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(XBOX)R3d P01nt

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Posts posted by (XBOX)R3d P01nt

  1. 5 hours ago, Xzeon_Prime said:

    I posted this on my ps4 account accidentally, but how do I qualify to use region chat and recruitment chat?

    There is no qualification to use Region and Recruiting.  Check your settings in Options and ensure that they are turned on.  If the issue persists, then you may need to put in a support ticket.

  2. 4 hours ago, blaustein said:

    This nice, sometimes obnoxious but mostly great community, is a den of racist, sexist edgelords on PS4 chats.

    Sometimes moderators cannot be online to deal with these types of posts.  If you see something that violates the rules and a moderator is not able to deal with it, please take a screenshot and send to support so that it can be dealt with.

  3. So, there are some things you can/should do.

    1.  Check your codex/profile and see what is listed as mastered.  Add up the XP and see if it agrees with your MR XP value.  If not, contact support.

    2.  Find a weapon that you have not mastered in your codex/profile and build/equip it.  Take screenshots of your codex/profile showing that it is not mastered and the amount of MR XP you have.  Take the weapon into a mission and get a few ranks on it.  Take a screenshot.  Go back into your codex/profile and check the progress of the weapon.  Take a screenshot of that.  Check your MR XP to see if it's gone up.  Take a screenshot.  If it has not gone up or the codex/profile has not registered your progress, send all the screenshots to support.

    I think you'll find that the MR XP is accurate and that it is increasing with levels on new equipment.  The visual bar can sometimes glitch and not accurately represent your progress.

  4. Note that loot detection mods will stack, so loading as many up as you can will increase your range.

    Also, the vertical range on loot detection doesn't seem to be as large as the horizontal range, so keep bullet jumping up into the air to ensure you aren't missing things above you.

    Also, open crates as you find them so they are removed from your map.  That way, if you have to backtrack, you won't go back to locations where you've already cleared out the items in an area.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Salenzar said:

    I like the idea of Nightwave, but the way it's executed this week makes me a bit angry to be honest. If you're going to give challenges that might need weeks of preparation, at least let us know beforehand so we have a chance to actually do them.

    This was a challenge during Season 1 as well (the previous challenge required you do it with a friend/clanmate).  You've had months since the challenge first appeared.

  6. 21 minutes ago, BlackRoseAngel said:

    It's far too difficult to buy or sell items when you are getting drowned in a sea of people selling rivens. Is it too much to ask that you put Riven Trading into a separate chat?

    As @krc473 said, just use your filters.  If you try to make 2 trade chats, they won't be segregated into Riven and non-Riven trade chats, because people will simply ignore the distinction.

    • Like 1
  7. On 2019-07-20 at 11:10 PM, (PS4)janai said:

    I've been trying to get through the assassination mission on Mars where you fight Kril, and I got completely stuck in the last fight after I killed him but the door between me and extraction wouldn't open. I've been searching for help on this topic, but the only suggestion I've seen is something about "switching to operator mode," and I don't understand what that is or how to do it. What do I have to do to make this work? (I was playing solo, if that makes any difference.)

    Often during the fight, the enemies will trip the alarms and send the place into lockdown.  It's not always apparent because there aren't a lot of consoles in the boss room.  Hacking a console should allow the door to unlock and allow you to move to the exit.

  8. 8 hours ago, Oreades said:

    PS4 doesn't have any such 75% off deals as far as I am aware.

    Actually, console does get 75% discounts, but not for plat purchase.  Our discounts count towards market purchases.

    10 hours ago, (PS4)CAS_ualty said:

    Hey my names Tevin Riley, I got on warframe today and it told me I had a 75% off ticket I could use within 2 days, as I was searching for something to buy with platinum it disappeared and will not come back


    Did you purchase anything from the market at all after collecting the discount?  I believe that you can purchase items for credits and have the discount applied, which is what may have happened.

  9. On 2019-07-20 at 2:11 PM, (XB1)PlatinumTimbit said:

    With the new melee update, LT changed to now activating the channeling instead. LT does not trigger the combos.

    So at this point, combos are partially broken for me somehow. I do not remember if my controls are default or customized to be honest.

    That sounds customized to me.  I use default and RS is channel toggle for me with LT being aiming.

  10. 21 hours ago, (PS4)KDMaia said:

    This is the problem, I finished the mission the War Within Quest, but I did not receive the email with the segment diagram of Personal accommodations. I did another two times the mission and the e-mail didn't arrive. In the Codex the Mission is concluded.I can not start the mission Apostasy Prologue by not having access to the room with the helmet of the Lotus.

    OK, if you are certain that there's no email from Ordis with the personal quarters BP and that it is not in your foundry, you'll need to submit a support ticket.  Detail that you've done the quests (include screenshots if possible - a shot showing it marked as complete in your codex would help and maybe one showing that it's not in your foundry) and that you don't seem to have the BP.  They should be able to help.  Good luck.

  11. 19 hours ago, (PS4)Kiero_Ashkore said:

    As part of most things, I tend to do the Clem mission out of habit after the Artifact Hunt. Last time I did it was Tuesday the 9th at around 6:43 PM PST. I wish to say I was mistaken, but sadly I have proof that I did it at that time.

    Certainly, if you have proof, then you should send that to support.  That should be helpful to figure out what is happening and hopefully to fix it.

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