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  1. Well on steam currently the cumulus collection is currently free to claim for everyone so maybe try using that to test how things work before buying plat perhaps?
  2. I'd hope they can do both PS and Xbox together but I'm not sure how overloaded the servers would get considering they want this as a drip gate, would really like to get in and play the new update and event quest asap. Still rather odd choice to drop an event during the middle of the cross save rollout, would have made a lot more sense to deploy it afterwards.
  3. I feel like the changes made to melee stances in the current iteration need a check over once again. Personally I used to use the tatsu a lot even if it wasn't the best melee weapon around because it had a unique stance that felt smooth. After the stance changes they completely shuffled the various combo's are executed with the movements and made it incredibly clunky. Would also say a few other stances in similar aspects to the two-handed nikanna's that used to be more free flowing would be tempo royale for heavy blades and defiled snap dragon on blade and whip. If they don't intend to review the stance changes at least adding a new two-handed nikanna stance should be a priority for how they butchered the stance in the melee rework. Could go on with plenty of other stance changes that took place but it would turn into a rant haha, I miss the old system as it felt like the player had more control and the combo options added diversity.
  4. Any form of update even if it was spending an extra day to work through current pc players would be nice.
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