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Posts posted by RLanzinger

  1. hey @quxier, your post is unreadable... to much quotes so I did not bother read it apart form the 3 last line...

    "I would like to explore interesting (dojo) maps and play some missions. However relay are not like this. "

    This is exactly what [DE] seems to go for : making relay an interesting "lobby style" map with more interactivity So :

    • they won't suppress actual interactivity from relay...
    • they will keep adding interactivity to relay, with some QoL. You can ask -at best- for a Simulacrum shortcut in Relay Wheel...
    • Also Orbiter or relay are too much full of decoration, a almost direct way exist, an extra duplicate is less to be accepted.

    BASICALLY, You won't avoid going into his room... 😝


    We are Cephalon Simaris.

    Lower your Defense and surrender your MINDS,

    We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own,

    Your culture will adapt to service us,

    Resistance is futile...


  2. To @Poestis,

    1 : "There is no way to get to it besides the Relay Cephalon Simaris Room"

    No, you can from Orbiter / Syndicate / Simaris. It teleport you directly IN FRONT OF the console to choose your Simulacrum room.

    2 : "Why ?"

    First, Simulacrum IS SIMARIS's Creation so it's INSIDE SIMARIS ROOM. No SIMARIS in Dojo => No SIMULACRUM; IDEM for Varzia, Maroo, Baro Ki'Teer, Syndicates ...

    New Players discover Simaris during their Walkthrough (in Quest) and also when training for MR test. If they already access the room but did not care to explore it by curiosity, it is their own fault to not know what Simaris offers. Even a noobs can YT "Where do I test my Warframe builds?" and find out about Simulacrum.

    Second, It's CANNOT be in DOJO because it is a MISSION INSTANCE so 4 PLAYERS MAX.

    Third, Why not direct access from DOJO/Orbiter : because relay is mean to be a meeting, living place. The next update will have Ordis in Relay for his own missions on quest. A lot of player have asked to have more rooms in Relay for RP but [DE] cannot open new rooms without reasons; If you ask to suppress the use of Relay, you can also go back in 2023 before we spawn in Orbiter with a antic general game menu like in BF2...

    3 :"It's there".

    Players who know the game have AN EFFORT to discover it, Play who ask it in chat have make an EFFORT to ask about it. You want to implement a Shortcut to render all this the most lazy way, the most uninteresting, the most unproductive way. Do not give people fish n' chips, teach them fishing, gardening and cooking ^^.

    PS : There is actually 3 simulations rooms, if you miss one of them then you surely miss a lot of stuff. It's not [DE] fault, just your Sloppiness... never blame the others for YOUR miss.

  3. To @KrappyKappy,

    About Sealab sabotage, Wikia hint something :

    "The research drones are located in a locked vault; the player can either hack the door open or break into the maintenance tunnel on the bottom floor. Once inside the drones can either be destroyed with the player's weapons, or by hacking another panel in the maintenance tunnel that will cause the room's automated sentry to malfunction and explode, destroying the drones in the process. If the player is spotted by the automated sentry before it has been hacked, the associated console will be disabled and the player will be required to destroy the research drones manually.

    Players can proceed to extraction once everything in the lab has been destroyed."

    I dont recall it but I retry the mission and did trigger some alarm which make the room open by itself with Grinner troopers inside.

    So try with activating the sentry alarms ... that the trigger !

  4. To @Densoro,

    Technically speaking, the matchmaking -from 2014- only link you to few players so you only need a hundred of them. You cannot ban more than 100 because :

    • Yes it take ressources 100 slots x 38 Millions of accounts entries in a database. 256o x 4 billions ~ 28 x 22+9 o ~211 o< 212 o = 1To
    • If you hit 100, you may need to do some cleaning (like I did from my 10y old one)
    • If you still have a problem (with people), you need another style of matchmaking IE Clan Only or friend Only and surely not Open-Street
    • If you still want to play openly, you may suppress speech and make tchat at character size 1.

    This is the Shinji Paradox (Hedgehog's Dilemma)...

    PS : Who the hell named this animal Hedgehog ? It's unwritable, unreadable, unmemorable 🤣 I'm french, BORDEL !

    • Like 1
  5. Cathode Grace's is not an infinite duration ability, It's a gamble

    • At base you need 8s + 3s x 17 kills-kills assists to restrict the cooldown from 60 to 1 second. [Spawn rate restriction !] That seems ok UNTIL you look at
      • Wikia : "As Cathode Grace has a rather long animation time, Gyre is vulnerable while activating the ability." [Vulnerability restriction !!]
      • her abilities ranges 7, 12, 10m vs Mag 15, 18m (+80% greater) or Volt 15, 20m (+100% greater) [hidden Range restriction !!!]
      • Cathode itself consume 74/240 ie 31% of her base energy capacity, leaving her 25/100 starting IE One use of #1 ability [hidden Energy restriction !!!!]


