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(XBOX)R3d P01nt

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Posts posted by (XBOX)R3d P01nt

  1. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)Sprankton N said:

    There was no question asked in my post.......smh. Since you can't read and/or understand the english language then don't expect a response after this one.



    ...where in my post was i complaining about having a simultaneous release.

    You put a period after it, but that is a question.  At least it follows the form of a question.

    I get it.  You're upset because consoles have delayed releases from PC.  If it's really a problem, take it up with Sony, XB1, and Nintendo.  I'd argue it's a good thing though, in that we get more stable builds.  But, don't couch it in terms of DE neglecting consoles and screwing over new console players when that simply isn't true.

  2. 45 minutes ago, (XB1)Sprankton N said:

    You need to get your eyes checked, where in my post was i complaining about having a simultaneous release. I was stating that having NW release on all platforms at the same time did not work and thus had unintended consequences

    You answered your own question...

    46 minutes ago, (XB1)Sprankton N said:

    However, i do agree that yes PC is in the same boat as consoles for now, but unlike console they have a timeline for the next mainline update. This means that the content drought for console is going to be longer than that of PC which is to be expected hence why it was asinine for them to end act 1 on consoles this early as that limits new player progression.

    But new player progression for PC players is in the same spot as console.  You're making no sense.  Console is neglected because we will get our mainline release later than PC, thus stopping new player progression more than PC even though we'll get NW S2 at the same time as PC, which is also stopping new player progression on PC...what?  This makes absolutely zero sense.

  3. 3 minutes ago, (XB1)Sprankton N said:

    Simultaneous release time for Nightwave does not work hence why they couldn't fix alot of the issues brought up during act 1. Additionally, they don't have a release date for act 2 or the next mainline update for consoles. This means there is next to nothing for veteran players to do, and without the old alert system new players lack the means to obtain aura mods, nitain extract, etc. So if you ask me the fact that they removed act 1 from consoles this soon is an act of neglect to the console side of things.

    PC is in the same boat as console for all of those things - hence they are not neglecting consoles as you seem to think.

    I do love how people complain about how consoles get neglected when PC gets things first and then people also complain about how consoles get neglected when they get things at the same time as PC.

  4. 4 minutes ago, (XB1)Sprankton N said:

    Since DE in all their wisdom locked the Nightwave End Date Thread i'll leave my thoughts here:

    The fact that they ended NW act 1 at the same time on all platforms is plain stupid, PC players have the advantage that the next piece of content is coming out soon for them, but console players on the other hand are screwed. With no release date for either NW act 2 or The Jovian Concord on consoles we pretty much have to sit with our thumbs up our as$es for a good while. There is literally nothing to do right now for veteran players on console and new players have it even worse now since they have no way of earning aura mods, nitain extract, etc. It seems to me they clearly don't know wtf they are doing. And since nobody at DE has bothered to address any of this all i have to say is RIP console players. 

    Sorry for the rant, but i needed to vent.

    Do what now?

    They've said they put off NW S2 so that they can release it simultaneously on console and PC.  At no point during NW have they neglected console unless you want to argue that the reduction in some of the challenges that came later to console due to release schedules was some sort of neglect.

  5. 1 hour ago, Buttaface said:

    1. As to the first sentence, you are making that up. My point was that DE has taken some steps to limit leeching in a few higher modes by requiring max frames, and I and others claim there is more needed in these limits. We all know that frames gain powers as they level, and that is a tangent.

    It's not a tangent.  Why do you think DE hasn't required max weapons?

    1 hour ago, Buttaface said:

    2. Would have no problem whatsoever with no restrictions on fully invite only squads. But again, that does not address the main point that the higher level game modes are full of leeches and shouldn't be.

    Are they though?  I don't know what your experience is, but again I have to ask what your definition of leeching is, because it seems like your definition means anyone who doesn't bring a fully maxed out loadout, whether they are contributing or not.

    1 hour ago, Buttaface said:

    3. WF higher level game modes are crammed full of leeches and this shouldn't be the case. Either support that or not, but please stop the tangents and rationalizations. Either you think leeching is a problem or you don't, but that -some- players can function with unleveled gear, have recently applied forma, etc., does not change the fact that the higher level game modes ARE full of leeches who contribute nothing.

