of grinding or waiting for better times/prices on the trade channel if I couldn't stand the grind anymore.

  19. Look at Diablo 3's auction house as an example, it was shut down due to price gouging and ripping of players that did use the real money side of it.


    Had eventually to pop up I guess. Diablo 3's auction house suffered from another problem and that's the underlying loot system (too random stats and whatnot) that made (and with RoS the problem still remains even without AH) progression after a certain point impossible without using the Auction House. So eventually everyone had to take a look at it and dropped his useless crap there while trying to get something better. Of course some smart bastards knew that and started to buy underpriced stuff (of people who didn't know the real value of the item) low and resell it at outrageous prices creating a vast gap between mediocre items and items that were nearly prohibitively expensive eventually ruining the entire economy because people spent more time on the AH than grinding.


    That said Blizzard didn't make much efforts to keep its playerbase alive with new content/events and therefore every week less people log into Diablo 3 to play it which made it easier for those power traders/trade bots to remain their superiority.


    Warframe at least still attracts new players and DE pushes out new content which eventually "remains" a market for everything but the most common stuff like Ammo Drum and whatnot which drops several times even within the same mission. It's those changes and additions that keep a market alive because eventually even the trade channel spaming would end because of oversaturation if those changes/additions weren't made. ^^

  20. I think they said on the Livesteam that they might be planning an extended trade system to the Hubs or something... but I don't know if it will be fully compareable to an auction house.


    At least it wouldn't be too bad to have a spot to dump a limited amount of stuff for a limited amount of time... and that DE considers a lower limit of what you can set as price for each item depending on the rarity of an item. That way personalized trading via spaming the trade channel might still remain a little more efficient in some edge cases if someone is willing to invest some more time or to go below what is the minimum @ hubs just to get rid of stuff. At least it would prevent or contain the ridiculous inflation that would happen if everyone dumps his stuff there.

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