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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. 1 hour ago, (Xbox One)tonygreene113 said:

    So i linked my accounts with warframe and received everything but the dragon mods pack and would appreciate it if i was given the dragon mod pack as promised.


    Yeah, as above, the "pack" is auto opened and they just go into your mod inventory, there is no animation or anything... they really need to fix that.

    25 minutes ago, xiaoanTAT said:

    Although the refreshment of the fish has been improved since the last update, a problem has arisen. Throwing a specific fishing lure to a particular fish will not brush the fish anymore if it has not been caught. Special trash bait is not unlimited Want to throw a particular bait is not a specific fish to the less what bait what fish to eat why other fish to come there is a little out of the plain door to the right coast of the strange refresh too fast can not catch a fishing lure go after every Giant teeth light boat spacecraft has been where trouble if you can not change places? Where is the hottest problem! Here is a screenshot of the hot fish shark bait


    Yeah... I got nothing...

  3. 1 hour ago, Xylia said:

    The complaint is with the disparity between his and mine. He gets to pick up 15 syndicate medallions. I get to try to solo a lv30+ mission AND get a perfect score. lol. that's not even remotely fair.

    5.... NO 10:platinum:and I'll buy it from you.

  4. 40 minutes ago, (PS4)lagrue said:

    insta-banned from Recruiting.


    40 minutes ago, (PS4)lagrue said:

    My response was

    Remember when you had to press F to pay respects?

    Recruiting chat is for recruiting... joking around and wanking on you can do in regional chat...
    just like how you can't say 'WTB' in regional, You entered a chat with a specific role to play in squad hosting/finding and posted unrelated sentences...

    Ban is warranted. Not stupid.

    Nothing to see here.

  5. Just now, krc473 said:

    You forgot that these are not actually even the same weapon. These are not the same, because they are literally not even the same weapon.


    Both have 5 forma. 

    Top has: 4 V, 2 -

    Bottom has: 3 V, 3 -

    If the same modes are going on, it' would make little difference, choosing a V or a - when all the mods are V's and -'s is kinda irrelevant in this case..

  6. 30 minutes ago, LTDaWolf said:

    er little lost as to whats going on  just done  Eidolon fight and noticed  my opticor wasnt performing properly  like major underperforming.

    I dont have a riven for it so  copied a build i found online to make it as strong as poss


    as you can see its  a decent enough build i played with it a bit  changed infected clip for hellfire for the radiation over corrosive  stats stayed the same

    I tweaked it a little with different mods and got the radiation upto 19k with 20k puncture using a few vigilante mods.

    Now as i said above didnt pay much atention when i equip weapon and went right into eidolon  but noticed a big loss of hitting power  after fight went to armoury to have a look see and this is what im left with



    so as title has there been a major mod nerf  or what im lost

    I'd say it's:

    1. your Shred

    2. Hellfire swapped for Infected clip

    3. the configuration.

    Try arranging the mods in exactly the same way and see how you go because there is little point posting about 2 different load outs and asking why they are not the same... They are not the same because they are not the same...

  7. 1 hour ago, xxswatelitexx said:

    Rebecca tried to do something nice for the community, Unfortunetly for her she seems to have twisted the wrong knobs and it blew up spectacularly in her face.
    I would not be surprised if she currently facing a very sticky situation with the corporate share holders of DE. 

    I my self got 30 Exilus Adapters and will happy to return the 29 mistake ones if it means she doesn't get into trouble for her mistake. 

    After all we re talking about an estimated $700,000 mistake.


  8. We just achieved this bug in today's 3rd sortie; Mutalist Alad V assassination, These are the events and outcome:

    Alad V takes over a Gara with his Collar attack, She will immediately cast her Mass Vitrify.
    All Warframes caught in the attack (including the Gara) will be frozen in glass.
    With a long duration, the Mass Vitrify can last 40+ seconds, well after the collar attack has been broken by attacking him in his vulnerable stage.
    If Alad V casts his Collar attack on a Warframe under the effect of Mass Vitrify, the collar will become locked to the frame, and the frame will become locked in the Mass Vitrify effect.
    The locked player cannot move or use any abilities for the remainder of the mission. Alad V will become indefinitely vulnerable.
    Even after Alad V has been killed the locked player will remain in position with collar attached.

    We were able to extract with 2/3 players going to extraction as normal with countdown.

    Secondary minor bug: The Mass Vitrify FX glass effect will remain on any warframe caught in a Mass Vitrify attack, even after the effect has warn off. 


    Titania (CyanideCupcake) Caught in Collar/Mass Vitrify lock.



    Minor bug: Mass Vitrify FX glass effect remaining on the offending Gara (Ghost2xk) in the mission.




  9. 1 hour ago, elpapitoluizito said:

    Cmon guys dont be bastards,is simple,one thing is to “help” DE,but at least you should make it a fair buy

    The problem is you inferring P2W... You've started your sentence buy suggesting what is undoubtedly a lie.
    And on top of that, a "Scam" is a fraudulent and deceptive ploy to gain something... Are the Plat prices not there for all to see and calculate?

    So you've just lied twice... You used your title as a way to lie... You've just posted a thread based on multiple lies and you're getting salty that we're going to rip into you about it? Seriously?.. And to whom are you lying to? Us on the forums who will rip it apart or Yourself?
    You started a topic based on either deceptive means or wilful ignorance... So frankly you deserve all the retorts you get.

    Whether or not the price is "fair" in anyone's opinion is subjective and up for debate, That does not make it a scam just because you disagree with DE (AND STEAMS) pricing choices. and it definitely does not make it P2W which is a completely different subject.
    So either educate yourself on the meanings of the terms you use (as you are clearly ignorant in both cases), or don't talk bulls#!t to the people to know this game inside and out.

  10. 7 hours ago, Tezah said:

    Okey Thanks, i joined their discord, if u dont find anything i'll contact one of the devs there

    Apparently you have a 0 in your max price filter, that is why you're not getting any items showing up.

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