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Posts posted by YagoXiten

  1. 4 hours ago, Conestt said:

    Great he has synergy between his shock, shield, and overload!

    You can use them all together now with out one being unusable when using the other abilities. 

    Oh wait I'm missing something...that's right speed. 

    Speed buffs shock great synergy!

    Now lets use speed with shield! Oh wait having a speed boost is useless when you are sitting behind a shield.

    How about overload? Oh look again, your speed boost is useless when you end up completely stopping when using overload.

    Hmm I wonder if I really feel the synergy between all his abilities.....

    Synergy doesn't have to be an explicitly stated case of 'Cast X, gain benefit for Y!'.

    Shock allows you to stun targets so you can run up and melee them with Speed. Speed allows you to run between multiple Electric Shield bastions quickly, or to weave back and forth through a single Electric Shield, as you can fire from both sides of it. Speed allows you to get in to cast Overload and to get out more quickly after casting it. I hardly think a moment of stopping for an animation counts as lacking synergy with that.

    Speed is all around useful. And it is fine to stay that way. Furthermore, they mentioned something about a static electricity passive, and perhaps that would work on Shock? Or Overload? In that case, Speed would most likely help boost that passive's effectiveness.

    It's still a WIP.

    And as someone who has played this game for over 2,000 hours, and who has played Volt/Volt Prime more than any other frame...I could not be more excited or pleased with the rework and the direction it has gone.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Makuzex said:

    And I get that...though I'm not a fan of it. But what about throwing in a skin for each frame having the option to be the other gender?

    Like in the game Smite or even Marvel Heroes, some have a skin to be the opposite gender.

    Because this is DE's game and they've gone on record for like three years saying they won't do this, and it has yet to happen.

    The individual Warframes are tied to the lore and the way I see it, an original and unique Tenno user, and those once exclusive and individualized Warframes are now mass produced for multiple Tenno to use, taking up the mantle of their ancestors honor, or something like that.

  3. Opening:

    Whilst Ivara's one of the better designed Warframes to date, she still has some rather glaring issues which need hammered out. And whilst there's been several threads I have seen on her, many of them seem to miss their mark when discussing what is wrong with her. I created this thread to provide a thorough and detailed discussion, as well as to post my thoughts and to gather recommendations from other players.

    General: Ivara lacks impact on the team. She places too many eggs in one basket, with builds using all of her abilities sacrificing defensive and utility mods, or narrow and specific loadouts, and builds with a specialized purpose destroying chances to use her other abilities. The algorithms used in her abilities are complicated and often exponential, which makes it extremely hard to predict how well a given build will function. Many of her abilities are also redundant with each other, making it so that some abilities completely defeat or otherwise overshadow others.


    Cloak arrow is almost entire redundant on her kit.

    Dashwire arrow is hampered by zipline mechanics.

    Noise arrow is almost entirely useless.


    In theory, Quiver is four abilities in one. Offering a vast amount of utility. In practice, this is not the case. Cloak arrow has no clear purpose, for a couple of reasons. First: Ivara herself can remain invisible indefinitely, thanks to Prowl, which also grants her a nice damage boost to headshots. This means there is very little reason to rely on Cloak arrow. Second: It's not particularly useful to allies, either. Generally speaking, such defensive abilities are used to revive downed allies, or prevent them from going down in the first place. But, since Cloak arrow creates a static field of invisibility, and enemies can, and will, shoot at the location one was last seen, you will often be torn to shreds even whilst invisible. Furthermore, since most Warframes already include abilities to revive their allies, this feature is rarely important to take advantage of. While you can provide a moving stealth field by directly hitting allies,this is nearly impossible to do without coordination, as your allies will be moving around. This also needs to be reapplied rather frequently considering the difficulty of doing so, even with maxed duration builds. The result is that Cloak arrow's primary use is to pair it with Prowl to allow you to remain invisible without running Hush on non-silent weapons. And as this is a band-aid fix, and entirely loadout specific, it's clear some changes need to be made.

