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Everything posted by (XBOX)sinamanthediva

  1. For some people when they are told they are wrong, they listen and learn, and maybe change their ways, so they no longer hear such things . Hmmm Label it toxic or whatever you want Sweetie, I'm just keeping it REAL! I only call it like I see it! Nothing more, nothing less! Good Chats! FYI: I never have claimed to be wholesome, just honest and real!
  2. I assume you are asking me so I Live in Pomona, California, USA! I am only a bit older than you but young at heart! Lol I have been to many a Rave when I was younger so I can appreciate your style of music. I mostly listen to Pop music, but enjoy all genres since there are so many talented and gifted folks, like yourself, that are blessed with a unique ability to create music from within themselves. I am honored to meet those that are gifted with music as I have no such talent but can appreciate those that do, like yourself! I'm not sure if you are familiar with the musical group Cocteau Twins but they have a unique style that I find to be melodic and chill. Try out Victorialand by them, it's pure genius! Good Chats!
  3. Well imagine if you grew grapes, you'd have raisins too! Lol A desert you say, well at least it's a dry heat, so there's that! Good Chats!
  4. OOF must be some sad tomatoes indeed! Come on DE, help this poor chap and his sad, lonely pots!
  5. It's sad that people don't take the time to actually read what you have to say, because 99.99% of the time it's very thoughtful and has compelling incite about whatever is the topic of discussion. You continue to be the voice of reason amongst the denizen that dwell in the troll quagmire of the Forums, so thank you for your continued efforts to bring forth the humanity that sometimes is buried deep within ourselves. Just note that you are appreciated and admired as there are too few who can withstand the deluge of vitriol and ignorance that spews forth from some that need validation or acceptance of their skewed opinions. It is debilitating at times to be beaten down by those with opposing views but somehow you seem to find a common ground; which I think is commendable and noble, as it is easier to remain stalwart in one's opinion then try to understand other perspectives. So keep on doin' your thang as it's always a pleasure to read your input! Have a pleasant tomorrow!
  6. Nope, I'm good, but thanks for the good read, I needed a good laugh! Have a pleasant tomorrow!
  7. For the record I never called you pathetic I said it was "really, really, really sad, borderline pathetic" and the context was about how impatient you were/are sounding with wanting something that benefits you simply because you can't play with others in a PUBLIC squad because they might make you wait more than your avg speed run time of 70-80 seconds for a fissure. I can admit that I can come across as abrasive and harsh and I apologize for my brutal words but I will always be honest and frank because sometimes being direct is just more effective in getting your point across. I will try and work on my approach in the future. Have a pleasant tomorrow!
  8. The really sad part is that YOU can't recognize that this is a YOU problem because Warframe, or any game in general, isn't designed to be "speed run" but that's what you are arguing for and that is sad. I don't expect anything from any players with regards to how fast they need to be to meet my expectations to finish a mission in 70-80 seconds. I get it completely, you are an impatient person who has to have everything as fast as humanly possible. There is a fine line between impatient and efficient and asking DE to make it easier for you to crack a relic solo by changing the drop percentages to reward you for being impatient, isn't the definition of efficient. Because your definition of Fun isn't mine. Fun isn't how fast I can get through a mission and that is the problem I have with your whole essay in impatience. If you feel the need to do a relic mission in 70 -80 seconds then prepare a squad to meet those expectations and reap the benefits that are afforded by those in a squad. There is nothing more to discuss on the subject and don't understand the need for a wall of text to justify something that doesn't need fixing to better suit YOUR needs. I'm not calling you anything more than what is obvious by your own declaration of your desires to better suit YOUR needs. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just trying to understand why you don't see the problem with what you are asking. You seem like a rationale person and I honestly don't understand the need to change something that isn't an issue, for me at least and I would hope others feel the same. You have every right to ask for the changes you want but that doesn't mean those changes aren't self serving to meet your desires. Have a pleasant tomorrow!
  9. So basically TennoCon was a big success if they were successful in getting people, such as yourself, to purchase the Heirloom Pack! I think there is a lesson to be learned here and you are showcasing it for others, so thank you for "taking one for the team!" I will reflect on your choices and make an appropriate decision based upon those unfortunate choices. Thank you for your post as it has saved me some money and dignity! You are a gentleman and a scholar. Have a pleasant tomorrow!