    • This all said, you need Range, Duration and some energy for DECK to start running good. Her augment too by the way.
      • So unlike Nova you cannot build in duration OR Range, you need both RANGE AND DURATION. Where is [DE] motto about Diversity ???
        • I've got one Config for Gyre NO NEED for 3... [Mods restriction !!!!]
      • The kills does not scale the Damage unlike all others frame, only Duration. That the exact problem with AoE Spammers that get Nerfed. So, You cannot play this ability with lower MR or the mission will quickly be a SOLO / TOXIC mission. [PlayStyle restriction !!!!]
      • Also her first and second are SOOOOO MUCH DIFFERENT that I ended up metastasis one for a healing ability... that made her so much enjoyable.


    To sum up, my 2 post, Cathode Grace is like YugiOh's Exodia, that damn Powerfull but DAMNED risky to use and not so enjoyable...

    • Like 1
  6. To  @Prof-Dante,

    The is 2 type of cooldown :

    • 1-3s after using an ability before be able to reactivate one. This is thrilling and anti-exploit enough.
    • 10s to minutes ARE A PAIN. It's a timer mechanics from MMORPG or turn base clic and point that has no real use in real-time, high speed game.

    Why this cooldown is bad :

    • Using on low level map, there is just no way to have enough enemies to maintain it,
    • A MR15 who get with LR spamming AoE won't have enough kill either,
    • If you get ragdoll just after animation, you're screwed and cannot prevent it...
    • Even with ultra maxed duration the timer is at more than 30s IE 3000 EP.Kills.

    Also with "Cannot be recast while active or on cooldown." remind me of Ash OTOmagic** ultimate : MORE annoying than pleasing.

    • To compare : Valkyr's Augments like Eternal War can be infinite without atrocious timer, Even Enraged's timer is limited to 15s
    • The status effect assist kill is a pity band-aid.
    • recast while active or on cooldown at Double Energy cost could easily solve those >10s cd.


    (*) : 100-130 kills per seconds was the expected performance from Founders with their Excalibur Prime.

    (**) Pun intended, Hetzer n' Angelo's fans will know

    • Like 2
  7. from @Parzival_Uno :

    "In terms of improvements to the dojo, I would like to contribute a couple of my ideas (even if they are not heard, at least I will express myself)

    1. It would be nice to bring your own version of the Night Wave into the dojo, with your own activities (for example, add so many resources, conduct so many PvP battles, go through an obstacle course, visit a certain number of rooms (a small action, but players may unexpectedly find out that their dojo has decor), conduct several survival missions with clan players (in fact, activities can be invented in just a minute, if there are activities such as petting a dog and making a gesture), make an exchange, specifically in the clan, and not at the Meru bazaar ) so that this "Wave" has its own line of cosmetics - and voila, more players will appear in the dojo and participate in clan activities. It would even be possible to do a small quest to reveal to the world a new NPC of the Wave type, so that all this would not appear out of thin air.

    2. As was written earlier, not all players who were involved in decorating the dojo, and who are decorators or heads of their clan, would like to entrust their dojo to the first decorator they came across, because there are different players, someone can spoil what has already been built or simply destroy it, and a person who has spent a lot of time on his projects will be disappointed. So, to avoid such situations, it would be a good idea to add ownership, in case there are several decorators. It should look like this - let's say the decorator chose a room to build, told the head of the clan about it, the head of the clan assigned the room to the decorator - as a result, no one except the decorator or the head can change anything in that room, even having the status of a decorator (For example, I am the head and a decorator, I want to find myself additional decorators, but at the same time I’m a little afraid for my rooms, which someone’s hands could ruin).

    3. It’s a very big omission that you can’t change the color of decorations (I understand that it’s difficult to create several skins for one part, and besides, decorations often have the colors of the faction to which the part belongs), for some idea I was looking for a part of a certain color , and when I found it, I realized that the part was too big/small for the composition I was making. In the end, you have to get out. For example, the back of an Orokin wall or the bottom of a frozen puddle has long been used because it is flat and looks like a body of water. I’ll also add a complaint about size changes - why are some parts reduced/increased tenfold, while others are much smaller? The same applies to personal jewelry - they change their sizes by percentages. And if I have no complaints about animated personal jewelry, since, probably, the imperfection of the animation will be visible on a large detail, then I still have a question about static ones, like paintings. Again, the recently introduced blue light, despite being animated, can change size .

