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(XBOX)R3d P01nt

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Posts posted by (XBOX)R3d P01nt

  1. 3 minutes ago, -HoB-AngelofRevenge said:

    ask de how flow of plat works ingame and how are they earning $. except slots and deluxe on what you are using plat? beside most of it was free ingame b4 nw.

    So, this is out of an abundance of concern for DE's bottom-line?  You're just worried for their finances?  I think it's just you looking for things to rant about.

    5 minutes ago, -HoB-AngelofRevenge said:

    nw should be rework of alerts. instead of grind content why not something bit more dofferent? I did not say to remove offerings pool.

    It is a rework of alerts.  You apparently don't like it for reasons that are still not clear to me except that you seem to think someone is holding a gun to your head forcing you to play a game.  I mean, it's not like DE intentionally made it so that you don't have to do every challenge...

    6 minutes ago, -HoB-AngelofRevenge said:

    our wolf wallet disagrees on this. my empty pocket did not force me to grind new currency for same rewards.

    No one forced you to participate.  Also, the rewards are, in some cases, things that alerts never offered in the past. They are new.  Lastly, they traded some up-front work for a reduction of RNG.  You'd rather have the RNG?

    7 minutes ago, -HoB-AngelofRevenge said:

    well I want improve in nw season 2, not just grind content but something more, interaction with game in bit different way not  just do this and that, grind this and that.

    OK.  Not sure what that has to do with alerts though.  Alerts didn't offer any of these things.  You're complaining because this new system does more than alerts, but it doesn't do everything you wanted, so you'd rather not have it do anything and go back to something that offered even less than what you're getting now.  Makes no sense.  What I think is happening is that you're suffering from FOMO and mad about it.

    • Like 1
  2. 15 minutes ago, -HoB-AngelofRevenge said:

    little spent of plat outside of deluxe skins and slots. on what are you using it?

    This didn't answer the question.  Why is it bad for DE to give things that normally would cost plat.  You seem to be very hung up on this, yet you won't or can't articulate why.

    16 minutes ago, -HoB-AngelofRevenge said:

    so same sh***t just different look?

    Except now I don't have to wait for that one alert I've been waiting for, only to find out it happened at 2am when I wasn't on, and now I'm left to wonder when the next one will be and whether I'll be online for that one or not.

    17 minutes ago, -HoB-AngelofRevenge said:

    dont want same grind thing in s2. "to do" for "to get resources stuff" and behind rank 30 "wtf now", wf should be a bit more than just grind. it also bit of story, which is btw where? I mean story vs grind content. balance?

    Alerts didn't provide story either.  You're complaining that the replacement for alerts doesn't do stuff that alerts never did in the first place.  Seems like an unfair complaint.

    18 minutes ago, -HoB-AngelofRevenge said:

    It sounds like rng issues. I did what I have need for. now you are forced so to say in crude way.

    Yes, RNG was an issue.  It is less of an issue now.

    I have no idea what you're trying to say in your last 2 sentences there though.

    18 minutes ago, -HoB-AngelofRevenge said:

    b4 you do mission and get stuff, now you are forced to do it and for specific ammount for how many weeks?

    I'm not forced to do anything, nor are you.  If doing missions to get rewards is forcing you, then you're asking for the game to just give you everything.  If you're upset that you may have to run a mission type that you don't like, well, guess what?  Alerts did the same thing.

    19 minutes ago, -HoB-AngelofRevenge said:

    so 1 very borring mission vs 15 weeks of work.

    Sounds like you have an issue with WF in general.  You might get one mission to get the item you want, but who knows when.  And, which item is that?  Umbra forma?  Nope.  And, nothing in NW actually takes 15 weeks of work.  No one is forcing you to do the challenges.  No one is forcing you to do all the challenges every week.  In fact, DE set it up specifically so that you wouldn't have to complete all the challenges every week to get everything on offer.

    I'm sorry, but you are simply ranting and incoherently.