    Why do things have to be one or the other?  That's a false dichotomy.

    Regardless, I do think leeching is a problem, depending on how one defines leeching, and I'm very sure that we don't have the same definition.  Again, if your definition is anyone who doesn't bring a fully maxed out loadout, then we don't agree on definitions.  I don't see an issue with bringing under leveled gear provided the player is contributing to the mission.  If your concern is people not contributing, then requiring max weapons isn't going to achieve what you want and will simply keep people from playing the mode.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Acersecomic said:

    You haven't taken any "read with understanding" in elementary school, huh...

    Says the person that thought that I was talking about using NW credits from season 1 after is was over based on misreading a single word that made sense in the way that I used it?  I think we're done here if all you have is insults.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Buttaface said:

    No, having leveled every frame in the game but one, including all primes and all weapons but three, and having applied hundreds of forma to my gear over 3.5 years without ever leeching higher level content to do so, I wasn't even remotely aware that frames gain powers as they level up and weapons do not. What an amazing revelation.

    Yet you don't seem to realize why frame restrictions are used by DE but not weapon restrictions?

    8 minutes ago, Buttaface said:

    Now, do you have anything to say about the fact that higher level game modes in WF are full and overflowing of leeches who contribute nothing to the team, that no rationalizations of that game reality are valid or possible, and that myself and many others think the problem is widespread enough for DE to either require all max gear or to remove affinity gain for certain -very few- higher level game modes?

    Leeching is a problem...when people are actually leeching.  If someone brings a gun that isn't fully ranked and still contributes, they are not leeching.  Additionally, requiring max rank weapons will not stop leeching (actual leeching) as people will still want the rewards for no work.  They just won't be able to double dip while leveling (although I'm sure there are people who bring max rank stuff to AFK and get rewards already).

    I'd ask why I can't run with under-ranked stuff with friends, or why you seem to think a rank 30 weapon with no forma and no potato is better than a freshly forma'd weapon with potato and a high MR, but you've already hand-waved all of that away as "rationalization" as if that's some sort of answer.

    • Like 3
  8. 13 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

    IT IS FACTUALY TRUE, because I could not do everything, last week I was on Rank 25. Get what I'm saying? Due to CIRCUMSTANCES OF REAL LIFE AND REAL PEOPLE I was able to BARELY finish Nightwave.

    No, it is not.  It is factually true that one only needs to do about 60% of the content to reach Rank 30.  With how long this season has gone on, it's likely quite a bit less than that by now.  What you are saying is that you don't have time to do the challenges and that the ones you've done have only gotten you to rank 25.  That's quite different from what you are/were claiming.  That's also not the fault of the game.

    15 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

    And the rewards along the way mean squat nothing, because the only valuable ones to me are the Wolf Syandana, Umbral Forma and Wolf Armor Set.


    I'm sorry that the rewards you care about are at the higher levels, that you haven't attained those levels, and that it seems to be frustrating you, but that's not tantamount to there being no rewards until you've done all the levels.  There are rewards that people want along the way, even if you don't want them.

    20 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

    The "reserve" does not exist once this season is over. People will not be able to get Saturn Six rewards come 19th! There is no reserve.

    You completely misunderstood what I said.  I was pointing out that you don't get all the rewards once you reach rank 30, but you get them as you go.

    • Like 1
  9. 15 minutes ago, Buttaface said:

    It's plain that DE wants to limit leeching because they require max rank frames to do certain content. It's also plain that they haven't gone far enough because the problem is widespread.

    You are aware that frames gain power as they rank up while weapons don't (minus the mod slots that open up to allow more mods, which is hardly a concern for high MR players)?

  10. 1 hour ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    its is not opinion its fact.

    So, people who do is for the rewards or for fun are doing it wrong in your opinion....sorry in fact?  Good to know.  Simply because a mode is made to facilitate one factor of a game doesn't mean that that is its sole purpose.  If it were, then what need would we have for rotation rewards?

    1 hour ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    the affinity component is for focus because of how focus is lvled up through killing, so all they need to do is just make focus xp to replace affinity.

