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Posts posted by MeduSalem

  1. No one truly knows, but I suppose it just wasn't in DE's best interests.


    Why would it not be in DE's best interests?


    I could imagine only problems that would have arisen if they wouldn't have continued to elect people into the Design Council even after the Founders program ended. Basically now everybody can get into the Design Council when showing enough good remarks on the Forum and that's something most of the Founders supported, at least I did so.


    I would go so far to say that DE should probably implement another Forum badge seperate from the Founders badge for those who are on the Design Council.

  2. I noticed the same (Codex Scanner ammo) and also a similar maybe related behavior with Catalysts/Reactors and maybe also Formas (don't know exactly for Forma's but I had strange things happening with them as well when forma'ing my Grinlok/Markelok/Brakk a few days ago).


    When you for example do some changes to some warframes/weapons (Mods/Colors etc) and then decide to buy a Catalyst within the Loadout Screen and then apply it to that weapon, all changes made to your warframe/weapons and loadouts including mods and colorsetups as well as skins are being reset to a previous state you used in your last mission.


    This behavior seems to be around for months... maybe U13 and I shortly believed that it is gone with U14 but ever since we are able to buy Catalysts within the Loadout screen again this annoying bug? reappeared.


    Seems like when you do certain stuff the arsenal doesn't save/synchronize the current settings with the servers and instead retrieves the outdated settings still stored on the servers you used in your previous mission or whatever.


    The only way to avoid this behavior is to do that kind of stuff like Forma/Potato/Codex Scanner before you do anything else like Mods/Color/Skins... otherwise you'll have to do the later all over again.

  3. Would be a different kind of suicide not really better. EA and Activision destroy IPs differently. Where PWE and the like turn it into a rigged casino where you have to pay to breath. EA and Activision are more of a... gut it for mainstream console average hyperactive 10 year old level and then sell it in pieces. If they sold cars you would be buying engine for the price of car and then buying everything else in form of dlc.


    So true. xD


    But not only are they selling you the car in pieces each for the price of a full car... no they are selling you the same parts they used 15-20 years ago and still call them "innovative" which is pretty much the biggest marketing scam I've ever seen.

  4. Do you think Hydroid will ever move to the dojo research module like Volt and Banshee? His parts are so unbelievably hard to get and I kind of missed the boat on Vay Hek. No one wants to run him anymore and solo is way too punishing. 


    Know the feeling... Still need only one more part... the Systems. I'm already considering waiting until DE moves Hek somewhere else or puts a new Warframe on Hek so that Hydroid can be put into Tenno Labs or on Eximus enemies.


    The droprates for the Beacons and that you have to get 4 different ones altogether is what kills it for me. I don't feel like doing this paper chase for a mediocre Warframe anymore. It's only 6000 mastery XP... and I'm halfway through to 17... so 2 more weapons to replace that and I couldn't care less for Hydroid.


    I don't hope so, as it would make the part of the game that was programmed around him (getting beacons, prosecutors, new hek etc.) obsolete.

    I don't think DE would want to invalue their work.


    Besides, I still see the recruiting-chat full of people who want to run Hek keys.


    That said nearly nobody of those already having Hydroid will do Hek ever again because nearly nobody feels like doing the grind for a key-gated bossfight without rewards besides a Warframe they already got at this point. So basically they rendered his fight obsolete the second they put him behind the grind-wall.


    The same as is with Lephantis... if it wouldn't be for 11th Storm that got added to his drop table nobody would go there anymore other than new players wanting Nekros.


    I've literally 10 Lephantis Keys ready at all times and Nav Coordinates for at least another 100 keys or whatever... Could do the run for the stance but "meh". Only one weapon uses it and it might stay this way for a long time to come and until then the stance may drop in price and be worth 10p or something.

  5. Don't let disagreement make you doubt yourself; we're very much doing the right thing as consumers to be demanding. Yes, even when we're borderline unreasonable.


