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Posts posted by MobyTheDuck

  1. If you do a Parazon finisher while in the middle of a stagger/knockdown animation due AoE weapons, you will suffer a complete loss of interaction.

    No buttons will work, you can only change your weapons, but cant fire them. Jumping, chat, skills and anything else is disabled.

  2. uxyl4Bg.jpg

    3 hours of ground team



    3 hours of space team


    The average earned from space missions is 2x/3x more than Ground missions and these are the hardest since you are forced to kill the bullet sponges to progress.
    Whoever designed this was on serious crack.

    • Like 3
  3. 2 hours ago, Loza03 said:

    Observed: seem to have received 6,000. I didn't take note of my balance beforehand, so I can't be certain. Would like to know if it is a UI bug.

    Its not an UI bug. I only got 2k credits from getting Rank 3 and the store showed that my credits went from 20k to 22k after the mail.

    • Like 1
  4. Quote

    End of Wave Bonus Tiers:

    If you defeat the required amount of Murex in a Scarlet Spear Flotilla, you will get bonus VICTORY PAYOUT. Your Victory Payout earns you more Scarlet Credits Operation points depending on your rank!

    Rank I (Ground or Space): 2000
    Rank II (Ground or Space): 6000
    Rank III (Ground or Space): 10,000

     The update said that getting a Rank 2 and 3 would reward 6k and 10k credits respectively.

    I did so, but received only 2k credits on both.





    Its not a text only error, the shop shows I only did get 2k credits from this each mail.

    I'm owned 14k credits and all my good will that I gave to this event.

    • Like 2
  5. The update said that getting a Rank 2 and 3 would reward 6k and 10k credits respectively.

    I did so, but received only 2k credits on both.





    Its not a text only error, the shop shows I only did get 2k credits from this each mail.

    I'm owned 14k credits and all my good will that I gave to this event.

    • Like 1
  6. Old Ember was great for low level missions, but scaled like crap for high level stuff. People would use her to speedrun captures, fissures and some other missions.

    Fire was terrible against armor, Ember had low armor and health, with no damage reduction or ways to strip armor.

    All you could do was keep stunning enemies by using the fire procs and Accelerant. Her 1 and 3 was basically useless.

    As I said, she was great for low level stuff, you would just press 4 and you could just walk around and stuff would die. People whinned a lot that she was making low level stuff "too easy".

    Then came the first "rework" (AKA nerf) that made her 4's energy drain increase and range decrease over time, with damage increasing. That pretty much made her even worse for high level stuff, but barely changed her for low level missions. The damage increase was barely noticeable since because of armor and the range/energy changes crippled her CC.

    Right now you mostly need to keep pressing 4 to kill stuff. Which reminds me that Pablo wanted Ember to be more used on ESO, but forgot you cant press 4 twice without getting your skill locked. Then he went on about nerfing Saryn even after they said that ESO wouldnt be used as grounds for nerfing/buffing.

  7. If a Shield Drone happens to charge an Arbitration Drone, they protect each other infinitely.

    Since the Arb Drone has shield gating, but no weakspots, you cant take it down with one shot.
    Then you have the Shield Drone always charging it's shields, meaning you cant drain it shields to kill it.
    But since the Arb Drone makes enemies around it invincible, you cant kill the Shield Drone first.

    All you can hope to do is either try to separate each other or hope you can kill it before the shield gets 1% restored.

    That can also happen in Corrupted missions.

  8. 15 hours ago, Voltage said:

    Warframe needs more grind. Grind is the core loop of the game. The reason the game is getting stale in my opinion is because DE keeps adding grind and then backtracking and undermining their own systems.


    9 hours ago, Voltage said:

    I did not say my question was realistic. Of course it isn't, but the structure is the same. Asking players if they dislike grind is like asking someone if they want more payout for the same or less effort. It is a question that favors one side. That poll question is a heavily biased data point is my point there.

    Sorry, but I'm really wondering if you are actually insane or something.

    The game is a grind, but its a fun grind. This isnt the problem or the question here.

    Getting kuva weapons, relics, prime parts, new frames and doing nightwave missions doesnt stops me from stockpilling materials for future projects. The ONLY exception are the Mutagen Samples, which have different rules that they refuse to change.

    I want to play the game and have fun, not have to go out of my way to get 3 other players, boosters and grind the same mission for ONE RESOURCE. I have 50k of each other sample, but barely 5k of mutagen.
    Forcing people to play more than they should to "earn" something is madness, you would have to be a massive selfish neet to think that because spent part of your life walking up a hill a hundred times, stepping in glass shards, to get something, so should everyone else.

