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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. 36 minutes ago, (PS4)tissot555 said:

    I'm new. Did a lot of research on the game; still doing research on the game, but somehow i missed thta adding a forma resets your rank...EVERYTIME. So whats the secret on quick leveling your warframe/weapons? Man, this has really thrown me for a loop. I was loving this game but, had no idea that some of these builds I want to mimic require me to re-level for every forma. That seems a bit crazy to me.

    Meh, if done right you can get a frame to 30 in a single 20-30 minute mission, it's really not that difficult.

  2. 4 hours ago, JuicyButthurt said:

    I do not get the mindset of the people above, if you cannot have something then others shouldn't as well? Why?

    For all I care, almost every hardcap in this game could at least be turned into a softcap.

    What are you talking about "the people above"?
    No one implied anything like you say we did...
    Not a single one of us said anything about other people not getting stuff we don't have... We all simply stated that there is basically a time gate placed to slow down ppl who whould otherwise be done in a few days. That's not an opinion, or a statement made in jealousy, it's just how it is with WF...

    Do you just like make up posts in your head, and then answer them as if they were posted by others? 

  3. I think it was about 3-4 months ago the Uru Prime Syandana skeleton became a bit more fluid, it's very floppy, and hooks up on the WF all the time getting caught and clipping through the WF body.
    I don't know why it was changed it was perfectly fine as it was, now it frequently looks stupid.

    It used to sit solid to the back and hang straight down, now it sits like cloth moulding to the WF body, it's a metallic item it just looks odd with cloth like physics.


    The new physics result in these outcomes on landing and in battle, sometimes you really need to do a flip to reset it back in position, in all the following images I'm standing still and it's hooked up on the WF body, this happens too many times to count during a mission.


  4. 12 minutes ago, EndermanBeast said:

    Time to do a low budget version of this then. :smile:

    (I dont have Volt Graxx skin or Disconnect Syandanna but want both).

    I use the Tonfa Reverse Holster for the Ohma, if it's set like the following they will be symmetrical on the back, I like it as they look like batteries or something.


  5. 19 hours ago, LazyBobba said:

    i entered a sortie assassination (phorid) with mesa and found a sole limbo on my team, I'm a limbo main myself so i don't get upset for this. The guy was jsut running around on rift mode, so i asked him to use stasis and cata on enemies. He told me to leave. As i died to get some energy back and killed the phorid he started pointing out how useless i was but i kinda ignored that. I moved to extraction but found the door with the two panels in the way. He arrived and stopped before teh panel. saying he won't be opening the panel if i dont leave the game first. 20 minutes passed as i was studying and tired of playing i left the game. He then reached me through pm mocking about how he got a melee riven and instantly ignored me soon afterwards.

    when reporting him i did't find a report category actually suitable for what he did, but i was sure his behaviour should get reported to the high quarters.

    P.S. not citing him for privacy unless DE asks me his name directly.

    Did you take Screenshots of the messages and chat?

  6. 7 hours ago, (PS4)NotNodn said:

    As you know POE is set for release this Tuesday for console so any tips you guys can offer to a console player?

    Do the Gara Quest you can start from Konzu, just make that the very 1st thing you do as it allows access to the Quills and your Mote Amp.

    When you know you're about to level up your standing in Cetus (and the quills) make sure you look at what items will be available to collect for free on level up, Some may look more useful, but go for the most expensive, choosing a 7,500 fishing spear over a 15,000 gem blueprint is not advisable.

    Concentrating on just pushing through the Ostron levels as fast as possible is advised, I know the Zaws look cool, but they can wait till you're at max Ostron level and the cosmetics will come around again on rotation.

    Remember only Amp Prisms and Zaw Strike parts get Mastery Rank Affinity after they are gilded, they are:

    Granmu Prism, Mote Amp, Raplak Prism, Shwaak Prism (yes you need to gild your s#!tty Mote Amp, hang on to it until you're done with Ostron levelling)
    Balla, Cyath, Dehtat, Kronsh, Mewan, Ooltha.