    4. This is probably more of a personal wish, but could they release the mannequin decoration without the wooden pole from which it sticks out. I don't know how many decorators create scenes with people, but this detail just begs to be molded into a person. Again, there are hands, but they do not shrink to the required size, and the mannequin, on the contrary, does not increase. The golden people from Zariman seem to be able to replace people in scenes, but they are very expensive. Or just add the details of the person - that would also be nice.

    5. I may not be the first person to write this, but sometimes rooms do not have enough capacity, even 1600 for an open space is not enough to implement all the ideas that come to mind when building a room. Even without animated objects, which waste 20 capacity, quite often I could not fit all the ideas in the room and had to simplify the entire room. So, why not do such a thing - a room for platinum. That is, build an open space, say, with a capacity of 1600 capacity, and, say, for a nominal fee of 100-150 platinum, double the capacity to 3200 capacity. If the decorator sees that he is catastrophically short of capacity, he has the right to discuss this with the head (it is advisable that the head gives permission for this) and with full consent, platinum could be contributed from the clan storage (this is exactly what clans that have won in past competitions might like and having no idea where to put the platinum in storage) P.S. I hope to find supporters in my ideas, because I, like many others, would like to develop the theme of dojo/clan/alliance, so that these social groups would somehow interact and not just be “for show.” Thank you all for your attention"

    To Parzival : "
    Не забудьте перевести, так как на основном форуме только англоязычные пользователи." (auto-translated, not sure it is good ^^)


    • Like 1
  8. To @-FrutyX-,

    If I remember, you have the max distance of Molecular Prime Calculated ~90m radius for 300% duration (18s).

    • for one tile defense battle, this should be enough.
    • for Duviri map or giants rooms, a bit more could help.
    • for Solo/Exterminate when moving forward following the wave, the longer, the better.
  9. To @ArcaneCyanide,

    What is the cause of the crash ?

    • Easy way : Create a desktop shortcut "C:\Windows\System32\perfmon.exe /rel" name it Performance Monitor reliability. this give you program/windows crashes details since ONE MONTH.
    • techie way : Or Run ProcDump as state in SUPPORT DESK PROCDUMP PAGE, and give the 3 first exceptions or use WinDBG to read and analyse the dmp files


    PS : I had this problem for months until I remove the dust accumated on my RTX 😅 and some others add problem with overclocking (had to switch XMT ram to off) with the almost same message memory error 116 or another...

  10. On 2024-05-08 at 6:38 PM, [DE]Ronnie said:

    Standard Star Chart Dojo Showcases Return in July

    Keep an eye on Warframe’s official forums, social media, and in-game news for more announcements!

    In the mean time, enjoy these All Stars as they bid farewell to this dojo era.

    5W&H : WHY ? WHAT FOR ? FOR WHO ? WHERE should I post to stop this ? WHEN will this madness stop ? HOW can we stop this ?


    I'd jus copy-paste an old post about WHY DOJO CONTEST SHOULD JUST DISAPPEAR !



    [Another Tenno remark : My comment about it ] [Mood Icon]

    Tenno : "Often using tricks to place object x in a place where it is theoretically impossible..." " YES, This the way ..."😢

    Tenno : " It would be really nice if DE took care of the decorating menu." "As Long tricksters ALWAYS WINS Dojo Contests, we, simple humans, are just Loolser" 😒

    Tenno : "if people are actually also annoyed by it." "Annoyed and I Don't give a sh!!!t about it ANYMORE" 😡

    Star Chart Dojo Showcase - Autumn 2023 : 87 replies
    Star Chart Dojo Showcase - Summer 2023 : 70 replies
    Star Chart Dojo Showcase - Spring 2023 : 75 replies

    Star Chart Dojo Showcase - Autumn 2022 : 67 replies
    Star Chart Dojo Showcase - Summer 2022 : 93 replies
    Star Chart Dojo Showcase - Spring 2022 : 83 replies
    Star Chart Dojo Showcase - Winter 2022  : 116 replies

    Star Chart Dojo Showcase - Summer 2021: 162 replies
    New Contest: Dojo Dress Up! 2016 : 514 replies

    So my post will surely be ban for baby level of insanity but for a constant 600k Active Players Over 2023, 87 replies is 0,0145 %...

    IN 2016 there was far LESS PLAYERS, but 6 TIMES (514 / 87 = 5,908) MORE REPLIES...

