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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Thealteregoroman said:

    Never met this guy in person, been talking to him for awhile from Elderscrolls online and Destiny and I have always been nice....TOO nice actually and with warframe I just recently bought him a NIDUS for the tennobaum. Don't really have any friends in real like cause so busy with college so I actually consider this guy an actual friend.

    It's funny, my GF and I both bought the Limited Edition Imperial version of TESO, as we are massive Skyrim fans and wanted TESO to be our new game at the time, ultimately I feel my money was wasted on that game, not because it was a bad game but because the devs are liars. They told us the game would not be on steam, it was released as a separate version on steam a month or 2 after release, they told us there would be no race paywall, the Imperial Race was only from a special pack (and we bought it anyway) it's been a while now, but after 5-6 times of the devs flat out lying to us, we had had enough, and we stopped supporting them via subs.

    Destiny... from what I hear, a game that gives you parts on release, then locks them behind DLC later, I've never played and never will. But Activision is on my list of 'never buy from' I feel they are part of the problem in the gaming industry, DE and Warframe on the other hand it's free, the content is pumped out at a steady rate, they let you support them only and if you like, Why should those other developers get your money over DE? particularly if WF is a game you like and want more for, your friend can do what he likes with his money, he does not get to dictate or belittle you for your choices particularly when it's a dev team that deserve it.

    Tell your friend DE have proven to you that they deserve to be paid for various reasons, that you are much happier giving/supporting a dev than have it dragged out of you via a sub or a DLC that locks past content. Giving it is always better than having it taken from you.

  2. On 07/12/2017 at 5:20 AM, WhiteMarker said:

    DE just should make it so that you have to rank the normal version to 30 first. And only then you can build the Prime.
    This way, not everybody would just buy a cheap set, and quests wouldn't become "useless".

    Something like this, I feel it's way to easy to get primes these days, a higher mastery lock or a requirement, Saryn is the main example, her prime is so easy to acquire in comparison to her regular version, and Equinox Prime when that comes out... it took me weeks to get all the equinox parts, I can get a prime in a day if I'm lucky and in a group.

  3. What about a survival type open plains game where 8-16 of you fight increasing levels of mobs and mob number, with specialist units that spawn to specifically target your frame choice, like a mini boss that can attack into the void and kill Limbos, or 1 that can "wololo" Nekros Shadows and turn them against him even giving returning damage back via shield of shadows, or make energy orbs explode... Give Mesa crappy aim, give Saryn radiation PROCs on Spores etc..the idea would be the mini-bosses are normal kills for the frames they are not designed for but really hard for the frames they are designed for, promoting teamwork to knock out the offending units before they can take out your friends.
    I don't think a area size reduction is necessary however.

    Teams of 1-4, last man/team standing.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Sloan441 said:

    There's no platinum in prime accessories. It consists of only the accessories and boosters.

    Consoles have it different:

      Access Accessories
    Platinum64 Platinum 2625 1365
    Ballistica Prime -
    Nami Skyla Prime -
    Hydroid Prime -
    Hydroid Prime Glyphs -
    Sardin Prime Sugatra -
    Spritsail Prime Armor -
    90 Day Affinity Booster &
    Credit Booster
    Price: USD $79.99 $59.99
    Price: Euro €71.99 €54.99
    Price: GBP £52.49 £44.99


  5. 3 hours ago, elpapitoluizito said:

    Needed 25 B3 maxed out relics to get boltor prime blueprint,thats was 2 straight survival hours,equinox after more than literally 110 tries still night systems won’t drop (F*** you RNG) and i managed to break 3 fingers of the right hand all the same day,so...


    I'm sure many will disagree and claim "pure RNG" but I find it good to swap squad members around, because we've noticed that with the right set of ppl you can hit a 'gold run' and do many fissures hitting gold each time once you find the squad, we've had 10+ gold hits in a row on several occasions and once we see it start (getting 2 in a row) that's when we start putting in the vaulted relics. I feel like it's the actual ppl in the squad, not the frames being used, a squad of lowbies seems to hit gold a bit, but it's hard to tell what triggers the gold run, don't just do relics alone, I feel that is the worst way to get what you want.

  6. 41 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Minty ManBuns said:

    So due to having no access to any computer, I can't make my clan a solid emblem, much less any emblem at all and it has been that way for some time. So I have 130 plat spare after the uploading cost and can get more, but I am offering plat for someone experienced to design a good looking emblem for my clan. Happy to discuss more!

    I know a guy who takes $10 commissions, but he no longer takes plat for his work as it's unfair to change 2 communities cash and 1 community (the platform he is on) plat.

  7. 1 hour ago, Warlord167 said:

    Does the Clan Emblem have to be owner made, or can it be a online image? 

    An online image is questionable, there is a possibility it may be rejected.
    Your best bet it to request an artist make one for you, Some artists take a small commision, I would suggest some1 on Deviant Art, like RazulDarkwood who does $10 commissions and specifically makes WF Clan art.

    Otherwise, you might be able to find some1 who makes them for free.
    Some of Razul's work:

  8. 10 hours ago, (PS4)daveoncode said:

    Does Augur secrets ACTUALLY drop on PS4 or is bugged? (I completed several bounties and it never drops, I also tried to buy it but nobody is selling it and someone is willing to buy it for 5k! ...so apparently looks like nobody has it! :P)

    I've basically finished everything the plains has to offer atm, and I've only gotten it once since it came out on PC...

  9. 1 hour ago, Miser_able said:

    They aren't overpriced if people are willing to buy them, so until people stop paying those ridiculous prices they won't down. 

    Pretty much this...
     I don' like the prices, so I don't buy them, if ppl are going to pay that much, that is their choice and that is what creates the market the prices themselves as high as they are.

  10. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)kishteralt said:

    no i just want my darn cape

    Are you a 6 year old?
    Are you not able to adequately pronounciate in a polite manner befitting an adult?
    I would need to assume given your repugnant response that the former is true.

    No grace or eloquence, you look like a screaming child in a supermarket whos mother just told him coco puffs are for the bigger boys.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Legion-Shields said:

    I haven't mentioned it anywhere until now, because it's relevant to the topic at hand. Doesn't change the fact that a lot of people are abusing a deeply flawed report system that needs to be fixed ASAP.

    Yeah... but this is a thread about rage at Overwatch winning over Warframe at TGA...
    Maybe I'm missing something but how does your forum ban on overwatch and the flawed reporting system related to this thread?

  12. 10 minutes ago, Legion-Shields said:


    Note how that thread hasn't received a developer response...

    i received my first account-wide ban the other day for playing widowmaker in comp. I was accused of throwing despite having over 240 hours on her. My case isn't as extreme as this guy, but it still sheds light on something that is only the tip of a very large iceberg that I think disqualifies Overwatch from winning this event. 

    Sir... Do you have a carer with you?
    Do you know where you are?
    Can we call someone to come get you?
    Do you know your own address?

  13. 36 minutes ago, TheErebus. said:

    Ah yes, the players who voted for it rigged the entire show. 

    The voters have rigged it


    Apparently the "voters" count for only 10% of the score... So no the Jury (90% of the vote) rigged it...

  14. 12 minutes ago, rapt0rman said:

    Warframe actually won the popular vote with 41% versus Overwatch's 16%... but apparently the Jury vote counts for 90% versus popular vote's 10%...


    LOL wow so it's basically rigged... Is what I'm reading, the Jury Decides what games get awards...

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