    I guess that's one of the main problems the game industry suffers from nowadays.


    Too many undemanding people are taking everything that Publishers/Gamedevelopers spit out as granted or something that's "okay" the way it is even it is clearly not when looking back at past games and that's why many games even in the Triple-A sector lack quality/fairness in the recent years. Too many of those companies got away with every bullcrap moves they pulled off in the past years.


    Not saying that DE is one of them, because if I would have thought so back last year I wouldn't have started playing Warframe, neither would I have spend money to found it.


    I don't have any problems if DE monetizes convenience like rushing a weapon in the foundry so you don't have to wait 24 hours or buying finished stuff in the market like entire Warframes and packages... but if they start building an entire game mechanic (like the Kubrow breeding) around how much Plat they can make out of it before everyone gets sick of it then it's a bit over the top in my opinion.




    But now I guess a mod should close the thread since it served it's purpose and 7grims stated that he won't continue sacrificing another Kubrow and the only thing we are doing now is de-railing it with our subjective opinions. ^^

  6. Unfortunately They picked the wrong company to entertain. At least in my opinion.


    Yepp... Pretty much. I'd even go so far to say even Microsoft, EA or Activision would have been better deal partners in that matter... and I hate them as well because they also ruined many game upcoming game titles because they did't fit their brands. ^^




    On another thought forget that I wrote that.

  7. Even though I may end up killing more kubrows, I will not post more. 


    We had fun, and DE got the point.


    Oh well then... ^^


    He may be a naysayer but you are being overly dramatic and have a rather distorted view on the issue. 


    Won't deny that I might have a weird perspective on things sometimes, but I don't know what's distorted about stating that I had fun with the game in the past year and that's why I helped founding Warframe because I wanted to see more of exactly that (what it's been past year). Saying that I want to take it a step further: When I signed up for Warframe I didn't buy a ticket for a possible future Las Vegas trip because that's not been one of their proposed initial goals back then.


    But that's pretty much how Kubrows turned out to be. Either you waste a lot of Plat on stasis slots (so you can breed on your own) or you waste a lot of Plat on Imprints on the Trade channel (with the record of 3400 plat for 2 imprints what I've seen on the trade subsection so far) or you've to live with ugly bastard mongrels you get for free with literally no choice because it's random. That's how it looks like, even DE hyped the customization part in the Livestreams in advance. Even the one column in the default color palette for Warframes/Weapons when you start out offers more of a choice. So literally this is a Veteran toy for high-Plat-rollers.


    On top of that there are multiple tiers of cooldowns (like switching between Kubrows), the degrading DNA system (which is somewhat better now that the decay has been nerfed) and that you can't get rid of all the unavoidable excess Kubrows (that DE was pretty much aware of when they made breeding this random on purpose) in a better fashion other than starving them to death or by storing them into the fridge and getting even more Stasis slots you've to pay Plat for. No wonder many people are somewhat disappointed/upset about how that turned out.


    If something like that would have been released a year ago at least some people would have avoided the game much in the fashion people in the western world avoid Korean-style ultra-grind&premium-currency-gated-MMOs because they are in an awkward disadvantage to the player and might as well be slot machines dressed up in a better graphically representing outfit.

  8. Painful equipment...?




    • Drakgoon (the spread and charge mechanic are ugly, doesn't feel like the UT Flak Cannon at all which I was used to)
    • Phage ("What the hell am I doing?"-feeling, same feeling if somebody else uses it next to me)
    • Tigris (Double barreled shotgun in a fast paced shooter with hordes of enemies. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT. Hated it back with Doom 2 already.)
    • Lanka (friggin charge mechanic and projectile traveltime)
    • Miter (discs bouncing all over the place rather than hitting anything)




    • Angstrum (reload time and somewhat bugged charge mechanic often leading to self-inflicted deaths especially when fired during midair, somehow the Ogris turned out to be so much better and more predictable)
    • Ballistica (hahahaha.... crap weapon, literally my most hated weapon in the entire game)
    • Seer (TOO SLOW.)
    • Spectra (Corpus toothpick?)




