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Posts posted by MeduSalem

  1. chicken lifter!!!


    Looking forward to play some Gundam Wing with my Ember Prime. It's like my most favorite things meet each other.


    Never got to play a Gundam Wing related game in my childhood. Only could dream about it back then because most of that stuff was only released in Japan. Asking my parents to get a Super Famicom to play japanese cartridges would have been like if I asked them to get an extraterrestrial rock from planet Mars or something. They'd have asked me if I'm insane. xD

  2. I stopped min-maxing (top tier gear vs crap gear) a long time ago because the game got pretty boring that way. Just "press 4 to win"-spam or take Boltor Prime/Soma and oneshot everything. BORING. Doesn't even remotely feel like a challenge nor are those the weapons I like the most.


    I like to play with Ember Prime and I like to play with my Grinlok or Ignis. I friggin don't care about if some selfentitled ultra-elitists start to rage when I bring that to a mission though I'm MR17 and should know better. Still faring better than most of those people, still getting downed much less because I learned to overcome the limitations of that gear. I know when I'm able to facetank something and when to pay attention and pick specific enemies out before they get ugly, rather then sitting on a box and nuke everything with a Penta from a distance.


    I'm no fan of immortal builds... because why do I even play then if there's not even a chance to lose due to me not paying attention? There's no challenge to be had with such builds no matter how difficult the tiers/enemy levels.




    Also, there are very bad weapons...such a Glaxion, Skana and many others.


    There are no such things as very bad weapons. On the Star Chart everything does just fine or at least decent.


    But I wouldn't expect to get far in T3/T4 endless mission types with some of them. People mostly whine around just because a weapon can't oneshot something in Wave 40 in T4 or whatever... Which is a topic that's pretty ridiculous to begin with.


    That said there will never be every weapon equal to each other... As much as I'd like to see that the game is no Unreal Tourmanet where every weapon is balanced out in comparison to each other. Warframe has too many RPG elements and therefore there's some sense of progression through the available weapons. Some will eventually do worse than others when taking them against the maximum possible difficulty settings.


    It's up to the player if the player wants to overcome those limitations with skill or stay lazy and take the easy way.

  3. - I regret forma'ing my Ignis, Soma and Dual Ether with Bar-Type (Naramon) polarities.


    Thanks to DE releasing all the elemental/status chance Dual Stat mods those weapons got pretty unusable.


    I don't regret selling them in frustration (yeah I actually sold a 5-time forma'd Ignis + Catalyst) and building them from scratch but only with 2 V polarities for the Ignis this time. The Soma and Dual Ether I left unforma'd now.



    - I regret selling my Skana after I ranked it to 30 past year... now I have to re-level it because as a completionist it would be the only weapon I'm missing otherwise. xD

  4. @ OP: There are no paywalls (or only for cosmetic items which is okay). There are only massive grindwalls and cooldowns (crafting mostly) for some things and that's perfectly fine for a f2p game and especial for an item based grind game like Warframe. Most other games in the genre are much worse by magnitudes.

  5. wish sometimes top 5 clans would get a statue but eh i know its not easy to please everyone.


    Sometimes I would wish that each clan participating in an event would get at least something like a small placeable banner-badge (much like the badge for your shoulder) for the dojo to show your clan was there. Wouldn't interfere with the nice statues for the top 3 clans at all. ^^


    Just saying because 99.9% of all clans will probably have empty trophy rooms. xD

  6. I've updated my major feedback-post on page 7 to reflect the changes made up until U14.5.1:



    It's slowly getting there... I guess I've moved as much stuff to the spoiler as there's remaining... So it's halftime for me. ^^


    I guess I could find some nitpicking stuff on the new Mod UI... but honestly it's well done. The only thing I'm not so fond of is the horizontal scrolling bar, but the different polarity categories make up for that. Still I guess there could be a search bar right next to the polarity icons to make browsing even faster.

  7. As a note, I'd suggest that a single destroyed Escavator should not cause a fail, but instead implement a 3 strikes rule or something of that sort.


    I second that. Let 3 of them get destroyed and the mission is a fail.


    Currently it seems like mission failure doesn't work... which is not that bad either because my first squad ran into serious trouble anyways because we weren't prepared that the enemies scale up so fast so we weren't doing any damage against the Grineer on Earth anymore and had to extract at 1350 points or something because people started to get downed and the Extractors became one-hits to the Grineer. Couldn't even keep a single one alive at that point anymore.


    If it would fail the mission because the next wave of enemies pretty much oneshots an extractor it would be very unforgiving... so I think a little room to mess up should be there. As notionphil said... 3 times seems like a good number.



