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  1. For the buff readability they should be snapshotted when you pause so they short ones dont run before we read them.
  2. This data is WRONG, go check the wiki again, prisma shade is almost the same as shade prime. This would not happen if you checked the data. Is this trying to cover up a big nerf to drop prisma to the level of base shade? Also can we stop arguing about the other primes shields slightly worse than base version when they already had 150 armor and aren't getting buffs? sure values aren't final and all, but this is a bit confusing, also you should have shown the full rank pet stats instead of base.
  3. Regarding damage numbers : I saw the compact wasn't working with legacy numbers, maybe disable the toggle with it on or make it work for both. When compact the large numbers should not be too intrusive, keeping the 300% memes alive. And since this is getting done, how about distinguishing the many DoT numbers with different number animation direction? 🔥Heat goes up 🗡️slash drips ⚡️electricity arcs(similar to the default but moving out) 😷gas disperses outward as it slows down 💀toxin seeps in from outside. Overall the status changes are good and in line with buffs i wanted for them, but how is the ⛏️Puncture bonus going to actually calculate? Is this meant to lower the rng threshold required for the crit after the modded+flat ability chance? I suggest making a simple buff becasue mercy only works on some enemies anyway and staggers effectively lower dps when you miss the enemy: 🔨Impact proc buff: deal a protion of the hit as instant damage to all layers of enemy defense based on stack number including through overguard. making it the only multi layer status. but only for enemies so we aren't constantly killed by this effect through our defenses. if this seems too op for basic damage type, maybe bast would work better as it's supposed to be a shockwave expaning through space.
  4. I thought about the ideal solution for a while, there are different types of ephemeras, but allowing each element to be completely different will be too chaotic, therefore let's separate them into elements, but only allow one of the primary ephemera to be overwitten and all but 1 hidden. Body effect / projects on/from body shape itself Attached / is an actual object Ground / requires ground or movement Idle / only shows when stationary Particles / objects being emmitted from other sources than skin As you probably see there are several that have multiple types at once, while some of them are just 1. The UI works like this: You select primary and secondary ephemera and togggle things off or the one that overrides the primary. Effectively you can reduce one down to 1 elemet or override 1 slot from a secondary ephemera. Perfectly ballanced as all Tennovation should.
  5. I have a limited RNG proposal: it requires that we have a proper universal upvote and downvote system across the arsenal, and that unowned gear can be also downvoted from profile. lets say that you have a requirement of marking at least 20 unique types of items per arsenal slot that can be upvoted or downvoted, IE upvote 20+ primary guns and then they can show up more often, downvote 20 unique primary types and they show up less often. However you cannot exceed 33% of items owned for each direction. even if you sold weapons it will be ignored until the vote limit is corrected. gear that was sold and is also downvoted cannot appear again in the cave. and all teh upvoted variants of teh same gear have equal chance to show up in that spot in teh cave. and it will opt in return the functionality that was changed with the forma preference: for example multiple titanias and other primes I have were able to show up, but only one at a time. Perhaps a better variant could be this: all gear can be marked but only the first 20 slots for eitehr direction will be eligilbe for the preference. that way there is a functional limit without a perentage or a hard cap.
  6. I am also getting a false negative on my login info for the last half hour. first I thought it was something having to do with the VPN that Geforce Now uses to stream the game to me and they might be sharing the same IP for multiple users. but that would be weird cause it was never a problem since Duviri dropped. Not super recommended cause of the hour limit for free users then I have to launch the queue again but for someone without the means to afford more recent hardware it is my only working option.
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