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Posts posted by TheGodofWiFi

  1. 1 minute ago, Hayabusa97 said:

    True, the last thing we need is a repeat of SoTR for the biggest update in Warframe since the Second Dream.


    To everyone else complaining about the delays, I'm gonna be as blunt and to the point as possible


    Seriously, you people are unpleasable and unbearable, just shut up and deal with the delays, do you want the update to be marred with bugs, plot holes, and generally be a total mess because y'all are too @(*()$ impatient to give them time. Rushing things is how you get the update equivalent of No Man's Sky.

    They have more than enough time to deal with any major bugs. They've had almost a year. 

    No we won't "shut up". We are all very disappointed with the strategy DE have chosen in this situation and we are voicing our concerns about it and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Brian_Paone said:

    Personally, I'd prefer to see a line of pushed back releases than content that is rushed. If they need more time, they need more time.

    Rushed? Seriously? Stop deluding yourself. They have had more than enough time. This is what is professionally known as "taking the mick".

    Why do I get the feeling if the War Within was delayed for two years, you'd still defend it.


  3. Honestly I don't care about TWW at all now. My hyped was used up nearly four months ago. If the Operator suddenly grew Void Wings and flew around the galaxy on a Nyan cat while Ordis followed closely behind reading inspirational poetry in Barry Whites voice, I still would not care. 

    DE have put Warframe into a coma with all the delays. No one cares anymore.

  4. 1 hour ago, WEREsandrock said:

    Well... one can always hope that the reveiled information will blow your mind.

    But personally I don't think that's enough. Not after ...dunno how many months we've been waiting now.

    But we'll see.


    Oh no obviously it will have a wow factor. But like all wow factors the effect wears off after a while and then you rethink the quest over again and start nitpicking and asking questions like "Was that truly worth the wait?"

  5. A Warframe with powers based on nanotechnology sounds cool. The name you have chosen couldn't be more unoriginal though. Nanos? Really?

    Some of the ability names will inspire giggles among people as well. Microwave Cloud? Brain Probe? xD

    The second ability is kind of gimmicky.

    The third sounds interesting. Turning Grineer into suicide bombers does conjure up some hilarious scenarios.

    The fourth is just basically Wukongs Cloud Walk with damage.

  6. On 6 September 2016 at 11:24 PM, cookieknife said:

    A proper kick button won't let someone join the same session that's just dumb

    You seem to be confusing the function of a kick option with a ban. A kick isn't the same as a session ban, you do realise that right? All a kick button would do is kick him from the current session, not ban him from it.

    If you're the only group playing on a node he wants to play on, he's going to come back.

  7. 1 hour ago, cookieknife said:

    Why would you report someone when you can just kick them from your lobby? Of course there's different situations but leeching or not contributing is a big problem. Case closed argument over.

    Because if you kick them, they'll simply come back or go somewhere else and cause trouble for other people. With reporting, they could be punished accordingly by DE staff.

    There is already a system for leeches in place. They get no xp or rewards if they're inactive for more than two minutes I believe. I know sometimes that isn't very helpful, but it's stopped many people from just minimising the game and doing something else.

    It seems your definition of "not contributing" is "not doing enough damage". So that means new players won't have a chance around you or others like you, who believe they're not meeting up to your standards.

    Ive given some of the reasons as to why some people could be AFK for genuine purposes. A kick button isn't happening. Case officially closed.

  8. On 3 September 2016 at 9:23 PM, cookieknife said:

    if you tell your team hey i have to go to the bathroom or hey i gotta take out the trash they wont be an A******. but still a kick function IS NEEDED you're acting like theres no such thing as leeches? everything can be abused . legitimately everything.

    So by that logic, let's add more stuff that can be abused! Brilliant.

    What if it's a random team, who really don't care whether or not you tell if you're going to the toilet and quite frankly might not want to know that.

    What if it's an emergency? 

    A kick function is not desperately needed. You're exaggerating. We have support and that's all we need. 

    This is what I mean by different variables.

  9. 48 minutes ago, cookieknife said:

    all it is is kicking someone from the squad... if they're idle or their team damage is really really low and they arent contributing anything or using powers . then i dont see why a vote kick option becoming available with those variables is a problem.

    What if they're idle for a good reason? And kicking someone because they're team damage is low is ridiculous. I can already see low level players who haven't got good gear yet, getting kicked.

    There are many other variables to take into account as well.

  10. 12 hours ago, JRMC said:

    You seem keen on speaking for everyone. "It's not happening!" - shouted one guy who outspoke everyone else. Nor are you the developer nor the community. You don't like it, that's fine. A player bothers you? Kick him and/or report him. Most games have both features. I have never really seen kick systems be abused like you make it seem it will be, like it's the end of the world and humanity will enter an apocalyptic stage because of it.

    Whether the developers implement it or not, it's up to them. There are always ways to circumvent issues and they listen to feedback and go as far as to remove it if necessary, so let's settle down. We're still in testing phases. So much has been put out that's been exploited and abused. Do you see people whining about it? Well, sometimes, but the point is it's not as big as this. Because this will affect everyone and everyone thinks it's going to be in a negative way.