    Another problem we ran into is that that the generated maps both on Earth and Europa were TOO big. It takes like forever to travel back to the starting area when the Scanner deploys a new extractor on the other end of the tileset. That can become annoying as it often causes the squad to swarm out and people are sprayed all over the map and if someone gets downed you have literally no chance to revive them because you can't get there in 15 seconds. Can't defend the extractor and go for rescue at the same time. Can't split myself. oO


    I know it's supposed to encourage teamwork... but many people just don't care and head off for a solo rampage on the other side of the map.

  8. hardware isn't my forte :D i can swap out stuff.. thats about it


    I know that feeling... xD


    But wait until you have to swap your CPU for once... That's when sh*t is getting serious. It's the most hated part when I build a new computer or change something.


    Dealing with the Thermal Compound and putting the cooler on top of the CPU is always ridiculous... especial if you would need 3-4 hands to do it but there's not even room for 1 hand sometimes. ;D

  9. pci card is a upgrade us p.c.guys can by and use up grade the p.c. like a memory card for the ps2 just adds more tec to the box.


    I'd be careful when comparing that to a memory card of a PS2. If at all I'd compare a memory card of a PS2 to a USB-flash drive or something because the memory card is a non-volatile storage medium, which means data isn't lost if you turn the machine off.


    Computer RAM on the other hand is most of the time a volatile memory and it's contents are lost during power loss. The reason why it is used in computers is because all technologies involving volatile memory are in general much much much faster than methods storing it non-volatile. That's one of the reasons why it takes forever to access stuff found on your harddisk drives and why RAM is needed so the CPU isn't throttled by loadtimes all the time.



    If at all I'd compare a PCI card to the Network adapter released for the PS2 to grant it Online functionality:




    PCI(-e) slots are meant for expansion cards like a Graphics Card, Sound Cards, LAN cards, and other expansion cards like for more SATA Controllers for more storage devices and whatnot. It's a fast access interface to link other co-processors like the GPU found on the graphics card directly to the CPU that often take off load from the CPU. Occasionally there might be some storage devices like fast SSDs connected to PCIe as a workaround to get around the bandwidth problems that slower interfaces like the SATA-storage standards have.


    RAM Slots are the slots meant to expand on memory for Programs the CPU is currently working on. Operating systems like Windows also offer something like Virtual RAM which emulates RAM on the harddisk drive so when you run out of physical RAM Windows starts to swap RAM content to the harddisk drive. That's the reason why your Computer starts to slow down when you are running memory hungry programs like Games, Picture/Video editing programs and Rendering. The RAM slots are there to put more physical memory into your computer to avoid operating systems to have to use their slow virtual memory feature and to give it the fastest performance possible.



    And sometimes some of the expansion cards for PCI-e, like for example Graphics Cards, have their own dedicated RAM (often refered to as VRAM) located on their cards which also shouldn't be confused with the RAM the CPU uses.



    The vertical slots are the PCIe-Slots (for graphics cards)

    The horizontal slots are the RAM-Slots



  10. Yeah. Thought so too.







    Too fancy.



    Btw. RAM slots are not PCI(-e) slots... so I'd suggest editing the thread title to "look like RAM modules". Otherwise you would have to state you mean fancy Graphics/Sound cards because they are the ones going to PCI-e. PCI is dead anyways as well as AGP and both are now incorporated in PCI-e. xD

  11. Man... Somehow I'll miss the old design.


    Somehow the old design looks so much more simpler and cleaner than this new bling-bling design which doesn't fit the otherwise so drastically reduced design language the UI uses. If a mod-card design rework would have been needed at all then it should have been more simplistic than this bronze/silver/golden jewelery design. It stands out the screen like it doesn't really belong there and to Warframe in general rather than to any demon-slaying fantasy RPG or something. But that's just my personal taste.



    On a more serious manner I think the horizontal scroll bar in the Arsenal will be a major backstep because we already had that last year and it sucked majorly, especial if you have dozens of duplicate mods on different ranks for underclocking purposes. I already expect that the usage of the horizontal scrollbar will become very annyoing in the long run again because of this. It's something we already know that doesn't really work well.


    Ok this time there are 2-3 rows around rather than 1... but still I find it somehow disturbing that this design choice is coming back to life after it annoyed so many people last year.


