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(XBOX)R3d P01nt

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Posts posted by (XBOX)R3d P01nt

  1. On 2019-05-02 at 1:24 PM, JadeLite said:

    In void and many other farming nodes we have relic drop chance of 10% which if used for a rare part is around 10% iff all four squad-mates radshare, so all in all the chance of getting the part u want is like 1/100. Nice RNG. Just ask us to buy Prime vault pack straight DE, why even bother.

    If all 4 squad mates radshare you have about a 34% chance of obtaining the rare part.

    The chance of getting the relic you want depends on which relic it is and which mission you run, but can go from ~2.5% to ~14.5%.



  2. On 2019-05-11 at 3:20 AM, (XB1)Austintatious89 said:

    I finished the harrow mission believing I would receive a harrow blueprint for the first time. Warframe's market says the blueprint will be rewarded by completing "Chains of Harrow". This is a lie. Not only did I not  receive a reward but I received an in-game message thanking me and in that letter players are told they are rewarded with a token of appreciation. Also a lie. My reward was nothing. No blueprint, no riven mod (didn't even care about that), and according to my friends having Rel show up in your orbiter and talking is super annoying but I didn't get that either. Fix this please I would like the things I played (and paid) for.

    Try to relog and see if that solves the issue.  When the quest came out, some people had the same issue and solved it by simply logging out and back in.  You might also check your codex to see if it is registering that the quest is completed.

    If that doesn't work, then it sounds like a bug (not a lie).  The next step would be to put in a support ticket.

    You only get a riven mod if you bought Harrow with plat before doing the quest.

  3. Having only a melee weapon doesn't help you to level your frame faster.  If you're relying on shared affinity, you only get 25% of it to your frame.  You'd be better off equipping weapons that can help you kill more enemies since your frame receives 50% of your weapon kills as affinity.

  4. 11 hours ago, (XB1)RickArdock17 said:

    So I have a similar issue, I did the nightwave 40 waves defense with a random person I friended. And it didn't register, I'm really upset as the nightwave event is ending and I will miss out on a teir of rewards. Multiple times this has happened and I will end up missing out, although I can't recall all of the times that glitch like this. Any help would be nice!

    Did you add the person just before the mission?  If so, you must ensure that they are on your WF friends list, not just your console friends list, before you start the mission.

  5. When you add someone as a friend (in XB1 at least, but I'm assuming it's the same with PS4) it adds that person to your console friends list.  WF takes a bit longer to update.  I believe a relog will update the WF friends list, but am not sure.  Either way, the challenge is looking at your WF friends list, so if the list has not updated and the person is not listed, WF won't realize that the person is on your console friends list.

  6. On 2019-05-05 at 8:19 AM, (PS4)Ajhasija said:

    Hi. My first post here in the forums. I'm sorry if this is the incorrect way to message for help from supoort on the matter. Did ESO earlier and got to wave 6. Got Braton Vandal Receiver to drop. Went into Wave 7 and shortly after got hit with host migration. Then game gave me could not join squad error. I was returned back to my orbiter. When i looked through Last Mission Results, I had lost all the rewards from ESO. If someone could guide on where to post to support about probably getting my rewards back, i would really appreciate it. I do have a 15 min video of my run saved on my ps4 and can upload if it is needed for proof.

    Eagerly await your help


    You'll probably need to open a support ticket and include the video.

  7. On 2019-05-01 at 8:50 AM, (PS4)DeathangelSavage said:

    I did. Provided the screenshots and told about the encounter. Still no response. Seems like warframe is slipping on warframe and not really caring about players who play often. It's a bit of a shame 

    It takes time for the support team to get to tickets due to the volume of tickets that are placed with them.  They'll get to it at some point though.

  8. On 2019-05-02 at 7:07 PM, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

    Uhhh.. I only vaguely know of what you speak so forgive me.. but I do not think what you wanted to happen, happens in a normal Zanuka Assassination attempt.....

    I think thats only when you go to fight Alad V (assassination node??/quest??) and get exposed to Zanuka the first time.... thats when you can trigger that capture seqeunce??  

    I've never done that so I dont really know, im just going by what I half remember lol.  


    On 2019-05-02 at 2:13 AM, (PS4)Maunstre said:

    TL;DR - being downed by Zanuka is not triggering the player being caught by the Assassin, forcing the use of revives. If downed repeatedly, player receives a Mission Failure and the assassin deathmark is not consumed.

    This tidbit from the link I posted might help?


    In the scenario where the quest does not automatically start, you can start it by going in your Arsenal and double clicking any captured weapon.

    Not sure if any of your weapons were captured or if this option is available, but you could check.

  9. 10 hours ago, Facadedestroyer said:

    the issue here is how much time and effort that ''participation'' is asking from us and in nightwave case its a lot and not only that, we have to fellow a stupid chore list that force us to play the game a certain way that not anybody enjoy or have a time for, also the rewards are very bad

    If you think the rewards suck and the challenges aren't fun there's a simple solution.  Don't participate.


  10. 2 hours ago, Shadow-Spawn said:

    Are you a role player or a PvP or PvE well tough luck you just have to suck it up and play our chore acts or quit the game.

    LOL, what?  NW is not mandatory.  You aren't forced to do anything.  Maybe a little less hyperbole next time?

    1 hour ago, (XB1)Shinobi Jake said:

    this isn't a statement meant for helping. Work on your reading comprehension.

    Didn't say it was meant for helping.  I was trying to figure out why you were complaining in two different, and seemingly contradictory ways.  But, hey, thanks for claiming my reading comprehension is somehow lacking...because that's relevant.

    1 hour ago, (XB1)Shinobi Jake said:

    Offer you a solution or not. up to you. next.

