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(XBOX)R3d P01nt

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Posts posted by (XBOX)R3d P01nt

  1. 23 hours ago, (XB1)xxSKINNER5xx said:

    I sold the mandachord before the mission was done how do I get it back

    Check to see if it's on offer from Cephalon Simaris.  If it's not, then you'll have to contact support and see if they can restore the item for you.

  2. I understand your frustration, but the sequence of events is confusing.

    You farmed all the components and built them, correct?

    You obtained the Gauss main BP from the market and then built that in the foundry using the components, correct?

    After that, it gets fuzzy.  After the 3 days, were you able to claim Gauss from the foundry?  Did it pop up a window telling you that you had no open slots to place a new frame?  At that point, did you go and clear out Nyx and Limbo?  Then, you returned to the foundry to claim Gauss and it's still telling you that you need to have open slots for a frame, or is the frame not there?  It shouldn't appear in your inventory until you claim it from the foundry.

    How many free warframe slots do you have right now?  Is Gauss built in your foundry and waiting for you to claim?  I'm confused.

  3. 19 hours ago, (PS4)Fire_Hawk_82 said:

    Please contact me via personal email ***************** to discuss this problem, i need support here i dont fancy rebuilding amps unless im given resource to craft.

    You really shouldn't post your personal email in chat.  You should edit it out.

  4. On 2019-09-22 at 3:38 PM, (XB1)omegaMAXIMUS080 said:

    So since the last update, the problem that I am having is that when I go out for a tricap, and after shooting the first joint on the Teralyst, I am not able to do any more damage to the other 3 limbs!  WHY?! This is a major problem and should be addressed immediately!  Another clan member of mine also reported that he was having the same problem.  Who else has encountered this problem? 

    Some additional information:  I am using a Catchmoon, and its the damage from the Catchmoon that is seeing ZERO damage numbers on 2, 3 and 4th limb of Teralyst. I am however able to deal damage on the final stage of capture.  Devs, whatever change you made that affected the Catchmoon in this scenario, please fix it. 


    DE, please look at this and fix it! 

    Are you the host or a client?

    Does the purple health bar stay on the limbs?  Do you see 0s popping up for your damage, or just no indicator?  I ask because there's a visual glitch that happens where you simply don't see the damage being done, but it's still being done.

    20 hours ago, (XB1)LumiX y0 said:

    They not bothered lmfao I've posted so many bugs nothing gets done good luck 

    Not helpful.  DE does look at these threads and they do try to fix what they can.  They need good information, however, instead of just "It's broke, fix it NAO!" type messages.  If you encounter bugs, please help be part of the solution by adequately documenting them and giving good information to DE instead of going to other people's threads and telling them not to bother.

  5. 4 hours ago, (XB1)Rez090 said:

    That doesn't excuse bad design, the arsenal is called the arsenal for a reason, it is not a "shortcut", it is where you get your gear from. Having to buy an item from two different interfaces is a bad design flaw that only exists with weapons that cost credits to buy, blueprints do not have this issue. How is a new player supposed to know they can't buy the same weapon from the same location because it wasn't designed like that?

    You're free to suggest alternatives in the feedback section.  This is, however, not a bug.

  6. 8 hours ago, (PS4)CHAOS6669 said:

    I get a message saying my data is corrupted. Other then the message that pops up every minute or 2 my game continues to play as normal. Worried i will lose everything if i try to repair the data. I do not have a PS plus account. Not sure it would help if i got one as the damage may already be done. Everything else on the drive is ok. The warframe saved data is the only issue. Is it possible to backup my progress/ inventory etc.? 

    You can wipe out your local saved data without losing anything progress in the game.  It might help to try getting rid of it and re-installing Warframe to see if it solves the issue.

  7. Are they rewards from the missions or are you picking them up in mission from enemy drops?  The former don't count towards NW completion, the latter do.

    I suggest doing the drift mod puzzles or Index to get mods for the NW challenge.  Vault mods won't count, nor will mods received from spy vaults, sabotage caches, etc.

  8. 20 hours ago, (PS4)ThemVSyou said:

    After I leveled my acceltra to max rank I noticed that it did not give me any xp towards my next mastery rank I'm still att 32.999 when I should be at 29.999.
    Please fix this asap and please give us that have leveled it already the mastery rank xp we deserve cause this just ruined my goal of reaching MR 27


    There are many other items available to reach MR 27 easily.  If the Acceltra is bugged and not giving MR XP, it'll get fixed.

  9. 11 hours ago, (XB1)SeriphLogan said:

    Yes red the parts are in my inventory but they aren't showing when I go into the foundry.  I have all the parts and the blueprint, but still can't make it because the Blueprint doesn't see the parts. 

    So, here's what I would do.  Take screenshots of your foundry showing that you have the BP, but that you can't craft it.  Then, take screenshots of your inventory that show you have the parts.  Ensure they are for the same weapon.  Once you're sure, send those screenshots to Support.

    ETA:  To take screenshots on XB1, just press the Home button and then "Y".  Once you've done that, you can use the XB1 app for Windows to download the screenshots to a computer for easy uploads to support.

    If you don't have the XB1 app you can try Smartglass for your phone or something, although I'm not sure if Smartglass supports file downloading.  You can also take shots with your phone if you have one and send those to Support.  You can also use an online site that automatically grabs your screenshots from XBL (provided your permissions are set to allow it) like https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/seriphlogan

    I hope it gets worked out for you.

  10. 9 hours ago, Flyonmywall said:

    It has been brought to my attention that there are people in chat threatening new players by saying they will report the new player if the new player does not sell them the item wanted for a lower price. I have had one of my clan mates reported for not lowering his price and their account was banned by DE. What was reported by the player bullying is unknown. Don't we have chat monitors watching for this type of bullying? DE please help keep our game clear of the bullies.  Thank you, Flyonmywall [MR 27]

    If someone is acting in a way that is not in accordance with the game's rules for conduct, you should take a screenshot and report to support.

    No one has their account banned by DE for not lowering a price on an item.

  11. 12 minutes ago, nokturnihs said:

    1. It's a chores list filled with stuff I don't enjoy or stuff that doesn't make sense (build another amp/kitgun to gild, forma 3 things) - I hate wasting those resources doing things I've already completed. It's just asking for either my money (waste forma) or pointless grinding. 

    2. There's no choice. If I could select a number of tasks from the chores list and earn the standing that would be great. That alone might get me back. 

    3. There's no way outside of grinding EVERY DAY or at minimum tens of hours per week for weeks to get the Umbral forma. It's the only reward to me worth getting and it's locked behind a grind mechanic that makes it hard for me to enjoy the game.

    1.  They've removed the gild challenge.  I don't believe they've removed the forma challenge, but there's no reason you have to do every challenge.

    2.  You certainly have a choice.  You can choose not to do any challenges.  You can choose to do a subset of them.  It's up to you.  You're not forced to do anything here.

    3.  There are at least 10 weeks in every NW season.  This season will have 12 or more weeks.  You only need to complete about 60% of the challenges to get to rank 30.  Umbra forma was rank 26 this NW, I believe, so it's even less points needed.  Earning all the weekly challenges is far less than 10s of hours per week, and you certainly don't have to do every challenge, so it's not even that many weeks.

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