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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. These are standard model issues, not related specifically to the Frost Deluxe Skin.
    Sometimes you need to trigger them, but I've seen them all over the place without the Frost Skin, on other frames, it seems more to be related to how the WF (any WF) skeleton holds each weapon.

  2. 2 hours ago, --PsychoWolf-- said:

    Almost a week now and the Nekros deluxe skin is still broken, it won't allow any sort of attachments to be placed on the Nekros. I know people who really like the skin are hesitant to buy it because of that reason. I do hope it gets fixed soon and we can use the skin we bought properly.

    Not only is there a billion threads about this, it's only been happening since a resent hotfix... not a week

  3. 1 hour ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

    That's called pay to win. Wouldn't be much of a game if that was the case. To dissuade that, you can't purchase primed variants but feel free to purchase non primed Vauban who has the same powers and slightly less stats. 


    No it's not... Please revise your definition of pay to win.
    You can disagree all you want, you're simply wrong.

    There are many reasons why it's not pay to win the 2 biggest are:

    1. This is not a PvP game, you're not winning against anyone, even in conclave it's not the possession of the frame that will allow you to win.
    2. Anyone can acquire the same stuff with out paying anything, typically a P2W game has exclusive items that you ONLY acquire via a payment.

    Take a game like Blacklight, at one point you could literally buy incendiary ammo that did more damage than normal ammo and an assault rifle with a higher fire rate, you could ONLY get these items via paying for them for a limited time (a week or so) and they provided a massive advantage in this PvP game, you could not get these items any other way... That is what pay to win is, not speed boost purchases like boosters and material purchases to get stuff faster, not only that in many case the buying of something can be beneficial to other members of your squad because this is a PvE game where you work together, you can't "Win" against your partners on the same side who ultimately win with you... Who is winning by buying the mats to make a new frame?.. who are they winning against?

  4. 1 hour ago, Xardis said:

    Obviously the first trigger is to finish the Chains of Harrow quest. And I remember that "void demon" tiggered then for me. I didnt build Harrow for a long time, I was too lazy to do defection missions. Fast forward to now. I farmed the last part and crafted it. Now I started crafting Harrow. And "void demon" visited me for the 2nd time. So there is my conclusion, 1st trigger is to fonish the quest and 2nd trigger - to make to spawn continuously, is to start crafting it and/or own Harrow himself.

    Nope, many ppl have had him many times even after finishing and building Harrow. I've had him pop up about 4 times a friend has had him like 8-9 times now... It's just an RNG trigger.

  5. 7 hours ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

    If OP doesn't want to farm he can purchase the weapon exclusively. That's the options you have. Farm or buy it, not buy the parts you need cheap to skip farming.

    There are still heaps of items you will be required to farm this stuff for, Vauban Prime is the 1st one that comes to mind. You can't buy it outright, You have to farm the 15 or 20 Nitain, which for some1 who has the $$, they should just be allowed to pay to build him.

  6. 12 minutes ago, --VISMUT-- said:

    I do not understand why it is impossible to include extract and wisps in the game store.


    7 minutes ago, (PS4)Onder6099 said:

    Time wall. F2P games are based on Farming, if u be able to get everything in Day 1 u will leave to early, probably with comment how this game is boring.

    I think (after some ponderance) OP has kind of touched on a valid point here. Why are NE and Wisps not in the store?
    F2P games cater to 2 main areas and most people live in between, the F2P grinders with lots of time, and the P2P spenders with little time... I think both methods are entirely valid ways to play the game. So if someone wants to drop 40+ plat on a few wisps or 100 on a 10 pack or something... Maybe they should be allowed to... Maybe even allow trading of these items.

    I really think this game benefits from spenders, I don;t think they should be forced to grind it out if they are happy to drop $$$ on it.

  7. I highly Doubt it will be Frost/Ember.
    I suspect it will be Loki/Nyx

    The posts here assuming (even though they seem very sure of themselves) that Frost and Ember will come out because they came out previous are basing that on a presumption of their own creation, it is not known what method DE will take. There is no reason to think there will be 3 frames, a 2 frame unvaulting makes sense as 4 go in a year and 4 get unvaulted a year.

    We are still ramping into a common unvaulting system and the only reason we've seen the same frames come out a few times is lack other frames being in the vault of any length of time.

    Loki and Nyx are now the 2 frames that have been in the vault the longest with no release, there is no reason to think they will start doing 3 frame unvaults.


  8. On 04/11/2017 at 1:10 AM, Tuccos said:

    i am honestly tired of having no energy or doing a stupid move, since the old Zenurik got ruined.... 

    1 Void mode (kid mode)

    2 Dash for some Energy

    3 Void mode off

    back to play my Warframe (which i want to play instead of the kid) with some Energy Regeneration for like 35 sec...

    rinse repeat after a bit...... over and over

    playing energy hungry caster frames is not fun anymore....

    How is that new Energizing Dash fun ? really guys ?

    So i now change to Energy Siphon on my most used Warframes to at least get a little Energy back over time ....

    How complicated is it for you Developers to understand that the more complicated you make it to enjoy the game fluently the worse it gets for the players ?


    I too am fast finding this tiring... I thought there was going to be a focus tree free method of energy gain, like an arcane or something to take it's place... but all we got was a more painful method of acquiring energy... I'm slowly coming to hate it.

  9. 1 hour ago, Gabriel_Urs said:

    still in beta state so they can keep changing and tweaking all stuff and everything

    It technically fits the definition of beta, so until it does not, there is not reason to call it something else, just calling it "released/out of beta" won't change the fact that the same things still need to be worked on and the types of releases they do will no particularly change all of that still will still technically define it as a beta, they you'll just get the reverse of what we get now will ppl saying buggy releases should be tested more etc etc...in... a beta... The argument for WF not being in beta is so stupid and so pointless, it changes literally nothing about how the game will operate, other than the fact their "release" term will technically not be correct. Yet it's brought up on a daily basis as if it somehow matters to something.

    1 hour ago, Gabriel_Urs said:

    finally focus on just fixing all the features the game already has.

    They literally fix items as they go, because they cannot simulate 100's of 1000's of ppl being online in the game... They are working on the dojo systems now... what you want is already happening.

    1 hour ago, Gabriel_Urs said:

    focus right now on making the content more accessible to new players

    Pretty sure this has been mentioned by them as a focus...

    1 hour ago, Gabriel_Urs said:

    if DE stopped baking new weapons and skins

    This is basically their bread and butter... That request is a pipe dream.


  10. NO!
    I have my Caustacyst 'looking' over my shoulder...
    it's like my little buddy...



    They just need a flip switch...
    And a "mirror" for dual weapons to you can position them in the same place on the WF...

    Actually the entire alignment systems needs a going over, some of it is busted as...

  11. 6 hours ago, Mingtzu said:

     I thought Excalibur Umbra was next frame to get to us but Twitch stream made it sound like Khora. Which one is next? Khora sounds pretty awesome with her Kavat summons. I love summons type characters by-the-way. =)

    Don't think of Umbra as a regular Frame, think of it more as a quest reward.

    I suspect they will keep releasing frames every 3-4 months ignoring Umbra because he's not a new frame, he's a version of an already existing frame.

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