    A solution to what?  A solution to the "problem" that you came into this way late and expect to get all the rewards regardless?  Why does that need a solution?  You haven't made a case for that.

    1 hour ago, (XB1)Shinobi Jake said:

    Although it was meant to replace the Alerts, if you do a mission alert, you get your reward and you move on. This isn't the same.

    If it were exactly the same, then we would still have alerts.  In this method, there is a little more up-front work but with a chance to work towards what you want and get it when you want instead of hoping that the alert you need to drop happens to drop when you're online and capable of doing it.

    1 hour ago, (XB1)Shinobi Jake said:

    To get those same items you now have to purchase them with wolf credits which you get from ranking up....which takes way longer than any alert mission I guarantee you.

    That is true...to a certain extent.  I know people who waited years for specific auras to pop up when they were on...or Vauban parts...or weapon blueprints.  Sure, if an alert had popped up with a part they needed, it was one mission and you got it.  Hoorah.  If the alert never popped up, too bad for you for as long as it took to be online when that part was available.  This way takes more up-front work, but you can progress towards what you want.  This is what gamers tend to ask for...until they get it and then complain about how horrible it is.  DE can't please some people it seems.

    1 hour ago, (XB1)Shinobi Jake said:

    Regardless of acts, there is literally no other way to increase your rank besides fugitives which takes 22 hours for one whole rank. That is a problem.

    No, it's not, because they are not meant to be your source of ranking up, but a supplemental source that helps out here and there.  That you continue to hold to this erroneous idea that you're supposed to use them to rank up is on you, not on me or DE.

  11. 2 hours ago, (XB1)Kuljack said:

    I thought the armor was going to remain exclusive and not become available again.

    I may have misunderstood or just simply been mistaken?  I thought it would come around again, but maybe not.

    1 hour ago, (XB1)Shinobi Jake said:

    I know of the temporary increase, I never said that 300 was the standard.

    You certainly framed it that way with your snide aside at DE for removing the 300 points.

    1 hour ago, (XB1)Shinobi Jake said:

    22 hours of fugitives for 1 rank is indeed unfathomable.

    They aren't meant to be the main way to rank up, but a bonus that you get every so often along the way.

    1 hour ago, (XB1)Shinobi Jake said:

    So why comment attacking me personally.

    If asking why you are making contradictory arguments is an attack, then I'm not sure how to point out that you made contradictory arguments (at least what feels like contradictory arguments).  The whole OP comes off as a toxic complaint that you can farm all kinds of stuff, but this is way too much, and at the same time you don't have any time to farm at all and it's all way too much.  And, if you are going to go after people for being toxic, you may have started off by looking in the mirror.

    1 hour ago, (XB1)Shinobi Jake said:

    I'm here bringing up a relevant problem, trying to offer solutions.

    I'm sorry, but you were given 12+ weeks to do something and you came in with 2 weeks left.  That is not DE's fault.  It is not a "problem" that DE needs to address either.  I'm sorry if you had personal issues that kept you away from the game, but it happens.  We move on.  You'll be around for the next season, and maybe the armor sets will come back at some point (I may have been wrong in thinking they would).  But, again, this doesn't constitute a problem for DE.  Should someone who comes back to the game tomorrow be able to complain that they can't grind out all the rewards?  Where's the cut-off?

    And, no, I don't see a reason to change to cater to people who haven't played until the last minute, even in cases where it was out of their control.

  12. 3 minutes ago, (XB1)Shinobi Jake said:

    Fugitives only give 50 standing per fugitive, and they spawn in groups of 3. So thats 150 Standing(from what i hear, it used to be 300 before they disabled the buried debts event on console...thanks).

    Fugitives were always 50 pts per fugitive.  They were temporarily increased on OV to be double during Buried Debts.  Now that that is over, they are back to normal on OV as well as everywhere else.  No need to be snippy about it.

    5 minutes ago, (XB1)Shinobi Jake said:

    The reason I want to do this isn't for the umbra forma funny enough. I really wanted the saturn six armor bundle, because I'm one of the believers that Fashion Frame is true endgame(lol).

    You're in luck, as they've said they want to keep rewards around...although we don't yet know how we'll get them after NW Season 1 ends.

    6 minutes ago, (XB1)Shinobi Jake said:

    Honestly, I don't believe it should take this much effort to max your nightwave standing. I have 13 full days, and clearly I still wont be able to max out my standing if i play them all straight(and I could do it). That's absurd.

    It doesn't.  You came late and you missed a lot of standing.  That's not DE's fault, nor does it mean that NW grind is excessive.

    7 minutes ago, (XB1)Shinobi Jake said:

    There either needs to be a more consistent way of earning standing, or the requirements need to be reduced, or you could remove some of the worthless rewards. This can't be how this goes. It's not fair to players who can't login daily. Adults have lives, jobs, families, things they need to do in real life that don't concern Warframe.

    Which is why DE made it so that you only have to do about 60% of the challenges to get all the rewards.  That you came in with 13 days left is, again, not DE's fault.

    I'm also confused.  You say you have a life, job, etc, meaning you can't spend the time to grind, but you're also commenting about how you do all kinds of excessive grinds, up to days at a time.  So, which is it?

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  13. 1 hour ago, (PS4)nononom12 said:

    Xini is a Rotation B/C this is barely faster than void. This isn't a 100% axi only drop mission. You still go thru neo fodder

    You're asking for something that has never existed, and you're criticizing DE for making things harder when they haven't changed anything.  If you want guaranteed Axi drops, you go to Rot B/C where you get 100% Axi drops.  It's always been that way, and you complaining about it doesn't mean that DE made anything more difficult to get.

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