    Making the game a long, annoying and boring grind is what made the game lose so many players over the months, so I hope this was DE's wake up call to fix more old annoyances and that they listen more to the average player than the "HURT ME MORE, I WANT CHALLENGE REEEEE" players.

    • Like 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:

    I'm willing to bet that it'll also be obtainable from that new infested space mass DE showcased on a recent devstream. It'll be a good while until it happens though.

    So our only hope it to wait years to a new place that might drop them, or for some dev to take one hour of his time to change a few numbers and the variables of a single item.


    • Like 3
  10. It still only drops from two places, Eris and Derelict.

    Derelict still doesnt has matchmaking, so you cant freely go there to farm it.

    Its still a rare resource in Eris, while every other sample is common/uncommon on every other planet.

    Hema is still THE least researched clan item in the game (probably along the Ignis Wraith due being limited to that one event).

    The 100x Health restore is just as bad as the Hema research with Mutagen samples.

    You guys said you would take the Sibear and Hema research problems into account for future items.

    When people asked for WEEKS for a change, you guys went "We cant do anything because it would be unfair to the few few few clans that got it, tough luck go farm derelict lol"

    Clans that built it didnt want ANYONE to suffer what they did.

    Railjack costs got refunded becase only a few people built it.

    We just had a big 'revision' update.

    So I ask, is the Mutagen Sample problem going to get addressed before 2030?

    • Like 16
  11. As the title says, after I did a parazon finisher on my Lich, I was unable to pick up items (even the focus node) or interact with anything (doors, buttons, finishers, parazon).

    Seems to happen only if you are a client and do a parazon finisher on a Lich, finishers on Thralls dont break anything.

    Changing to Operator lets me pick up stuff and interact, as long as I stay as Operator.


    • Like 4
  12. Could we get a way to see how many ranked arcanes we have? When I go buy an arcane from a vendor, I can only see the total I have (One rank 3 and two rank 0, so it shows I have 3 total).

    Gets a bit confusing to have to check if I have one arcane maxed or how many I still need to get to the max rank.

  13. A few days ago, I was playing like normal, until I finished a mission and the game couldnt save my data. I thought it was maybe an internet problem and tried to check my adapter, but my PC blue screened right before I tabbed out of the game.

    No problem there, I thought, since Windows update were messing up my PC for a while now.

    But when I restarted my pc and got back to the game, I was surprised that literally ALL my configs got erased. Graphical settings, matchmaking settings, audio, FOV, several options like hint transmissions, menu sorting, chat (including ALL my filters!), favorite colors and even NPC introductions in Cetus/Fortuna got reset! The only stuff that didnt got reset were my keybinds.

  14. Everything seems excellent on paper. Will hope for the best and brace for the worst.

    Some stuff I also would like, that wasnt commented on:

    - Increasing Murmur gain/Lich spawns. Liches are too rare to try out combinations, the return of shared murmur will help a lot since more people will play on public, but would still be nice to get it looked at.
    - Content islands. I have to stop every other progression to focus on Liches. A way to adapt the game modes into one would be nice, like being able to fight liches in fissures or putting normal relics as rewards for Lich missions.
    - Bandaid mods. Some skills really need to be improved, but all they get are more bandaid mods. Adapt some of them into the skill itself, change the mod for something that actually augments/changes the skill. Stuff like recasting or canceling skills are the biggest ones.
    - Stealth fixes. Seriously, stealth and the multiplier is broken for like 7-8 months.
    - Focus and it's skills. We really need an increase on the normal focus gain, since its completely ridiculous without the focus booster thingy. Also skills need changes, particularly the ones that increase/consume energy that get ignored.
    - More way to get normal arcanes. The only way we have is Eidolons and their bloated drop table. The Operation will have a vendor, so would be nice to keep a vendor somewhere else. Maybe use the Eidolon shards as currency to buy normal arcanes?
    - 5 Forma weapons. This needs to stop. Its not fun, it doesnt adds anything to the weapons aside forcing you to get more forma to max the mastery and the forma is basically useless because the extra mod points counter the need for more forma.
    - Fusion for Railjack parts. Please let me fuse blueprints/parts/Dirac/something to increase the random stat, if you guys really will keep them.
    - Universal vacuum. Hello darkness my old friend. I have come to talk to you again.

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