    ALL the rewards are a Niche Rewards for the OLDIES TRICKSTERS,

    It's worst that a PAY2WIN because some DOJO do PAY for a Dojo designers,


    That's MY OPINION n' I Assume it ! 🧐


    PS : Yo @Letter13, Abusive behaviour again or not ? an' sorry for bothering ya and consuming your time 😖

  11. If you want it to be FIXed then

    1. Make a report of bugs -in correct form- for the dev to know what happens
    2. Add screen/video capture, a Ticket with logs if necessary
    3. Then check in "Know issues thread"
    4. And wait for next Update as all "Hotfixing Paused until Jade Shadows"



     Title : [BUG] (Not) New Netracell bug, knowed by ALL but report by NONE myself include.
    Hello Name,


    • TYPE: [Launcher, In-Game, Chat, etc.]
    • DESCRIPTION: [Tell us what you were doing when the bug occurred. Details here are helpful]
    • VISUAL: [This is where you would add your screenshot or video]
    • REPRODUCTION: [Tell us how we can replicate this bug, if known]
    • EXPECTED RESULT: [Tell us what you think should have happened, ex: “I should have drawn my weapon”]
    • OBSERVED RESULT: [What actually happened, ex: “I went into a T-Pose”]
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: [How often it happens when you try to reproduce it, ex: “It only happens half the time / when I am crouching / when using Hydroid.”]

    Good luck 👍 and have nice day, 🤗


    • Like 1
  12. To @DEAD_PRIME,

    En fondateur de clan solo, la gestion des rôles est un peu galère... ça m'a pris 3jours la première fois pour le trouver tout seul le sous-menu de sous-menu 😋

    Menu > Clan > Petit bouton pas visible en bas à droite Clan Management > Rôles

    TROIS JOURS ... 😑


    Sinon il y a la roue d'Emoticons / Menu... c'est ultra plus rapide


  13. To @DEAD_PRIME,

    C'est pasque t'as pas le rôle "décorateur de Dojo",

    Chaque Clan a des 8-9 rangs (de Paysan... architecte... fondateur)

    et chaque rang possède des rôles (Architecte -ajout de pièces- et décorateur de dojo -pour la déco-)


    Si t'est de rang Paysan, tu peux juste regarder et "PAS TOUCHE"... 😅

  14. To @DEAD_PRIME : Yo à toi, sur le forum c'est en anglais sinon personne captera ce que tu dis...

    Mon avis perso,

    • IPhone11 demi- 2019 avec Puce A13 (CPU 2 cœurs Performance et 4 cœurs Eco) GPU à 600 Gflops avec 4Go de RAM
    • Nintendo Switch avec CPU A-57 1-53 (4 coeurs Performance et 4 cœurs Eco) GPU à 400 Gflops avec 4Go de RAM

    Donc L'Iphone 11 (neuf et clean) est en théorie similaire à une NSwitch.

    En ancien tech Orange, je conseillerais une sauvegarde complète puis reset full avec reinstall de Warframe seul...

    SINON pour traduire ton texte en ANGLAIS pour les dev t'as soit reverso, google trad ou MISTRAL AI (C'est français et GRATUIT : https://chat.mistral.ai)

  15. @Chewarette : "Yeah, you know how garbage this content is,"

    Yeah that the rule when asking for help, INSULT first, Complain second and vaguely argument last ...

    I DISAPPROVE every insults and petty arguments you said,

    Better ask POLITELY to have them in the Market, It will at least profit to [DE]

    Khal mode is good and could be great with more maps/mods and so are his rewards... as few as his content. I'd appreciate having more.


    PS : btw ty for my daily RDI of Natrium ^^ (No I'm no gentle)

  16. To @Mr.PPD,

    As @Zakkhar said Garuda, without a doubt and I'll add Hydroid then,

    Also, how do we know if a warframe is melee-suitable or not ?

    -They have an ability to regen health sparring your Defensive mod (+1 slot !!!) (Garuda's Blood Altar / Saryn's molt augment)

    -They have an ability to augment their melee damages (Garuda Passive / Saryn's Toxic's slash or Venom Dose)

    -They can open finisher or insta-kill a bothersome unit ro more (Garuda instant kill at 40% or less, Exca Radial blind)

    -They have a AoE Damage with stuns (CC) or Immunity time (Garuda Dread heart, Garuda or Saryn or Valkyr's Ultimate)

  17. To @Zxyur

    Also you could change title to something "[QoL] Display Frost Snow Globe HP, pretty please" or

    "[QoL] Display Frost Snow Globe HP, for God's Sake" or

    "[QoL] Display Frost Snow Globe HP, In the name of Lotus" ... or I will puny you

  18. To @Zxyur,

    I could be easily done 'CAUSE It was the first Defense ability to have it's health display,

    But they removed it because we always maxed it to 500.000 (the max was latter 1.000.000).

    I'd like to have the HP of all 4 of them. +1 Like.

  19. To @Flat_Lined,

    Some will say the Matchmaking is broken !

    Some could argue that AoE mods like should be tune down too ...

    Personally, I just say that this player is plainly in a Toxic Gameplay but not enough 2bit to say anything compromising...


    Hopefully such 2bit conduct help us in one good thing =\\ AoE NERF //=... I thks them for this and report their conduct for others things

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