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Posts posted by MeduSalem

  1. 1) I could go with either a remove button or a quest/location to leave the Kubrow behind. At least a way to get rid of the Kubrows should be there. How that's done is debateable.


    3) Waiting times between failed mastery tests are just fine as they are. They shouldn't be taken lightly. That said a way to train for some tests would be nice though because some of the tests are pretty academic and it's never required to do that sort of stuff in a real mission.


    4) Friendship doors are fine. Leave them as they are. Damn rushers should learn to wait up for their team rather than going on a solo rampage and getting downed on the first sign of an ambush. Don't want to be their babysitter and revive them all the time.


    5) No vote kick (It's enough punishment to simply not revive them if they are hurting the team). Better have a "positive" (no negative points, much like the forum upvotes.) reputation system with multiple stuff people can give points on so the next time you get paired with people that are more like yourself and that decreases slowly over time so you are not stuck with a permanent mark on your head.


    6) Hell yeah, have something like an global "auction house" in the Hubs. At least a trade post where you can dump a limited amount of items for a limited time period. At least the trade spaming isn't a longterm solution and also causes some unavoidable amount of scaming. Don't mind it if it's heavily regulated by DE to prevent massive inflation.

  2. Can we *please* have the planetoids put in a sane order on the navigator? Ceres and phobos should be by mars, europa should be by jupiter, and pluto, eris, then sedna at the end of the list, with whatever is "beyond" that(void, derelicts, dojo?) last. The current order seems completely arbitrary, and doesn't match anything, not even unlock order.


    Was about to suggest something similar with the next update of my feedback post... Because honestly it's pretty weird that Phobos is between the Derelicts and the Void...


    The others still make somewhat sense because they are ordered by increasing difficulty... But I say screw that and place the bodies in their respective relative orbit, hence Phobos to Mars etc.


    Eris and Sedna can stay on the most outer region, but Phobos should be by Mars and Europa by Jupiter. Ceres should be in between Mars (/Phobos) and Jupiter because technically it's just a big rock in the Asteroid Belt.




    Or better yet they should get rid of the ring alltogether in favor of a more natural solar system the way it's been before U14. Imagine if DE ever considers to add another bunch of moons to the Solar System... I can only imagine how ugly clustered the ring will become and even a mess for console users to scroll through the ring in a timely manner.


    It's another thing they really didn't think quite through to be futureproof. They just introduced themselves another barrier they will have to overcome when they decide to add more regions.


    The ring is just a massive waste of space. Just move the Warframe out of the center, put the sun back in where it belongs and arrange the planets/moons back in spirals.


    At some point the ring will look like that:




    Or worse.



  3. If they had just used so common sense this UI wouldn't be a complete disaster. Like making sure it's efficient, doesn't waste screen space, doesn't have unnecessary slant, no movement, other game elements blocking it.


    Let me give you just one word:




    That's the disgusting word lurking all over the place with the new UI and somehow the longer I look at it the more I feel they should have added the Ship as an graphic alternative to the existing UI rather than patching the Liset up with duct tape all over the place.


    Because that's how the new UI feels the longer I use it. Patched onto the Liset without any thought on actual workflow.


    That's as if I'd design a kitchen and scramble the devices like the sink, the fridge, the cooker and whatnot all over the place just for the looks rather than caring for workflow and thereby handicapping myself. It may look nice but after a while you are sick of cooking there and wish for some fast food to speed up the damn process.



    I've to give them credit. I like the Liset. When I'm not in a hurry and can take my sweet time or just watch the scenery.


    But once stuff starts heating up and quick decisions have to be made the UI fails on the whole distance. They threw the whole established workflow over board just for the looks and now even the simplest stuff like switching Warframes or Weapons and putting on some mods takes like forever to do because you either have to run to the back of your ship or work your way through a messed up menu-tree.



    Even I've been collecting dramatic amounts of feedback and posted it on the official thread I somehow really start to miss the old quick-access bar on top of each window. That was actually something bulletproof one could work with.