    Or at least I hated that back then... especial when stacked mods weren't implemeneted yet, but now I have at least as many isolated duplicates as well because of underclocking so it will be the same experience as I had last year. oO

  12. Oh no you can't actually just run in with a completly overpowered loadout but actually have to think through what you have to use... It is so people (like me) can find an actual challnge that isn't just "spam all the infect" from stupid fart cannons (in reference to the Infested). For example: should I run with just my warframe and my melee weapon to have as much mod slots I could use efficiantly to make a melee build and power usage or should I run with all weapons and use up what little mod space I can? Plus there is plenty of other things to do so like you said, just don't play it if it isn't in your interest but please at least try it before complaining (and yes it is accounted as a complaintif you don't like the mechanic of this new alert, just clarifying because on the forums many people tend to whine when they make a complaint then you tell them it is then it becomes a childish game of who can act like the bigger troglodyte).


    unequip sentinel/kuburow, unnecesary weapons and you can then go with whatever you want


    Well did just that. Used the unranked MK1 gear released last week and leeched my way through to 200 in public and increased the mods as they started to fit on the weapons. The way to go when boycotting something arbitrary like Conclave Rating. Didn't even get downed with my 300 conclave rating as often as people who used their rating points near to the 500/700 cap.


    The trick with those Hyenas is to stay in close combat with them... Melee range preferable and when they stop to charge their fire blast move away and stab them from behind. The AI is almost the same as with Phorid as long as they are on the ground... If you are too close then they can't really attack you if you keep on circling them.


    So challenge? Nope. Just makes you feel like a dumbass to have to remove all the mods you spend hard work on just to be able to run that mission for 30 friggin times. Kinda defeats the purpose of having all that ranked up stuff.


    Hopefully this will not be the new "trend". I mean handicapping yourself just so you find a virtual challenge thanks to your low ranked/crappy mods/warframe/weapons rather than giving people something to do with their high level gear. Seems never to come in handy to have maxed out mods or 4 times forma'd stuff other than endless missions which I don't stand anymore because I've played them way too often past year because of the lack of different game modes.


    It always boils down to Defense/Survival for regular play or in Events (even small alerts like that one) that everything is a massive exterminate grind just with varying enemies and brutaly scaled enemies that almost surpass Nightmare mode for most people. Somehow Tethra's doom was the most unique one since it offered something different for once, but there they messed up the point system so basically you were done with 2 missions.



    Btw. I don't even feel bad for leeching my way through... Because most of the people I got paired with were just a bunch of rushers that fell flat on their face in nearly every room thanks to them not shooting the Cameras attached to the Corpus Laser doors.

  13. Well... Instead of creating content for highlevel gear we now have to cripple our Warframes and Weapons so to do those Tactical alerts successfully?




    I'm not playing the game to equip crappy gear on purpose to be able to enter such missions.




    Well I'm not playing this. First content I'll skip out on. I don't even like the sounding of the whole bullcrap.


    Dead f*cking serious.



    I currently have my Level 30 Ember Prime equipped and the 3 unranked new MK1 weapons (so no mods on them)... and still have a Rating of over 850 and therefore couldn't enter the mission. So I bet I'd have to take out pretty much EVERY mod of my Ember just so I can put maybe 1 mod in turn on each weapon or something. Screw that. Whoever came up with that thing was drunk or something. oO


    I never gave two cents about the Conclave rating and I don't ever want to because it's something that should only serve for people who like to play PvP... but I don't want to play anything PvP related so why should I want to take care of an unbalanced Conclave stats system that was designed for PvP?


    I hate it and I haven't even run the mission yet. So I don't even want to care. oO

  14. So Tenno Live Devstream... I guess we will get our full Kubrow customization with U14.5...?


    I might not like the current breeding system... but somehow I think if DE the removes the breeding alltogether they miss out on a nice game mechanic. Just my thought about it.


    Should just have made the breeding more reliable the way I proposed in OP with individual traits being like mod-cards that can be extracted and fused/mixed together... or with some of the other proposals in the Kubrow Megathread.


    But well I can live with full customization and palettes too... At least there will lesser complaints... or only from the unlucky people who spend a bazillion Plat on Imprints. ^^


    Ummm, maybe that's a bit too harsh for people, even with good levels that can't play regularly. After all the main problem of this decay system is that it needs constant care.


    Probably... was just a random thought... Didn't include it in OP anyways. xD

  15. I don't know. Last I checked, between 1/3rd and 1/2 of my friends list was active players still, despite the fact it has people from opening week on it, and many that have gone inactive show up again. I would seriously doubt the attrition rate you made up to justify your anger at lack of imaginary goals.


    Pretty similar to my Friendlist... There are a bunch of people on it that haven't logged in for 100 days and more... but a few of them had a quick look at U14 and now they are offline for 3 weeks again. xD


    The other half of my friendlist is quite active and never longer offline than a few days or a week.


    I'd say the distribution on my list looks like that:


    1/3 active and no longer offline than a week

    1/3 semi-active coming back in a 2-4 week period to check on new updates

    1/3 inactive that may never come back or only check back every 2-3 major updates every 100-150 days.

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