    • Like 2
  3. 11 minutes ago, -HoB-AngelofRevenge said:

    well thing is you can obtain some stuff for free in multiple ways but it is time consuming. so if you are not spending platinum on wf market (deluxe skin excluded) on what are you spend platinum? yep rivens and wf slot I guess. maybe someone take 30day booster or so.

    Are you actually complaining that you can get things for free that you used to have to spend plat on?

    12 minutes ago, -HoB-AngelofRevenge said:

    look at game form very start, there are beneftis from nw but it is little. start game again and reach mr 27 again and you will see how nw fits in, negs and prosp. 

    at this point where it lead you? except umbra and plates which cant be obtained otherwise, nowhere.

    It leads to the same place that alerts did, only in a slightly different way.

    12 minutes ago, -HoB-AngelofRevenge said:

    little gains in general after rank 30.

    You gain more wolf creds per level than before you hit rank 30...just sayin'.  But, what you're asking for would make it more of a grind.  If there were rewards that everyone wanted after 30, we'd all be grinding every challenge, every week to get those great rewards after rank 30.  That would be the opposite of what you seem to want.

    13 minutes ago, -HoB-AngelofRevenge said:

    it need to fit more ingame in general. nw, sorties, invasions, arbitrations, events, bounty etc.

    Because alerts did that before?

    14 minutes ago, -HoB-AngelofRevenge said:

    so where are nw lead you and how it fit ingame except grind? there are many content in game and many most of it is grind, so I want nw change something a bit about it than add another grind on top of others.

    It allows people to do missions at their own pace when it's convenient for them to do the missions.  I no longer have to hope to be online when that alert I've been waiting for actually comes on and I get a chance to do it.  I know many people that waited months or even years for warframe parts, weapons, and auras to be available at the times they were online and playing.  You want to go back to that?  Why?  How many alerts were you doing every day?

    Additionally, were you forced to run the challenges?  Were you forced to rank up as quickly as possible?

  4. 2 minutes ago, -HoB-AngelofRevenge said:

    it is opposite in so many ways than you have posted. we have this stuff b4 nw so yeah not so viable.

    That makes no sense.  NW isn't viable because we get more rewards now for free instead of having to pay for them?

    3 minutes ago, -HoB-AngelofRevenge said:

    and thing you mentioned about rewards I dont agree, open offerings and you will see no slots, umbra... you get patatoes on alerts and invasions, sorties as well.

    We still have invasions and sorties.  NW only replaced alerts.  And, on the off chance that you were on for a potato alert, great.  Now, I don't have to be on for a potato alert, I can go about the challenges at my pace on my time and get that potato when it's convenient for me.

    4 minutes ago, -HoB-AngelofRevenge said:

    I am 60+ of each patatoe good b4 nw but to new players it is more easy to get.

    And, that's a bad thing that it's better for new players?

    4 minutes ago, -HoB-AngelofRevenge said:

    15 weeks of grind for free so someone can dildo your pocket for plat with overpriced riven.

    What do rivens and their prices in trade chat have to do with anything NW related?

  5. 17 minutes ago, -HoB-AngelofRevenge said:

    some will say you don't have to do it but it is opposite.

    No, it really isn't mandatory.

    17 minutes ago, -HoB-AngelofRevenge said:

    this is grind through weeks for some less vaiable rewards

    Free slots, Umbra forma, Nitain and potatoes on demand...less viable?  It's all the same rewards from alerts plus more.

    18 minutes ago, -HoB-AngelofRevenge said:

    also most of this stuff is in wf market already which can be taken for plat. so is this alert rework as spoken at first or are you turning it into grind market for fee?

    What are you talking about?  DE gives you stuff from the market for free and you're upset?  They simply can't win.

    • Like 3
  6. On 2019-04-21 at 12:15 AM, (PS4)YourDrunkReatard said:

    When i complete the mission to get a ayatan Treasure i pick it up and when i get to extraction it doesnt say i got it. Then when i go to my inventory its nlt their either. This has happened at least 4 or 5 times

    You can only receive the sculpture once per week.

  7. You should remove your email address from this message, as it's not wise to openly share it.

    When you hover over the junction, are there check marks indicating that all tasks have been complete?  Have you cleared all the nodes leading to the junction?