  10. Oh I am still completely against Tau Forge Drops being not a TEAM Prize and I just had a wonderful experience with a full squad of friends! Two got Taus with lesser percentages than me and my other friend who got a regular shard! That's a dead horse and DE will not change because got they Tencent breathing down their back demanding more money or get the chop. Moving on... This alone shouldn't be a question that needs to be answered by anyone as it should be obvious what the appropriate answer would be. i don't need to have percentages thrown around to justify anything other than what would be civilized and appropriate game-play. There is NEVER a time I have ever NOT waited to make sure EVERYONE in my squad had all 10 reactants before going to extraction and it shouldn't be a moral dilemma for anyone to need to stop and think about as it's just common courtesy and proper sportsmanship in a TEAM based mission. There is NOTHING to discuss about making it easier in a multiplayer based game for solo players to get their shiny's easier or faster than players in a squad. There is nothing that needs to be done to improve solo play as this isn't a solo game so not sure why I need to be nice to someone making demands to suit their own selfish needs. If someone is going to make a topic about how they want their shiny's faster than others who are in a squad because it takes too long in a squad, you better expect to get a little push-back! I am way too old to beat around the bush so if I come across as *@##$y and mean for being brutally honest, then I will take the heat that comes with not being disingenuous and fake. I just prefer to keep it real. I totally understand the desire to be efficient and optimize the chance for a Shiny and I do what I can by forming a squad with those of like minds and Relics. But for someone to complain that waiting 15 -30 seconds extra is just too much to deal with is profoundly sad and it says volumes about your character. You are in a PUBLIC SQUAD so you might encounter players not the same speed as yourself, PERIOD, FULL STOP! DE needs to change how relics work because you can't wait less than 1 minute for other players to get to extraction? I can't be the ONLY person who thinks that this is not appropriate nor prudent to be making demands so that you can get your Shiny even faster. This says it all right here. I implore someone to say that this player is facing terrible hardships and deserves to get his Shiny faster! I can't wait to see the community support this players "needs" with all the love that should be afforded such a magnanimous ideal! Have a pleasant tomorrow!
  11. I agree with most of what you said except that I will cut them some slack with regards to the hit-boxes and the fact that it was more than likely NOT one of the bigger battles in the game and just an early onset minor boss battle. Also I don't think they are finished with it yet, so they are still working out some of the kinks so I wouldn't judge them too harshly....yet! I have no opinion on the AI ally really so I won't comment on it. Was that an AI ally as I could have sworn they mentioned something about "co-op" play which to me would mean another human being not an AI player. as having an AI fight along side you is NOT co-op! It was a feast for the eyes graphically speaking so I will give them some kudos for their design work! To be honest, the combat of most games that involve wizards and the like are never going to be as action packed as say Warframe as I would tend to say that combat isn't the focus of the that genre of games. I have watched many a battle on YouTube of Wizards vs [insert fantasy creature here] in Skyrim, etc. where it had bad clipping of weapons and wonky hit-boxes occasionally so I won't label Soulframe as inferior just yet as they are still perfecting and polishing their creation. I am impressed with what they have created so far considering it is a new style of game for them to create from scratch and they are still in the process of discovering what works and looks best for the game in terms of mechanics and design. Have a pleasant tomorrow!
  12. Seriously Bro lay off the caffeine and SLOW DOWN a bit. Life isn't about how fast we can get through it, so maybe stop and smell the flowers along the way, instead of how fast can get the latest shiny that DE is dangling in front of you. If you got the shiny too quickly then you would have nothing to do in this game, so just let the game do what it is supposed to do, and that is entertain you. This whole post is showcasing just how little patience you have and that everything revolves around you getting a shiny quickly, which to be blunt, is just really really really sad, borderline pathetic. Take what shred of digni9ty you have and delete this post before anyone else has to read this mess showcasing the definition of "impatient" and "self-centered." Have a pleasant tomorrow!
  13. This would look really cool on like a black mug or something equivalent! I like the fact you are not creating it with a computer as it feels more authentic and real! Did you use any special watercolor paper to create your art? Just curious as I dabble in acrylic paintings myself but just use the standard canvas boards. Anyways, I like it and your style so keep on creating it and thanks for sharing it with us! Have a pleasant tomorrow!
  14. **Spoiler Alert!** OK so first thing you need to become comfortable ROLLING as it will keep you alive more than anything. Next you need to make sure you pick an Archon that is less obnoxious to kill so I recommend either the Owl or the Wolf first. If you pick the Owl, then just run around a lot and take cover behind trees alot and when she screams and makes her big bubble, throw a smoke grenade and you will be able to enter the bubble and have a few seconds to get some free shots off on her while inside the bubble. Rinse and Repeat all the while making sure you don't stand in the electric ground she tends to put out. Just keep your distance and take shots at her and eventually you will beat her down. The Wolf is similar but you need to pay attention to his pattern as you will need to time your rolls when he's about to pounce on you so you wont get shredded. If you get a Heat status proc, which you will often, then use your Healing potion thing and it will remove the Heat proc as it removes all Status Procs as well as heal you enough to keep rolling along! When he does the Where's Waldo Wolf thingy all you need to do is activate your Mapping Tool Widget thing and it will show you the real Wolf. Also the Real Wolf will be holding his signature Dual Daggers (Nepheri) in his hands to tell him apart from the fakes. You can throw a smoke bomb thing and get a couple of shots off and then roll away, rinse repeat. Leave the Snake for last and you wont have to worry about her, as you will get a HUGE BOOST from an old friend that will make it trivial so really you only need to deal with 2 Archons with the wimpy Drifter. Once again if this old Queer can finish the New War, ANYONE can! It took me many tries so don't give up! Have a pleasant tomorrow!
