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(XBOX)R3d P01nt

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Posts posted by (XBOX)R3d P01nt

  1. On 2019-03-29 at 12:02 AM, (XB1)WWWVWWWWWWWWWMW said:


    They are not.  You'll have to destroy the Dargyn then just shoot them as they fall.  Alternatively, you can use Mesa, Ember, Equinox, Itzal, Mag, Rhino, etc for ways of either catching them in mid-air or pulling them into the air to kill them.

  2. 26 minutes ago, RagingShark-Shade said:

    @Chewarette yes sure this would be way to easy... i didnt think so far in that case so let the Spwan be like Stalker just like @---EG---Kramer said and just Close the Doors like Stalker and block the extract so you have to fight him and don't have the chance to run away

    this is in my Eyes Fair

    If you have access to extraction, you can still extract when Stalker spawns in.

    22 minutes ago, (XB1)Shodian said:

    Easy way I've gotten him to spawn, or at least know he'll spawn, it do a survival. If he doesn't show up before the first 5 minutes then leave and repeat. It's how I get a lot of the assassins to show up for me.

    Just a note:  this may not work for everyone.  I have yet to see the Wolf show up in a survival mission.  It does, at least, force you to stay for the 5 minutes though, so not a bad idea.

  3. You could always try to change allegiance to Lootcifer.

    FWIW, you can, at least, run Profit Taker 2 pretty quickly and get a lot of shots at getting those Gyromag Systems.  When RNG is not kind, I know it can be painful, but eventually you'll get it.  Maybe try something else for a while and come back to it?

  4. You'll need to rank up fully in Solaris United before you will have access to the Profit Taker bounties.  Once you've done that, go to the back room in Fortuna and interact with the table.  There you'll be able to start doing the Profit Taker bounties, which you'll have to complete in order to get to the Profit Taker Orb fight.

    The Exploiter Orb is tied to the Buried Debts event that is currently going on.  You'll need to go out on the Vallis and seal the thermal fractures to get diluted thermia (must seal 4 fractures with a single coolant canister).

  5. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)grevenilvec75 said:



    Does it work correctly on XB1?  MIght be a PS4 only bug then.

    When I tried this morning with the scanner it was not working.  So, I may have been mistaken, it might have worked previously and stopped working, or it might be situational/intermittent as to whether it works or not.

  6. 14 minutes ago, (PS4)stylusmaestro said:


    It does not award the XP for Index eventhough it says you've earned it. Checked mine before and after the mission. Already send a ticket to DE.

    Others have reported that it has awarded the XP and the UI is simply bugged.  Had you run it previously?  If you really didn't get the XP, then a support ticket is the right way to go.  I hope they can help you.

  7. On 2019-03-25 at 9:45 AM, (PS4)Awesome904388 said:

    When I was doing a mission for the event ‘Operation Buried Debts’ I extract after complete one canister.

    For some reason, the point I earn at Orb Vaill doesn’t increase each time instead it reset even know I extract using the Fortuna exit extract and for whatever reason, the point I earn stay at the highest point that I earn in that run.

    I would follow @(PS4)SoulPharonix's advice, but also take screenshots to show your before and after as well as the EOM results.  The EOM results should show your total score, which should be the same as the nav panel shows.  If this is not working, you may need to put in a support ticket.  (ETA:  that's why the screenshots are important, because you'll want to submit those to support.)

  8. 7 hours ago, (PS4)Inferno_Dog said:

    Day Trader: 5000xp : Index Related, not marking as complete

    Eximus Executioner: 5000xp: Kill 100 Eximus: Does not reward the XP

    The Day Trader is known to be bugged, but should award you the XP.  It seems to be a UI bug.

    The Eximus one is a replacement for a challenge that was also bugged.  Did you complete that one and get the XP for it before the switch?  If so, it will not award you additional XP for doing the Eximus challenge.

  9. 15 hours ago, (XB1)Julica Knegt said:

    I completed the Day Trader challenge two times yesterday and once today.  All three times I got the pop-up completion message in-game and Nora said her spiel but the Nightwave menu still says incomplete.  I didn't notice if I received any standing for it the first time I completed but I was checking for it today and definitely did NOT see an increase in standing.

    You would only receive standing the first time you complete it.

  10. 20 minutes ago, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

    Theoretically maybe, I'm not an expert on this. But why would DE make different sub-forums for XB1 and PS4 is they were all the same?

    They used to be combined (and they were separate even before that).  I'm not sure why they are once again separate.  The console builds should be identical though, including NSW if they've caught up to us.

  11. 3 hours ago, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

    @(XB1)R3d P01nt I noticed that you have been commenting on a few bug reports here, saying you haven't encountered the bug mentioned in the OP. I just wanted to ask, do you have an account on both PS and XBox? If not, notice you're in the Bugs section for PS4. If yes, sorry 🙂

    XB1 and PS4 have the same build.

    ETA:  I tried it again this morning and it is no longer working for me with the scanner.

  12. Because the gear wheel has the spiral effect now, depending on where you are on the spiral it can cause the item you are looking for to shift position.  If you wish to avoid that you can cull down your number of gear items so that it doesn't spiral in the gear selection.

  13. On 2019-03-24 at 3:44 PM, (PS4)grevenilvec75 said:

    Also game should remember the fishing spear and mining laser I had equipped.


    20 hours ago, (PS4)osholay said:

    Same for simaris scanner also

    It does.  After you melee, pull the trigger to instantly swap back to your other equipment.

  14. On 2019-03-22 at 2:32 PM, (XB1)Mr raDius said:

    Can someone please look into this? It would be good to know if it's simply an issue of the mastery status not properly registering or if it truly is an issue of the mastery not being credited. Thanks!

    In my experience, the mastery XP is awarded, even if the codex does not show the board as being mastered.  You can always calculate what mastery you should have and make sure that it adds up.

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