  8. Not saying there isn't a bug, but may I ask a few questions?

    Were you solo?  If in a group, were you host?

    Did you have illuminating dye or the Oxylus sentinel?

    Did you do this near a fishing hot-spot?

    Are you certain you were using lakes and not ponds?  What other fish (if any) spawned?

  9. 16 hours ago, (XB1)Thevesperkill said:

    It does  it while doing a action or or running out of energy it's a  bug

    You'll have to be more specific, because I don't understand the issue.  If Hysteria is on and you swap to weapons, the ability is still running in the background ready for you to swap back, so it should be draining energy.

  10. 41 minutes ago, (XB1)Eyup PaI said:

    I recently bought a gravimag for my archgun and also installed a catalyst on the weapon. In most cases this grants the Archgun deployment gear. In my case, it did not. So I cannot use my archgun in missions. Does anyone know how to fix this?

    You bought a gravimag?  Have you completed the Profit Taker bounties?  AFAIK, you must complete Profit Taker bounty 3 in order to use your archgun in normal missions.

  11. 14 hours ago, (XB1)SleezyKate said:

    I had almost just enough points to get to Master Rank 8 last night, when I got back on this evening, I'm back down to half on Mastery Rank 7. Has anyone else had this issue?

    Sometimes the visual indicator glitches and does not correctly represent the progress to the next level.  What matters is the amount of mastery XP you have obtained.  You've most likely not lost any XP, but you can always check by looking at your profile and doing the math.  If it doesn't add up, I suggest you take screenshots and then send those to support.  Good luck.

  12. On 2019-04-19 at 12:47 PM, (PS4)Ginio-Phantom said:

    I know that already and the gear i maxed was new i did not forma it i had about 6k mastery points left and warframes give 6k mastery and weapons give 3k i heard so i maxed one of my new frames and i got nothing so i did the other still nothing 

    I suggest that check your profile and see if your mastery XP adds up to what it should based on the weapons/frames you have mastered in your profile/codex.  Take screenshots.  Get a new weapon and start a mission.  Earn a few levels.  Take screenshots.  Check your mastery XP again and take screenshots.  If either of those checks doesn't add up correctly, send those screenshots to support.

  13. 31 minutes ago, thurmack said:

    Running the pipe I was able to get my last 5k in just under an hour. But it was a boring tedious hour, and that was just for one quarter of the standing.

    As you get better at it, it takes a lot less time.  When I was grinding out standing I was down to about 15 minutes to max my daily, which was 26k or 27k at the time.

    32 minutes ago, thurmack said:

    I hope not, because I'm anticipating a considerable let-downs both when I get my rank-able k-drive and find it doesn't do anything useful, and again when I get to MR5 and chuck the whole thing in a closet.

    The rankable K-drives have mods that make the process easier, like giving extra speed or a bonus +4 to your trick combo, but beyond being able to mod them, they aren't different at all from the starter in terms of utility.

  14. 12 hours ago, (PS4)nononom12 said:

    Id honestly love if ESO did axi rad on rotation C or we had a mission with 100% axi relics (even if it's not a endless)

    ESO does have radiant Axi relics in the drop table for Rot. C.

    And, we do have missions that give 100% Axi relics.

  15. 22 hours ago, (PS4)Brewwonder said:

    I ran the second bounty another 26 times this morning and got my first Atmo Systems. At this rate, ill have to run close to 600 bounties to get all 10 Atmo Systems. I understand grind, but thats torture!

    Except it's not guaranteed that you'll get them every X amount of missions based on how long it took to get the first set.  That's the nature of RNG that's doing an independent draw every time you run the mission.

    Others have said that Steve is looking into the drop rate, so DE may discover a bug yet.  In the meantime, good luck with getting 2 more drops to rank up and not have to worry anymore.

  16. 11 hours ago, (XB1)ProMrMuush said:

    So I just got the limbo warframe and went on the first mission on Venus but I came across a big where I can’t damage or break anything including the enemies.

    heres a link to a cliphttps://xboxclips.com/ProMrMuush/1ef312bc-2736-42f4-885c-2ff7e4ae73a6 and my pet also doesn’t do damage!??