    I suggest that Cloak arrow's field cap is removed, and that its range is increased from 2.5m radius to 4m radius. This will allow Ivara a bit more build flexibility, and allows you more room to move around to avoid gunfire whilst invisible. If an allied Warframe, including Ivara, comes within a static 4m radius of the center of the stealth field within 1 second of its creation, the cloak will attach to them and expire after 50% of the total duration. This allows Ivara to turn invisible without having to sacrifice the fun of parkour, and allows her to affect her allies much more reliably.

    Dashwire arrow is an ability used almost entirely for fun, as there is never a need to create a zipline to cross a gap. And that's perfectly fine. But it is often unclear as to if a zipline can even be created, and nothing happens when it fails except wasting energy. In addition, attempting to reload whilst near a zipline can cause you to mount it when you do not intend to (if you have activate and reload enabled in the options menu). And you cannot easily cross between ziplines, as you must first jump off, and then you will hop onto the closest one, which is often the one you were already on. Since ziplines already lock you to a fixed plane of movement, it seems silly that you also move slower than you otherwise would have along the ground. To fix these issues, I suggest a 50% speed boost whilst on a zipline, and ziplines will only be mounted if you are in range and your reticle is within a reasonable fixed distance from it. To fix the issues with ziplines failing, Dashwire arrow pulls Ivara towards the impact site if a zipline cannot be created, and enemies hit will be launched in the opposite direction of the zipline's trajectory.

    Noise arrow is supposed to be used to distract enemies and force them to a target location, either to prevent them from finding you, or to gather them for mass murder. The former is pointless, as enemies walk extremely slowly, and Ivara already has Prowl to remain unseen. Since neither can be used on alerted enemies, it is useless on pretty much every mission type outside of Spy. To fix this, I suggest that Noise arrow always affect enemies, regardless of their alert level, and it forces them to run towards the target location with increased speed. This should make both uses of Noise arrow actually purposeful. The only downside is that this might allow the creation of 'loot caves' and camping, but Loki already does this with a non irradiating Radial Disarm, and the community will with or without this ability. (And there's also nothing intrinsically wrong with camping.)


    Pointless outside of style kills, counter-synergistic with her other abilities, impossible to control on most weapons,  absurd energy efficiency calculations. Also does not work at all with non-projectile weapons, vastly reduced effectiveness on multishot weapons and high RoF weapons.


    No longer provides invisibilty whilst casting, and can no longer be cast whilst a projectile is in mid flight. Projectile is given bouncing properties against terrain, and has unlimited punch through against enemies. 15m projectile flight speed, rather than varying by weapon. Pressing fire increases speed by 5m, pressing Alt-Fire reduces speed by 5m, down to a minimum of 0m speed. Pressing zoom immediately inverses the direction of travel. The projectile is returned to its usual flight speed upon exiting the ability. Energy cost changed from a dynamic time and speed based drain to a static drain, with each target being hit draining 10*n Energy, where n is the number of targets previously hit. The damage increases similarly with each bounce or enemy hit. Any multishot on the attack is converted into an equivalent base damage modifier on the shot. And, finally, the shot consumes ammo and has its damage increased based upon the weapon's fire rate.

    These changes should all be pretty self-explanitory. This allows Navigator to be used on any projectile weapon, regardless of its RoF or any multishot. The energy cost is normalized, making it more clear as to how much it will drain. The punch through changes prevent it from going outside of the map and getting stuck. All of these changes are absolutely necessary, because as it currently stands, it works best with sniper weapons or bows due to benefiting the most from the damage increase and the fact that it does not work well with high fire rate or multishot, but they counter-intuitively have a projectile speed which makes them difficult if not impossible to use it with. This should also make Navigator much more fun to use with her Artemis bow. There is also virtually no reason to control Ivara's Quiver abilities, and my Quiver changes should help remedy that.