    If you want the best Amp (or at least most useful IMHO) ASAP, save your Quill standing for the following parts:
    Shwaak Prism, Pencha Scaffold, Juttni Brace.

    Use the Wiki When fishing, it helps immensely.

    Skip the Focused Nosam Cutter, I don't think it's worth it, it's only a little better than the base cutter, the Advanced version is far superior to both, save for that if you can.

    unless you really like fishing and Mining, I suggest you save your time and plat for a weekend and get a 3 day double drop booster and just fish/mine for the entire time it's active, particularly with the more difficult fish to catch like Norgs. getting 2 for 1 is such a time saver, and remember when hunting the blue mining points, if you get Sentirum or Nyth, you only ever get 1 drop no matter how good you cut, the double drop booster is nice in this regard as you will get 2 a cut.

    If you want to maximise your Ostron standing and resource collection, I suggest doing a level 5 bounty, then stay in the plains, go fishing/mining then do the random alert bounties that pop up every few minutes, they give about 800 standing per bounty (maybe more now) and often can only take 30 seconds. If you have a good squad (who you know) one or 2 of you can do the alert bounty then rotate who does the next one etc. while the rest of the squad is fishing/mining.

    Max out your Standing each day, The daily timer reset (also for log in rewards) can be seen in the vendors daily specials page, you can see how much Standing you have left to collect that day from going to sell fish or gems for standing even if you don't do the trade.

    Remember you can check the time via the bounty select menu, Night Time is the last 50 minutes of the timer, if it's at 53 minutes, you know the Teralyst will spawn in 3 minutes.

  7. 2 hours ago, 4thBro said:

    Yes I know a leecher is a guy who does nothing.


    2 hours ago, 4thBro said:

    I like carrying. It makes me feel useful.

    I'm feeling like maybe you don't know what a leecher is...
    it's got nothing to do with carrying (helping an under-powered/skilled player through a mission).

    A leecher is premeditated to join with the purpose of collecting off your gaming/work, I don't go to my work and have some a-hole sit around getting paid while I do his job. Screw them, if I enter a mission I want what I came there to do ASAP, leechers give you their workload then get the reward after.

    Burn them all.

  8. On 08/11/2017 at 5:33 AM, Gabenight7 said:

    Just want to see why some people love a certain Warframe over others for reasons beyond the battle capabilities.

    Personally I love Frost Prime because he was my first Prime and I just love the ice theme.

    Seeing as it is pertinent to your OP, I have a little story if you care to read.

    I joined WF just as Vauban Prime was released, I was super itching to try Nekros and after acquiring him, was a bit let down, then the Nekros changes happened, and I made an effort to really make him awesome, I prefer melee, so I took a few weeks to try get a melee building going, there was a lot of trial and error testing for the build I was thinking of.
    Then Nekros Prime was released, and I had to buy the Prime Access pack, the armour... The weapons... Everything was sweet in the pack, so I started working on him and decided to really get a channelling build going, something I'd not seen anyone do. I had to get Reaper Prime for aesthetic reasons so I bought it with plat from the Prime Access and put 4-6 forma into both the Reaper P. and Nekros P. in a very specific build that I still love, even if Reaper P. is a bit under-powered with Stalking Fan it's just fun in general.
    As a bonus the Acanthus Armour set glows with sharp light beams during channelling which look epic and you rarely see it in all its glory.

    Basically in my niche you use equilibrium to make every Orb 2x as good, then use despoil/desecrate to drain HP and a channelling build on the Reaper P. to drain Energy, so in the end you pick up every single Orb that drops keeping both HP and Energy full but also always being drained. It took a while but I reached a good equilibrium (no pun intended) with how much efficiency and channelling drain to make it work well and get 3-4x extra channelling damage.