    • Scindo
    • Ankyros (Prime)
    • Furax
    • Kogake
    • Obex
    • Lecta (Hate the forward-step with each press of the attack button.)
    • Fragor
    • Magistar


    All of which are either too slow (especially hammers) or awkward in usage which especial is true for the fist/sparring ones.




    I just hate them all for the various reasons stated and would never equip them again. I'm glad I've leveled them all to 30 with the exception of a few Melee ones left.


    There are some on the border between "meh" and "hate it"... like for example the (Mutalist) Quanta... I hate that it doesn't have a zoom-function because the cubes are mapped to the right mouse button. If the cubes would have been a charge mechanic on the left mouse button I wouldn't be so overall "meh" about those weapons for example.


    Some didn't made it on the list because they are more like "meh" rather than "painful". Some are boring to level but they don't aggravate me enough to make it to the list above.

  9. It is done. Goat is gone.


    @7grims: So will we see another Kubrow being sacrificed or has the thread virtually come to an end?


    Welcome to free to play gaming.


    Seems pretty much like it. I might not regret investing money in something that's been perfectly fair until U14 because I had fun with playing the game... but if this trend of cannibalizing every aspect of a new gameplay mechanic continues then we might as well have reached PW standards without the need of PW in the first place. If this becomes obvious with the next bigger Update when they release a new mechanic that suffers the same flaws then I guess it's time to leave the sinking ship because there's no gold to be found at the end of this rainbow rather than having to pay along the way to get yourself a frozen turd with vomit to top it off every once in a while.

  10. maybe i am just overreacting, but to me the tenno seem more like savages than "noble warrior" .


    You are not... because the Dark Sector stuff raises some serious questions about the Tenno faction description. The ongoing conflicts could easily be interpreted as a Tenno Civil War.


    But thinking about that we might actually have a Civil War much longer than the Dark Sectors exist... because every time some ideas get thrown into the pit on the Forum there are at least 4 categories of Tennos:


    - Yaysayer

    - Naysayer

    - Tennos that could go either way

    - Tennos that don't care at all


    All of which need to express their opinion and have a bloody fight to the death or something because that's their only way to debate reasonably. So I guess we don't stand united since a long time ago.

  11. Of course if stalker nabs you while you're on a low level frame and you know you have no chance, it's frustrating and you remember it. But if you face him wearing top gear and vaporize him without breaking tempo, you just shrug it off. One appearance creates lasting frustration, the other is just perceived as "normal course of the game", hence the psychlogical bias.


    I'd wish this was the case for me.


    First mission of the day a few minutes ago during Corpus/Grineer invasion... he spawns in... I unloaded 2 full magazines of my forma'd Brakk into his face and he didn't care a bit. Of course he went on killing me in 2 hits then.


    I literally give up on that bullcrap because I'm getting the paranoid feeling someone at DE doesn't like what I'm posting on the forum and therefore sends an invincible Uber-Stalker after me that one/twoshots me no matter what maxed out Frame or Weapons I'm carrying, no matter which level or mission I'm entering. :P


    I just can't kill him anymore... and this goes on for the past 4 months. Before that he didn't even stand a chance but now he's just a revive-stealer and literally doesn't make any fun anymore.


    Everytime when he comes I think I might have a chance this time... especial today when I had the Brakk... but nope. Not even close. And that's on my 5 times forma'd Ember Prime and 2 times forma'd Brakk while moving around as much as possible to avoid his Arrows. It's getting ridiculous. Not even my squad mates could do anything against him and one of them got even raped by his Absorb after he was done with me and I already had revived. He didn't even want to go without killing somebody else too.



