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(XBOX)R3d P01nt

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Posts posted by (XBOX)R3d P01nt

  1. 11 hours ago, (PS4)Zakuto_Ryu said:

    This is why no one bothers for tickets when it comes to console. You get a general issue that can easily be looked up to verify and no one even lifts a finger to assist. . .ive killed stalker almost another 20 times since this issue amd the smoke never did drop again after that. 

    Very upsetting DE, i understand bugs happen. . . .but when it involves people getting robbed of an extremely rare drop due to a door bug caused by a different player leaving at the beginning of the mission, you should at least TRY to do something about it. . . .instead we just get ignored. . . .again.

    Just because no one from DE responded to your bug post does not mean that it was ignored.

    Also, you should submit a support ticket to regain lost items.

  2. 16 minutes ago, (XB1)ohno itstheCoPz said:

    I only trade those coupons with friends or clan members if at all just to be safe

    2 minutes ago, (PS4)alexismartinez14 said:

    Never ever trust trade chat. My condolences, for coupons I always recommend trading with trustworthy alliance members or clan members. Learn from this, I've been scammed too, it happens.

    Even trading with friends and clanmates violates the EULA.

    6 minutes ago, Xirka said:

    The entire transaction was a violation of the rules that DE has set. They are not likely to help in a situation like this. The scammer could be banned, but OP could also be punished in some way. 

    ^ This.

    2 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    The bolded part should have been a dead givaway that he was in it to scam you. Those things do not exsist on consoles.

    Incorrect.  Although they are very rare, 75% coupons do exist on console.

  3. 19 hours ago, (PS4)ScoolXScorpion said:

    I started the mission but I did not get the night apothic,  please help

    You have to build the apothics.  Check to ensure you have the blueprint for it in your foundry.  If you do not, check to see if you have unread messages in your inbox.  If those fail, you may have to contact support.

  4. 6 hours ago, (XB1)Devo 20 XD 6 said:

    I bet if DE looked up there sales of Atmo Systems from the market they would be far above any other resources required to advance ranks in Vox Solaris standing.

    Atmo Systems are not in the market.

    I'm sorry you're having a bad run of RNG, but you will eventually get them.  I, too, had a bad run.  You just have to keep at it.

  5. Instant weapon swapping is a thing now with Melee 2.9, including while using exalted melee weapons.  So, yes, if you are in Hysteria and pull one of the triggers, you'll instantly swap to one of your guns while Hysteria is still going.  Using a melee attack is how you get back to using your melee weapon.

  6. 14 hours ago, (XB1)Dark OhmT said:

    I have this issue. It is happening with all my Rivens now though, I am completing the challenges and they are not unveiling after the missions, reverting to their base status of whatever the challenge was. I have taken to screen-shotting my challenge complete notices because i want to be able to prove i am completing the challenges. I cannot unveil any Rivens now, all of them are bugged for me. What the hell do I do? This has been going on for over 2 weeks now and I don't know how to fix it, I have completed each challenge multiple times, I have hard reset my X-box, I have logged into another Xbox and tried, back into my usual x-box, it seems to definitely not be on my end that the bug is occurring, at this point I would just be happy to find they are worthless, as long as the bug is fixed. Please help, I now have 5 Rivens I cannot do anything with.

    Support ticket.

  7. I believe that others were reporting this issue as well and IIRC some found that removing her syandana and other attachments "fixed" the issue.  You could try that until DE figures out the bug.

  8. 18 hours ago, (PS4)GeneyWoof said:

    I've been playing for some time now. I got to rank 5, which isn't much, I know. I completed EVEYTHING it told me to to be able to get onto Jupiter Junction- everything is green and I don't understand why it's still locked. It won't even let me enter it.


    Have you completed the nodes leading to the junction?

  9. On 2019-04-09 at 12:45 PM, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

    Passive mastery... you only get mastery from leveling new stuff

    Mastery XP is also gained from completing star chart nodes for the first time and completing junctions.

  10. On 2019-04-08 at 11:44 AM, (PS4)xXchegXx___ said:

    So i just want to send a report that i accidentally sold my octavia blueprint by accident, but i just want to know if you guys can send me on back, it would be appreciated DE.

    Put in a support ticket.

  11. 5 hours ago, (XB1)Enigmatic LFC said:

    This is well understood. In the same PC update they Ayatan Statues were reduced from 5 to 3. Action on consoles has been taken to rectify that difference yet there is just radio silence about doing anything to remedy Sortie imbalance. Console build might go to Cert this week so is unlikely to release before this wave ends on console.

    There might be a difference since it's a question of number of missions vs. altering our inventory, so it may not have been possible to change the number of sorties for us.  