    The current way of doing things gets tiresome pretty fast and I find myself switching gear like only once in a while as well as modding only after doing a few missions rather than quickly in between because I'm sick of running down the ramp all the time and I don't feel like using the crappy nested menus that take at least as long as running to the back of the liset and involve even more unnecessary clicking. No matter which menu you are using you just have to press Escape way too often to get somewhere.


    Doing Terminus on Mercury and ripping some Grineer butts is completed faster than browsing through the damn menus. That's a sad story but true fact, bro.

  4. What makes you think they're even listening to us? All the UI team has done so far is implement small things (changing how invites work, planet labels[which is super useful, don't get me wrong]) and ignored the big ones (nausea from the UI, a level of usability that can barely be called 'usable').


    They even made the loading screen ships pilotable! They could have spent that time making the UI be something other than worse than any iteration before it.


    They already said that they will deal with the nausea problems on the devstream... But first they will have to implement a slider that adjusts the UI size to a players liking and afterwards they will make the menu sway toggleable, but they can't do the toggle before having the slider otherwise the Warframe would be blocking stuff.


    That said I'd probably have moved the Warframe out of the way instead because that's much easier than implementing all the other stuff needed to make the sway toggle-able... so I give you that point they are pretty stubborn about that immersion stuff.


    Because I already see a major problem ahead with the slider. It will probably work for higher resolutions... but lower resolutions will still have that crappy menu sway because they can't fit all the stuff on the screen and the slider can't make the UI smaller because you couldn't read anything.


    So probably they are just fixing it for people with higher resolutions while the ones stuck with lower resolutions will still be stuck with the nausea problem.


    So ultimatively... They should just move the Warframe out of the way. It will boil down to this no matter what. They will have to because as soon as the slider goes live people will rush here and complain that it doesn't work on lower resolutions.

  5. Not any more work than having separate control schemes to interact with the same UI would be. Just revert PC Players to the old UI (if they choose, it's all client side) and leave console players alone.


    That won't happen though.


    The only thing we can do is give feedback and gradually make the new UI more usable.

  6. Besides Vor now being an immortal spirit and Stalker being a fleeing coward I'd say... Vor would win.


    Probably because Vor is much more durable and has only one spot that takes damage ontop of steadily teleporting around. Stalky would instead take damage on all bodyparts and would have a hard time avoiding all the Nervos Vor spits out...


    That said if the Stalker would know about the weakspot and aim for it with the Despair/Charged Dread then he might stand a chance but only if his AI isn't too dumb standing in Vor's AoE crap all the time. So since there are so many assumptions to Stalkers AI I'd say the Stalker's AI is too dumb to take on Vor or at least in a major disadvantage for Stalker and he'd therefore lose.


    But still I'd pay Plat to see that fight.



    We officially just turned into Screw Attack's Death Battle. Up next we have G3 vs Lephantis!


    I guess the G3 would lose because their AI is pretty dumb as well. They wouldn't know to shoot only the pink parts. Pretty much the same problem as Stalker vs Corrupted Vor.


    Also Leekter would be completely useless during the fight other than fending off the hords of Infested spawning into the boss arena because he couldn't hit Lephantis with his Manticore.


    So the only two doing something would be Shik Tal and Vem Tabook, but still they would have to know what to aim for, which is a major disadvantage for their restricted AI.


    They also suffer the same major problems as nearly all enemies in the game... they try to facetank everything rather than being agile and that's their doom because they would stand there and keep on taking hits from Lephantis until they are dead. They'd probably not even see Phase 2.



    Better question- Sargas Ruk vs. Lech Kril.  The harvester, Jackal, Zanuka, and Alad V vs. the hyena pack.


    Isn't there a big thread somewhere about the Ruk vs Kril thing? Can't find it somehow... maybe it's been moved to the archives already.


    But I'd probably say Ruk would win because he's got more special spots over the course you've to hit than Kril giving him an advantage over the single spot of Kril. Ruk would eventually hit Kril in the one spot and after several times Kril's pretty much done for while Kril would have to hit Ruk very specifically and it's changing over the course which means Kril would have to be much luckier than Ruk.