    If the devs are reading this I don’t know what’s happening.


    New to Limbo I see.  Dodging with Limbo moves you into and out of the Rift plane.  When in the Rift, you cannot harm enemies outside of the Rift, nor can they harm you.  Your sentinel goes with you into the Rift.  That seems to be what happened from your video.  If you had just dodged again, you would have moved out of the Rift and you would be able to harm the enemies and be harmed by them in return.  That's how Limbo's kit works.  It's normal.

  17. Just now, (PS4)iesous27 said:

    And I can hit these rocks with my melee or shoot them with my weapons to mine them?

    You'll have to talk to the person in Cetus that sells mining equipment.  Buy a mining laser and equip it to your gear items.  Then, use that to mine the red and blue veins you find in the plains.

    • Like 1
  18. 8 hours ago, (PS4)xInkedToxicityx said:

    Known bug. They put a 1% chance all forums I see that and only doing it is de's content to get baruuk. I sent a ticket no reply

    Any citation for that?

    10 hours ago, (PS4)Brewwonder said:

    I am hoping there is a bug that is preventing me from getting the Uncommon Atmo Systems rewards from the Profit Taker bounties. I have run the first two bounties over 80 times each, so 160+ rewards and NONE have been Atmo Systems. I cant advance to the rank of Hand without the Atmo Systems. Has anyone else on PS4 had this trouble?

    AFAIK, it's just RNG.  Lots of players have had no issue gaining enough Atmo Systems to rank up.  Others of us - yes, I also had trouble obtaining this material to rank up - have just had to push through the grind.  The good news is that once you rank up you can purchase more of them for whatever you need to build.  Good luck.

  19. 13 hours ago, 64m3r said:


    It's a bug.

    Read the forum and stop dismissing actual issues with anecdotal examples.

    Im at run 330 and still no atmo.

    You don't know that it's a bug.  And, perhaps you missed the part where my "anecdotal example" was that I too had issues getting Atmo Systems to drop?  Oh well, I'm sure my anecdotes are invalid while your's are valid simply because they are your anecdotes and we know how that works.  BTW, how many people haven't had trouble getting Atmo Systems?

    2 hours ago, (XB1)Devo 20 XD 6 said:

    Did this person read anything I said?

    Yes, this person did read what you said, did you read what I said?  I, too, had issues getting Atmo Systems to drop.  I literally spammed PT2 every single day for about a week before finally seeing Atmo drop.  It was bad RNG.

    2 hours ago, (XB1)Devo 20 XD 6 said:

    I don't think they read any of the threads of proof and complaints I organized into a thread for them so it would be easy to find.

    During my dry run I, too, was frustrated and ready to give up and yell that it's a bug.  I read many forum threads about it and have seen many more.  I get that some people are having issues, but many people are not having issues.  If you want to show that it's a bug, then DE will have to find a bug and/or you'll have to gather data with lots of samples and other people involved.

    2 hours ago, (XB1)Devo 20 XD 6 said:

    Perhaps the only way to get them to take notice is to spam the bug report forum until someone actually looks in to this instead of ignoring dedicated gamers who are intelligent and know what we are talking about when we say there is a bug instead of treating us like children.

    You don't know it's a bug.  I get that it feels like one right now, but until you have evidence you can't claim to know it's a bug.

  20. 48 minutes ago, maddragonmaster said:

    just checked 

    Assassin Changes:
    Assassins (Stalker, Wolf of Saturn Six, The Grustrag Three, Zanuka Hunter, etc) now scale levels based on player counts, not based on the weapon levels of the target player.

    isn't this what this meant. or what? if it is just effecting the levels of the assassins then why they heck are they still having the spawn rate being effected by the low weapon levels. it just makes the fight feel cheep.

    They are talking about the scaling of the level of the assassin, not when they spawn.  It's an urban legend that spawn rates increase when you bring low-level weapons.

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