  12. On 2019-04-09 at 9:25 PM, (XB1)jackgord said:

    I was working on my pistol riven challenge, "Destroy 8 Dargyns using a bow 0/8". I destroyed my 8th dargyn, the riven notification appeared in-game and said "Riven Unveiled / Destroy 8 dargyns using a bow / +10,000xp". I then travelled back to Cetus, but the riven did not unveil itself after the post mission report as it should have. Instead, it only flashed again, "Destroy 8 Dargyns using a bow 0/8". Leaving Cetus back to my orbiter did not prompt the riven to unveil either.

    Try the assault mission on Kuva Fortress.  When you're opening the first door, Dargyns should spawn.  Killing them should register for the riven progress.  Hopefully that helps.

  13. On 2019-04-03 at 6:37 PM, (XB1)GorgonKratos97 said:

    I keep getting reset back to the start of the door as soon as I start the test. It seems to think I'm going out of bounds or something. It also happens occasionally when doing lua spy on the part which is timed as well. 

    Are you using your operator or your frame to go through the door?  I've had issues with this when switching to my operator to enter the test.

  14. On 2019-04-04 at 8:59 PM, (XB1)VinierAardvark1 said:

    This is my first ever Warframe forum post so bear with me;

    Hello, today I reviewed the following Melee Riven Mod: “Destroy 6 Dargyns using a Bow while Aim Gliding.” At first I went out to the Plains at night to catch a few Norgs for my amp, then as the sun came up I killed one Dargyn before proceeding to exit Cetus and fix my load out.

    After going back out and completing the challenge twice, it would reset back to 1/6, and therefore I am unable to complete it to get even a chance at a Tatsu riven.

    Have you tried the Kuva Fortress?  On the assault mission type on the first part where you are waiting for the door to open, Dargyns should spawn in that you can kill.

  15. On 2019-04-08 at 8:58 AM, (XB1)Deathwar101 said:

    This nightwave penta mod is still trash de wont fix it it still takes your crit chance and status chance down alot on xbox u i have sent tickets for this bug they have done nothing pc has a good nightwave penta mod the xbox penta mod de can take out back no throw it in the trash cause they dont wanna fix i been on thiw trash mod for 3 weeks they have fix zero

    If PC has gotten a fix, then it's likely we just haven't received the fix yet and it should be bundled in the next chance they get, whether that's an update or hotfix.  Please be patient Tenno.

    ETA:  Spamming the forums is not going to help.

  16. On 2019-04-07 at 9:27 PM, (XB1)Cozybro03 said:

    My mastery tank won’t go any higher than seven and I can’t fix it

    There are a couple things I would suggest here:

    1. Check your codex/profile and see if the MR XP adds up to what it should based on the frames, weapons, archwings, K-drives, companions, and starchart XP you have obtained.  If the numbers don't add up, take screenshots and send them to support.
    2. Find a weapon that you have not ever leveled up.  This must be a completely new weapon that you've never used, not simply a re-build of a weapon you've previously leveled or a weapon you put a forma on.  Take screenshots of the weapon as brand new and shown as not mastered in your codex/profile.  Also take screenshots of your MR XP.
    3. Go into a mission and level up the weapon a few times.  Take screenshots of the EOM showing that you've gained levels.
    4. Go back into your codex/profile and take screenshots showing that weapon and whether it is being tracked in the codex/profile.  Also, take screenshots of your MR XP if it did not change as it should have.
    5. If you do find a problem, send all these screenshots to support and explain in as much detail as you can what is happening and ask them to look into it.
  17. 20 hours ago, (XB1)LightEnvelope66 said:

    The first is that when i'm in it, I seem to be randomly knocked out of it, by enemies that shouldn't be able to. After being knocked out of it, the energy cost will still go up, draining my energy despite not being in it.

    What do you mean you are being knocked out of Hysteria?  Enemies can't do that.  Are you, perhaps, using your primary or secondary weapons during Hysteria?  That stops the effects of the power, but doesn't stop the energy drain.

  18. On 2019-03-28 at 9:51 PM, (XB1)VoluntaryElm609 said:

    i took a screenshot on the xbox one and will be able to provide it once i figure out how to give it out.

    Your best bet would be to send that screenshot to support, explain what happened, and ask if they'd be willing to update your items with the part you didn't get from the mission.  Good luck.

  19. On 2019-03-31 at 10:52 AM, (XB1)CAMMANDO1024 said:

    So i was ready to be mastery rank 6 then i got off to go do something and i come back an hour and a half later logged back in and my mastery rank was cut in half so im no where close to being masteryt rank 6 now


    It is likely a UI bug, not an actual reduction in your MR XP.  You can check your codex to ensure that it accurately displays the correct XP amounts by looking at the XP you've gained and making sure it adds up.  If it does not, then you should put in a support ticket.

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