    Yup, they just need to add more stuff to the game to fix a non-problem and a system that isn't broken.  Sounds like a not-so-great idea.

    1 hour ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    if you want to lvl up go somewhere else. as ive said affinity is quite easy to get and has no place in end game modes that are geared towards equipment that no longer need affinity.

    Why not?  What difference is there between my MR 27 4 forma weapon or the 5th forma I just put on it and is now rank 0?  Is a non-potatoed, non-forma'd, rank 30 weapon going to outperform me?  If I only use 1 weapon, why can't my other weapons be under-leveled?  This all makes no sense.

    This is also quite amusing, because it's quite clear that the OP doesn't actually care whether you have unranked weapons or not, just whether you are the host and whether you stay for 8 full rounds if you are.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

    And you know what? If I skipped missions, I wouldn't have made it to Rank 30 and the ONLY  THREE THINGS I WANTED FROM NIGHTWAVE (them being the last three rewards).

    That's factually untrue.  NW does not require 100% completion to reach rank 30.

    9 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

    Not everyone enjoys the same circumstances which allow them to comfortably do a timed exclusive event. It's not a "it lasts a few days but I won't make it to the event oh well", it's a thing that lasts for months, MONTHS! And you grind for months and then... oops, you didn't make it, no rewards for you!

    There are rewards all along the way.  Play as much or as little as you want, you're still getting rewarded as you go.  The rewards are not held in reserve until one completes all the challenges.  That's just not how it works.

    • Like 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, (XB1)ZUR069 said:

    I have a female omega kubrow imprint. I was then shown a male omega imprint and told I was wrong.

    I don't understand what you're saying here.

    6 minutes ago, (XB1)ZUR069 said:

    So wtf is it just uncommon to see one or what???

    Should be equal probability to incubate one and gender is not passed through prints.

  13. 12 hours ago, (XB1)OLD MasterChief said:

    How do I do this? I haven't been able to figure it out for the life of me

    There are links at both the top and bottom of the page.  At the top it's 4 links to the left of the search bar - "Support Desk".  On the bottom of the page there's a heading for "Support" with "Support" as a link right below it.

  14. 5 hours ago, (PS4)Kaneki9597 said:

    Why exactly do host migrations even happen?

    It's likely due to the P2P connection system used.  The host is holding all the mission information.  When the host leaves, the system has to try and extract all that information and move it to the new host.  When the connection is lost to the host, it is likely not possible to retrieve that information.  There are potential ways to address this problem, but I don't know how complicated they are to implement or anything else.

  15. 3 hours ago, (XB1)Zweimander said:

    The main appeal of doing ESO is for the relics, vandal parts and focus, and people leaving before zone 8 has the potential to waste the other players time if you were the main killer so if your using ESO for affinity you should really reconsider.

    You mean the main appeal for you.

    3 hours ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    ESO is for focus farming.

    First off, focus comes from affinity.  Secondly, it's your opinion that ESO is for focus farming.

    • Like 1
  16. 11 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

    Host leeching is not a red herring. It is in my own experience the absolute most common cause of the problem I am highlighing.

    No, it is not.  You've said yourself that you don't care if you have to carry.  What you care about is the host leaving before you are ready to leave.  You've even tried to define leeching as leaving before when you are ready to leave or at the very least not coming in with maxed out gear, even though you yourself have admitted that you go melee only.  Those definitions are simply not accurate and are a side-track from your real issue.

    Again, if you want to stay to a certain time/wave/whatever, then you should create a group and get like-minded individuals.

    15 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

    I've been using workarounds like decreasing my PING so I can host for as many sessions as possible, and I've tried recruit chat. Decreasing my PING often leaves me as the only player, and recruit chat makes me wait anywhere between 5-10 minutes, and some players leave when non-meta player are invited.

    Yup, it takes longer to find a specific set of people looking to play your way than to simply jump into a match.  I'm not surprised.  But, that's going to be trivially true for anything.  When you set standards for what you will accept or not accept, you have to wait for people to fill those roles.  And, no fair poo-pooing on people who want meta setups when you are also looking for specific things.  Your wants are not necessarily more palatable or acceptable than their wants simply because they are what you want.  You are not the arbiter of what is and is not normal or acceptable.