    So Nekros was my 1st true frame that I build out myself in a load-out very specific to my play style. Move forward a year+ later and Melee Rivens had just come out and I got my first one... For guess what weapon? Reaper Prime... Score!
    I had been trading/giving items with clan members on the premise that they own me any Reaper P. Riven they get it... Turns out I didn't need them, I rolled it 5 times and Landed on 274 Melee Damage and 246 Channelling Damage... the perfect Riven for my very niche load-out on my favourite frame, it was meant to be...
    Move forward several months again and Nekros Deluxe is out... with a sick head model to go with my Prime Armour set & Syandana and even sicker Scythe skin to go with my Reaper Prime... Every time something happens that could benefit my Nekros build immensely, I seem to hit the jackpot. Melee Rivens, Skins, Armour... Even my chosen Focus school Zenurik has a boost to channelling weapons now.

  9. 46 minutes ago, KarkatPrimeAngel said:

    In a game like Warframe it's useless to use the fps locker. Since the game by default has a way to lock the fps to whatever you desire, it's in the display options menu, and will do the exact same thing as rivatuner. Besides it won't get you banned, I use it a lot for temperature monitoring. 

    Not necessarily, If I use the in game FPS cap I still get screen splitting, I need to use my cards fps cap (ATI) to avoid screen splitting.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Unus said:

    Still valid in my book. Just means a button of people wanna do the three poster kids up their way, likely because they were starters. After that, it's basically a popularity contest of what people (singular and plural) want.

    What is "still valid"? The numbers basically destroy any point you had about Excal being the most tennogen'd frame, who cares about submission number, it makes no difference to acceptance, Nova is the perfect example of that.
    Your sentence makes literally no sense "a button of people wanna do the three poster kids up their way"
    Who is the "poster kids"... I can do more counts if you like... There is a pretty even spread of items for frames that have been available to use in tennogen for some time.
    Excal was the 1st and is the baseline alteration model, that's why you see so many submissions. 

  11. 52 minutes ago, (Xbox One)RDeschain82 said:

    Yup. Agreed. Just reinforcing your point. 

    Excalibur is completely played out. 


    55 minutes ago, Aveu said:

    My point still stands. If more skins were available for the others we'd vote on those, but as your screenshot points out we're mostly limited to Excalibur skins. 

    Complete BS, there are more Nova items in game than there are Excal.
    If items are trash, they get voted down, the submitted item count in no way influences what makes it into the game.

    Excal Submitted: 66
    Excal Accepted: 8

    Nova Submitted: 12
    Nova Accepted: 10

    Valkyr Submitted: 5
    Valkyr accepted: 4

    Frost Submitted: 11
    Frost Accepted: 8

    So stop assuming and spreading this falsehood.

  12. 6 hours ago, (Xbox One)NastyAllOver said:

    I like that you have pointed this out. Maybe there should be a cap on what one Warframe gets for Tennogen till the others catch-up.

    51 minutes ago, (Xbox One)RDeschain82 said:

    Just gonna leave this right here

    6 hours ago, ZenDash said:

    Nah there will never be too much tennogen, there's just too many of them on certain frames for eg. look at excalibur, artists should give others some love too imo lol

    6 hours ago, Unus said:

    Thanks for the fact drop!

    Okay lets stop this Bull**it right here.
    This number listing is basically a false equivalency.
    Because this is just the submitted items, that include all of these items:



    Did all that crap make it into the game?
    Did you guys even count the number of Excal tennogen items in game?
    It's 8!
    5 skins/helmets and 3 lone helmets.

    Nova has 10 tennogen items...
    Frost has 8.
    Volt has 7.
    Mag has 7.

    Stop counting all the half finished armature trash skins that walk in off the street as if they matter, because they don't.
    Anyone can submit an item and add to the Excal number in the Image you've been posting @ZenDash but not everyone can actually be accepted into the game, which is the number that counts.

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