    This renders Cloak arrow almost entirely pointless, has extremely complicated energy cost, and prevents parkour whilst it is on, but you can barely survive if you turn it off.

    Prowl no longer provides invisibility at all. Instead, it silences Ivara and all of her weapons, and grants 30% damage reduction, with each point of damage prevented draining .4 Energy. The energy drain per second is changed to 3, with no additional reduction for melee or movement. Steal time changed to scale more linearly, such that 1% duration is equivalent to .01 seconds off the steal time.

    The main reason for these changes is to remove the redundancy Ivara has with the three stealth abilities in her kit. This will still enable her to perform flawless stealth runs without relying upon Cloak arrow, but will enable Cloak arrow to have a defined purpose. This also normalizes the energy drain on Prowl, such that melee is less of a problem, and enables Ivara to gain some purpose out of the incredibly energy drain Prowl has when damaged.

    Artemis Bow:

    Alt+Fire no longer instantly casts Quiver shots, instead, Ivara will adjust the spread counter-clockwise. Pressing Reload whilst no shot is currently charging will instead instantly fire a Quiver arrow.

    This is mostly to fix the oddity that Ivara can create a 45 degree angle shot in one direction, but not in the other, patching up some weird aiming issues. This is honestly a pure QoL suggestion, and hardly worth putting in spoilers.


    Quiver generally only useful for silly ziplines and the sleep debuff, and the ziplines are not fluid enough to used in most missions. Navigator is only accessible to a few choice weapons, entirely pointless in most cases, and impractical to use. It also has negative synergy with Artemis Bow, and there's no incentive to use it with Quiver. Prowl's energy cost is ludicrous and discourages parkour, but the incentives to use it are so overwhelming that it overshadows all of her other abilities outside of Artemis Bow.

  4. Quiver Augment Idea: Elementalist

    Cloak Arrow: Enemies who enter the bubble are affected by a Cold proc.

    Dashwire Arrow: Enemies who contact a zipline are affected by an Electric proc.

    Noise Arrow: Enemies in a small radius around the impact are affected by a Heat proc.

    Sleep Arrow: Enemies put to sleep suffer a Toxin proc, dealing 30% of their maximum health in toxin damage over the duration.


  5. @OP An enormous amount of Warframe lore is drawn from literature and other external sources, some of which are decidedly eastern. most of the Tenno culture stuff is drawn from Japanese culture, so your suggestion that this stuff in doesn't fit in Warframe is completely silly. this is much more likely because you are ignorant of the literature and associated mythology from which these frames come, you don't want to see them (and don't want anyone else to have them, lest you risk seeing and interacting with them at some point). either way, that's a pretty narrow-minded and selfish stance.


    maybe DE should remove Loki? after all, he's a trickster god from Norse mythology, just like Wukong is a trickster god from Chinese literature. maybe some people don't know about and don't like Norse stuff. and Ivara - she has to go. she clearly draws strongly from Robin Hood, who is not entirely unlike a god of thieves from English lit. EVERYTHING FROM LITERATURE THAT PEOPLE MIGHT NOT GET/LIKE MUST GO.

    Whilst there's truth to this, much of the complaint is xenophobic in nature, there's also some truth to the OP.

    Wukong and Nezha both borrow significantly more so from their source material than any other frame. They are Warframe's renditions of specific characters and capture the majority of their specific traits in a way that is rather precise. Loki, Ivara, Atlas, Banshee, etc., all borrow much more generally from a broad set of archetypes rather than a specific known character. I am ok with Nezha and Wukong being in the game, as they are not jarringly out of place, and their kits work nicely within Warframe. However, I must admit that I would have preferred them to be more in line with the design of the other frames. This is not because they are Chinese--I would have been bothered like this all the same if they had made Atlas a near perfect port of Medusa.


  6. Snow globe doesnt go away

    Nekros gets really screwed by Nullifiers, as both him entering the bubble, and a Shadow touching the bubble removes the power. Well, in the latter case, it's only the one that touched the bubble, not all of the Shadows, but they still suicide dive into it, or Nullifiers hop down from above and delete half of them.