    Too many negativity surrounding this topic. All I can hear is "what if" and no feedback in order to improve it. That's a really common problem within this community. You'll be slapped in the face with a no, solely because it angers part of the community, and there isn't even the thought of trying to mend it. Just a big plain no.

    I can't argue anymore, really. I've grown tired. You want to cry in denial, go ahead, but I'm done trying to sway everybody's opinion into trying to mend situations rather than kick them away. - Hah, get it? KICK them away... Seriously, though. I've put my two cents out there and that's that.

    Yea I am speaking for the majority of people who recognise that a kick option would be abused.

    Why would you need to kick AND report him. Just report him and he'll be punished. It's worked out perfectly so far.

    I like how you say how it's up to the developers and yet they've already made their mind up, which you're not happy about. So accept their decision.

    You'll be slapped a big no in the face if you ask the same thing over and over again when DE have already given their answer.

    A majority of the community recognise that a kick option would be abused and there is really not much need for it anyway as:

    1. You can report them to support and they'll take care of it.

    2. You can just ignore them. You don't ever actually have to reply to these people.

    8 hours ago, cookieknife said:

    It would not, being able to have 2 or 3 votes would be good!

    And therein lies the problem. A player controlled vote kick system.

  11. 16 minutes ago, JRMC said:

    There's already a system that detects players who are away but it doesn't work out all too well, in my opinion. You don't get rewards nor energy, if I recall correctly, but you can quickly bypass that system by becoming active again. This system hurts those who are not away, more than those who actually are. A good example is sitting in one spot while using abilities which will mark you as away. Getting kicked out while doing so would be even worse.

    As long as you play well with the community, no one will bother you, besides those child-like minded individuals that find it funny to kick other players for a laugh. Make kicking unavailable, for example, after the objective has been completed (much like how it disallows other players to join). This is one of the many ideas that could be put in place to avoid griefing.

    But what if you're doing a public survival and you come across a nasty player whom you will be forced to play with until the objective has been completed, which basically means when you decide to leave the mission. So it's the same solution as usual.

    The point is, DE have gone through all the possible scenarios and solutions and have come to the decision to not implement a kick system as it will be difficult to balance properly. As you said, a player could be AFK for a good reason so they couldn't implement a timed kick, nor a player controlled kick. And you can't make a kick system that boots people who use profanity, because some of them might be using in good humour and unfortunately a computer cannot differentiate between using that language in a joking way and using it in an abusive way.

    No matter how many of these threads come up, it is not happening end of story.

  12. 5 minutes ago, JRMC said:

    I never said I wanted such a feature. I only stated that every feature usually has its benefits and disadvantages. And you are assuming, yet again, that I don't care. That's not true, but my opinion on said feature is overshadowed by my initial statement.

    Players do and will abuse, even exploit, many of the game's features. This wouldn't be the first and certainly not the last. Although my solution is to simply leave the match that I am in. I have done it countless times but a feature like this would certainly allow me to enjoy a match without having to worry about an obnoxious, rude or harmful player.

    Yea and usually DE iron out the disadvantages of what they put in the game. But a kick button will be abused plain and simple. I agree that maybe there should be some sort of system in place that can detect AFK players and kick them or something, but a player controlled kick button invites abuse all over the place.

    What if a bunch of nasty high MR players outnumber a low level player. They could kick him 3 to 1.

  13. Just now, JRMC said:

    But it already happened in virtually any multiplayer/co-op game. I don't see your point, really.

    Precisely. DE have seen it happen and they don't want the fallout in their game. That's the point.

    I don't get why you sound like you don't care whether it's abused or not, you just want a kick button.

  14. 25 minutes ago, JRMC said:

    It doesn't mean that it can't get implemented. Every feature has its advantages as disadvantages. Just because some people like to abuse said feature, doesn't mean we can't get it.

    Um actually it does mean that. If a feature can be abused in any way by anyone, it's not happening. 

  15. 9 hours ago, Lighter2017 said:

    Example: Nekros prime:

    unlock all nods on Pluto, Ceres, and Neptune

    complete all current trials in a 24 hour time period.

    I'm really not sure if you're trolling or are actually serious. If indeed you are serious then you really really have no idea what the generally feeling of community is. 

    Unlock all nodes on three planets AND complete all trails, for one Prime set? You honestly think people will like that better then what we have now? Your ideas are getting more and more ridiculous. We're looking for a Goldilocks zone in this situation and right now you are going from one extreme to the other.

  16. 7 hours ago, Lighter2017 said:

    No were on the right track now, I'm trying to satisfy everyone so grinding can stop. That is mainly what irritates everyone.

    What do you mean you're trying to satisfy everyone? This isn't a problem that can be fixed on your thread alone. First your thread started out as a meta complaint and now you're claiming soul responsibility to try and "satisfy" people on the forums? No one asked you.

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