    The G3 and Zanuka would have been dead in 2 shots from my Brakk or whatever... They are not anywhere near this hardcore and I'd even go so far to say they should be buffed a little bit. Not even Hek or Prime Vor are this much of a bulletsponge as the Stalker currently seems to be for me. I haven't killed any boss for at least one or two months and still the Stalker shows up nearly every day during the first few missions and continues to give me the false impression that I might stand a chance.


    Next time I see the Stalkers picture I will just Alt+F4 out of the friggin game because I've finally had it with this crap. When not even the Brakk does jack then my hope is gone and I won't have it anymore. I don't mind a fair challenge but this is really getting too suspicious for me. So I'll adapt to his coward levels and start to flee as well. Don't want to fight that creep anymore. I've got his stuff anyways back last year so there's no reason to keep on fighting him. ^^

  12. Well... when the cold-dualstat mods are being shipped with another friggin V-polarity then I'll slowly applaud for the success in rendering every friggin polarity besides V utterly useless and thereby the whole polarization system in general. ^^


    I literally don't use anything besides V mods already with rarely a D mod thrown into the mix depending on the weapon.

  13. It might also be because in the recent years gaming has more and more become a mainstream thing.

    Now I might not have that much experience, but I still feel that, especially before 2000, gamers were either children or nerds  / grown up dedicated gamers.

    But now games are more and more aimed at gaining the attention of the mainstream /average citizen.

    And the mainstream has low standards and will consume anything willingly /mindlessly that meets its interest.

    Just look at the average hollywood movie.


    So... the people might not have changed - But the gaming industry now targets those who are generally undemanding and willing to consume.


    Probably true... and on top of that probably the "older" playerbase they had 10-15 years ago is now grown up and probably doesn't care about playing games anymore as much as they used to because they have to care for their real-lifes and whatnot. So they had to target a new younger audience which never had the joy of the high quality standards we had back in the year 2000 for example.


    So literally after a few more game releases each introducing a minor but still new level of bullcrap we have reached the low standards we are having now.


    Also most of the current target audience doesn't even remember that something like a game market crash happened in the 80ies for the very same reasons that the market was overblown with mediocre and crappy games and gaming systems. Something that I expect to happen again sooner or later if the game industry keeps on going on at this pace of self disgrace.


    Most publishers are just starting to annihilate their own customer base with their attitude.


    If they didn't come up with that PW bs, I would've also bought some stuff by now. Never felt like paying anything for a f2p game before. But for Warframe they would've deserved it. ~50 bucks I'd pay. Can't really afford more.


    lol.. Actually I already felt guilty for having like.... > 1000 hours in one year on warframe without paying a single penny.


    About the stability- Considering the beta thing, Warframe has always run remarkably stable for me. With u14 I got stuck... countless times and had to restart... But I can deal with that.

    I've been playing games that would X-crash every few minutes...- countless players experienced this (forums) and the publisher didn't do a thing a bout it... no statement... nothing. *cough* Webzen *cough* *almost as bad as pw*


    So... investing in something that's not 100% stable is fine I think. As long as you can tell that things are going into a good direction.


    Well that PW thing sucks for sure. It's like the least thing that I would have expected to happen to Warframe. But then again you should always expect the worst.


    The stability issue was exactly the risk I was accepting when getting into the Open Beta. Mostly I didn't have any problems with Warframe... yeah there are some major problems with balancing and how some game mechanics work in general, but as long as it is mostly fun I thought "Why not?" and as a "Thank you DE!" for all the great time I had past year I upgraded the founders package.


    Still I wouldn't take the risk again because it was a very big leap of faith to invest in DE and I don't know if I would ever act this blindfolded again now that I realized that (Neverending Open-)Beta is another method of luring people into the game early on to gain some traction while always being protected under the umbrella of "It's beta" to excuse basically anything that could eventually happen and creates its own very subculture of White Knights with Tinfoilhats. I'm glad that nothing really bad happened the past year of Warframe but it could have been very much different too.