  7. IMHO the only thing the ignis need[s/ed] is to leave flaming napalm on the ground for a few secs like a real flamethrower does as well as have a guaranteed fire proc, it doesnt need to have 100% status chance per se, but just a specific guaranteed burn effect, similar to how the acrid has a guaranteed toxin DoT effect

    The Acrid/Embolist's built in toxin proc only scales with base damage, and thus falls off horribly. I wouldn't want that on the Ignis, as it wouldn't help. If it were properly implemented, similar to the DoT on the Paracyst (which doesn't scale properly, but scales better, at least), it'd be ok. Still not counting on it. It would be nice if it left a fire trail, though.

  8. But what does the ammo association have to do with anything?


    We could discuss things like number of targets, as you're not going to be hitting every single target on the whole screen for full DPS and full status chance over and over with the Braton but that would just be a discussion of range, AoE and status chances PER TIME and it would end predictably, with Ignis being better for >X number of targets in >Y area and Braton Prime for <X targets in <Y area.


    But OfficerBeepsky has made two threads now specifically talking about AMMO per proc, and I can't for the life of me figure out why. It's like saying Boltor Prime is bad because you get fewer reloads per kill than Tigris. It's just weird.

    Like I said, status per ammo, status per shot, status per time, and status per area are all different ways of examining status chance effectiveness. Since the Ignis is largely a status weapon, and is an ammo hose, I think that's why he was comparing it that way.

    That said, I've no idea, it's not a particularly helpful comparison, in general, for the strength of a weapon, unless you're talking about ammo economy.

  9. Why is status per ammo count a meaningful metric?

    Most likely, to compare it to other weapons' status chance.

    Here's a better example as to how lack luster the Ignis' status chance is: The Braton. It has a base 5% status chance. With a set of dual elements, Split Chamber and Vile Acceleration only being taken into account (and the same of the Ignis), the Braton's status chance will rise to 11% per bullet, with two bullets fired 90% of the time, with a fire rate of 16.72. Thus the total bullets per second is roughly 32. You'd expect to get a status proc once every eight shots. So per second, you'd get roughly 4 status procs. Even with half of those being IPS procs, that's still 2 Status / second. /Twice/ that of the Ignis. Which has a 104% status chance with that build, but is capped at 1 per second.


  10. Status effects in general don't scale particularly well. So until they fix that, I don't support a change such as this.

    The guaranteed Toxin proc on the Embolist only scales off of the base Toxin damage on the weapon, so it can only be increased with Hornet Strike, Magnum Force, Barrel Diffusion, and Lethal Torrent. The same is true of the Castana's Electric proc. Hell, even the Miter's Slash procs don't scale with Fanged Fusillade's bonus Slash damage.

  11. Examples please. The only thing that's comparable is the Ampex, and that has it's own niche with a different base element and less potential for punch through and spread than the Ignis. Phage has stronger damage with less spread, Convectrix has less vertical spread, and so on. There is no weapon on which you put Firestorm and can then proceed to damage enemies behind you while shooting forward. The spread is its biggest plus, the base damage element an optional advantage/disadvantage depending on what you fight.


    It's like saying snipers are bad and need an increase in fire rate because their TTK is too low compared to assault rifles when the real issue is that there is no enemy types that make use of the niche snipers could excel in, like heavily armored enemies that you can only damage from the front if your shots exceed a certain damage threshold.


    I've used the Ignis way before it was buffed, literally since they brought it out, and it was always more useful than any other AoE weapon in combination with damage enhancing abilities, because at some point damage becomes less relevant(Sonar, Accelerant) than spread, and the potential to kill many enemies at once.

