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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. Welcome to the forums.

    While I still enjoy the game I agree with the points you raised, especially this one:

    17 minutes ago, Hell_Raven said:

    At my rank, with my weapons. A mission is either so easy as to be not in the slightest challenging. Or so overwhelming with enemy numbers and health that it's impossible to solo.

    Difficulty scaling is flawed and might or might not be addressed in the future, but it is what often pushes players towards overpowered builds. However, it is possible to experiment and find more variety if you don't focus on efficiency. Most missions don't require it unless you do endurance runs.

    There is also a problem that Warframe is not really focused on endgame, so when you get all the stuff you don't really have anything to do with it. Even the latest game mode that was added is just more of the same. It's all right, but still. Maybe when Dark Sectors are brought back or the kingpin system is introduced something will change.

  2. I would also like stealth to be more viable. It would require AI and spawning logic rework, but would be doable. However, I don't think it will happen simply because most of the playerbase prefer to rush through missions rather to be stealthy.

  3. Regarding point 1, tomorrow is a devstream and they are going to address the removal of raids, so I will wait until then before giving a full judgement. Right now I understand why they want to remove raids, but not why they can't just leave them be until they introduce something in their place. I don't care either way, but there are players who evidently do.

    About point 2, I somewhat agree that drops are limited, but, for me at least, doing bounties is not that different from farming them somewhere else. Some variety would be nice, however, if only for the sake of people with performance issues in the plains.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

    What about arca plasmors nerf? The changes on the knell when it arrived? Adding damage falloff to secondary shotguns? 

    Do you mean this?

    Headshots no longer deal bonus damage.


    • The Arca Plasmor was designed to hit multiple targets with a high-status chance, but with wide wave projectiles and inherent punch-through, a single shot could result in multiple headshots. With it being a shotgun, it was never intended to behave as a precision weapon, and the bonus pushed it too far out of that mold.

    It's pretty self-explanatory to me.

    Adding damage falloff to secondary shotguns could have been added simply to make them consistent with primary shotguns.

    I haven't used Knell so I'd rather not talk about it, but wasn't it bugged? At least that's what I found out.


    I don't agree with every change the devs make, but they are usually well explained from their point of view and thus provide some justification as to why some changes were implemented. So it's not like they nerf stuff just to mess with us. Also, we can disagree in a civil manner rather than make rage threads.

    Anyway, I still stand by my original post.

  5. And poorly written threads don't help the devs improve the game.

    Things don't get nerfed because they kill things to fast, as you claim, but because some of them promote passive gameplay. Which should not be the case.

    Threads like these only prove that some skills are allowed to linger in an unfinished state for too long,

  6. I prefer what we have now. The stuff you mentioned can be put wherever in the orbiter, there is a lot of space for useful stuff. It's not like we need a whole room for a simulacrum teleport or whatever. Besides, they might expand the orbiter even further in the future.

  7. @Klavinmour

    What you're saying is only partially true. Games like Battlefront 2 were made grindy specifically to "encourage" to pay money instead of play the game. Make the game progression annoying enough so players prefer to pay for progress. It didn't really matter if you were doing well in a match, only playing longer earned you better rewards. They even got rid of cosmetics for some bizarre reason, even though they were there in the first Battlefront. Just because you can get something by playing doesn't mean it should be hidden behind a huge grindwall, which was the case with Battlefront 2. Look how Warframe community flipped when Hema was released. And Warframe is a free-to-play game.

    And Dead Space was killed off because part 3 was full of annoying microtransactions. That's why it was underperforming. 

    If it was like you say, there wouldn't be such a huge backlash against EA. They even managed to get attention of governments.


    Regarding the topic, even if EA was planning to buy DE I doubt they (or anyone at all) would be willing to join them considering EA's reputation right now. It would be a bad decision business- and reputation-wise.

    Anyway, I hope what I wrote makes at least some sense.

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