    But realistically U14 was just a mess, the buggiest update ever since Open Beta. Sorry to say but it wouldn't have been too bad if they would have kept on working on it for another week or two just to make sure that at least the quests work because they were rushed out untested. Literally. The amount of people that got stuck just showed that they never really tested it in a real scenario rather than probably each mission on it's own in a virtual test environment.


    Don't want to know how many people just stopped playing Warframe and will never come back because of this truckload of bugs they dumped back there. DE sometimes is still acting like they are in Kansas or something while the game is literally out in the battlefield getting it's butt handed to itself by a huge playerbase and no spot to hide when things get ugly. It's not like Warframe will impress 50 million new players out there... Don't get me wrong Warframe has its potential but still is a niche game in a niche genre by todays standards so they will eventually run out of new players to impress if they don't start caring about some serious quality control soon.


    One thing I'm even more suspicious about is stuff like Crowdfunding... stuff like the overhyped Star Citizen where they throw in millions of dollars without even having a playable foundation. I seriously can't believe people are funding vaporware like that without getting anything in return while they are waiting.


    It sure was. And while the scrambler was removed, I still think there is something vile about the Kubrow system:


    Don't wanna wait 2 days for kubrow to hatch? pay plat.

    Don't wanna wait 3 hours for Kubrow to recover from stasis? pay plat.

    And the meanest thing:

    Of course the Kubrows have that "D'Aaaaaawww" effect. The player immediatly grows attached to that cute unique little thing.

    Oh wait - you wanted a...dunno... ´Huras Kubrow? You have the required items to try another random incubation but no slots left?

    What is that? The only way to get rid of one to get a free slot back it is by watching it starve? What? Too cute? Could never do that?

    Buy slot, pay plat.

    oops, next Kubrow wasn't Huras either. Buy another slot... aaand so on.


    Now.. okay... I admit that it's not that bad, since you can trade some stuff for plat from other players-

    which is working fine.


    Still... This is the first thing that made me wonder.... :/


    Yeah... the Kubrows...




    Looked good on the papers and devstreams... not so much when gazed upon now. Good that I wasn't that hyped for them anyways? xD


    I guess the monetization-train went a little bit hardcore there when compared to the other game elements, but I assume they noticed that already anyways by looking at the huge amount of complaints and feedback gathered together in the feedback section.


    I've never played any game for so long. And thanks to the Gradivus dilemma , Warframe has become my main obsession (The warframe universe sure has some story potential...).

    That's why I am worried so much about what's happening to the game after that PW bs....


    Haven't played any game for this long as well for a very long time at least... I had a real major break in hardcore gaming throughout a period of 8 years or something because of personal reasons. Only played a few titles every now and then during my "break" and only story mode and never online.


    So literally Warframe is also my main game now and I would hate to lose it to PW, but well... Seems like everything comes to an end somewhen.

  14. Lol... you're completely right... I prefer Microsoft before apple. I don't own a single apple device. These things stood for high quality... now they are merely prestige objects.


    Quality is a term that seems to have pretty much lost it's importance in todays businesses no matter where you look. Nowadays nearly everything is just low grade crap and if you want more then you've to pay ludicrous amounts of money.




    Coming back to games:


    How is it possible that Triple-A games with millions of dollars in budget get released in a state that's worse than most Pre-Alphas would have been about 10 years ago and still they are being bought by people in masses without major complains?


    How is it possible that the amount of content newer games have is decreasing with each release iteration while the amount of content locked behind DLCs, Microtransactions, Pre-order and whatnot is ever increasing and people are willing to buy ALL the crap even if it exceeds the average price of 3 or 4 full price titles back in 2004, which often had FREE addons with content larger than some current full price titles have?




    I guess the answer to both would be: People have become modest and underdemanding hive-minds and have adapted to the decreasing quality standards and take everything for granted that is spoon-fed right down their throats into their stomaches bypassing their tongues so they can't even have a taste of what they actually get fed.