    I was responding to the point that someone else made, where they said that AoE weapons sacrifice single target damage to be efficient at killing crowds. And, in many games, this is the case. This is not true in Warframe, however. The Ogris, the Secura Penta, the Synoid Simulor, the Quanta, the Amprex, the Atomos, the Kulstar, and the Angstrum, all deal more far more single target damage than the Ignis (and many other high tier weapons)--whilst also mowing through crowds like nobodies business. Sure, they might not have quite the ability to hit as wide of an area as the Ignis, but they can simply move on and fire a couple more shots to clear the next area without skipping a beat.

    Also, the Amprex creates chains for each target hit with the main beam when you have punch through, meaning you can actually hit two targets, and then have two seperate chains between those two and other enemies, dealing around 1.67x damage to each of the two initial targets, plus hitting anything in the room with the remaining arcs. Each of those arcs, by the way, can proc status effects independently of the main beam. The Amprex also does entirely critical damage, which gets multiplied by 4x instead of 2x for non-crit headshots. Making it vastly more efficient against single heavy targets. There's not a single facet in which the Amprex doesn't beat out the Ignis and then some. Except, maybe, ammo economy, but even that's moot, since the Amprex uses less ammo since it kills faster, anyways.

    You are right, in the fact that an Ignis which can be affected by Chroma's Fury, or Ember's Accelerant, or Banshee's Sonar, etc. to become a devastating AoE weapon--but those other weapons can do that without those buffs. And if they can do that without buffs, easily up to level 70 content, imagine how much further into content they can scale with them?


  12. Well, it does naturally a little less damage compared to top tier guns, but that's the drawback of most AoE weapons - hitting many enemies with less than optimal damage. With any kind of damage enhancement buff, whether its mprime, resonance sonar or accelerate it wrecks house.


    That's the idea behind AoE weapons. Except that pretty much no high tier AoE weapon actually has that issue. They kill single heavy units just as fast as they mow through crowds of light units.

    And all those weapons that do the same job as the Ignis take those damage buffs and use them much better.

    And this is why the Ignis is still bad.

  13. I believe the "innate multishot" is the effect that allows the ignis fire to spread to its cone shape. I could be wrong though but from what I understand it means it improved its spread over its distance?


    Possibly. It's hard to say what they meant by that. I used it for short while a long time ago, so it's hard to say what has changed about its mechanics. That said, from what I've observed, the damage of the cone is, at most, 50% of what the target under your cross hairs take, and does not seem to diminish with distance from the center, considering at 24m distance away, and firing as far to the side as possible whilst still damaging that same Elite Crewman, I'm still seeing ticks of about 45.

  14. The new model looks nice now, i kinda like the tiny ignition flame ^-^


    The Buffs


    Are all very nice to have, it deals a nice bunch of damage now. It was fun before with Combustion Beam, and its even more fun now.


    But i still have a few questions...


    The innate multishot:

    We know that Multishot gets nerfed, so that multishot consumes more ammo. Does this include the Ignis Multishot? Or is Ignis more like a Shotgun now?

    And if it is like a Shotgun, how does Split Chamber works then? In case of a 100% innate multishot (just for calculation, there was another feedback in here where i read that it has 10x now) it would mean that it adds 90% to each of those two "Bullets", so no 290%, but 380%...that would be an awesome increase in damage.


    Also its kinda sad that Magnetic, Viral and Corrosive still dont have a visual effect :'(


    Oh, and can we get a "Fueltank Syandana" in the future? i mean...that would totally fit^^

    From my testing so far, I have no idea what the devs meant with 'innate multishot' because I'm seeing ticks of about 90 with an unmodded Ignis, on an Elite Crewman in the Simalcrum. Considering it ticks 3 times per second, that's a total of 270 damage per second. Exactly as expected. No multishot to be found.


  15. Advertised as a blah blah blah, Volt is advertised as a high damage frame but he's useless when it comes to damage. How long have you been playing Warframe for you to use Dev's "advertisement" as an excuse for how something should work.