    Also if Harvester, Jackal, Alad&Zanuka and the Hyena Pack are thrown into an arena King of the Hill style... all equally leveled... I'd say Jackal because the others are too dumb to aim for his legs and without he will use his MG, Stomp and what's the worst: his nuke strike that instakills nearly everything.


    But I guess the first that would die off is the Harvester followed by the Hyena Pack and then when Alad V with Zanuka is left the Jackal will eventually have enough luck to hit Alad and hit Zanuka during the vulnerable phase. ^^


    I'd pretty much rank Jackal the most dangerous boss in the whole game and probably able to win against EVERY other boss out there just because of his lethal nuke strike ontop of his invulnerable phase.

  7. because weve already been told: No


    I mean both Keyboard-Shortcuts and an additional clickable quick-access bar on top of each window. Not both the new UI and the old UI because I know that's technically not possible.


    If Dorian&Pablo refuse to have Keyboard Shortcuts or a Quick-access bar then the new UI is doomed anyways... because many people can't stand how long it takes to accomplish even the simplest tasks. ^^


    Making the main menu un-nested is not enough to deal with this mess of pressing Escape 10 million times. ^^

  8. -snip-

    Edit: I just saw the idea existed somewhere else, thanks to the mega-thread so this has no sense here.


    Yupp, basically I'd have to you refered to the Mega Thread as well:





    That said I've been thinking what if... what if the Kubrow DNA stability would depend on how much you fiddled around with it's traits?


    The more overly designed your Kubrow is the faster it's DNA degrades. But that's just a random thought here in relation to my proposed genetic forge. xD


    New players will probably have random Kubrows with DNA that degrades very very very slowly... but high roller endgame Veterans with overly designed Kubrows don't experience the same problems with running out of Credits fast so their designed Kubrows could degrade at a faster rate.


    But that's just a real random thought and is heavily on the unfair side since min/maxer would stop caring about Kubrow design and go for the ones with the cheapest Upkeep.

  9. On the devstream pablo said they're testing the concept of better mod filters, but frankly while that would be apprecierad, text search would be even nicer, if you want to look at your serration mod being able to type in "serr" in a box and instantly see them would be a lot more user friendly.


    Then again Pablo and Dorian seem to have a deep rooted aversion to user friendly UI...


    Yupp. Honestly I can't understand why they are so against that.


    The only reason I can imagine is "because it doesn't work as good on consoles because they don't have a keyboard" which would be pretty much acknowledging that they don't want to have to do all the special treatment for PC anymore and rather slipstream the builds together and thereby crippling the usage on PC in favor to please some console players.


    Which in turn is like taking the direct path to hell.


    I've seen too many developers making similar mistakes out of laziness with too many other games, especial back with Unreal Tournament 3 when Epic Games tried to slap the console UI developed for Gears of War on the PS3 version of UT3 which itself got ported to the PC. People hated that and now UT3 rots in purgatory where it belongs together with Epic Games now that they sold off the Gears of War Franchise to Microsoft. That said I wonder how the new Unreal Tournament will turn out now that it is a crowdsourced PC title or if they will ruin everything again down the road when they notice increasing interest in the game.


    At least I start to wonder how many more game titles will have to suffer from this trend until the game industry realizes that "PC ≠ console", can't be treated as equal and that players take this topic pretty serious.

  10. I seriously wish this Posts had a starvation feature.


    If I was DE I would let all your Kubrows die, as this is basically some $&*&*#(%& act of pixel terrorism. and anyway, you are doing it to yourself.


    What? I don't have any Kubrows on starvation. So that's basically your assumption right there. My post was in reference of 7grims' Kubrow.


    The Sahasa I'm currently maturing is healthy and happily. The other 13 mongrels are in the fridge though and will probably stay there for at least some months or years to come.


    And as I already said earlier: I will support people demanding a better solution to get rid of some unwanted Kubrows even if their methods are somewhat questionable because I think it's an oversight on DE's side. If they wouldn't want that people have the feel to get rid of unwanted Kubrows then they shouldn't have made Kubrow breeding/customization this random in the first place. The way it is now it was only a matter of days until something like this thread would come to existence. ^^

  11. If this were accurate, you'd see a whole lot more crying and whining from new players who just killed Vor and Jackal honestly.


