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(XBOX)R3d P01nt

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Posts posted by (XBOX)R3d P01nt

  1. Sorry, but not a bug.  And, no, the fact that the Wolf spawned when your friend hosted does not prove that your account is bugged.  It's RNG.  And, believe me, I know what it's like not to see the Wolf as much as I'd like as I, too, have not had very good luck with his spawns (first time I saw the Wolf was 2 weeks ago and have only encountered him 4 total times now).

  2. 12 hours ago, (XB1)TqM FLOUNDER said:

    When leaving an open world (Plains or Orb Vallis) any rivens that needed to be completed in that area reset. I've had multiple "Kill 'x' enemies on drop ships" or "Kill 'x' tusk ballistas with headshots" reset upon leaving the open world through the door/elevator. 

    Others have reported this as well.  In one of those threads I recall someone noting that their rivens unlocked if instead of leaving through the gate/elevator they returned to their orbiter.  Have you tried that?  (It should work going through the gate/elevator as well, but this could serve as a work-around.)

  3. On 2019-04-27 at 9:45 PM, (PS4)DeathangelSavage said:

    Myself and a group of randoms ran Hydron, killed the Wolf, and have yet to be extracted. We have killed all the enemies, and the Wolf and his lackies. I have been sitting in the node for over an hour now, with no extract. So I left, and lost my Wolf Sledge Blueprint along with leaving. I was hoping I can have it replaced as it has such a low drop chance and it is one of two parts I need to be able to craft the sledge for myself. I can provide screenshot of the blueprint in mission rewards, and how long I was in the mission.

    I suggest you provide those screenshots to support and see if they'd be willing to give you the BP.  Good luck.

  4. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)Cephalon_Hope said:

    So yes, DE does indeed care as much for the console players (we are still a source of money) as they care for PC, but we also cant really call the console versions more stable wen all it doesn't have is major bugs that should have been detected before being sent to PC.

    Less bugs = more stable.

  5. 12 minutes ago, (NSW)Sniperfox47 said:

    The Nintendo Switch would like to have a conversation with you about that x'D

    Stable game? Haha x'D The switch version needs some serious TLC down the road.

    NSW is new.  They're likely still working out bugs.  Still, is the game crashing to the point that it can't be played?  Is it bricking your NSW?  Are there game breaking bugs that you can't get around?

  6. When you add a friend, that person may not be instantly added to your WF friends list, which is what the game is looking for.  You need to make sure that person is listed (go into the menu, communications, friends to check your list) before starting the mission to ensure that it will give you credit.

  7. Console gets updates later than PC due to the game being built on PC first, then ported over and made to go through certification with the consoles.  This is a good thing for consoles, because if they release a bug that crashes the game on PC, they can fix it quickly and get it out.  If that type of bug hit consoles, we may be waiting for a while to get the bug fixed, get the new build through cert, etc.  We get a more stable game.  It doesn't mean DE doesn't care, it means that DE has to play by the rules of console.  If you don't like waiting, then play on PC.

    DE has to keep bringing new content though, to keep people coming back.  If they made PC sit and wait where they are until console caught up, it would be unsustainable for a number of reasons and we would end up falling behind again anyway.

    When it comes to Tennogen, I believe that they have to negotiate separately with the console people, which is why I believe it takes longer.

    TL;DR - DE does care about console, you need to understand why the delays happen is all.

  8. 17 minutes ago, (XB1)TheDragonFire2 said:

    So generally they will do the spawn animations very close to the start, when I get close to the first cluster of enemies... when you say “other enemies” is there a specific spot? Because even if I’m by other enemies when Lotus says they’re coming they don’t show up anywhere...

    By "other enemies" I simply meant that they won't spawn in an empty tileset with no one else around.  So, if you follow the trail of enemies that you are supposed to kill, you should find them, if you are quick enough and if there isn't a bug happening.  The spawns may be bugged, but I have not seen any confirmation of that, so I can't say if they are or not.

  9. After the screen flashes, you have to find the occulysts before they leave - they will not spawn on your location.  They should spawn around other enemies, so you'll want to move forward and either kill quickly or just keep moving and worry about the enemies later.

  10. After a mission ends and I'm returned to my orbiter, while the EOM screen is up, if I press X to restart the mission, I'm instantly taken back to the Navigation panel and the mission countdown timer starts up as it should.  If I then cancel the mission, I find that I'm stuck in the Nav panel and cannot cancel out of it.  The only way to get out is to go through the menu and select a new station (like the arsenal or foundry) at which point I can cancel out of that and walk around the orbiter.  This is a repeatable bug that happens 100% of the time (for me at least).

  11. 11 hours ago, (PS4)DAyeRoOm_Dem said:

    Hey guys, I know I might have posted this on the wrong thread but this is something that really bothered me during my experience on warframe. So today I asked this player (who was currently using limbo) to stop void dashing near me and the other two teammates in a defense mission[IO] through via text chat. He responded by explaining he was a troller who liked "messing" with the other players using limbo, but in a very derogatory and rude manner. Insulting me with words that should really stay in the past.(I think we all know which one)

    Take screenshots of the chat and send those to support.  This sort of thing is not tolerated, but DE can only act if you bring it to their attention.

  12. On 2019-04-23 at 11:26 AM, (XB1)Rogerthatone1 said:

    So I guess we lose whatever we got on that mission including part of the wolf sledge? 

    If you can provide screenshots or video, you can put in a support ticket and see if they can help you.

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