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Posts posted by TheGodofWiFi

  1. 2 minutes ago, Lighter2017 said:

    I still think a set of challenges should be required for prime objects of desire, such as Lor nightmare mode in 30 minutes (that sounds ridiculous but you get my idea) this is my idea to remove grind

    I like that train of thought but maybe be less extreme on the challenge? People will just take one look at the reward and go "nah not doing all that for some measly prime part."

  2. 4 minutes ago, Vyra said:

    how i it worse than RNG?

    RNG means you do the equivalent of maybe 200 missions and still don't get what you wanted...

    Because you want me to go into the equivalent of forty sorties, use up all my restores for a single Prime Warframe set. No. That's not happening. 

  3. 18 minutes ago, Vyra said:

    i knoe it sounds like grind.. but grind without RNG is not bad at all...

    Wrong on so many levels. I'm still going to get the same feeling of burn out and dread even if the reward is guaranteed but the mission is insultingly drawn out and hard. Grind is grind, with or without RNG.

  4. 1 minute ago, Vyra said:

    Token system, farm X amount of token = select desired BP or part!

    the catch: tokens are NOT RNG they are EARNED by completing mission XYZ.
    make VOID Hard like sorties ... give 1 token for complete 

    10 token for Prime Part

    40 Token would mean Warframe set, sounds good.

    So you want to make Void missions as hard as sorties and only give the player 1 token as a reward? So people would have to do the equivalent of 40 sorties in a day to get a full Warframe set....

    We want to reduce the grind, not make it worse.

  5. 10 minutes ago, TrueHawkEye said:

    Did not know anything about that. But i'd figure it be either attached to him or optional.

    Who knows. Tbh now that I think about it, it probably would have been a waste of time for DE to design a prime version of something that can only be equipped on one Warframe.

  6. 1 minute ago, Lighter2017 said:

    I grasp it, I'm sorry if my statement was not directed, I'd like to improve the system I gave an idea. Not many people liked it I'm trying to find ways of improvement I apologize for being misdirective.

    Well you worded it very wrong. Over Exaggerating by saying we're "destroying" DEs work and that we should all be quiet.

    Im sorry but you sound very self-entitled.

  7. 1 minute ago, Lighter2017 said:

    ^^ Improvements aren't bad, removal is imo. I'm sorry if all of you are pissed. So far improvement of this system could be helpful and maybe my wording is ridiculous because I couldn't put it into words (I know it was S#&$ when it came out) but I'd like to discuss improvement, I understand old tile sets are stupid, I understand relics are ridiculous because of constant farm I get it. i feel like the entire system is going to be thrown away that's all I'm trying to prevent, id love for changes.

    DE aren't suddenly going to step back to the old Void system. That is gone. They will keep working on the new void with improvements and suggestions made by people on the forums. 

    They will not however take inspiration from meta complaint threads from players who think they're entitled to tell everyone to shut up.

  8. 1 minute ago, xRufus7x said:

    Yah that line of thought is far from constructive but I thought it was more about the people that say the whole system should be scrapped and we should return to void farming which is also not particularly constructive.

    People who say the whole system should be scrapped are immature. 

    People who say the new system needs work are the right people.

    However the OP can't seem to grasp that not everyone is "whining".

  9. 5 minutes ago, Lighter2017 said:

    Exactly what I am doing. I am complaining about people complaining and i'm trying to offer up new ideas, sorry if it irritates you

    Complaining about people complaining = meta complaint = thread lock.


    5 minutes ago, xRufus7x said:

    IDK it's far from perfect but it seems less tedious than playing the same mission on the same tileset over and over.  At least this system has room to expand. 

    This system does indeed have room to expand. Unfortunately the OP of this thread seems to think that all other people with anything bad to say about the new system is "destroying" DE's work (even though player feedback helps DE make the game better).

  10. 1 minute ago, Lighter2017 said:

    okay increase drop rate of relics or restrict them to one location.

    It's not just relics. It's also farming for Void traces over and over again. 


    2 minutes ago, Lighter2017 said:

    grind time can be decreased if relics drop from survival or defense rewards more commonly. These are ideas keep responding well find a solution


    This isn't a type of problem that could be solved on one forum thread.

  11. 1 minute ago, Lighter2017 said:

    I know, I did offer a solution, convert relics into something valuable if you wanted I like the fact that the parts aren't all in my inventory and I can't get them all instantly.

    No one said they wanted everything instantly. We want balance. Not too easy, but at the same time not too repetitive. The new void is repetitive. Sure it's slightly easier to get your hands on desired Prime parts, but the grind is the same. It's tedious.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Lighter2017 said:

    yeah but down the line there are some things I want to preserver I recently logged on and see trinity had a huge nerf which disturbs me. If this process continues I feel that this game will be "To easy" yes I agree they should warn you next time. AT LEAST warn us for something new.

    So you think people should not be upset about the grind and yet you're upset about the Trinity nerf. That's the pot calling the kettle black.

  13. 4 minutes ago, RS219 said:

    As much as the Galatine has a special place in my heart and as much as I love the Tigris, your down-my-throat approach to product advertisment (followed by that lame .gif) is extremely offputting.

    I was seriously considering buying the weapons but congratulations. You just turned me off. Slow claps.

    So just because some guy is showing his appreciation for the PA, you're now not buying it. You're easily swayed. Yes this guys post is a little cringe-worthy, but I'm not going to boycott a product purely because of that.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Agentawesome said:

    From 1 week ago:


    Megan said LAST week that it would come out this week. This guy is saying it's not coming out today, which it is.

    2 minutes ago, MrM1 said:

    i dont know. i've seen it like 2 days ago and i don't think that i'll find it again.

    maybe some trollers hacked into devs' accounts and spread fake information? who knows?

    You might have read Megan's statement wrong or not checked the date. Her post was on the 16th.

  15. 2 minutes ago, MrM1 said:

    can't remember but I think so.

    Source? Because nothing has been said on the official page. You sounded pretty sure that it was going to be released next week even though no one has said its been delayed.

    Why would they say it's being released today and then just release it a week later.

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