    18 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

    I agree my comparison is not 1:1, but the core sentiment is that contrary to player belief, DE believes there is an intended way to play their game even if not aggressively enforced.

    No, they have an intended way of using a support/healer frame that doesn't include being the best DPS in the game as well.  That's a far cry from claiming that all players need to stay for at least 8 rounds.

    19 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

    If a game mode is exclusionary by design as it requires a very high DPS potential, which limits frame builds and experimentation, and of top of that they explicitly mentioned that the game mode is meant to serve as an alternative Focus farm then you need to look at the requirements of Focus farming (Rank 30 gear). That speaks of their intent. It's just that they are not aggressively enforcing it.

    And, if you look at the context of that statement, it's when people were looking for ways to farm focus and they offered that as a feature of this game-mode that one can use it to farm focus - not that one must use it to farm focus or that that is the only intent of the game mode.  Additionally, why should someone who has maxed out their daily focus stay in the match for more rounds?  Again, there's no requirement that people stay for 8 rounds in the game, which is what you're really pushing for so that you never have to be inconvenienced by people leaving.

    Use Recruiting chat.

  17. 21 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

    Good players are always punished for the behavior of leeches. My proposal would affect good players that passively let an unused weapon get XP while they actively play. I have no problem with this when players 2-4 do this. My problem is when the host does this and leaves, because it breaks my game.

    So, can we dispense with the red herring of leeching or the use of underleveled weapons?  That's not the issue.  The issue is that you don't want the host to leave before you are ready to leave.

    I agree that host migrations are a pain and it would be a good thing if DE could fix them.  Host only options might also help in this regard.  The best thing you can do, however, is to set up a squad through recruiting/clan/alliance chat.  Anything else is simply tilting at windmills because you can't force other players to stay as long as you want when you sign up for a PUG.  Players can, and will, leave when they feel like leaving for any and all reasons.

    21 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

    Beyond that, DE has made it clear themselves that there is an overton window of allowed behaviors and even frame roles (Like when they nerfed Trinity Link because Trinity is not meant to do that much damage), so it's not just me saying how a player should play their game.

    DE noting that players are using a frame in an unintended way and patching it is a far cry from specifying that players must stay for at least 8 rounds.  If DE wanted us to stay for at least 8 rounds, there wouldn't be the option of extracting.


  18. 3 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

    Hopefully they will. I can only hope they do so considering they do have "anti-leech" measures in other game modes. This is the feedback forum after all, and I see leeching is a problem in a game mode that explicitly resolves around killing as many enemies as fast as possible, or lose.

    If the player was only ever going to use one weapon...melee let's say (kinda like you do), then why shouldn't they be able to bring another weapon along to let it accumulate some XP?  They aren't making the efficiency any worse since they aren't using their weapon.

    Of course, you've already admitted that it's not about that, it's about punishing players who don't come into the game with the same goals as you.  You don't get to dictate to other players how many rounds they are required to stay in a match.  This is no different than people who want to dictate that players no be allowed to leave a defense before wave 20 or survival before 20 minutes are up.

  19. 26 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

    It's not that the weapons are weak or not built properly. It's just that they come to ESO with the explicit purpose of ranking up the weapon and leave. This is a problem when the person doing so is the host. If they'd at least stayed then great! Most don't.

    That's a problem with host migrations, not with weapon restrictions then.

    26 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

    Again: Why should you be required to coordinate with other people to avoid leeches in a game mode that on DE's very own words is meant to help with Focus farming?

    Because you are the one trying to force your goals and play styles on others.  And, no, bringing in an unranked weapon does not automatically make someone a leech, nor does leaving before you want them to leave.  ESO is not just for focus farming, even if that's how you plan on using it.  You can't force others to have the same outlooks and goals as you in PUB matches.  Set up your own squads with like-minded groups and you won't have to worry about it.  But, when you sign into a PUG, you agree to what happens.  The only caveat would be people doing what is actually leeching (as opposed to your definition) by not doing anything and making everyone else do all the work.  That can be reported.

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