  15. Your only option is NOT to just give up and quit, but if that's all you want to do then that's your choice. There have been many people who have struggled with the Archons and were able to overcome their issues with the help of people here on the Forums and through the ubiquitous videos on YouTube that can more than likely give you the extra edge in the Archon fights to enable you to defeat them. But if you don't want to take a little effort and find out best ways to deal with the Archons then you basically wasted your time and everyone else's here in the Forums by making this post in the first place. You do whatever you think is best for you but please don't play the victim unless you are willing to at least see what advice people can give you to help you complete the New War Quest and continue enjoying the game that you have already described as a "fantastic experience!" There is so much more to discover after the New War that is cool and entertaining, The Zariman is a breathe of fresh air that is arguably one of the best additions to Warframe in terms of sound and graphic design in quite some time. I am fairly confident that if this old queen was able to finish the New War, you can too, so don't give up! Have a pleasant tomorrow!
  16. You are probably a victim of Platinum Fraud where someone that you traded with had acquired the Platinum thru nefarious ways. DE will remove the Platinum from your account because you shouldn't have been given the Plat in the first place being it was bad Plat. so unfortunately you more than likely got swindled out of your Plat. Be thankful you didn't spend all the Plat else your account would be in the negative, which means it would be automatically banned until you brought the account out of negative balance. You can file a SUPPORT TICKET and see if they can explain it further to you. Have a pleasant tomorrow!
  17. This is a really cool picture and love your artistic style and interpretation. I think you have a gift and I hope you create more Warframe artwork with this unique style in mind. Have a pleasant tomorrow!
  18. Sorry for the mislabeling of your musical narrative, I guess I just assumed it such being that it was in a Warframe forum. So basically you liked the music enough to entertain the idea of making a musical track from it that was more inline with your Trance genre style of music? I am just trying to understand your motives and thoughts that led you to create your music tracks so I can better appreciate the result of your hard work. I mean no disrespect as I mentioned earlier I don't normally listen to Trance genre of music as I generally prefer music that contains lyrics of some sort but have on occasion enjoyed Trance genre style of music. One artist that comes to mind is Agnes, Song title is "I Trance" but not sure if that is what you would consider authentic Trance music but I like the song regardless. Anyways, thanks for sharing your musical skills with us and look forward to hearing your future work! Have a pleasant tomorrow!
  19. Wow sounds like you put some effort and thought into the track and its actually pretty cool. I like all music and can appreciate your work even if not an avid listener of trance music. I look forward to hearing more of your unique interpretations of Warframe themed music! Have a pleasant tomorrow!
  20. Thank you for your perseverance and humor! May we all satisfy the dreaded Dirtwyrm's insatiable appetite with some lovely plants in our ever growing pot nursery! It would bring me immense pleasure to fill my poor lonely pots with some lovely floral specimens so please keep championing the fight as the struggle is REAL! Have a pleasant tomorrow!
  21. No Bro you be trippin' if you think he is a an obsolete Warframe and I choose him in Circuit because I don't have to rely only on my weapons that may be crappy. If you can't play him in SP than that's a YOU problem. He's a different playstyle than other Warframes but that doesn't make him obsolete. Could he use a slight tweak here and there, sure, but most Warframes could. I think you just shouldn't play Nidus if you don't think he's good enough for you. Have a pleasant tomorrow!
  22. Are you talking about Warframe or some other game? I think there might be a translation issue if English is not your primary language. What is this "Airliner" you speak of and have no idea what the "Double King Mirror series of missions" that you speak of. I think it would help if you give more specifics like where this mission takes place, faction of enemies, anything to help better understand what exactly the problem is that you are experiencing. Maybe I'm just clueless and this will all make sense to someone else but I am totally confused about everything you have described and don't even know where to begin to offer assistance so please accept my apology as I mean no offense to you but I am not sure you are clear enough about your description to even begin to have a solution generated in some hotfix. Have a pleasant tomorrow!
  23. I will admit Nidus seems wimpy at first but he is a BEAST when you get his stacks above 100 which is now doable with his Augment Abundant Mutation. The problem I have with Nidus is with Larva as it can't be recast until the timer runs out so I swapped it with ensnare which can be recast as often as you like! It does take a hot minute to get your stacks up but I found in SP circuit there are plenty of enemies for everyone to enjoy! Usually by the 3 or 4th round I have over well 100 stacks which with some power strength mods (nothing crazy needed but more helps for sure) you can do over 30K damage a stomp. I think the most stacks I've had is like 240 and it would one-stomp most enemies in SP circuit except the Eximus variety. Additionally if you use the Parasitic Link you can ramp up the damage too or use it to stay alive with the damage reduction. Nidus is not that exciting when you first start a mission, but if you are patient, he can be quite rewarding in longer missions like a survival where the enemies are non-stop. I think you are too quick to judge Nidus as bad simply because you don't want to put in the effort that he needs to be the beast he can become! Have a pleasant tomorrow!
  24. Did you check your Inbox for a message from Ordis? It will have the Blueprint for the Personal Quarters Segment in the message from Ordis. You can also check your Foundry for the Personal Quarters Segment as you will need to build it first, then once you claim it, you will have access to the room. If you still have problems locating the Personal Quarters Segment then contact SUPPORT. Have a pleasant tomorrow!
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