    Stalker would be all over them all the time if it were like that anyway.


    The other two I don't know, but the first two planets would literally be Stalker's stomping grounds.


    Don't know. My experience with him is pretty biased. I'm pretty much used to being killed by him already... That's why I never complained the past 5 months... but what I'm saying is that I haven't had a fair fight with him for at least 5 months. All he does for me is join in, point his charged dread at me or Slash Dash and I've to revive and I don't even get a chance to shoot him. It's so pretty much standard by now that I don't even care about it anymore. xD


    Maybe only a negligible minority complains because most people get Rhino from Jackal and from there on don't have any problems with being oneshotted anymore. Probably because Iron Skin grants alone more hitpoints than my whole Blind Rage Ember has with maxed-out Redirection equipped. And there are like no other viable builds for her because in the end she's no tank. ^^


    That or people just don't care about that butthurt coward anymore and take being killed by him as granted. At least I see nobody complaining during random sessions when he spawns in and murders the whole squad. Some of the newer players I got paired with even asked if he's killable at all. So that's that. xD


    Also I don't say anything should be changed... I don't need anything from that bastard anyways because I got all his gear back last year so I don't care about if my Ember can't win against him anymore as long as she performs well on the other game content.

  12. Oh... I think of Stalker as a way to make me waste my Revives and nothing else... because most other stuff can't kill me anyways... or only if I'm gimping around and experimenting with some stuff.


    I can't fight the Stalker because there's no fight. It's like him dropping in and me pressing revive the second he gets up. So I don't know if he's pretty durable or not because I don't get to shoot him. I'm dead the second he becomes vulnerable because he shoots his charged Dread at my face and never misses or rushes at me with his Slash Dash. My Ember Prime is no match for both attacks. :D


    It's funny how I can facetank lvl 50 ancients/napalms and survive somehow but a level 25 Stalker during invasion missions on Mars or wherever oneshots me. I'd really like to know how lower ranked people are supposed to kill him. xD



    For the G3 and Zanuka you don't have to be a pro. Because they don't have any weapons or skills that oneshot you. And even if they are too difficult you can still outrun them (while the Stalker keeps on teleporting). That said I'd not recommend letting yourself get hit by Leekter's Manticore. It hurts. Plenty. xD

  13. The Stalker is especially a coward when it comes to this.


    I can't remember when he last joined that I had a fair chance. I always tend to have at least one highly ranked weapon with me, but he never feels like showing up then. He only joins when both mainhand and sidearm are low ranked.


    Basically I'm being oneshotted no matter which Warframe/Mods I've equipped the second he gets up from his crouch position. Running or fighting back just delays the inevitable. So when the screen starts flashing I basically wait there for him to kill me and revive and move on with regular duty. Can't do anything besides that anyways. Complaining doesn't help and I've become "meh" about him since I've got all his gear back when he's been a fair bro rather than the butthurt coward he is now.


    In a squad it's basically the same. He only shows up when there are only low ranked people. i stopped helping people fighting the Stalker because the last few times when I did he killed his target anyways and then aggro'd on to me and oneshotted me as well. So it's not worth it.


    It's like that ever since March or February. Back then he was a wimp that often died before he could get up. But ever since he got buffed I'm not even trying to mess with him anymore.



    The G3 and Zanuka are fine though. Don't have any problems with them. Especially Zanuka is really weak. Zanuka can be killed by melee'ing it to death, something I wouldn't try with the other guys.

  14. When I first found out about this and actually tried next mission I went in I felt like I was playing Star Fox for some reason. It's still cool to have as a touch though.


    Star Fox was cool. DE should think about adding a minigame. I want to blow up sh*t with my Liset.


    I've never seen a single game that's managed to accurately portray space combat. 