    Knowing the risks I've invested much money into DE and Warframe because I liked the game back then and hoped for more... But looking at the overall game market currently I wouldn't invest as much money into anybody anymore until they deliver a finished and polished up product by quality standards of 2004. So that said DE is able to consider themselves lucky because they got the last ticket on my wallet-train.


    Because the way the current game industry works is by luring in people with good intentions and creating low grade shallow money printers while never showing any responsibility nor regret to their playerbase for dumping that load of crap on the players' heads in the first place. (Which DE is at least not guilty of because they at least show they are sorry for some bad decisions they've made down the road while exploring the indie genre, a genre that's rather new for them.)


    People like Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw or Jim(quisition) are somewhat selfentitled bastards (which they would still take as compliment) with subjective feelings about some games during their reviews but that doesn't make them any less right about the current situation in the game market.




    So I had to get that out of my system. Meanwhile I'm still looking about in which degree all that applies to Warframe if at all and if I have to feel sorry about investing money. At least the random Kubrow thing was a step in the wrong direction in my opinion, because I didn't invest in founders so that DE can create a slot machine.


    Marvel selling to Disney.

    Which.... is still not as bad.

    Hmm.... something that actually happened some years ago:


    We'll have to wait until we see what Disney does to the new Star Wars movies... but then again they are made by George Lucas... The only one ruining those movies could only be himself.


    George Lucas is like if Leonardo da Vinci would still be alive lurking around the Louvre and correcting some mistakes he made on the Mona Lisa.


    Lucas just doesn't know when it's enough and that's why he shouldn't have sold the franchise off to Disney because they are like-minded and don't know when to stop being douchebags as well, which in turn will deliver us another trilogy that will most likely surpass episodes I-III in their cheesiness.


    George and Disney are literally beating dead horses and that's their only way they can get off somehow while disgracing every fan they might have had in the past.

  15. Something just came to my mind....

    It's basically as if the owners (let's just pretend there were any) of Gnu/Linux decided to sell to microsoft.

    Just like 100 times worse from a moral point of view.


    Would still be better than selling to Apple or Google. They are basically the new Microsoft of this decade because they dictate the increasing mobile sector and they are worse by magnitudes for several reasons. Microsoft is now at the backburner and has to live with the decreasing PC market.


    And another question:


    Couldn't it just be that PW only gets the right to distribute WF in ....frikkin China?


    Maybe... They need somebody for the rights there obviously and maybe they are doing it the same way Valve did it with Dota 2.

  16. I'd not expect any official news on the topic until the Asian financial market hits Monday... Then PW will probably brag about their acquisition anyways if it happened at all.


    *carefully prepares pitchforks and torches*


    I never put my pitchfork back to the closet. It's always ready for some doom&gloom action as needed. But hopefully I can store it back to the closet later this week. :D


    That said they should really think about adding a pitchfork to our Warframe arsenal. ^^

  17. I use White, Red and Black combination on all frames and weapons... couldn't care less if someone likes it or not.


    People don't ask me as well if I (don't) like their intrusive color schemes like baby-pink/blue, pee-yellow, puke-orange or snot-green. Or a random mix of all of those. And I don't complain about it all the time. ^^


    That's the thing about RPG-type games: We have to live with whatever color tastes other people have.

  18. Just a quick update from dev on some of the points being raised in this thread:


    More work to come, you've all raised good points. The Torid will get an additional pass to bring it up to 'launcher' par. The Snipetron family will be reviewed, as well as the Miter. 


    As we make our way through these posts and the threads they link to, we will see what else is to come in this batch of balance passes! 


    What about some other fast-firing sidearms like (Dex-)Furis and so on?