    If you've used builds as you claim you you should know that EV builds and Blessing builds are different. Also, your Tigris, like any weapon in the game would become useless after round/minute 60 in T4, while EV continues to kill regardless of level. Problems with cast animation? (Even though it's a pretty quick animation, I think that's a bullS#&$ excuse) use Natural Talent, it's what the mod is there for.


    And you nitpicking abilities is just that, nitpicking. Your logic could be used on every frame in the game. I could use X's ability, but I could just use my weapon instead. If that's the logic you go by then why not just ask DE to remove all the Warframes and give everybody the exact same powerless frame and turn it into a shooter game?


    It's not the developer's advertisement that I'm talking about. I mean the way that the mechanics of the ability imply its function. EV builds pretty much sacrifice Link and Blessing to help out your team. And whilst it has its niche of effectiveness in say, a raid, or camp compositions, it helps in a way that could be done without Trinity even in the party. Not quite as well, agreed. But it isn't unique or strong enough outside of that,and when it is used that way it's mostly cheesing content.

    That last tidbit is the strawman fallacy, and either you've missed the point or are purposefully distorting it.




    Despite what you think, EV is a very well designed ability. It's the only ability that actually damages using a percentage of enemy health instead of a flat number. It also gives you and your whole team energy and it locks the target for the duration of the ability. You want EV because it's the only ability in the game that provides you and your team with energy comfortably. I use my Trinity to one-shot the difficult enemies which my weapons aren't modded against.


    Honestly, it just seems that you're either being nitpicky with a perfectly perfect frame, or you're just bored with her. If you don't want to be Trinity go play another frame. There are more than 30 of them in the game. She's the best healer, energy provider and tank in the game. I simply can't comprehend your reasons for wanting her to change. Sure, I heard your reasons, but I just don't get that kind of logic. Do you want to give her a nuke 4 ability just so it can be nerfed later like all other nukes? Simply because you think Link and EV don't do enough damage? (Even though they do, despite your opinions on them number don't lie)


    Or are you misunderstanding the concept of a support frame? Because every excuse you give is, "why should I use this ability if I have my gun?" If you're tired with being support I say again, go play another frame.

    Once again, a strong ability does not mean a well designed ability. Trinity's Blessing build only uses her other powers to set up Blessing. And Trinity's EV build sacrifices two of her abilities to use that one-shot combo and cheese her allies' abilities. (And WoL is only really used to set up EV. So similarly, three abilities pay for one.)

    I know Trinity is the best of those things in the game. But that is all she does. She never dies, and/or she's making her allies capable of laughing at content difficulty through P4TW. And that's just not interesting or good design. And for the record, Link, Shadows of the Dead, etc. scale rather poorly, and there's a chart on the wiki that proves this.


    It isn't that I don't understand the concept of the support frame. It's that I don't understand why Trinity should have 3 abilities that only serve to power other abilities, whether that be Blessing or EV's infinite casting / ally CC or nuke spam, when she could have four useful abilities. I know that she is a support, but imagine if Sonar was the only ability Banshee could cast, and it worked for everyone on the team except the Banshee who used it? Because that's currently the way Trinity feels.


  16. ..and increase the speed of the magic bolts by like 13,550%...see a buddy getting shot, press 3, wait 2s for the casting animation, wait 3 moer seconds whil the bolt travels to them...oh, they died....


    Well, I pressed the 3 button when you still had 50% health....

    Good point. The casting animation needs its speed increased, too. The travel time existing at all is rather silly. That said, the travel time wouldn't matter as much if you could just always keep it on and continue healing people.

  17. This is the single most ignorant post i have ever seen. Trinity is one of, if not the single best frame  in     the entire game. Your ignorance doesn't make her redundant, it just means you don't understand how to use her. 


    Look, I assure you, I'm quite well educated in every nuance Trinity has. It's just that powerful abilities =/= good design. And, on the note of logical fallacies, personal attacks do not forward your argument.


    You're probably the worst Trinity main I've ever met.


    Well of life isn't useful when healing, its useful when you want an EV target that doesn't die immediately.