    Because that would be either boring or completely annoying. I only played a few space games that tried simulating "realistic" Newtonian Physics... and they all sucked majorly when it came down to space combat.


    It's like trying to shoot a Grineer running in circles with the Paris while having Infinite Maglev mod equipped and sliding a slope downhill forever because of no friction. I would ragequit out of the game before I even killed a single target.


    Can't help about it... But I still feel like Freelancer is one of the best space games I played in the past probably because of its simplistic flight dynamics and point&click style. It feels much more like a fast-paced shooter rather than a boring and virtually prolonged space simulation.


    because tbh, i'm not really much of a simulator person. i'm not interested in building spacecraft for the sole purpose of spending hours flying to other planets to land and collect research, make bases, and go back.

    that's boring as hell. i build spacecraft to fly around, go fast, and make things explode.


    Basically. It's like flying a cargo plane fully loaded with smelly catsh*t to the other side of the world in realtime. I'd try to jump out the plane before I even reach the runway for take-off. ^^


    Just give me something to shoot and don't make the controls/movement a friggin Einstein-project to accomplish that. (Something Melee 2.0 failed for me btw. because timed combos just suck.)


    Now they need to make it so the players can see each others ship's moving. Currently only you can see your own movements.


    They should consider that... ^^

  15. I'd support having Keyboard shortcuts to directly bring up certain important menus. I've added that to my feedback post on the official UI thread.


    At least it would be a temporary solution to the problem that it takes like forever to access some stuff while the regular gameplay demands you to make quick decisions or otherwise people disband the squad because they become impatient.

  16. Updated, day 8.


    I'm surprised ppl still show up on this post, thank you all for the support.


    I guess only 5 more days to go... If DE doesn't implement the feature with todays update... then it will obviously die off before next wednesday. Will you continue the crusade with sacrificing another Kubrow? :P

  17. Ember Prime of course. :s


    That said she still gets pretty useless after the Infested hit a certain level. Even with maxed out Blind Rage and active Accelerant the swarms don't want to die off. Her damage scales very badly if you want to go very far in Survival/Defense (Wave 35-40+ or 50-60min surival or something is the limit after which I start to notice her shortcomings currently). But if I want to have some fun on the Non-Endless-mission types she's always my favorite.

  18. I got my Bite today. During the Sabotage Alert on Earth.


    Didn't even mean to get it... Just slaughtered some Kubrows on the way to extraction.


    Best part: I marked it on the map and told my Squad about it. They straight went for extraction rather than making the few steps back and picking the mod up. 3*100 Plat down the sh*tter. ^^

  19. Having to grind void missions solely for credits, and that at a ridiculous rate to sustain the extreme credit costs of pretty much everything?


    So which "extreme" creditcosts are you refering about? What exactly do you waste your credits on? Kubrows?


    The new weapons and stuff are pretty much all the same and I don't know where else to waste credits on other than Kubrows and their mods. The mods being a one-time thing anyways after which you use them on all the Kubrow races. So is it the upkeep for the Kubrows? oO

  20. I have an idea to take off some of the pressure for DE(L) in terms of creating new equipment for Mastery, if you like to see it. 


    Feel free to post your ideas if you want to. :D


    The thread isn't dedicated to feedback though rather than just for fun and out of curiosity... and not to criticize the MR system itself. That said there are obviously some flaws to the current system when looking at this graph. xD ^^


    Could you generate a graph with the mastery rank on the left side or would that be awkward to do?


    UGLY. Very ugly. Had to do it by hand... so the positions are maybe some pixels off but the general range should be okay. xD


    The problem there is that the Graph tool doesn't let me change/add individual marks to the Y-axis.


    I might try fiddling around and abuse the graph tool to do something it's not supposed to do, but it might deliver a nicer "accurate" solution than the one I uploaded a few minutes ago. My idea is to add and abuse a second graph without time-scaling that's a vertical line on x=0 with the Mastery Ranks as y-values. Then I've individual marks that I can rename. And if that works I can move the XP-values to the right side of the graph and have the Mastery ranks alone on the left side. xD


    Will have to check that out later on to see if it's worth it. xD

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