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(XBOX)R3d P01nt

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Posts posted by (XBOX)R3d P01nt

  1. 11 hours ago, (PS4)Takemika794 said:

    - 2nd time, pulled up the option screen to get water, came back and thumper disappeared from front of me

    You can't pause in PoE, even when solo.  Did you move away from the Thumper to avoid getting downed or something?  If you move too far away, they can despawn.  Also, they sometimes try to move away from you and can despawn if you don't stay with them.

  2. 40 minutes ago, (XB1)Tucker D Dawg said:

    Xbox achievement complete 6 bounties on orb vallis in an hour.  Profit Taker bounties don't count although upon completion, the achievement "progress" keeps popping up.

    They are labelled "bounties"

    They are on Orb Vallis

    They count to NW bounty tasks


    If you leave Orb Vallis to go back into Fortuna, it resets your progress, which I believe is required after running PT bounties (except PT 1 which only allows you to do PT 2 next without going back into Fortuna).

  3. On 2019-08-04 at 2:42 AM, (XB1)Aurane Vanorel said:

    1. I'm having a problem with the nightwave refresh rate. I completed 7 of the 8 or so challenges over a week ago, minus the one about getting perfect hunts on Orb Valis.  I know it's supposed to refresh every 3 days, but it's been about a week and a half, the hunt challenge is still showing and two other alternating challenges will show up, but the rest still read as completed. I'll get an image of it as soon as I can to show what I'm seeing.

    This is very confusing because you seem to be referring to different challenge types.  A new daily challenge appears every day and you have 3 days to do it - those are worth 1000 pts.  The weekly challenges are reset every Sunday evening (8 pm EDT) or midnight GMT - those are the 4500 and 7000 pt challenges.  The perfect hunting in Orb Vallis would have been up for a week and just reset last night.

    On 2019-08-04 at 2:42 AM, (XB1)Aurane Vanorel said:

    2. The tactical alert to help Clem won't go away. I've done the mission 4 times now, and it's still there, and the treasure hunt for Maroo won't show up as available.

    After helping Clem, it should go away until the next Sunday reset.  They just changed that, though, so there may be a bug.

    Maroo's mission also updates on Sunday reset, so if you had already done it last week, it wouldn't have appeared.  It should be there now.

  4. 12 hours ago, (PS4)SiNN71 said:

    Trying to change polarities in my moa, after switching them around and hitting the square button to actually apply the changes, a message comes up that says the polarities cannot be reconfigured because my account has not been charged.Already put a Forma in it. Just won’t allow reconfiguration. Definitely a 🐜 bug 

    So, you're trying to move the polarity slots around after already using a forma.  Did you re-rank your Moa after applying the forma?  Is the Moa currently at max rank?

  5. Just now, Myscho said:

    Nope, if you own more than one lure (even is selected), you have to manually check starting points to find out for what animal is 

    Not unless it has changed since the last time I went hunting.  If you are actively holding the lure when you open the map, it should only show animals for that lure.

    • Like 4
  6. 43 minutes ago, (PS4)smb-twisted said:


    you play normally, you use void blast and suddenly are playing in first person. using transference sends you back into the operator and fixes the bug but it is very annoying.


    this is on ps4 so with you on x box maybe it isn't a thing for you

    So, it persists in first person view until you use transference?  Does this happen when you are the host?  Client?  Does that make a difference?  Does it happen every time or some percentage (roughly)?

    XB1 has the same build as PS4, but it's possible it could be a PS4 only issue.

  7. 14 hours ago, (PS4)SiNN71 said:

    Cannot reconfigure polarities says account has not been charged. Huh??!

    Can you be a bit more detailed and specific?

    Are you trying to use a forma?  Are you trying to move polarities to different slots?  For the second one, you need to have use a forma on the item at least once already.

    Are you trying to describe something different?

  8. 21 hours ago, (PS4)smb-twisted said:

    Had this alot in kuva flood, some in siphons, even in tricap where you void blast and it sends you into usually first person, sometimes a held camera 3rd person view. it's a right royal pain in the **** and really irritating me and several members of my clan (and i assume a wider group of the community who do kuva runs)

    maybe the nightwave task f doing siphons is well timed to highlight this problem but this is really frustrating

    I have not experienced this, so it's difficult to understand what you mean.  Can you add video/details?

  9. 15 hours ago, (XB1)A Wasted Muffin said:

    I was playing the sortie ...3. When I do damage its less than my usual against 100+ eximus units. (My average hit with a  3x combo counter is 176,000 against level 100 eximus enemies. I was only doing around 40,000 with a 3.5x combo counter.) I would like to know has melee been stealth nerfed or is this a huge melee bug?

    Depending on the sortie modifiers, the enemies may have had damage resistance that would account for doing a lot less damage.

  10. If it's telling you to build the Revenant parts, then you need to take bounties from Konzu and complete them to get the Revenant parts.  Then you'll need to build them to continue the quest.  You'll get the Revenant BP at the end of the quest.

  11. On 2019-07-27 at 2:28 PM, (PS4)spdwyblu05xrun said:

    So why am I still getting radiation damage? I thought that worked out to 100% NO radiation damage. It doesn't work like that? I thought I could stand in the green fog of hell indefinitely with  0% damage. No?

    It means you have a 100% chance of avoiding a radiation proc.  It does not stop radiation damage from occurring.  

  12. 2 hours ago, (XB1)omegaMAXIMUS080 said:

    and one must then reactivate the caller in the direction the animal was heard

    That is not a requirement.

    What is a requirement is to match the pitch of the call on the Echo-Lure.


    On reaching the calling point, the player must lure out the creature using an Echo-Lure corresponding to the creature. After a short wait, the creature will call back and a "lure guide bar" appears on the pitch monitor, and following the pitch changes by aiming up or down will ensure the target creature is attracted.


    Are you moving the pitch with the bar as you make the call?  Are you holding the trigger down until the call is complete?

  13. On 2019-07-27 at 11:13 AM, (XB1)beepoff said:

    (I wish I had proof, but I don't know how to transfer videos from Xbox to tablets)

    If you're running Windows on your tablet, use the XB app to transfer the files.

    If you're running Chrome or Apple, you may be able to use Smartglass (not sure if it has a file transfer).

    Alternately, you could use a website like Xboxdvr.com.

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