    EV is one of the best abilities in game. Matter of fact, it's the only ability that scales well as it takes damage percentage directly from health instead of a flat number. It's quicker and easier to use than the pancakes you mention and can headshot enemies. I one-shot level 60 heavy gunner with it.


    Link makes Trinity the best tank in the game. It's not meant to be a damage dealing ability. It's meant as a damage reduction ability to keep you alive while you cast other abilities or take those enemies out with EV.


    Blessing is another contender of the best ability in game. Heals everything instantly, and provides invulnerability. Isn't affected by range. The "exploit" you mentioned isn't an exploit either. It's working as intended. Slap Quick Thinking on and you can reduce 90 something percent of damage. It's the way that mod works with that specific ability. Ever heard of synergy?


    Honestly, I wouldn't want you as a Trinity on my team if this is your opinion of her. I bet you just use her weapons when you play her instead of supporting your team or using your abilities well.

    As above, personal attacks do nothing to forward your argument. I can understand disagreeing with someone's opinion, but that has nothing to do with their skill as a player.

    You're very correct--Well of Life isn't useful when healing. And that's a problem considering the ability has been advertised to primarily function as a heal since I've been playing nearly three years. Sure, I could use it to keep an Energy Vampire target alive, which can, say, restore energy and health whilst I am in Quick Thinking to keep me alive...but I could also just avoid being in that situation in the first place by using Blessing properly. Sure, I could use it to one-shot with Energy Vampire. But why waste the time in cast animation when it's faster to just fire my Tigris? Sure, I could use it to create an absurdly difficult to kill Link target and use the healing to prevent self-damage from killing me and clear the room with Link...But I could also just clear the room by aiming at my enemies instead of my feet.

    Energy Vampire is an amazingly strong ability, but strong does not mean it is well designed. Within Trinity's own abilities, it only really serves to power Blessing. Well of Life's almost entirely pointless to cast, like I just said, and Energy Vampire itself can already be used infinitely with very little energy cost. Link does provide somewhat of an outlet for what you gain from using Energy Vampire, but it isn't something you spam because it either lasts a comfortable amount of time, or you are timing it merely to pull off a proper Blessing. Either way, EV powers Link and Blessing, Link powers Blessing, and WoL is pointless. So tell me why I want an ability that basically just enables another? Doesn't that seem like wasted potential for an ability?  I suppose EV has some merits, such as it letting your allies spam their abilities, but, again, most allies could do that just fine with or without a Trinity. Why would I or any other Trinity player care that Energy Vampire can deal heavy damage to a unit, or even one shot them in tandem with Well of Life, when my weapons, which I could use on any frame, can do the same thing?

    Link's CC immunity is the only unique thing about the ability, since the damage reflection is not useful for effectively killing enemies, outside of the self-damage cheese, which itself is rather silly since you could achieve the same results with an explosive weapon by aiming at something other than the floor, and the damage resistance only protects you for that brief fraction of a second that is Blessing's cast time. I suppose 75% damage reduction for myself is pretty impressive on paper, but why would I care to apply 75% damage reduction when I can hit a different button to apply 99% to my entire squad?

    Blessing carries virtually all of the strength of Trinity's powers.

    From all this I'm not saying that Trinity doesn't have nuances or multiple ways to use her abilities. I'm not saying that Trinity is weak, either.

    It's not an issue of me not understanding how to play her. I've used all of her builds. It's just that she basically has one ability--Blessing--and a few quirky things she can do, which while unique to her, are not so unique or so strong or so fun that they are worth caring about.


  18. The possibility of the archer having a loot ability completely crushes my hope of Nekros getting a real ability 3.


    The Health Orb generation on Desecrate is actually strong enough to warrant it being an ability in its own right. The problem is that the number of orbs dropped should scale with power strength and does not. And that the ability should be a toggled aura, and is not. And so the healing is rather pointless because the only thing you use it for is staying alive with carrier whilst you get animation locked as you farm.

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