    They should have increased ammo capacity as well much like the Akzani. The problem with Afuris etc is that you burn through the entire ammo reserves in a matter of seconds. Especial with Dex Furis and 100clip size. Basically 2-3 reloads and you are blank. Not everyone has ammo mutation mods. xD

  19. We are supposed to be honorable ninjas or something? Seems like I didn't read the memo then.


    I always thought we are a bunch of rejected super human space mercenaries from day one when we only raided ships for the loot rather than for the greater good or only when the greater good aligns with looting. ^^


    I'm not doing stuff without rewards, I'm not working for a space charity. Or at least I never saw things we did having a great impact on the solar system. Factions are still at war, people are still being enslaved by the Grineer and the Corpus still dominate all the trade market and other horrible things in the name of profit, while the Infested sit on the backburner and wait for their next outbreak.



    That said OP is somewhat right about the Devs releasing overpowered weapons with too low mastery requirements. Many people get the OP stuff in the trade channel and skip out on the content to enter "endgame" directly. Seen too many MR3/4s running around fully equipped with Prime Frames and Boltor Primes and whatnot. Back when Prime stuff got introduced I could only dream about having them and now that stuff is handed out like free cookies overshadowing all the non-prime gear nobody cares about anymore.


    I'd say anything prime related should be far off to MR10 and beyond and only non prime things below MR10 with stuff like the Soma still being MR8-9, with the exception of Prime Access stuff because those people paid for the convenience.

  20. Somehow I ended up listening to "Europe - The Final Countdown" from the TennoLive 2014 post on Warframe's Facebook page. Somehow the song is more fitting for this topic than for the TennoLive. ^^


    "We're leaving together, but still it's farewell." (Me and my Carrier leaving the Kubrows behind in the fridge)

    "And maybe we'll come back to Earth, who can tell?" (To farm another Kubrow egg.)

    "I guess there is no one to blame" (Oh boy, DE is to blame for not implementing a "Release Kubrow"-button)

    "We're leaving ground, will things ever be the same again?" (Nope they won't because that's pixelated animal cruelty)


    "It's the final countdown..." (To let our Kubrows starve)


    "We're heading for Venus and still we stand tall." (Because that's where the Kubrow Quest and madness begins.)

    "Cause maybe they've seen us and welcome us all" (I bet the Corpus/Grineer do.)

    "With so many light years to go and things to be found" (Looking forward to TennoLive)

    "I'm sure that we'll all miss her so." (Alright that's why we let the Kubrows starve)


    "It's the final countdown..."


    Awww yeah, bring on the Kubrow Parks! 
    Hydroid bring out the rum you salty ol' sea dog.


    Which reminds me that I'm still supposed to farm some of the beacons to finally get the last part for Hydroid. But I don't really feel like doing that since the droprates for beacons are crap ever since a few hotfixes ago. :/

  21. Don't see why the Grakata has to be buffed...


    There are more problems with fast firing guns like (Dex-) Furis and whatnot where you burn through all the reserve ammo in a matter of seconds. ^^



    Also I'm honestly curious how the Ammo nerf for the launchers will turn out. They seem to be heavily restricted now. Their little reserves and little mag sizes that causes more reloads will probably leave you begging for ammo after a few minutes because there's no way to prevent picking up Ammo packs containing 20 rounds when only 5 of them got added to your reserves, which is a friggin waste.


    It's especially ugly with the Carrier. Your Carrier will get you in serious trouble because that thing sucks in excess ammo packages no matter if you can use all of it or not wasting all the reserve on the ground.


    That said I'd recommend that you change the way Carrier picks up ammo... so that it only picks up if it can use all 20 rounds... Otherwise it's a nightmare in ammo management.

  22. I`ve actually thought about an ' eject ' button, maybe even make like a little cutscene where you literally watch your kubrow suffocate and die, drifting off into the empty void of space xD


    Ewww... ^^


    I thought more of a weekly barbecue in the gardens of the upcoming Playerhubs and everybody brings their least favorite Kubrow to be roasted in a barbecue contest between all the Embers being around. :D


    Like a Minigame for Ember.


    And then we have some beer to the Kubrow steaks of course while all the Rhinos are trying to hit on all the Valkyrs.

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